. I . t-'v ". .. ; - THE C AFLTH AGIN1 AN i; . L , i ... , t j -vl mere are no 4i nan. i; am Knox u a rrn tw ... r .1 . - 1 . - - 'I f lli.MAl4car77T inur next issue. ' 11 I tb? tt'1!rds ure aE'3 fb,iU'1 lincss (l'lita , We the dogs were obs.-rvod scratolHn L,11 JUST OPENED OUT A SHOii i " " ' tl 1 ' " l0,ored- "e?wi.lcfsttheco-iUtytb:s;h-t.l the picture of mec-tiug seVentl of Hn 'the ground. ' Upon examin.-f- P ! AnmvAis and'd : At tu Depot. The hore lot ! JCar about ?1-800-00- :cs thee j cur friends and acq iaintance?; The tl0n Jfc body of a woman and! KAG-S, KT. C. ! J -v-' pa?tlres. ' friaWno,! nd (tu " tu ... jl. . ! paupers seven lunat.es were ' kt out " Ue. r.lc cf Cameron mauifest consider, child were found which nmvp.J m : -rl"! 1 : o-.::0; the COURT i ! w 11. :i . .. 1 n - uu w v, 11 . 1 ur ia 1 1 - - - - - , - - -v- ... .1 i r." ST-"K in thb office' rt "t a cost:of. $571.52, which the Stat, b!e interest f,r the .Carthaginian. ! D tliC H.at Seairmt mar- j Keep on hl w XI TUrd, pn,-nt r,,;i V ." 1' . . U-jJL--- ' . - rays. We find bv"reerer;r n former Lftnaik' Vrorv i"nn t Ka r.ktjt-M,,. I r.,eu? ihe bodies of both the WO- ! Li.Aiiii.li of all KIM'S. ) U-ase Otfll " " Friday. ' ft h We KsoV.Ia wedding on h -id i allowances tl. it th , w ! rarer an,! have sl.w,. from tt.w. to ti,.. I 11120 an" child were most horribly I .J'fuJtf:mu J,,. vVLL.J,,lH - c r . - - ..- ... i 1 , - - V - depnrtB Tuesday Norwood mui! arrives Friilav,. -. .7 p. t lurdirf, 7 A. M. -..!.'..',- 1 rri . 1 . . 1 . .U. . : Ill M.vnxeks. To look over another i for, h'a rn!it , 9,A ,lnafin., ! SPC::4! LnU nr. to , of our "uonnnnt the deed was ful-"At U m:u B10iak usal " depafs Saturdtiv.' ' C a', m'. ! rer?on when he is writing a letter, or : .1 , 'i...i t-r 1 -.1 T i ' f''llla 10 lue fccott Iirtin wife I w. nrwinr.T i ... . 7 ' ' ' ' UliU UiC CUSL Ut II1H T ,1 "I f' P V. ! t i rif IPC. ! ' Jl'J U . J. i . tl . lU . I'UUM ilUU .1 1 I . T . 1 t . 1 . " ' vjre xim mail departs Friday. . . . 8 A. SI. I reauiiic thtt which d.K-8 nt ' ' . . . ' .. .jmu.m-r -an. i... i " -.. irt-HvAu foiimim. ' r !t " : ior Tiio present A ear than anv of t K : ! -'ic.u ev. 1 t-ese ffcn-tleajea have ..o.Tf ; ' it.:. i PicedCretk mail nirivAu Vii.io,, t. i ' ' r.ree, dir.f venr-i sWi tlm mr extended t-u. h ' f-tiers to us r.s ni'.l .tint i fi- . it:, . ! .- T.'.". .n(. 'J1..1. - I .ij.it.i. j 4! .... . t . (1 .111 1 i . . 1 1 x r 1 11 n 1 ( 1 n 1 . 1 ...... " departs Saturday, 7 A. Si: ...A1 , . i Coujitv f i.tnnnsMoiiro a.n ta irattn I f-OQU be forj-otten. 'We are "iust com-isnlh of l.im U :.. T.. K.. ' 1 !. .'.i i A.T TOll X K Y AT I. Y .,.,:, jiiusc ui our reaacrs who ffav be 10-; J ...v. j - : , iu u u uu nu icu , - - - - ' i :.-. i : 1 n.nrniiiir t..wt..s . f . ..I,!;.!,;..- . -i l,.,f !, ,;h . . i . V 1 i - . . ! teretted, we 'invite their attention t-i S1 . lU4S.iaa-M,al,'fc'.re''P'e 10 c 'c- j u,.,,us , m... u capjure!, rr;o(i. con- . s-i- --i-A-CS-E,, T. C rp.T.-p.jf.r uu futii Kindnesses arc n-ieu aim uttngw!. iff;. U'wr VARTUAGU, N. V. ' :0: : LdCATKD' DIRECTLY OPrO'sITE TUB or C'OriiT HOUSE, LS THE . TAUT OF THE TOY.W. manglec'., and from .life statement fsJ silo&MAiilvU ' vaXTFD LiLe'';l: Give usai.'fl Ujij-'ili-U lia laG .JJTSl titC JMrKtl ff - -ixoy man arrives WedncfitUy. . 5 V M 4 , ilooW., Tl 1... . "j'1' f mui KUiij r A. 31. will Jffml. asnsf'iM.owj in Union ccun-! 