7 . 1 V 1.. J ;-r ' y ;. f.- THE CARTHAGINIAN. IV w fri' a kirn . r STREET BKEVEIt, i Editors. TIlUtt-ilMY, JANUAK1' 10. I7. The out-look f jr the year, 1878, po litical and otherwise umo're encoarng ing for tho people of th$ South, than lor years past, and the signs of 'tfjej&ne inspire the hoj e that a romal. of busi ness and the restoration of confiJenc will .peedily arouse our coubtry from her lethargy and start hi r forth once, more on the road to prosperity. Our good Did States rescued from the )ihS$ of political plunderers, who W troyed her peace anobbed her of her wealth, is once more enjoih peace and tranquillity and, her ! citizens, without respect to race, cblorflr previous coja- . djtionare proud of Imr noble ISxecutijre nd willingly do hinTtonor. 'j whole &mtb, bo lojttf humiliated and plundered Ooder carpct-bag rft'e, ' has been lifted from" the dust and h r -Toice is once more heard in the councils a( the naiipif.:The -part so- long -in power is slpw'y bat Ftfrcly losing hold the reius; indeedits poer Wwell- qu.liflcat onf, prutded he wculd .wyr lor otie dollar a monthper tcbcla". As a eeneral rule whatever is cheap in price i cbw clmnp in quulitj. The quality of oar t aching has had 'much to do in kerpihg us in the oil ruts . As we4d- vanee in edasation so will wa advance in materii l growth and prosperity. We do not in tend1 enceforth to Ye .'satisfied with "jmt whatiildo,? ' jbut only with the, very best we can do.. , Ourcouiity is rich in resource". Let us go to work and develop them and old, Moore win then tike the proper place among the first county' in the State.? f- . .... mnaWMCl. LET us improve: A certain degree of progress from the rudest state in "which man j is found, a dweller in caves, or on trees like mi ape a cannibal, and eater of pounded snails, worms, and ofluljf-a pertain degree, of pro gress from this extreme is called culture and refinement, tbouglinot I expect opposition.,' The prejujlc- 1 i ' 1i ! '. "i it. ' i'. eu anu ignorant :pari oi out iei-low-creatures, cling with the great: est tenacity tp their own favored ideas. 'But we verily belict e there is a bright luwwe for each and every one who will do his or her duty. Then let us go to work, to accomplish something, in ou relay and generation. . Let pur judge- merits and opinions of each other, be characterized by a full degree ot charity over bearing nor oppressive to any. If we expect mercy we must show mercy Nini tries outol ten men and women arcgoverned and act in accordance to the nature and character which Hhey interpret to their Creator. Show us a person who would make God a tyrant, and we will showyou one whq has a tyrannical disposition. But point us to one who would .hayeyery man "judged and rewarded accord ing to the deeds done in the body 3- 7 i bees his pupils T 7UnW MWir foroken into factions at war with escb : other. 4 ; l ' ' - It. is 'A fRi.'ilt in Ait feel more of .pity jor contempt for the oc ' cjipant of the White ncos!. Vv'e can . not Ifclieve a man of high-souled bomr wouli 'occupy a pes'tion olta'tied by properly as it is only civilization Eachnation gros-after its own s getf,U3 ana nasr practice, tus- "s stance prove to be a good -citizen, ami fanners, of its own. W hat & coHsistent. chri3tian and fal concerns us people hera in Ameu-,membci. ofgocie ,i ' . 1 i 1 1 ca m.osliy, is conuneu to our own homes. The Chinese and ijnpa nese, though each complete in-his way, is different from the man of so forfiin-jte as to bav in kcal Nrence. . K. lie was fortunate in winning and re Laining the respect and veneration of tliose with WDom tLere was a converse of mm i.. - - . . He was not of that east which sought to irin love by ihe J'gbU of science aud the mastery of mind. Ha was 'wiiat would be termed cold nnfc'l warmed up by soma legal investi gatioo, and I beliveT spealj truthfully when I say 'that his "memory will be evor cliArished hv bis manv ttadents. and the briahter the intel'ect of ie student the more devoted tbe mmd to the lights of We " should not be soienee, th.e brighter the spot m tbe stu dent 8 nean; in wnrcir Jn ige l'earsou s memory will be enshrjned. . , That his beail was kind I have evi dence' personal to mtjelf. That he was charitable, I fian; fam my owu es eri ence testify. ; ?!X - Although it was TV bad fortune not to be able to avail mtself of his generud offer ; yet as oficn.3 I met in debate thoso trained unueiiais superior teach ing; as often Lavebemoaned my snd fate that I .was noi pf his teacbiog. There are numbers! the State who can testify to his liber jty titl encourage ment of those who reaannv4at domi made them share1 f?hig liberal offers and proffered aid! I,. : -r --- I 3 .1 His charity sol cvBiop me man iWcupying the position oftrre learned the! -white man's work ; and I while on his way to attend the p.es ! good, obtained by fraud.- flVt ' m Africa, be negro of , to-day is U 't term of the Su: reme Cou.t in Ral- - fraud. Wo do not accuse Mr 'New York or North Carolina. , 1 ne Hayes of c.l'ng tl'e l'residetcy, but ' Indians of this country have not rathar a's ceiver of good have ng fault to find with the.f outhem t,e nprr0 of "Herodotus. Not 'so pol.gy of Mr. Hayes, but cannot Lelicv. ! wUh h(J pc0e 'of .'the ' United iVwas adopted from any corserili.-nj , Wo naljon. are ad- of riv.Lt and" jilts tice but from riin-U ! . '. . " r :.,;i; ,e , - ,T: - i .. i vancmg in evciv stage of civiliz'.i- selfitW'm'tivcs.J 11 is couiheru -policy j ' : . v and the bestowal of his iatrcaagt lave ! t'M,lJ in WW f 'rU' Klven office 'to- -some of his former ! finerient. Thw is applicable to us friend-und-supporters, 'and they have as auiatioiu but how is it at nome 'turned aprnst lim aed be now.fids him. in our own State and county ".self occupying the hi-hrst positimi ii. ' at our own home and fireside. Are the gift of the people, with scarcely any wC making rpid and well directed claita to ihc sympiUlij of either of the- t :j 8 of imDrovement. commen, two great political partes in the nation. 'surate to thengein which wtf live?- Hays, Chandler & Co, may fi ht it . , ; , . j- . .,-. . ,. " -T . .! Are we doing our duty as men and out on Hieir own line, it is a soft oh ' . , ; "Kikerny cat" concern in which we feel j women.in the various departments little internst . - Pot lift'?, 1 heso are questions lor Death of CJiicf Justice Pearson The annourcement in the Raleigh Observer of Sunday, that Chief Justice 1'eaksos had been stricken with paraly- our consideration. We. are. all nlaced here by the1 good Father in Convention with an esteemed , heayen to achicve the vriried re inend tbe other hiy,.wc were struct ! , . TT. . . , . -:,f. .i.!.:,; .;. ,,: surtsvvhiclv,IIe,.in His k.nd tfovi- Vfiiti i no snuuiAj tuiib lb Tvff tutii ant;i istie of our pceple to be "atisGed with dencc has fitted for us. J' Perfec jun what will do." In other wriWthey t'on is -not cxpccicu m mo, u., lo not asp'r'o to. the highest excellence ' here below, ailliougn n is- our and iu-'c ss in ihe scccmpli hmcnt ol pleasure and 6r duty to6triveto attain to it.. But we all have our their-platis and purpos s, but put forth only such effort as will accomplish "juf what will'do.'! Is it pot lamentably true .1. i " . i i f that bucu W U13 case t it is seen in our. . wH, disjover many de. dwoll'ms, their furnitures and fur-.i r , . ... . . - (i . , . ..! fects and inconsistencies among the roundings; m; our fainis wita their ill-1 v,r, , 1 i : constructed feU and negleeted ditch-1 occupants. . W' Inle we as a people : in The vefv roor Division for ibn are advancing in some respects, m protection of dome tic animal?, in tlu eiih, Lad prepared us somewhat for the sad in clligenic of his deaib, which took place at thirty-Cvo uiinutes past ten o' clock ou Saturday night in the town of Winston. The State is thuscalled upon to mourn thelos3 of one of the brightest intellects. The news of his death' will produce sad ness throughout the State,: especially a nion tie bal profession, land more e pccially thosii who have been so fortu nate as to enjoy the benefit of his tach- ing in legai scicuec. is a j ii .ok us but few ec('ials and no superiors ; as a cnuinicn law lawyer it Reems to be uur versally admitted that he had no supe-J rior either in Europe or Amend, ihe legal fraternity; of our State haa that and admiration for him that am we tender our bffart-felt sympathies. . Below we copy from ths Kal.eigh 06 sr'ver of the 8tli, extracts of prccecdings of ih'i Supreme Couit and Kaleigh Bar ia honur tobis memory. ' Ou site opening the .Court'Attorney Gcnerai Kenan with muck, feeling an- inced tbe d.