V ' r ! . A' THE CARTHAGINIAN. THUKsDa Y, , J ANUAKY 10. 'j878. I7, S. MAIL.-Curtilage, X. . - AUR1VAI.S AXj DEPARTl'ltES. .Cameron Mail Anives, Daily......! P. M. 1 . ' Depart, " , .L'. ..2 1". M. High Point mail arrive Tuesday, 10 A. M. a iy ..' . frUav,.- f( p., m. " " ' -depart Tuesday, 11 A. M. - ' '' Saturday, 7 A. M. Norwood -mail arrives Friday, . . . . 7 I. M " , ' departs Saturday , 6 A. M Ore Hill isail depaits Friday 8 A. M. " hrrivcs S-.it urdny, 5 P. M. 'Herd Creek mail ai riven Friday, 6 P. M. " " . " 'departs Saturday, 7 A. M. Troy mail arrives Wednesday.. . . . 5 P. M. ", departs Thursday . 7 A. M. . iHolettcrSwill.be registered tin Sunday. Parties sending mail mutter will pleasefHee " that it W properly stamped and pealed, i -MRS. M. M. BROOKSH1RE, P M, LOCAL NEWS Calls, We have received? call from'onr friends living in different farts of the county, arid they all seem desir ous for our success. It brings much pleasure to have our friends vis't us. We enjoy their cororany -very raueh and wfcen they surprise us with a little moni'-Ji we are wholly delighted. . M-AY the braciog air give you health: ' '. . U f 1 Let a he alone, and it will run itself to death. --. ". .-.''. ' ,! Siie came She is gone?1-We- have ttCt-r Y The ringing of the Vhop bell ifidicatce a general "filling. vp" .-'; ., Haptt the girl who haaa wise and loving married si-Jter. - callc you Ever Slk It. The Rose Seven Sifters. nr NOTICE. Fibst KateFakm Horse For Sale, Apply at this Office - Representatives of our printing office: lfe)be30i), Randolph, Pasquo tank, Wake and Moore. . ' rALTITATlo'sr OF HIE IIeAIT. To see ayoung lady pass by the "Printing ( ffice" and never loo'-', up. . rnoGRE3siVE Tendencies. Three Hotel in Carthage and. ccry other Louse in town a "Hoarding House." So it-G0E3. Vexed ia themornirfg Irritated in the eyeninjr. Fascinated at night. ; ' What's Serious Los by Fiuk. We have learned that the dwellint house and nearly all its content", of Mrf. Catharine Dowd -a widow lady living in Ben Salens township, was dcitnyqd by fire last week. We ex'end oar sympathies to Mrs. Dowd, and hope the people will . . .i i i l e i remember tier ln.tnis uer oour oi cee j. "Sue Left. Him. We are inf rmed that a young .lady and gentlerdan were married last w ek and that (hey dis- solved copartnership the Sunday of the rrtarriag", (i. e.) "ahe left him." Is it not h.ird for a fellow, to'be left so lone ly, after (-pen ij'nj; pcihaps the greater portion of his intellect in trying' ta win his heart's ddiqld. Que consolation is, such cases are of vary rara oiearrence We call the ittention of our friends, and readers to the Photographic -dver-tieeir.eot of Jlessrs. Stone &Wjcker. These gc-ctlemen iiave p errnar.ently lo" cated at Cameron, whre they are pre pared to execute work in jt!le '.latest tyles and at the most reasonable rate?! We Lad thejj.leasure of nie t:ng both of these gent'emen on last Moriday-, and called at tleir Gallery. Their sjeci- luensxf Pictures display good taste, and sh iw them (o be ''workneen that cecd- eth . rot to be ashamed." We cm rcend their cnterpri-e to all wis'iing anything in their line of business. And we ad?'sc all to go and have their phj" tographs taken and leaveto their friends and relatives, as our printer says : "A. shivlow ere the substanca fails.''. CARRIED. , CADDELL COLE.