3&:fFf nMvr,' i-X. J. MOXiERr w. Proprietor. rS'cv'11 he,rf-t,'re'1 011 -5,-lr,iJa'- -tfre tax noticj of Sheriff Wicker He ! s5dera,ionand Wft believe- ar' the Jarties sending mail mutter will i,'e-is we ' u.cmu inuir. lie . . tbatitk properly B.an.ped a Sw wallas ...oney and ifs the duty of ! raeu 10 thi ''nt place." We ro- MRS. M.L BROOKS HIRE, V M. LOCAL" NEWS the peopla to. beitir theHiselvei ai.d band in the stamps. BAi'JK AfJATV W.tiad (I,n Jmoii'm ""ViSUUt WJsne3 Ior evcryoouy, of meeting with our friend J. B. ilase lest 60IU0- OLC fchould f.et himself moorcgain this week safety bade r We uregglad to know that Mr. Mase-moor-e has'retnoved into our county ar;d will stiil cbntinuetajtottat-Iii rnln - tlisbted - " 'Tis human to err but tiviae .to forgive." i :. ; ' , Tl'Upentixk Distilleries all the "go" now., ' V. ' '!.'. Sewikq- M ACiirNE i Agents iu do- maud". , In Running OrvDEU The Town Tattlers. . , ' ' Take ,N'tice. It is not good to eit much lioney. . Dull head-aches - ar'SiTtectare,' of which he ,ia comple;e. mader. His work s&&a for itself. posed in our first issue givirg a list o the'pnupe;s and tlie allowance made each one, but we think it unnecessary and r erhap's it might make the folks angry. It will be observed ly referecce to gur advertisement tlittt xr- n; will carry oa the Sitoe Busi.vess. We j-era in mend his shop asa plscj to-gat work done in a good and well finished tle.. It is Lj, who helpa man to be come wise, by impressing them with the flvcr!a.Nling truth ot'j-i':' imnmrtal maxima as '"a stitch in time saves niut .'' ' Nuts " and Canuy. Who's becu fcL-k. . 1 i We'.Ve Got 'em. Honest lawyers, ,jdous diyiues IU U1.U 'iUAiu.-.- e any .llllc Itian;.ge Grcely) '-'Go w.est gitte go west," - ! man exists than Capt. J. LVMcIver. The streets of our Town -arc let out to be worked to the lowest bidder. Those wishing a job will send in their bids to the Mayor be fore SaturdHyl night the 19th inst. .jit is ho who enables men and women to " '---- ,' " go abroad, amid the snews of vu.ter The Lrgil Advertisement of J. D. ; an j over tnc Luruiu sands of Fumurer Reiver Attorney at Law, will bo found i w)ilJt!ie iaj.ortanCJ 6f all other trade., in tins issue, of the Cakthaoinian. j 1 . .... Mr. Melver has been practicing law in i may ' computed by 'ccues, his is reci this county for a uuinber of yearc. This : oncd by feet, y -- " is his native county and everyb'dy! , V greatly appreciated. Came ton is un doubtedly deiiiijodo be tbe leading town of Mocre. It is) now provided with two excellent note's by Messrs) Muse and l?ritton "and Hj.th tables ari supplied with a good victuals as tljc market affosdj. It also has somJie merchants go-ahrad mejj-? L J;,tPrrg Wo all cad get leather for our u-iklersk'hlni'js, and Lave our soles well fittel up. Drs. It. Turner and J. C. Blue '.rs erecting aidrug fctore and intend keeping a gen eral and well select: d stock of medi cines, always on hand. Mooie county ,-diould be ncaily as proud of Cameron as the CaUTII A'GINiA. 'JIAKUlEi). rrs vi;. -s in nil the I'viPta Or :''.. .c!at.. HILL MA UTINDALK. At the ! residence of J. J . Martindale. on Thurs day eeninj; the 10th icst., by W. J. King, E:q..' Mn.Tno.MAs Hill, of Ohatkirinty, X. c', to Miss Eliza- MTm?Iirc . f iTitTM f J- residence of the bride's father, oil iJU'-i 1 '"! l:h., V no3-tf ceir.ber the 20th,, le77, "by Akalom Kelly, .Etq., IMtt. Jas. I.V Matiikws to SIi&s Rebecca, Mathews, ali of Moore co,unty, and led of Demacr'at:.'. . .NOKT-H Ai:Ji.l.NA,( In Probate jIooiie Uoesij, Court John M. Jloiiger AdjrfBn,traior of Mary l; Monger. jc against Kennetli IL' Wortliy abd St Y. Johnson Ixecutprs of J.imes Wortty and others. Petition for account and sUljni;ent. is hereby uoUuud that a hUlTftitro CAKTSIAWli 31 A St H !''