-ath of Chut J astice .f ear- '"'-ma Ia nre pi i ttTTh finnnrtuDitV and v rr" -f pay for it when y5u can. Thus did he arouse all that wis la;cnt in a boy's na ture, and with f is impress did ha send him forth o maie of him a lawyer a cit izen and a mam Could be more be saiu in houor o any man ? But with lis honors thick upon him, he h sheen removed from our midst. Position and (tonor, however desired, cr however showe ed upon poor human na ture, cannot ktay the summous whicu calls us hence. Amid all earth's allurements, its sta tion its renown its wealth an 1 its hon or, we 'a- e all taught what '' shadows we sire and what shadaws, we pursue. " Calm be his rest iu hi Seal, John R )brfson, Chis.. Crjlford and Win. Bairen, Esqr$. We are constantly referred tj the early days of the Tiepublic for ths high est type of patriotism and the purest in tegrity in tbe management of public affairs, but tbe chronicles of the acta ol h is worshipful rourtdo not xbibitany greater.devotion to the public weal, te- gardlass.of self, than exists at the pre sent day. What was human nature then is human rature now. From the record it. seems that the election of Sheriff, as well as that of Clerk, apper tained to the court. "Wjthout tbe cir cumlocution of a Returning Board, both Vhcsa very important offices were filled from' their own number. Phil. Alston, Esq., was chosen Cleik, and Wm. Scog gin, E.q., was chosen Sheriff. The fit ness ef these men for their fe-pective positions, may have bien the very best, but the suspicion forces itsalf upon us that even at that early day there might have boen some aiuta cases of that dis ease w.hieh even in these latter days has become sudden1 y chrouie a disposition on the part o! those who boll tbestfrings of the publiefarse togreese their own The rocoids of this court show that For the Carthaginiaa. Messrs. EDirctRS Each hew year as it comes brings its nov elties, us changes, reveals tne my steries of the preceding year ahd begins to write a new page in the worlds history: Time work ceas less changes. Pr6gress and retro: gression are both laws of nature. The boy of 1S77, may be the man of 'JS78, and ere IS79 shall have recorded its 365. he may4 be exer cisinrr Divinp offices in a holier sphere. That wo-bep worn God forsaken bachtior wno last year drank from the bittercup of so-called single blessedness, is this year quaffing large draughts from the lull ample bowl ol domes tic felicitv. (and to touch the sub - - - J V ' ject upalittle.) his future radiant with every rainbow of promise and the loom of joy eternally busy with j its golden, shuttles weaving into life's sombre warp odorift-rous flowers and scenes Arcadian. But I am. digressing, I was about to speak of the novelties and changes ushered in by the new year. To us, the people of Moore, the great est novelty, and we hope the great est blessing, is the debut ot our U'ountv'rtaftB'r. IfW Imuww1 J I I us." Surely the day of our re- notea? Shall the craggy peak of the mountain top be annually clad in spring time verdure and we too -. prosy to admire it 7 No, these high ways ol sin; these by- ways ,qf ig norance tnese Dad ways ot men must be broken up; these thirk corners of vice and superstition must be penetrated, the light of truth must be seirt hither, all; these, with a thonsand other things, gpreadptit before you, Messrs. Ed- y itors, an unbountJed belt lor profi table thousht and profound inves tigation. Such