-i-At the fpsir dince of the bride's grandjnotber, on Sunday, December the 30th, 1 877, bj 'W. J. King, Esq., Mr, Jobiah Cad dell to Nisi Mary Cole all of Moore county. ' -J v WE 5AJE OPENED OUT AT ,-Go thou anp do Likewise. On list Soi.ui-d.iy moruing, Z. M.. Monger, iasq., came into our office and sulrcrih. ed for thirty cjpies of the Carthagix- iijf, for. ona year; for which, he has our most sincere and heartfelt tliariks. If our business men all oer the country will do likewise it wi'i enal.le us to pub lish a much bitter paper, ar,d keep out of :debt. If you wish us to succeed you rtiust'sho'w it by your" actions. 'We Shall Reap'jn Dce 'Season Tk aye Faist Not." Such should be consoling to the "weary and heavy la Jen" traveler Mhe keeps his regular tep. One of our townsmen can con gratulate limself by reference to the above. When a man has the courage to walk soveriteen miles over a deep sandy road, reach home after night, and then appear so genial and kind and soar away in perfect bliss by singing, "Come1 all ye weary travellers, let us join and sing." the matter. Only qne marriage "this week. Don't let" the panic scare you oftV We Heard ix. The buggy pass by carrying off another ;One o!:-our town ladies. Girls come back hnrie. : Distressing To see : a maid be tween the age of thirty-five and forty who won't marry. ! -3VI'A'bket Repokts I Crowded ont again, this week. 15c patient they will appear 8ome. "one of 'these " days.", Eon the Matrimon4ally InCLIN ed, If you cannpt marry the girl you want, take the girl that wants you. MayOr J. C. TSla'ck. desues to giv notice tbat tftcrc will bo a meating of the Town Commissioners, and other officers on Saturday evening next,, at 7 P. M. Important busineaa ."to transact. Axot'iier Mar:iage. At the Meth odist Parsonage this evening by IleV. John Tillett. Mr. Watkins t) Mrs. 'Celia Davis. "Thus passes away the. glory of the world." . The Union Carriage Manufac turing Company, of Ca tlng1, N. C. isihe style of a new etitarprise in our midst, which we hope- will receive lib eral share of patronage and prove a good success. We know the g'entle nen com posing this firm to be men of tho strictest hone.y and integrity. They are all finished workmen representing ti e different departments of-hfir busi-ness-and tlreir customers wil) find all their' work to be what they represent it to be. We wish our joung friends abundant success. v Personal. A qase in our Probsts Court brought to town, yesterday, a number i:f gentlemen from other coun ties, some of the Tegal profession and others, whom we are always glad to see, to-wit: Col. J. W! Hinsdale', of Ral eigh ; CoL Neill McKay, of Harne-tte ; Mesrs. M. S. Robins, and Alfred Browerand Son, of Randolph and Col. B. F. Simmons and C. C. Wade, Esq., of Montgomery. The latter being C erk of the Superior Court of Montgomery was called in to preside in. -the ca?6 al luded to above, our Clerk being an in terestei party in the cass. Conmiissioners' Court. Was in Fession Monday. January 7th, 1878. Ail-rhe Board ipFesent. , Pro ceedings of la4 meeting reid, and cn motion ic-c nsidered. Moved that W. P. Willcox, Register of Deeds, receive $200,00 for Cross Index. Motion fail ed. Allowance fot computina; Tax re du3 d to $10,00, and 516,09 allowed for Stationery. Then. thejprefidiagajEfete. approved. v ' ' " 'ta The following business was thdn trans acted ,t.wtt; B. F. Ruchan elected Constable in Township No. 8. Ordered that W. L. Rddeii and D. C. Campbell be' allcwed 19.50 for build ing or repairing Brid.