. T 'EM. Honest lawyers, know him. He is honest and ttontsve j yj, request the attention -of out and skUlful physic'.aus. to business, and those who empl y him , fa ad readers to tire adv er ifiay expect wise course! and earetu! . ,. c ,, m,. i .,. at., aIaiivs" w w clilcp; ' , f ,, v ,... tisement ot Messrs. isO:i finil ..le- SlAiDs e say U'e njian;,geinent of their causes. .No rrue;- J. , Xeill , which appears in this num ber of our paper.. It is haruly Fiuk in LAuitixr.unyii. Another disustroas fi e occurred in Laurinburgh on Wednesday morning last. Eleven buildings wore destroyed, involving a loss of between 29,000 and 830.000, which was-otdy paitially covered ty in s,urariC3. The. Sro originated ct . tt.e lv"vv-"f- J r- ' ; Wot,!, spreading thence in a norUiernly direc tion to 1. J. Rivenbarks, 1'. Fountain, an i Mo Key Bros., thence sou;); te Ca TlILT-SDAY Mokmxg Jan. 17, 1878. PRICES Bacon, ' I'erk; (,'orn, ". meal AVlKjat-, ().ts, I'oaK, Kv0, I'lor, r 1 1 T . . TT . t I ,. i .uu -"7 r lUVt A CHANCE.-Our leaders w-11 pkase , necessary ur 3, - I nr.m's.'J.'C. Mean's and J. S. Croulh improvement in theso latter clays : Lo'i-e that W R Canrt.b'dl Eo of i mendatoiy 01 mis oiu anu wen , . . T , , K 1- . ... . .lv.Lan.pbI,, L-u J bee & Co s., a-,1 thence across to Ledman o. - Once AND" Awiiile-A AEW tUB-; VU.s town nas tor saie a nouse anu "Mj in Mercantile business Cos., E. Beubow's, the Post Office and sciiiUER steps, "in." . ' j Sanford. An opportunity is here cf-, i(er a m!mijer 0f years everi J. Eiwards' shoe shop. We have no" Treat Hich. If you loveyour wife! lereJ r hc P,lrclia6e "f a duelling at , gJnce lhg war . and Mr; Tyson was j iearn2d whotf-er the h.ue in which th.- ckuxj Machine, ! a vcry oesl,au,f T"aco ailU n aj tx" engaged in the same a great many ; fire originate! was insured or not, nor ceiunt 30ini::unny. .my cue ucsnou 1 years tie ore. ' f or StrtCC iDtegrny ; i-llive we iecn a,fc to ascertain tha ori 'tap;, reatiiers', , liutttr, in- oeebwas. Tal ll IM. kV, F.)dJer, Hay, ca'-h. ir..'.i;r I IS ...... .'iSc 10c I " 7-! iu c: ' 70 SO. " .... $1.25. .$!.:'.:. .......!( . 5-1. 80. . . S5. ( i.so s.-. 1,m7.'.7.6.;.0 0.7.'.. f s 10. .......17'.; -0. IJ-i..: 2-, ' 41) i. " 20 ''A. " ..... ..20. .21- " . . k . . . y. doz io ..:2'?. n 5. ..' 7) .Ml. 7").. fcO. sied ngiiinst lie from said Court at th in stance of tlie )lam'tiff who fi'ed fiis C'.m pl.iiut in the oJLke cf ths i.'leilc of the Su perior Court; ankinaf for a settlom.vut of the ebti-.to of 4a. AVorllty, deceased, and tiaid dcjfe'idant .Is hereby sii'iinionod toapf ear at lite ofik'O of the (?lerk of tho Stiprri'ir Court tor said Co-.nty within six weeks al'ter the coininencemout ef thi. cuiiiiaoiiB .uhI an swer th- s.ii 1 oompl.iiut; au-i let the sui 1 dc lenJaiit take uotieo that il'i-hii f;.il to an swer the s.'dd co'iiif laiiit within that time il.o plaiuliu .Till anffcv to the Coart fjr tho 1 relief demaudc-l by hbn. " A 11 ''.T.AL'ITT 1 C n ... iJ. j.l.lj.llJL, . O V..., ahd Judge of rb::tc. Jaa. -.., 1S7S. -- - ' n!)-t:.i mum TC THE TAX IPAYfRS ror- :o: NORTH CAROLINA, ) In Vrcbtc Motsr. C-jl-xtt. i Courf Mrth:i V. McLean, v. CLrhi'.iaa JkLoan. an l other.-. Petition to ecll Land for Partition. John Meletrt end Dnncut McLean,' two I of the defeuda.rt in ;hi-i'ease. beia:,' noil- residents of .the State, are hereby iiotiit-d j Represented by that a summons was iued af(:Uiist tjiem troin slid t'omt at tuft mslari'-e ui toe plan - , lift' who tiled her complaint ir. tUvoftioe of j tl e Cierk of tiio Su'p-rkr Court asking tor j sale of the lands mentione.T m sai I com- WHilll H'l '.'