then is your task and who, 0, who will say we do fnot need a home literature, a me dium through which these peoplw may be. reached 1 Newspapers have.been styled "the swift winged heralds of nn improved und pro gressive age and such they aro when made the exponents ot truth and justice; the influence of the press cannot be.eircumscnoeu ty precise geographical linesior ab ruptly terminated by the lapse of years. Then go forward with manly hearts and unshaken confi dence, remembering that nothings, was evejr invented and-perfected at one and the aame time.' -There lis co'.d dwelling olace. Sweet be the repose of hisrave and bright hfe resutrection." To us let this be a wirning,.for each one, in a short time, may iu the course of nature look for the ssue summons. How unsubstantial, how unsatisfying is life .with all its brightest treasures poured into ihe lap ef.our existence ! Does not the ha-.rt yearn lor sometnmg uiore than this world can bestow f 1 notlbisliill proof thai " it is not all of life to-live nor all ot deatli to die. Tor it- cannot be that earth U man' on'v abidinar t)kce ! It cannot.be that our life is but a bubble cast up by the ocean of eternit? to float for a inomeu uiwn its waves and then sink into noth- in'nes Realize this. fact. Let man impitectior.s. Co to tno paiace acd lis0ed-tnat in reject to his of tlie lugh or the . but of the low, ! ,Hmnrtf this Court now adioum. The motion was gr intcd. the t;ni f his creation. And oucted almost to reverence. To ttunKvhen this is tln.ur;htful!y ar d well done, with him will a l be weil. Iu acecru ance with our time-honored customs let us proceed to such action becoming the 2reut.Ios sustained by bis friends, our Si ate, and our country. lion. A. S. Merriraon after a few pre liminary remarks appropriate thereto offered tho following resolutions which wern unanimously adopte l WnEitEAs, The men bers of the bar attending the Supreme Court have heard with profound regret of the sudden death t;mer tin business was conducted in an ordtr- formation is at hand ; let us step It manner and that the aetors were not upon this CaRTHAGINMAN boat as ignorant of law and tbe modes of civil it leaves tne naroor oi iguu.um .--j tk nn.u shillincr, and and take passage over the dark aa- uiuv..uu. v -o :u:ii . .,r;ni .hnor. pence paid out in the way of fines and g7 "g uu.uvr.u.. "- 'hiahpr F . ., c i;;n,i stition, and immorality toa higher Costs or the privilege f a.sault.ng and ft uM and pattering etono:Ber,wouiaiou.alu.t refined Sires and grand sires, they kne v nothing of a money panic in, of MoQre. d fkU)er8 in t,c camp these days. of Israel,! would Vou have this no- Kenchion Kitchen, at whose house uje 0fi ;county jpon whose hills this first ourt was heldlived at the place vpu fii sfj gazed From the cradle's ' , . 1 1 o . .. -1 "L1 t 'l ! ! nn 1 ,n ltitru nnv nwnpd nn.l OGCUDieu u" oiinuci i nOOIv. UDOll wmusb ouii " ' Johr,son,Eq , on the road leading ftom toiled tor an honest support auu Carthago to Cameron, two miles from beneath whose green sod you must the latter place. On the first diy ol soon, repose, stand in tne ironi the sessions, upon the recommendation ranWs of civilization and improve- of Phil, kht-m, Clerk, Gen. Glasscock, '"i, ... u ......g , : f TV 'ri v tio you have your posterity tread the Esq, was chosen Depnty Clerk. The Jl. L,i ;nir;,v lirh - - I lllllll't IM til Lllli III1U I1IV.L,I! . deputy clerk seems to have done all he r q, t j ousmesjoi. me u., l (M blaze of civilization, then rally all the proceedings, as the cleri somciai to of your county p..j signature aoes not appear. at u- pPrun( render your declining years gust term, 1-785. it was ordered by- memorable and your gray hairs the court that George Glasscock, who venerab!e by scattering the seeds had been duly qualified as deputy clerk, 0f future greatness broadcast over hereafter record all proceedings and is- the land. sue all-papers in. his own name as Clerk Young man, would you look to of tbe county. This looks like a