" 1 c JjCARfHAGINlAN. - - - '' . BT . rri"p"i7i ' 1 I D . STttEET BUEWER. fOffice.Iafct ride ot McRf vdoH' street: Carthage, f. f. i IJat?s of SubM-riptioii: BingUeopy, one year, 111V hiAf!... j s "Junius, J "to iwiutnH..., '... ?! 50 ..... 1 Oil .'50 Atextra copy will Leciveu toany person senfagacluboften. - ' " f subscriptiona to be paid ;in advance. r';-. SILEXT LOVE. OhllconM wl lister tljee n tale . That turely would fuy pity move; tat what would idle-fords avail !F pnlesa tie Leart niijjlit ar.ea-k its love? To tell that tale my pen were went; c y wDgue iiyii;e too (icus. f Then mark it on my vkiyinf; cl oik, aim reuu u in my iug'iii to- I Die for thy Sweet Love: ' I die for thy sweet love! The grumid , : Wot pantetb o for Runiin?r ram, As I for on sott look .of thine. And yet 1 aiyu in vain?' A bundled men are near tl.ee n-.r "But who diitb feel a tLuJFuiiJ.li j iirt Of what I fetl for thecjr Tlicy look on thee, as men will l-:k Who round flie iU w.'al 1 Li-gli ami rovfj I only think Lmw sweet 'iwould le To die for thy sweet h ve. Wi uitv Cou.vwAi.i.. vn TBUTH WITTJ Mi' 1. Her Heard BY ANNA SI 'If you refuse Duticlui Holcroft you j.re a complete, idiot, aud I wjitb. my bands tlf yeur affaird al-! together.' Mm. Cas ow'iq Kiils inajes'ieally fro'i. the room, where Georgia i, her neice, remains nervously clasping and uneh.sp Ipg her slender white liiig tf, and wan dering why mati'mooy. should bo a p .--itiveduty in the code by w! ieh she ha bom educated, he is only twenty-tvo, slender, fair, and looking about sixU'i-n, with Iter waving golden hair an'l soft, lirown -eyes. hc h;.s twelve- bundled dollars a year all her own, and why cairt he be. idlowed to live a quiet life tui iiio'efcted. Since her-own arcnts die 'only three yrars ao, she 1i;h be n dragged from a country parsonage in which her ' father lived and died, saving the little f-rtune for Georgira by clt'se ccuhomy, to her aunt's fushinnablc hoinn such a.s when Georgina. looking up, pded to In r lip?, while her eyes were full of fear and troub'e, seeing liitn. She had always given him a frank; cordial greet ing; an 1 lie had hoped to win sweeter loKoiHsuu irom iicrsort eyes anu sv.eet iipn, and instead he had lost what was already giveu. 'Did you not expect me?' he said, gently; 'you Ijok stajted.' 'I did not kuov you were - here, anJ it did startle nie to ee you bo close be--idj me." Georgina said, a flaming col or oUngpfMur.'Ay cr r!tiiwlt;9Jtsl.l)row, as the wuhed heisel: a thousand istles avay. '. II- fpoke !o her grively then, and veiy, ery gently, wooing her tno.-t tesi derly, eon.-i l rate of her youth, her ti iniiily; a'cd, heartily ashamed,- she could only i sob and sliiver. 'IJ'.ild !' he taid at las?, do Tso dis treys you' J'ut she interrupted him quick:y. 'Yon are not hateful to me,' she said, Weorgina. Gilroy, i i--,,,,,!.;,,,! v. i vou eVer ever so mi ch, oaly o!i, why do you want to ma: ry me '.' 1 t lliicouid not - kcrp back a m;le, though his heart tbrol'bed heavily with nil. ' I lne yo-i..dcar,' ho t-ai 'I love y.u kr too well to w'.n t grieve you. Slull we Le firieuds tiil?' '(' if you Ml,' flic sail, eagerly, ig npta'nt of tli3 'ta'i in every word, 'let us1 f..r( t t .-d..y.' As it" he , could. Unt he was a true t'ontleniaii, a sincere, uusclfl-sh lover, and he led her on ti tali of other mat- Secret I ELDS. tiT.s till the a;hy jailor 'eft !;er cheeks and lips, and he was just h;r ,-weet shy self :fin. ' . ' ' Then he le t her. il.eft her to meet ueli wra'th'trom Mr-. Ca?owvi that the rase agaiii.-st the. bitter speeches. 'I go to (Jran fa her Gilrov. her mother pind for throughout all o!'j sinco;jou ire so tired of nie,' Georgic? (Jeoricina'8 childhood. ' a-M. 'WheD youniurry, 1 hope you wiil re- j 'I would! Go, bury yo iridf in tla; - iub iu you.p proper gpnere. gira.,(jii- yr?;i-;ipi - v VSvonld euv wt.eni vef she spoke ot ( ners ; y Oeorgi'.a's future ; but f-he never heed, j h-jie, as Duncan Ho'croft'. wife.' . d-rnucU in. those days. ' j But even 1-Vy. Corner was pi cfei -T- .1 ... ;., l.r father li(r to Geon-tna. to the t.rter-eot ot .caUing - . . . , p i oi .' l : i, l .. . . 