.Tl! U Hill!" I'll U 11' 1 H'l I WU111J up, art I fdlrtll l-KOCKKI) AT ONtJE IO COl.t.'kl'T l.y distress or oTiir.nwisn. The time b.r niv L'ttlement is at haud.aud I am oui.u;i:i tu'L:we the MONEY. J. J. WICKER, Sheriff. f iio2-3 -v 1'asuRE'YJUR pappEanj SOU TU CA It OL IXA II OM E, OLD NORTH STATE, I AND OTHER ISSl'RA XCE CO MP A M h i'ATSIIStO.V 33AE1KIIT. iuy her a Snviij V "Returning. Absent ladies at home. Another Soul made happy. A'l' ACT. Man is the only animal that blows his nog 3. " ) I 'Tobacco, )oh, the nastf stuff, , Wo with we didn't use" it ; 7 Every .time we chew a quid ; , 4- ;'Tis thennd thero we loose it. ''Who can say I have made iiiy heart clean, I am pure from my sins." . cf making an investmont in rea'. estate nnd honest dealing they cannot be j ff.(n of t,.0 firc . 1 ut js thought 'tyj j surpassed. 1 hey always Ueep on , L n ,lic W0lk tf an i,1Cendiary. . nana a general atssurimeui u w nun fnr,,i tb ,i ti, d ll. If w atC U l lT U li.IUli.lt.U I" iv H'V vi.iutk would do veM to oivft liim a oal'. , . 1 1 tnt o'id o iotm a ut. NmiiiI H a, Mr 1 r hinl Both at 1 , , ' - 'Corn EEPOETED l.V W. .1. YOUNG: Jauafy l;jth,, 1? CliTT.lN" Mid I'ing Mii t Low Middling Low Middling Ordinary been in Carthage during the Christmas ! need and must, have .lrte. '''t ..!)'. . .7,1, $C.5 1 . , , 1 . . 1 .. . . . 1. ... 1 . plaint, anu tn.it at'i wieuu.i..i! ie m i...... .-unimoned to appear at tin.- ofri.-e of tb Clerk et'tbe Superior Court ior sid County within six. wceku atter the commencement of tbe iui4ie:'.tiou of th.io sair.nn.u-:, a-inliin-vi-er the jsfti.l tliii.Jiiiut, and let the Mid dt'Ieudir.ls take notice that if they fail to an.-weFthe s-n 1 complaint within that time the ida'intlff ill apply -to the Court for the rebel di-mauue.l lv lier. lA, H. McM-!Ll, V. ?. C. llooliE Cl'STV Jan. 10i l.73. v. 2 --".-. W. J. STS AIST, Carthage, N. C. January 8th, 137. no2-'tf are provided with good and erli cient clerks Messrs. Branson and j holidays you would hara believed everj i bod v i n town fescent tho.-e who have wivn.-'i were point? to marrv.- The ehil- dren-tho joung folks-the middle-1 Shaw nt' the lbrmer; and Messrs aged the old 'people. and in fact all he lichuj talked it. "That Mr. and ., in 4t 1 John Lnce ws, cjnsnmeJ bv lire op Carthage, and Cameron, the stoieb , - W NOTICE. Fikst Rate Farm -Miss So) and So sere eniage 1 and wou'd Horse Fjuf-Sali. Apply at this Office. J UJarry. We are all disagreeably sur- ' Sorrow. We have i . .deep Hooted Sorrow the tooth-ache. Thehtifc is: used for cutting, the fojk&nd s'oba'jQT feeding L. P. Tyson and W.'II. Sikes, at the latter place ; ail off hem ore very agreeable, in manners, polite and courteous to a!!. During the time Messrs. Tysou Btin'dav niiht last. .N.J insurance. - Spirt of tile South. ' 1 . ' -- PrDDEN Death ok a Minister. Tlev. Junius P. Moore, Preacher- n charge of the Littleton cir cuit oKthe N. C. Conference of M. E. Church, South, residing at Warren ton died instantly at his nrised. Thordrs no "aceouutuii for it ; F h'1.'l! Iinv 'lppn niprrliari- ' . .j..... ...... - - - . , . 1 1 . 