snm- your own true interest, wouiu j ou mary way to get rid of a' clerk, but the be "a man' lour square, one nun fact that Alston was elected to reFre- dred miles long and two hundred sent this couutv in the Senate branch ot """- ""J-' - i-- sent mis couuiy cryncy and rep ete with every Mr- .i. T.A,:ui)ro int. r mav account o" u 1 J 1 11U ulKWIft'U'" " J J and ridicule your noble undertak ing, how many sneers and jeers 'and insults were heaped upon oab. while he was building the. Ark, but enterprising progressive fnan must expect resistance, storms will come, dark clouds will loem up before us and overshadows us but there is a glorious, haven beyohd. Trouble and trials will oome, difficulties will stare us in theface, tempests will rise and the threat ning waves of adversity and im 'nendiof;" ruin roll high upon tho shores of mortality, and no raj' of light seem to illumine tha moral horizon, but by and. by the wavea will recede, the air will clear, the gloom; will dispel, the clouds will dissipate ijnd we may behold our r way bright and shining before us. Your paper will be what you make it, then Take it work it to ydur will You alone, roust shape your future Heaven send you strength and skill." J. C. Black . January the ,9th, 1S7S. others we are inactive and will I B. Batchelor, Judge A. .. McKoy wa. t . . i i m J j i 1 I remain so. iust so lon2 as preiu-! unanimous maae unairman ana u. i rtf II. ,ii imnnfl M Pearson. Immediately after the adj jnrnmcnt ot . , ... f , Suill.ome Court 0f ; N0lth the Cuurt Carolina : Therefore, . A MEETING OF THE BAR . jj, That'the family of decaas- vras c lled when on 'motion of Hon. J. j ed.be requested to allow his remains to construction-! of sch' ol-hou-es ahd churches ; ye., often in the char.-ct I dicje and ignorance lead and con and .qualificati ;us ci tboe: int: usted I f rrjl us. We content ourselves with the training of, our cT.ldrcn -Lvith.what our .'fathers and mothers Snow, Esq , requested' to act as f ccrcta- ry. Judge Mcivoy on taliingtiie ciiair said in substance and effect ; M.i Uvnthrm r,f tl, Rill' ' I i frit . ...i:..1.i:......f.l...L'.l, ; Thr? i,.,t.b t.,u ao u, ,,avo (,01H, Tilcir -M iar.&&zg7sz: best they can nceor-ang to luoir means, j hnA , n . ihpnrnfl mnst 1 15na i!9q iirou,t s toother tor the pur- V. t V. 1 I') UMU J'l-L I 1 II, V ... 1 . . . . - . .. - i . but are there not many -who do not come i up to their full meifure of ability i-r.d r be abandoned and forgotten. In- ro-e of duing that reverence t"hii niLm nrv which the man. his hih cffi.ee and l- i. : ,1, : .. .1 I ' . , ' r i ' i, duty ' Those who havsi money hoarded ' Slcau 01 "S "P"" '"u grat aUuinments demi.na oi ras te iiaw. or at wur and are living in houses : as a race ot uepravca monsters?; r constructed .without any ieference to j let us View them individually and ,1 . rfnm-! colleetiv'elv as our Creator de- ished' in the i'sa'me manner wi bout signed them, 'the glory o'fth'e I leave out the word perb .ps and ay that . , . ... . .. - '. , , , ., , . , 1 in m v humble judgment iro grea'er com- adornment w-i.lh.n or, itlmut, are satis- lower world," "the crowning part . Iaffved,in s day )lU ficd with "just what will . do" and thiii i 0f creaticn.'' Whenever we- eon- los8 V1 be felt and detnly den ored by reacjer'the world' darkened by rwdoub'e j"sidr all mankind "as brethren," j those so Ion:? accustomed to look for the uTobmy to their .families r.nd deny to anJ disposed to treat eadJ productions of Ids braini and pen to ii- theui the pleasure, aul gratifieatiorOie-1 . , ' f , ti 'aCil bunine the.r journey along the m zjs aml , . e , other as children of one b athcr ; labyrinths ot paths heretofore marked'by beauty, of ,urroundi,ves. The LeaufifuV Sranti,,S that CVery is especially when connected wjth the "architect' of hisicr her own fat s atinii t .tinrr nnA rfi.un'in ;t. fortune, the artificer'of iiis cr her " a Li. i... ,' , t ,.. ,v.l .lao;,,;oc .?f-itJin ! clear whatever be would explain Mto l,-e tvill lis dp on v trtlt riv