-e. That Betsey Barber be rekased from double Tax for 1877. . . . .That Capt. J. D. Mclver anij W. R Muse be released uf G3 cents State fcnd G 1 cents County Tax on land improperly v-lued ia 1877. That S. CatMell be release 1 from 73 cents improperly charged on land for the year 1877, and that J, J. Wicker. Sher iff, refund the saiiie to said Caddell. That Me sis. Hill & Leslie le released from paying Tax on 5000 improperly charged. Amount of Tax, State, $19,00, G-juuty, $18,50. That the County Trsaurer pay J. R. Brown te.n dollars for money paid Nich ols & Gorman, (for' stationery we sup pose). ' ; Thomas Maness was appointed Over seer of Road from Seawell's Shop, to middle of Deep River, at Inland Ford. . Application was made ly Joseph Mc Kay, for relief. Laid ov.-r. T. R. Harper n.ade application ; to be released of Poll Tax. Laid over. K. H. Worthy released Ixom land tax not regular. , M. G. Clary, Coroner, allowed 10,00 for holding an Inquest over the, dead body of Etzabeth Wiliiim.(eo!.)' D c John Shaw, allowed 20,00 for a a post mortem ezamiuatjon'of the same. OidoreJ that the Sheriff collect Eiiile. Tax from Malcom McNeill for Dauiel Buchanan. . . ' M. G. Clary tendered his official Bond . ITT witti o, Al. Monger ana o. it. Carrie as Supreme Court. The only busi ness yesterday , was the examination ii the applicjnts fir I ''censetj practice law J i.inctaen in number, who all pas ed their examxation creditably. The fol iowiaj arc the na:iies iLe young gen tlemen who received licenses tiprict:ce law in the courts of Ibis 8tate. t;z : James Miltou Brown, -' R.-u'iolpi' county. CD'juty. v Williaa Willis Craik, Cjaven coun'y. .John Devereaux, Junior, - Wake count-,'. - Sidney Rjbert?oo Dann, Cumberland county; v t , Edward Crosby Ilackpfy, Cbatha'ni county, ' . . " l- Sherwood flaywcol, .akc county Charles Lee Ueitnij. Dard?on Samuel Melancthon Holton. Guilford county, George Andrew Tones, Macon county. Andrew Joy uer, I'itt eouutf, Williim' James Leary, Chowan county. Clement Manly, Craven county. " Chirles Ilaury Martin,. Franklin county. ' . Ai'red Mesks- MoiiD2, Chatham county ' - ' Leanc cr Sister Overmao, Chatham county. llt-nry Coleman Stevenson, Craven coutitv. John Benj min Vines, Edgecouibe ciuntv. Wjley Wilwirn Wikpn, Yaneev county. Court adjiurned until 10 o'clock this Weduesd i1 mornins. Raleiirh Neirs. We'll Wet, If you'll pay your subscription for thes CARTiLGixtAX tie Publisher will take it,- Receipt you tor it: Kindly thank you, and never forget U, , l Jrutit 'erushe'd to- earth will rise again.' but those chaps who came so near falling, in going down from the "Print ing ofjj.ee" the other night would not -bave risen immediately. Don't ask usj why. , - . ; A Logical Inference.- Tf you see a young man writing on a strip cf pa mper and pass it around to a lady to -read; That perhaps fit is something .that may be too secret for those present 1 ?to hear ; therefore tbey should retire to Jiscuis it. ' ' Wte invite the attention of our read ers to the advertisemcrts of Our excel- tent ir-cna,. j. iu. monger, tie ha? opened out a new store at Cameron, N C. And as will be seen by his notice he is keeping and intcack having always on hand a-geueral stock of merchandise. Mr. longer has in his errp'.oy two very polite and accoramodaiing cjerk?, to- wit : Mr. C. P. Jinking and II. Perry w. viiuuui ia wcu niiowu an ovei lue county and everybody is jileased with his deportment and ia'se of tr.anneis iu the store-rocm. No doubt the people can get good bargains at this new store and in these panic times it is to all our interest to trade at the cheapest estab lishment. In regard to .Mr. Monger's Hotel in Carthage, it speaks for i:sclf. We boarded with him over two yearsJ and can "cheerfully recommend his house to the hungry traveler, as the place to sjet good eating and then resthis weary limbs. " j Gone Away. Some, of our young Jady friends who havj been visiting