1- . mi only the girls don't love us that's all. " disin" thev have sold a, consider-1 l,ome' 01 waxl a,st'aie tm 11,UiS ebted to i ta'e, and had more than once 'Help. It is a 1 a fellow along throu me usuuuiui. (l!Sin,r lliey nave SOitl U. uutisiuei-i ' ' able quantity of goods and doubt- j :'?e was about 55 years, ameway tohc!lpl-it.BSf.,ve a hre amount ."on their I an,i ue 1ia(i 'tra long time been ough this vale ot books." It will be seen thev kind- cenhc-eted with the Conference in 1 ,,re ahrt Ai-. i c hf nitf- cwmtr " V fC! lieSL all W lia UiC IUW One ofourexchanges says: Love; " ; hem Q coandee Iter n-i isiike a wart. We .want a?cW., f ary 1st, 1S7S, . either by cash or . -r Q l' lUi 9'st.iu 101 uvo ...:. ;nor do anymore. - If our friends-n(j w iicl b Ct;rtaiulv riflt ad i years. Jle was one of the most The dinner-table is one of the ; Want fheCAimiAGiNiAN-to tirosner rr,!, mortAuV,. van prominent ofthe Methodist cicrgy Corn Mi'nl Bacon,, C. J! . . ' 1 ."jliouldtrrs .. i . . hard C'ol'.'ee. , Sj- rup, N. C Mc-laeses, Ko- Oikans Salt .Suir. "White " yellow heather, i-uU- Upper. . ...... Hide , GrcLii ".' l'rv....i. Tallow... j Uotatoes. SweetJ Irish; Or.ts :". Podder . lVfLTKY 1 Turkevs, per pair. . Chickens E-s : 1.) ...10 . -. . , b 1 ; ,. ...r..i'.IS'." i....22j.ic; : . .nj CO 1.10(7 i.;;5 .1;'.; iO'";i":C ...... '.Vj ....... .81. 0:j Tin? mm - - nnlitieal institutions of the -United , fvcliir.h w liavn no rptisnn I t-i tn f'nf o'n- ":nA thinors" and to i 0 ,t'S tate, id a man o. leain- ' ..'' 4 . . . '.!."" -7 ' .. i 1 .i in" nnd much abilitv He w; , .$.-2. ?L40 12 1.". . .uy(f,i 1 A GOOD OPrEIiTl'MTi' OFFERED TO ML sfONE &. WICKER Have ju!pt"op(nea a l'IRST-CLASS 'NOItTIl, CAROLINA, I In Superior MooitE L'ocntv. I Court. Ivi.nn '!i li. W'orthy Adm:niV.trtor of Anu 11. fctllti-i, aiias-t ' Ifenjan-in Stuttsand others. Petition to nmke Real Est ite AkecIh. Samuel P. S'trtfrf, one of the defciidiiHt', beinp a nonresident of the State, In hereby n'aiitied that suminons was issued iiff.iinct bim from sitiil t oui-t, ;it tlie iiistiiuee of tho phdnsill, who filed bin complaint in tho ofiiee of tliu t.krl; ofthe Superior Coin t, :k:o for a fald of the dund mentioned iu Kiel complaiut, uiids-ud Jefond.int is hero by Kummoi edito appear at tlie olfioJ of tin. Clerk of the ttperior Cotirt for waid county withih six we?k after t lie eoiiiineneeiiieut of the puLlie!itic'n 'of tliid Huaitmuis, and answer the Ciimplaiut, and let tho said delembint t ike notice that it' he f.iil to art. swer ilie Kai l ticoniplaiiit within that titno the plaintiff wjll apply to .the Court for tlnj relief de,niau-le l b him. A.'H. M'.NF.ILL, Clerk. Moore Count v. January 3d, lc7S. ' . . no'l-Uw. on tli South tide of Carthafe ftreet, over .1 i: !ri.!..'v'. Kfi.ro. t! Ult'CN. -V. C. w.4ro I..,,v A, fullv iro:v.irod to la ike au I ! M frame pkture.fairkiu.u a. fan 10 i-lu- ATT!!Rrv AND' OfXSELLOll T WW, t l-i. Iliivin:' naa tl;:e.t ve:-rs exptnene 3 Gt in the. Art, ives them tin- n-lv-.n.tage of I phatinf all '..ho p;tr iu:7.e thH4. ! C't;vit'g J;C''jV 1 k"tur.:s p.oia obi one" : i siwdal'v. Tl ( h .M"'.J old p'.C.i.l-p :iLd . ni.-'n tlf-n eniar.r -d v. i'l p'.;i.-i s. ivl in ; I OFI-Klt VOtf SAT.E MY nOVSF. AND thi-L- ..'Hers to fiii. ion, N. ' Mm Let for Sale OFl-KTt Fn;s SAT.E my novsF. , LOT in SAVr'oiU', X. t'., situated ir h Cfntoo : i .t.,i,A d,,. i.,ft t.,li- f..n -.-Iroca vmir ivi n am i!;iiio iters in " r ' 1 - -'A" ,J .c . ' Lilk hmrndes. it is no 1 It is So There is no fact more -ior us-, unci iusl 01 au uuu une - -- : and bv his death the Cbnlerence r01;';, vZ, . t'.; -! us; is, they ,J . . . loses one , of its most able ir.em-; on0 i,aif cash, otLcr Laif payable in-twelve i 'a r hers. rUul. Seirx, Ax Old Chair that Cornwal- t to Qi -i- ixt i-n Hp , vr P.i'tti.mj-H r f. ... : 1.1 o u.il- 1 .1 . ' 1 ' 11 ... . . i 1 . . . . iUAious -ulhi.' 1 wo cases, V . 31114V. IjUU 1 CARTHAGE, 3T..C. I'r.v : ; ."'; in tli ; ('ourts of Moore ai.d 1. -:.::! ; 'j.'-.-iiiit; .;. (-,,-. ot'.,,,,- M.ny p-i-t of the Siuf:. fartha::-. Je.3. l-7. 