lilf i ffirnlt'ps which withiT.it it. irr.iil.i ronv, in und thfn n.ilv. .th:t. W nrp nrpnar ' . . ' , , .. J dorman'd fmrctives. Considerations 1 cdl to instruct, ' and be instructed j othe'stud'ent of the law was-be the j ries of art,cle3 whlch appeared of cconomi should induce just to rajn ! ! i n.lvanwmcntq in 1 createst benefactor. He was in f-.ct the some months ago in tne .orui car our Wev.lt not only bcautifi.s but; ,vprv HrtmP.vt of Wfk ThJ grt teacher of the ago no hnsei boards, with uv euide save pnn ciple and no beacon save thevlights of j leil kre. ' be brought to Raleigh to lie iu state iu the C ipitol tor one day. Bcsolad, That they tender to the widow aud friends of the decea-ed'their sicccro ryaipathy in this great and irre parable !cs?. Hesoh-ed That a committee of five be tmnofiit'ed bv'tho chairman, to attend the body ol tbe deceased to Ruleigb, and to attend tbe funeral. Jtesohed That a comm'ttee-of fix be appointed by the chairman, to prepare suiiab'e resolutions expressive of tbe feel ing of tbe bar, and to r. port to a subse quent meet rig, and to make s'ich ar rangements as n;ay be appropriate to the memory of the deceased. The Chairman. appointed on tbe first com'mittie lion. W. ' P. Bynum, Iton. 1 Tims. J. Wi!son,Maj. Henry A. Gilliam, W. B. Glenn, and ltobt. T. Gray, E-q-. On the 'second named commi tee : Hon. T. H. Kenan, Hon. J. B. Batche lor, F. H. Busbee, K-q.. Col. T. . Ful ler' and Mai. A. M.Lewis. The meeting then adjourned subject, to the call of the Chairman. The following is No. 2rof a se- olina Gazett.and are inserted here preserves them. A lit-lc time spent in i . J . , f ( ' lie tauht tbe y g , t at the request of a large number ' . I 1 imoian.ne hv nnn rrnni' fnrfvpr. .!.;.,r.in,no..r rmlat hv ' 1 . , - i - c r ' Hucn uuvv t wuu iov --j - j m a cocclusionas; of Moore counfy citizens, who did if satisfied the investigating mind iu i-earch j not 6ee them a3 published in the .1itntiniv fl,iVAra fkr j u n on i m L r.na mA i , ,,b ." .. ,. ,.; when aivifhutz; save a lan'$ own the stu.knt, h was sue fhrubbery about our.heuses is t.cvi ,we.l ; -1 7' ' .. .,, ' , . atii.fiod the investiaatii roct. 1 If we would have our children i personal . merits win cariy-ii..iu . . and boli0r t0 the te.ac.her to love home' we tnt make it atttjac- through the world. The old aris-j wuo ,an,ied' and led tbe young mind tives ; iNext ttf "love at home" Koed -tocratic element, which once was! into and along. the liam el of pt;eut 1 1 i..--....t.i:..V ..i -. i 1 j 1. 1 ( 1 1 i tboucbt acd thorough luvcsti-'ti jO. uuM,juCrilc.vr;,.Jl. a,.u iiouusiieuaiiui-i.eiiMii.-u.juu .u- y -., , 1 min8 0f those to tures are essetitai. iuey mrmsh jus' ; GJ almost supreme, is fast disap- suoh food ae'the young anil teud-:r-Diind ' craves. - ' It is tbe dictate of true ecvnginiv to pearing. . Tlie-day has been when for the change. ' That Alston pos-essed some ability might be inferred fiem his continued promotion,5 as hewas returaed to the Senate in 178G. In' morals he was co'i rupt, vindictive and unscrupulous. In a subsequent contest for the clerkship, his old deputy was elected over him, "aud piqued on accjuut of his 'defeat, he hired bis own slave, Dave Alston, . to murder ins ineuu aim ucyunj. vwfe Glasscock, promising hisxfreed sra'as a reward. The negro was aN-eted, and Al,ton became bail for his appearance at the next term of the Superior Court to be held in the town cf V ilniirgton. The r.ejro fled ihe country, and his mas ter paid tbe forfeiture, which was 250. Alston fjllowed his runaway slave to the State of Georgia, where, it is said, a just retribution overtook him, baying met an untimely death at the hands of his former shveand accomplice, Dave Al stoa. George Glisseeck lived about one mile north-west of tbe present site of Carthage, at a place possessing some historic interest, to which your, corres pondeut may allude hcreal'ver, Georg.i Glassoock was a good e;t:MB. Iu all the relations of life, both public and private be commanded the esteem