Car .thage, departed last week, some to their jrespectivo homes, otherj to see their friends and -will return a?ain; "Dis-J appointments sink , the hear! of man ; .but the renewal of hope givci consolaf ".tion." 1 L Are we, Rionf. Do y&u lelievs the Carthaginian is deserving your patronage? Do you believe a newsp. ,per will do our County any, good? Do youbeUeve Moare county as fully able as other counties to support it? If so, subscribe for the Carthaginian only ..one dollar and a . half per year the .cheapest' pajor publihcd it Cartbage From an Unknown Hand. Pleas ant surprises mr.y bo experienced when a kind-heartel persjn orders a useful paper sent as. a present in a value i friend. We have received some such orders to send the Carthaginian tq friends lbing at a ditanee, with . a re quest that the one ordering it shall not be made koown to the reeipieut; and thus it bapr eps that such readers are indebted for it to some " unknown hand." "Why, is not this a happy way of doing good? Parents may order the Carthaginian sent to a son or daugh ter away at school or in a distant State. The young gentleman who has a loving sweet-heart (if he wants to win her) should send the Carthaginian. In this way, at a small expense, much good may be done, and real gratitude begot ten siq the recipient. sureties; I Ordered io be -ret'irnsd and sureties justify. Allowed W. K. Nunnery, 100 e.icl for Nancy Teague, John A. Shaw nnd Emily Cheek, Lunatics he cared tor dur ing the year 1877. That -J. A. Worthy, Commissioners' Attorney, be paidybalancc of his salary. Edward Fields' gceount allowed 55,00 Bedford Salmon released of Poll Tax being over age. D. M. Blue eas released of 75 cent: Tax, ov.-rcharged. " ' Ordered that II W. Spinks be re leased from dauble Tax for 1877," an pay only the regu'ar Tax.' One hundred-dcl'-ars each, was allow ed Eflzabeth Ward ar.d Jane Phillips Lunatics, for l;-.st year's maintenance. TI12 fallowing is a Hat of Jurors drawn to serve at the next regular Term of Su perior Court for Moore Gouuty, to be held the 2nd Monday alter the 2ud Monday in February, 1878. ' 1 .' ." FIRST WEEK. Urnry Fields, .Charles Fields, J. B. McDonald, J. M. Purvis, Mark Cheek, (col), J. D. Henley, J. D. Tboma-, Daniel Blue, Isatc Grubam, (col.) Caiu Minter, (col.) W. R, Reynolds, J. M.D Riy, M. P. Myrick, Daniel McNeiU, J'ohn F. Underwood. John McErydo, Joseph Britt, B. G. Cole. D. C. Blue, W. J. Kinr, James LamSort, A! J. feaweil, Archibald Davis, Archibald Black, C. H. Womble, Robert Wilson, Alexander Campbell, S. M. McDonald, John Rid dle, John Godfrey. W. T. Oliver, II. C. McDonald, Thos. Williams, Hector Mc- A full Stock of GBSERAL MERCHASD1SE, Consisting of , Cloths, Cassi meres, near if Dress CbAlt' ' iihj. WofAen Goods, hatcl-, JHanljbts, llannrls, ZTjs-. iey, Trtamiuj, , Gloves, jmd everything ia the FANCY Gt50!)3 --R" HOOTS.. SHOES, HATS. CAPS. UMBRELLAS KO ' T10Ake. All other ar'.icka in this Iine: usuaHy found in a . F!RST-CLJ$S STORE. We also keep on hand a full supply of just such aa jtliepeopls noedand mist lino, Ihrdware, Cutlery, Wood a,nd Willow ' ; Ware, ' . and in fact everything suitable for the pur cbager. ' Our Stock will be sll at tlie vsrv lo.west Living ProSt3 or Casli? ' GOOD GOODS AND LOW PR1CE3 maKe business brisk, and we prefer to take things lively, and keo busy at work tor than to make Saloa at l.irg rrof.t.- Give us ft call and weinsiire BARGAINS. All kinds of Trojluie taken at .market prices. COME OyE ! COME ALL '! ! J CARTHAGE, N. p. ' :0: . ' ' . - - ... ' LOCATED DIRE- TLY OPPOSITE sJTJT COURT nOUSE, Ilf.THE BUSINESS ' PART OF THE TOWN. -.