1 tf clearly established' than the" Bale of , most important to Lamp Oil. i .Alcsir, When we saw the fiddle : We. thought some wandering angel - Trom out heaven's' happy choir must pay us. Tt ic ronnrtnrl tlmf. nil srv-f i-f rn. i-Miirc;. , :. ! since -our last were tried before . -' j ,c . ' ; Q o.- mors are in circulation among lie f J. C: Black, Mayor. . One case of ; :7L Z .1 w .t ! publicanpoiiticiansin Washington, : " Much .Obliged Tb Miss Flossie i SSault and Battery. The De-if, 1 4,'1 Ct'Zo tov iiU PulT08es ag'n''le, trom Je. Please favor uwith another pro- Jendant .found guil.y. -But there : "l)" ' ILn"ES and the ..tux . ' - iWinsr many provocations to th' count he stopped V1?, ! 0U 6 ! brea king up of his cabinet, down .- -if . J . . ' - ... tie 0 a auv wo nau tms cihih . . , . . ... i n .1 1 : Assau he wastmed oikti o ar on-: , . . . . toscnemes 101 me euimo. 01 an me-. uiontLi. no3-4w. V.. 1L Ml'ELLL, Carthf;p--.f N C. ii 1 .1. W. Hr.sii'ii, l"a:-i'L. N 1 . .1. A .. V,''.:.i . Ct :"n ..--. .X. A Fact. Not every miri can be,; t n .i,- ,i,..a ....a .11 ':V " ! inn it n s i:u 1' trort for t in tTOiora . , ; , .. . -r tt -jiit,bnji,.uuv an uu Th other -was for vin hit no- o! , ' . ,. ,. r . , ,-said DV some tnat Air. naves wi u ,n . hnlf. on BuWriho for the' , .-..j- ..." , :, -. ' . , i and lixeil hinj a dinner 01 nieo .,,; u;. fi,Tt,. .;.n n,,t.:,, baud she set the old arm chair out olitees great and small. It isolso Carthaginian. ! . Persons who c'aonot visit us, nor wc visit thdm, can obtain tho CAUTHAtiN f tan by sending -us odo dollar and fifty ; .cents cash. Information WANTEb become of Pexteh the Dm iBACCONIST. continue his fight with Conkltiig enes on tlie streets. Defendant r V. , , , . a . ,,-, on the 2tew lor a Custom House found guiltv. and sent to the i '1 th'!,C ,a r D"d f iU " r) ! officers, and by others that he will . - . . . ie o in a v vet ol 1 ir ru 1 -. -1 j 1 ... j . rrwav . Ilillsboro. The r is now , w1J QW exceli,nt owned by Mr. J. W. Fitzgerald i ;f , , t; T,jmiui(,nns ' r. ( T .iMtOAIU'lltn TI.OTT OUT it" 1 1 fi C " Isfantk-ikOu Friday thellth"1 ""V LA. i L 'fight these thingsoutamong them- m .1:1-.: 1 1. " 1 ov 11 ui uiiutucu m cjiuun 1 1 Ltr 1 v- i , 1 1 ,,.,.1 1' . , chicken and buttermilk and lie sht Guard House for six hours and to pay" the cost of the. action. WE respectfully announce to our friends and the public generally, that we have just reetived at our ' STOBE'IN CARTHAGE AND mm 4 Our Third Stock fortius Season, cons'te.in of T i; O U N l : V S A T L A W. CuT lh ago, ,V.:t'., H?vo fn-im d a eo- artncr.li'p forlio piac ' .ee of lav; in the co.iuty of Moout ' JABi;s A. WOUTJIY, ... t ATTOKNEV --T L A.W, j CAIIT11AUE. K.'C. ! . .PtsaHi-tn in Mo.,:-e, IlarLC-tt, Mont.'Mv? I ery and I'aU'loliili counties. Special ntteu i ti'";i iv a t j 'ii'e cJlb.-et.ou of cliibx.-". GESXILll :,iKH CIASDISE, .J,0. ... 1 Considin-of iiJiEIlOS MALE AS I) f7 SiA LE AC.IHEAIW "V JlAVi: OPENLIi 01 T AT Bameron, 1 if m A fell Si."Ul" CKths, Cassimere,Llear' press ClAk- in great variety. UtUt It I-.T.1E t LOTIJUTG Boots and Shoes , a5, HarJicair, Cutlery, and 1 f Vf Ji.TJ .VS? p i: .1 E.YTS. AtjS0, a full .line of ', l.NFANTIl'lOB VJU I'llUUV 100 i itll j , Ss ... . "T I 'Ug'it- IIICSO Ollil25UUtuaioug mum- What has'hnst,, M. G. Ciary', Ooroar, hold an in-! r 'fmf' Cesehvs. If our side must mix up iham" To- quest ever the dead body of a colored i V J-tlt4' ; in these unseemly squabbles, we :.r...4 r i :- - .n f ... I " I7"C !' tsllOuld lo SO Otllv tO dftVC tlieni ! miaul, winuu was iuuiij m a eu uy ! mi l mi j 11 i -. - . " - ,- -,. . . I-M (, v - p P ,, ine aoovo win uo pieny w en, out D Congress , vv here they nave 1't.ATO was told that his enemies c,rT;M.C,J.cKenzle1 Esc,. Iron, the .p. ! u q mu 8ta. Ped &Hg oueh wiri, public eulated.bad .reports about Lim. He fearance ,Be rernam,, it V suppoea- o here'at business. I hope returning Said,"l Will so live that none shall be- to. have been deposited there for several J oressmen-De.nocrats, at least- ,. ,. divs f er bp-inn" a tlie tttifi,-nv vros run 1 jnact? vvuii w men ,, , , . 