and respect of bis feilow-jitizens. Iiis de. fcendants are among the most enterpris ing citizens of this and other counties. The McNeills, the Coles and the Muses nro linnaT 1.Aind'dns of b'lSl A. H. aib . . . . . . McNeill. Esq., the present excellent Clerk of tbe county, alao Geo. S. Colef f j fne-bcwrVV. W.Cole, Eq , of your town. Rev. II." P, Cole, of the Nor h Carolina Conference, and Messrs. R. A. and Robt. Cole are bis great-grandsons. tu.e, a pride to your parents and an honor to your country, then exer cise that spirited steed to the plow, roll. that fancy buggy into the re pository, curtail your expenses by quilting those horrible cigars.dash that fatal cup of. "Horry foster" or 'Laurel Valley" from your lips and "swear ofl ; cease -burning the tamp oil of your future father-in law and y by your own cneeriui blaze, peruse the columns the Observer and UARthginian, 01 consult the pages of Ilobinson s Arithmetic, or Bingham's Gram mar. Youns lady, thou last best gift to man, thou finale of Omnipatent, Omnicient workmanship, would vou exert a.wholesome influence upon the destiny ol your countr); would you be an ornament to so ciety, the pride of your sex and the admiration ot all sensiDte men, uien think not to be such by numerous flirtatious or by the copious rise of "slang Apfi rases" but enrich and adorn your rnipds, cultivate your intellect and chasten your imagin ation : leave that useless ribbon in the merchant's show case that ex tra dres3 upon the shelf and sub scribe for. the Cabtiiagikiax. " We must have reform. The sur face must be broken up the ancient landmarks- must be passed the told hard trodden paths must be de serted old ditches must be filled ud and new channels Jcut old fogy ideas must be eradicated and modern thought and feeling sub stituted therefor. Let us arouse from this death like crime' which has so long retarded us and start on a brilliant career of conquest. This is our country. Ours to live in. Ours to cherish. Onra Gazette. TEdiTORS. Slocrc Counly.-Xo. 2. Saon after the formation of this coun ts frnm a nnrfinn Inf Hnrnhfirland in the wboml.emh.Hter. d as master fndW-; ; . s ded to erin the gseat prole?sion rbich by his , J . ., ... t j ... u.., 1... o.irKnH i avail inemseives 01 tne prjvi.eei-H, w.i.-u wealthy parents and honored .an-, . . d of Wca,tb lft8 he ! this act -conferred, and, doubtless, ap- . - -. , - , ,.., , , " ': cestors would enable ia man to sail j lia loua ci ioved and whose high e.am 1 nVaaiatpd the relief thus affjrded. There TVTa I f ifcol . 7. T t along gently and ufaiifterrupted.Jbi. wor.a's d stinctions he has greatly - no k Iieeessi,y far nn. from hedges, Cf thorns and lushes; tot . 3 , . 1 aidod to crc. and adj-rn he wi'd be1 f J . , open borizantal ditohes on our hilLide. ' but now, we are glad to know t . iven Inore tban mi.sed. j dergomg tbe fatigue and ir.cumng the Mid thus prevent thani-'fioini Wing such anliciiat?ons are amythJ His character and force truly display-; expense of a journey tob ayetteville, m ,...4.. I'Zm. -.f ...V ..rv .:nof.ed themselves iu thecturej room, and; ordcr to obtain redress for grievances abwav nu ty iiiuuh uui uuii.ul uui iciv utuii ,inu nunidu .-.ov . . mals from the storms of wilier. ; w'nat thev make themselvep, More anon.' RotTLAND. The Eastern War. The latest advices from the seat . . . of war show that the probabilities . of an Armistice lesson, rather than increased and what the end will be must depend on future develop ments, Wc copy below from tbp . Raleigh News of yesterday : Lon'DON, Jan. 8- An official tel egram from Shipka, January G, re- -ceived at uonstannnopie, siaies that the weather here is very mild. A two hour's, cannjonade " had been exchanged with Rus sians.' This contradicts the .Rus' sian report that General Radetsky had crossed the Balkius through Shipka Pass. The Pes publishes the following in official form,: An other Cabinet Council will be held Wednesday; in the meanwhile, important Pourparlers are being held telegraphically with