- ' X ' Taile Supplied rith lie Cat livSar iH Afford: X ' CHARGES MOLEKATC. J. M. MOXGEn, ,o24f . Proprietor." . Notice TC THE TAX IPAYEflS MOOE2 COXJ 2TT"sr, :ot- ' I wish ty Say t all ' ?Lo have r.nt pall their Taif s fr ilie year 187". 'that they wculJ do well to Ciiiwe forw.r l titiii setil: lip, .IB I shall rtlOVEKIi AT OX UK TO COLLECT by distress or -othehwisk. The time for my 'settlement is at hand and I am qumued to hire the 1IONKY. V , . j, j. WICKER .kSheriff. iic-2 3 ' '- nw . . ' p:e$t minster Itl.' ' AiltrrAc iiJRE f s q i PORT ABLE, - ' vf ' IIOMZOZTAL, . jSD VERTICAL. S TEA 21 E$GJ$ES. j " "ALSO j ' ST TI0,VKT IXCIXCS : j of the rao: t improred patteron, inglu'lio j' I the celebrated diljsH VARIABLKCi f OFF h.N jlYES, and IKON v'RA.MK HE VEUSABLK CIRCULAi; KW MlLLSj ff'h atteut Lerer Set, Wheat ann Cor it Miths. Hiafiing, Puteya, ifouing.Ac " Bu;t oak tanned Tthef au l Rubber bjltlnff. . Cartiiajje, N.,C X :o: jXEXT.SE;SSI03 OPVS JA5. lOtfl, 187S.'. ; j THE Trustees have 'elected a r.;r qnnlf- yphi 11 LALULi..-l UUML, ; fr amtitim tn-th vnyin tht will giw I us very excellent latimws Lor jjivn.'cuuiig jur Ubors. From the Raleigb Observer. . Wc Arc Sfarcliirsg On. Among the ; numerous Appli cants for at toraey's license at the present term of the Supreme Court isaycing lady of superior iterarv attainments and brilliant acconiplishrnenrs. Her name is Miss Co'.tonkof Ranoolph cotlnty. and frrjm what we can learn she may outstrip- some of her youug brethren, ltes is the hrst case ol a lady applying ' for license? in North Carolina, thaagh one young ady was admitted a icenrber of the' State Medical Association, Miss Dimock of Washington N. C. Truly we are in arching on, Jan. 10. 187?. M. MliN'GER, Cameron, N. C. 2 tf. PLEASE REMEEER. W1IKK YOU SHOULD SlBSCKIBK FOR THE OLD NOllTII STATE, . A.&D C'TIIER JiXSURANCE COMPAS1ES j I'epreseutcd by j W. J. STl'ART, j CarlLag-, N.C. January 8th, 1878. no2-tl TKR.MS VERY RKASONABL". II i.r J per moutb, . TuiMon, ..... LaHjiua.gcs-Ext.-a, ' ' Mu'i., " for portiouIuiH, .- J tfar.. 3, lf-TS. $!,00 . ;,.1,"J to 3,1)0 .1,0(1 ... .3, nddrecB, D. ARNOLD, Jonesbore, Moore Couniy. N. C. . J1' . ' X....JV k The Lady Embryo Lawyer. Ag will he seen from our-Su preme' -Ccxirt proceedings, the young lady, Miss Holtori of Ouil- ford county, and not Paadolph, as stated yesterdny, wasi not exim- ned yesterday', as the question- aroae as to the powprot tho bu- preine Court to admit women to practice law, and preferred to hear the case argued, and set the hour of. 2 J p.m. yesterday for the consideration. In consequence tof tie reception of Judge Pearson's remains at4 o clock, the argu ment wa3 postponed until 10 o'clock this morning.' Judge Tourgee. will argue in be half of Miss Holton, and as it is! somewhat a novel case will excite much interest 9th inst. Raleigh Observer, A weekly Newspaper '-published at 6ARTHA6B,-N. 6. Every man and woman sliouhd take their Coipaty Paper. A good Newspaper is a blessing . . TO A FAMILY. The families of farmers are uaccssarily mucl fiecluded, and do net enjoy the ad vantages 'resulting from iatercourso with other minds. Tim VJRTIIAGIMAX will strive in a great measureto supply this t-ant. We expect to procure the services of a few correspondents, who will oc.caiio.naHy give prodactions relating to the interests of. the n:sses. MaKE THE ACQUAINTANCE Of A Mew Friend, THE CARTHAGINIAN. NORTH CAROLINA, ( In Superior -MoOBE L'OfXTY. j C'OUrr. ! Kenneth II. Worthy Adiuiuirator of Ann i R. StHsts, " ! . -. ag.nnt - w;n yijcarjlbage, Moore County, durinat Bciijaaia