1 .Iipvo them." -U.ijs. .u.cr ucanuc an ine itvm.ioi.y a i , l nmo fn m HeteriinnntHin tha i . . . ithat could be procured, and from the all readers of Revolutionary Hi?- absoIutely neCessary legislation! ' GLtTKIES AND P0TIS1XS. intRE is a generation oh ; iotty are s--gns of violenco committed upon the tory is familiar) which was "nipped ',., f not be proposed ii day, for Ia a n6ral assoHmcntf all kind of ; j ii,,.. c,c, ,uuu .a . ji.i.uc lo "'"--i infant the urv returned a teniict infim- in tb.. hn, r tn., hitr.n ,itl he n A..tv m.nrnik T.-.m. J , - , . i. w & . rvtbi.vi vll t.j j JlCICUliUIVl J'UllT VlJUiiv.i ww- hadtum by its inotuer-a negro wo- the same old gentleman Cornwal- ocratic Senators and repTescrita- iivj, , Woolen Gv'idXf Slouch, B-(nf.-tta, F!unt; ffos- D. McIXTYjtE axi. Me. D.MrlNiyilE, I'iix"-irAi,i- Mts3 Fl.oni M. Inivio:, Teaelicr of Music. FIFTH SKsSIoN' tH'ENd JAKITAUV Ktli., Tuition, HO: $15. anl.$2-.).i.O lto.rd, -;.(.;:. For pnr;i"nlars al Iress the Piin ip il. Dec.'ai. Is77. nul tf. CARTHAGE MALE ANLV FEMALE ACADEMY, C.iIiTJJAGE,Sr.l r :o; The next fission opcas JAXCAHV tlu 1 itll, and will cottinue tweaty weeks. Toe t'ourne of In-.Sru-:5on iup; 2) t'efy, Trinirtiiivjt Gloves, and cvervthi'is :a the FACG0 )L s line. ''BOOTS, SHOES, I1A1S. CAPS, " " UMBRELLA. I K0 I T10.S,kl . All otber.articles in this line usual'" found FIRST-CLASS STORK. "We aleo heap on kind. a full supply of piece of Blue Ribbon. We are puzzled : : awaiting the administration of justice. -, Ire re shall -wa put it r PoouTJs. A youfi!? kdylias sent us ': man, Rebecca Bostick whereupon she 'itt- i,or... Tr ie iriomUr -f nmpnt tives bv taking high ground on ,ier double-twisted regards tied up in al-was commuted to jail where she rests. iiave jt tjiat tl0 J5ritiIi and Tories thissubject could carry both Hous- j 4'S w uu i!(eiii, ana sweep me cuuu-, : partaking ot dinner when the t t c0lilin eie,tio!ls ro.m Xew i. cnooL.i ee spring session c: tue gentleman s"oeast Decsmeoneotl- Hamoshire to Texas. Let us have ! To the friend who asked us for our '.Carthage Male and Female Academy ,.,1 and thus concluded he would n short session. Toirh Lirl. ' - 1. l.ll 1 1 1 . 1 ... T 1 . 1 . ' . 1 . vpiuiou as iu vYiiBiner mu moon is uiauu , oneneo on jionuav ia-i. i e uo tone l r i t i 1 , . i, .opcieu on """'j"-1- UUVJ1,L immortalize lumseif and owner. of cheese, we would say,that we will the people of Oarthasre and vicinity will m . ,, ,' , . , . . , , , , , The tree is still standing with a postpone a consideration of the -subject give that share of patron ge to the above 1 . . , ,. , , until wa become lunatic. dioolitso justly merits. A good op-!'" utu,t-',tt ucau uim come to light in the heretofore ' Strange Rri True. Eat a in hu-) pprtunity is offered to all who desire to doubt rut for!t'1 JiSam n?xt peaceful nnd" quiet town of Hicko- man form aud outward semblance cross I educate their children and doubtless sPrl"o' our pathf but it Is not often that they Wl,id! has been tnnrht at PuTTCM prices an4 will be. sold at' j.. ic-.