St- Pe tersburgh. The probabilities of an armistice lessen rather than in- : crease, but it is impossible to fore see what any moment maj ,bring forth'. . .'' A Times Bucharest dispatch says: Ice ceased moving in the JJatnube. The river frozn over near Qalatz is expected to freeze as far as Simnitiza, immediately. The Times Vienna correspond ent says: The occupation of Sofia is of greattad vantage to the Rus sians. It pives them a base for operations in Roumelia and opens up the resources of the country around and makes them to a cer tain extent independent of supplies from . Rqumania. Despite the pressure from the valace, and threats of dissolution, the Tiirkish House of Representatives has been a'ssafling the", Goirernfnent with grleat freedom and bitterness. They probably have the popular tion of iStamboul on their side, and a-sp of his an(j Becure a ,jue ai ministration of ju Tcoy orgmized a Court of Pleas i nr rn;in hnv.evt-r trreat the C This!:... ,...,; , jr ".--vK... j 1 , i is an acre ot progress auu rcionu.'ueuc imia wmus , si,.nn thofintte'in of the training, of our 0 1 Wren iu fl Pub-i nn , . ( k,in I gence t!T his nature when tuia g.-eat-j - Ik, Schools will bV commuted to, those ? 8nd th&t r ? ter " he'd at tbe dwellmg house 0 whose chief ouaifbation U cheapness J M T ow lieart9' man 1S A system as thorough iapre,sed theKencbi6n Kitchen, E., on the tnua It is-sadly true that, in m,, localities,! "' for th tinafe he:sets 8tudt.t. until l, can say. a mon. u x:SU . The follow- . ',uu ;.f.i... r. ' upon himself. lie sells (to us a i uiow tmg than a .umaeut br; , . jMt stitated the curt. to. diments of KnR!i-h cculd ot employ. ; homely phrase) for just what he is : hc3rt3 tU eifted men in our dearM: Tli03- Mataews. Kcardson x- ardfe- of m.-.r,i! ' WOI th and no more. We all tr.ny ' old State and elsewtcc, who have beu ' gan. Wm'. Scoggin, PbiU-p Alston, Wm aiCLt 3 a teac' cr. re: Changes oTa Century . The nin'eecth century has witnessed many and geat discoveries. In 1809, Fulton twk oat the Erst patent for the steamboat. The first stearaboati which made regular trips across the Atlantic Ocean were tbe Sirius and Gieat Western, in 1830. 0 The firBt public application to prac tical use of gas for iiluminition was male in 1802. In 1813, the streets of Lon lou were for tbe' firt time lighted with gan. la 1817, there wa built in Waltham, Mass , a mill supposed to have been tbe first ia the World, which combined all the requirements of malting finished cloth from the raw c jttoD. . ,-ti Lir... t. 1 . 1 , ij to improve. Uurs to enilgnien.' itjsuuuuiiui wueiner iney wouia Ours to die-in. obey a decree ot dissolution to .,T. 1., 'l 1 , a.a ' take such afetep. 'Where s the roan with soul so dead. - ... ., ! The btandttrd in its leading ed Who never .0 Luwlf bath said ..j gayg: Thfl corre8ponnc This is my own my native Hand. j between Lon and St. Peters What avails U3 to know the com-, burg, respecting the point raise man phenomena of external physi cal life, if we may not sometimes tread the lofty walks of the menial kingdom. . J, by the British Government, ha not yet beqn terminated and wc shall probably have to wait until the opening of Parliament before Shall invention discovery and j a full explanation is given of sub. improvement be rife in the land Ijects which have been under dis and we never know it? Shall elo-j cushion between the two Govern- quence poetry and song make mu sical the atmosphere and we never hear it? Shall the starry orbs which bedeck the Heavens, forever dazzle and burn in the immensity of space and we never exult in their beauty? Shall old ocean for ever surge and roar and we not be able to interpret its deep sounding mental Lateb. " L6XD0S, Jan. 9th. The Sultan has ordered the commanders in the field to arrange with the Russians as to the conditions of an armis tice. Negotiations will continue between England and Russia on the question of mediation. " 1 1 1 A. .V' J- ... 1

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