Stultsand otlu rg. i Vfru:rv Court ami remain for two week. Petition to make Heal Batata AhsHa. ' V 11 ooerutits iu tlas yETAL line pcr Satouel P. Stutts. oue of the defedd.inK I !ornlcJ n Urt chits style. beiu a nonresident of the State. is ihereby ' uotilied that l suuimous was issnsd against ; him from said Court, at the instance of the : j t!ie LUe3t anl.raost approved m inner.' phifntia, who filed his complaint in the , office of t'je Clerk of the Superior Con; t, ! Teeiu Piuggci with asking for a sr.le of the hml ufentioned iu j -r-w m g. r 17) Tk. said. con,plaint, and said defendant is here- j M likj itfk Kil V)) by i:uratiji ed to appear' at the osna ei the ' OF DUItHAM, N. C, TlEi'B1 IliS'fiCRTSD Clerk of the fcnpcrior Court for said corvi'y within six-greeks after the comnienujrceut of the publication of this BMininon, and answer, tie said complaint, and lat tho said defendant tike .notice -that if he fafy fa ahr swer the said complajnt wjthin thht tiilie the plaililiff will apply to tie Cirtifor the relief demanded bv him. 1 A. H. McXFJ4.I-, CUji-k. Moore County. January 3d, 1878. 1 no;-ow. and warrants 1 to stand for ye.iri. TEETH EXTRACTED ith very little pVm. Head the following oertifioata from W. T. Rbiokwell, of Durham, where I have been located for the l-ai fiyoyeaw, and hnnied'i of oiliera can 'prod -leutl at an 'tloi'd. iJ" . I urn Agent for the only Genuine Durham r I January 3rd, .1H7S. 1-Cw. ATTORNEY AND CflliXSElLCR AT LAW.g Practices ii) the Courts of Moore and ad joining Couiiet " :0: CoHectlons made in nny prtof the Ftate. Carthage, Jan. 3, 1S7S. .. 1 tf. NORTH CAROLINA,) In Probate Moork C"tN'iT. )- Court. rilartha V. Mctcan, vs. Christian MdLea. an l others. Pttitioa to sell Land fcr Partition. John McLean and Pnncan McLean, two of the defundaJts in thia case," being non residents of the State, are hereby uotilii-tl that a Miir.mons was issued against them from said' Court at the instance of the phi i - tin' who filed her complaint in the office of tl e Cierk of the Superior Court asking for sale of the lands mentioned in said com plaint; and "that said defendants are hereby r-ummoned to appear at the office of !ie Clerk of the Superior Cohrt for s.iid County within six weeks aftP? ihe commenceme'nt of the publ'latioa of this'sumioons, aad an swer the said ceinplaint, nnd let the Baid defenuaoU take notiaa tnat it Phey fail to r.nswer tho said complaint within that time the plaintiff will apply tothe Court for the reliel demanded by her. A. H. McSEILL, C. ?. C. JIoOP-K CotSTY. Jan. 10, 1878-. 26. NeiiJJi. 5. Warner and Neill Mcintosh. SECOND WEEK, ' Henry etty, J. T. Sea well, George Cockman, Edmund Waddill, V. N. Mc lver, John Black, James Dunlap, Elias Manes, Elias Cox, Mark A. Allen, Hi ram Barker,' C. D. Williamson L. W Muse.jJohn McKinzie, C. Black, Henry Caddell, (col.) David Sloan and Quiniby Wallace. . " !! Pnnck gays he has observed that the unfortunate cjd'i Jiiends live a Jcn wiy off.' A GOOD 0PPERTL1ITT OFFEEEDTO ALL :o: STONE &. WICKER Have just opened a FIRST-CLASS " Photograph GaHcry on the-South gida of Carthage street. cvr J. IL McAuIey'e store. CASlEKOS, X. C. where they are fully prepared to make anl frame .pictures of all kiad at PASIC PR!