-n t- su;: tiio IT Ifl ' ' lnA su'-l a5,!:' I"''-''"-' n';,-!ali'1 !nlfit Kav"' i tr.or.usl., -imi.racins' the Higher En- 0i ! tt i - ft ti"- : ; ii' , ''ii h. Classi c an 1 !li rher .Mathftuatii-s. V). i U2riKtn. C nlltf'j 11 o?t nu t ,11jK , ., ., (list.ir,nu ,iU te-fira vet Id and v, re.urn onr umnus i;.rir.e osetai pai- ; , . , cv,rvthiu, .uttW(, for ,hPrnr.; ... .,,,, ni!, in ki.nwUl -V- ., Tr,nni.,T n Tl Aimriii 11UU1DI,L, -HUM uuuuiw.t. i-i V. ill Kj? I lM lie cent Another horrible murder has just vy niil pay (the- iona''t- herc-tof ue rii t'vej for many ears iods at such -prices aucc of the sinie. -T.-'r -.id i.i'o.,' t., I P.. n.ils , t s::i-h -i.ripr.a C'aCr. The e .-.i-t int iiiaj of the l'riakial -R i'l . to a ivam-e ld pnniM in ki'obi l'c b ; such a e-iur-e of training Its kji! eiubfi meet us in the broad'stfeet, on the open, ifiunlit passage they burrow in the . ry, in Catawba county. About every sane person has such desires. To " tweue montns ago, a man uy me those livimr at a distance who wish to : -ProTesior (desc.-ibiog an ancient , name yf feeagrist, hailing lrom lin go io school they may rest assured this j Greek theatre) And it hul no roof. ioncouutv, arrived m the. town of ; Hickory with a woman and a small HIGHEST MARKET PRitE for all. rnn pioiiaet.-, ir. Exchange for Good?, and especially . For Cotton, thi ei for th KlniU-'. ust-tuint si. 1 ie l:caltli!nlntsi t the iti.kti n' and 'the a iV'ni-ir.s of sotiety, C'hnrch J livile- .- S-iu lay Sthds, Ac , uiAke u a moit O ir Stock -xill be n .! 1 at the very !osft Living Prots for Cash U I.J J OM'U.l ANU LOW rl.ICI-a i 1,-irabl" blare of r.:.oleae.- taaK knsin brisk, and we oref.r to take 1 1:" :r'1 in ' I" Ue 1"mi!i at " "i)(? ftml ! things li - aii 1 ke -p bio-y at work for 1 l.'.l' .11 :.l lli !l.nl .!fl"... r,.t..nr,...- o..l I .Tni;i,r Ic-.irn 1 l.oo no'nt, 4l., 'Close, Clam a lUV, anno lue noisome oeuuo . vueio auvauio acuunu 10 ucue ! i'-uh. "c uas vau"uii iuc piu-: 1 1 , r r r t ' odors, of filtby habitations, and.Uie foul-1. of its Wide. One cf our eitizeni pro-, fsor in a mistake) Whit did they do, days thereafter he was mar- ness of old cast-off carmeuts. " ''Sneak'" i poses tuecommodate four vounar men ; 'sir, when it rained ? r;at t ,,, ,,. u-uaT,r T young ladies with board at ! Professor (taking off his eyeglasses, : Harts'ell, a Met-hodist minister of is written upon theit foreheads and is j a"d fou legible in the outliae ofthe protuberant $8.0Cf p r month each. Cheap ! Cheap ! ; and pausing a moment) They got wv.t, the town, and immediately diaji-ue- 'fJt-Mutt Ed.I ' eir. ' " , reared. On Saturday last a rar- ilO.vO per laonlh. ! Tttfius pea Sk-c-io.v of Twestv Weei;: i i Pi marv En-'li.h. 1" o ) -We al-o Tf ;;ce?t ad lnlvbt.-I to us to i . , i Hi-her En-lush; J5 0' come fr rwarl anu -etc!" the t une. - If you ;',2an to "lako at 1:lrie 1'rf,r-t- '; Cl inics and !li-;hcr M.db' n;ai, ' 20 0 I cijtmot pay sill, do I he bc-t f.,r us vo can, ' Give us a call and weinsure BARGAINS" ' Contin-ent, ' ' 1 Wi a lid c'fse up ynr accuut by NuTE, a- we j A!1 .,;,, .ft.,.,,.,,.,. , ,;:(.n t n.ai-kt ; t..;,;.. ;...,. ,,a want tf close-.urB-:...k.U.i 1st Jauaarv, l-sT", I . , -"""", ."'?'- . ....... v. and incrcie-our ri-Ac'i at ! T 'icch. CAKTHAGE AM) CAMEKOX, C1H 0XI'- COME JILL ! next iseasoa.. ' j J. M. MtiNOElt, ' TYSON i MVXEIJlL. 1 C.u"ro- N r. Jan. -17. V?. ', tf, ,. i-7v . , 'l-'Ji. January lt., Is7'. A"..J. STPAUr, I'rineipal. 1 nol-ti. Wood will b ; taken- iu ejeh ne for tlie .U:T:!.V. INI.'.N'. i 4 N

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