-. CES. flajing had eight, years experience in the Art, gives them ihe advantage of pleasing all who patronize them. Coppying new pictures troai old one a specialty. Those haying old pictures and wkh them .enlarged will please send in their orders to It will cheer many lonely: hours, and keep you employing your leisure moments. It will be a- rest to the toiling.wife and moth er, to sit down and look over The C AETH A.CrXlXJT. The subscription is so low that wo hope there Lj not a true hearted man in all this seetioa, who will fail to become a subjeri- I her. If J ou"v?rant to become prosperous and happy, and have that genuine Connty pride, which you should hav. sustain your j LOCAL PAPER. . It is our intention to present our readers a carefully prepared outline of'ibe VERY LATEST nndmoet Interesting etvs. It .will also be one of our chief desirao to give the freshest and . . it F.sT local ,rtn ; and to advarce tha general-interest of lloore County. - , If.you are friends to ns, act as euch and ubscribe for . THE CTHAGIN.AN Don't send ycur mOBey away fromioai. until you subscribe for thc Cartu agixiavj If yg.u are not a subscriber, gubssribe at once. If not, why net f J. W. Hinsdale, . J. A . Worthy, Raleigh. N.;C. Carthage. N. C. H2.SOAI.E & WORTHY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW,! CVirliag-e, -V.'-G, j nave formed a co-pnrtnersh.ip for the prae- ; uce oi.iaw in me county or .uooro. JAMES A. WORTHY, CARTHAOE. N. C. Practices in Moore, ITartctt, Montgom-! ery and Randolph counties. Special atten-1 ion given to sue collection or c.'uime. Ejl-tf 'SAjjAN," A FALLEN AXGELj." . "A SIost;aiystcrlQU3 ; Foe-"' ! HS CHi-UATER, HIS CONDITION. HIS .POWER. ' His Dynasty Visible i ;: . and iiHjtt'We. His Ct jvpn Foot Prints on Ear. 11IS ASC1ENT A.SP I MOVERS FALJLA C1ES. His wonderful demonstrations in the VAJUEROS MALE AX'D FE D.McISIYRE aso Mrs. D.JMdSTYRE, ' riuscini-s. ; Miss Fi.onA M;Intyrk, Teatker of Music. .FIFTH SESSION ' Ol'ENJ JAN'U.VItY 8i., 1ST. ; His last Dfcadf'Uattlc and Tol D(J- Taition, -10. $15. anl $2') .00 For parHcujars u-Ircss tie rri'cnp-il. Dec. 31, nol-t CARTHAGE MALE AND 1 FEMALE ACADEMY- VJHTIIACE, N. V. :o: last ages fthe worlds f"' ' , Dreadful Battle and I f.?at on the Plain? of " Armageddoo.'' li s 'Csptare and Final Iin ft i'n- mest in the Dungoon of . - ,.' . ' Hell. :- The news of Victory Is carried, o, no Mcssr. Stone 8c Wicker, 2t'.. ' Coieron, K. C- TEItAlS OF SVBSCniPTIOA'l One copy one year, f gi,o 6 Month n, 1,00 " tJ w " 50 Address, TnE CART.RA&ISIAN, CARTMAQtf, C, m oo 15 oo 20 on , 1 oo J P3marT English, Higher English. Classics and Higher M.ithemtics, Coutinsent, Taitiou, one half in a'lvatlie. W. J. STUART, PrincipiL January lgt 1S78. i nol-tf. Wood will b taken ia exehmge for ihc (.AHTIIAOIKIAN. , ' receipt of price, FIFTT .CENTS. ' A4dre tbe Aalhor . Hev. Jainc Albeit Kmfth, flol-tf; Valdosla, Oa. Tlie next F?ion ojns JANUARY the Apgelie Wings tliroug'iout the Uni-; 1 If h, atl will continue twenty neX'ka., . ' ' verse of God. "The Aoct;erv leine Tlie Course of Intructloii . ,3 is tnorongh, cn.bracing the Higher- En- : forever cast down thftre M Grat . glish. Classic an 1 Higher Ma4h-ui'iti',s. The discipline will be trin, yet mild and j salutary. j Triumph and Rcjolelng The conet-ant aim of -the Prineipal will i ' , be to advance hia pupil in krowle ljse by . " . mtch a course pf tr.iinin as will o.uilifi ; 10 Heveo Dd on Larth, wb'CU appear.!, them for thi? greates uwfnlness. . 4 - - , '-. Tbe heaithlnlness or the situation and 1 u . ' theavivantageii(f hociety, Church priyile-l Re. Sunday Schaofa. Ac, make h a Biot ; " SO USD CF 2JAN Y WA TERS ' Jemrable place of residence. ; ' Bo.ird in private fna,i!iel at .00 and , S13.9U per month. ; and as the . - , TnnoicKis Szssiox 6? TwrxTT Weess- "VQICS OF MIGHTY THUXDERIXGS.? I Tbia Thrilling Lett ore will b sent to any aJdro3 in pamphlet form," J i . 1

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