1 , . v. .1, t fluffy curls all r-iffled by her m-rvous ; me i .hi.ion-. nneMiivvip ;u me uint j-, little ouutry nofer, ana tccepa L !1 t lentl 1 iic Ts- 1 1 i aire fingers a .'lie poied over La.tin exvreis s, miv d:. .1 i.i tlif. nlnihlv fur-1 her. ansa s utti; ri.etoSs t.tsmi- VI BlUUl' u ui-'wij - I J j f . tiislied drawing-room at her own little j even .-een.cd as if r-ie; tl.r.'w oil- a hur cubinct piano, paying softly or grandly ! den as she stenned fyo :Vt!:e luxuri u' 88 tl'C I1IOOU MlliSU , . ill in.- j iai .y " - - country, wandering. here or there. (3eor-.-lightly lemmiseful, wa? at the last in -gina was utierly, entirely' happy. Her ' uieut billing to rsvoue her decree of l0ttrs tf inartvT'l.un wete f-peut in her ban;s! .ment, but Geor-ina would not m.vttiov'k' r.wim lea ruin? worsted work. , soe the Oa ' of true udv half listening to the ta'es of the faded beaut v '. aud e:.t to Try Corners. of her former . conquests,, before aty It was net a-fascihating abode, a her Georgina of her. noble-wlf sacrificitig sm;,i! farm managed 'liy a mi.-erly old inothfir always grew hot and :iiw;ry be- j iaMi aad one mai 1 seivant of seventy fore bhc 'threw herself away, up n u 1 . there bout, who-e life was a burden country parson. . beeiuseoM Mr. -'Jilrr-y had faded to ' Sittinii in Mrs iWmiuY grotid i m'Hi;0 j,. r j.U wife, after aceepttna her draw-ing-rooui,. waiting for Dut can Uol H attenti'tns for a matter of thirty or forty And, wearying for an interest in life Georgina .gave time, strength and an unfai iog patience to the querulous ia valid, never laiterir.g in her self-imposed duties. lie died in May, llessins her with his last breath, and after ti e fun eral, Janet, his old servant, produced a will, giving kr the farm tnd the sav ings if years of gnndiBg eeotiomy Govrgina had known of this, and had gently remonstrare3 when - Mr. Gi roy would have made another will. 'I have nicA-e than I pend,' p'tie Said, hut onee more hoirc'ss, Mie jomed a pariy of Mrs. C;.ssoin's friends, and wt nt at road. Here was suily i itere.-.t var.ety, but never ease fur the old heart-hunger. What 'woukf till her life, round it to it. full perfeet'on ? Love was offered more than ore , but met t;o return, end t;he -ighed heavily over her owu hard hea;t. In lljme, tvhera the party lingered many weeks. Georgina lived a new life of delight in seeing v. hat she had im agined in hours of reading, what her father had often described to her, hav ing veiled the internal City as a tut r in his young days. But in Rome, one of the party, 1 unk ing in lazily to ti:e general sitting-r.-om ofhe widehou-e where they all lodged,. Said, hiilf yawfiin.' : 'H.-.deroft is here, down with mal uii ! 'Where?' tome one ashed iadifT r outly. . 'At the hotel where we stopped the first week we were heiv. lie's going to die, they say,' 'Die! Duncan Hole" )ft !' Gocrtna nropel her way dizzily, unperceived, 'to the Lalcony. She must have air or sni ;ther. Die! Did llollis Taylor say Duncan Holcroft wa? dying? What ai!'ed hr-r head? Why did her Lea it beat so heavily and s'ow'y? Die! Could 'he wide v or'.d bol l s ti uch tnisery as pre-sed her down? Like a lightening f.a h she read, '.he cause of a;! ' or re;'t Yori. She (loved Duneri- JU-l-i- King amongst men. She had walked away from her own para li- e, closing the door, nod Duncan Ho!cr;ft ou'd dij, and rever know she had L.yed Una. At the hotr'l where they had .-.topped. Wb it was elo-c beside them. She e.u'd be th' re iu ien n.inn'ea. She never paused to thick of r pri- ety. ' rapping her head and .-h-uhicr-s i-i a fleecy white shawl, sh-- sped al ng ihe.'stieer, thankful for the gathering twilight.. Tlu waiters stared, but lci her to the room. At the doer she paus ed. She e'-juld see a Sister of Chari y kneeling beside a high bed, could lr-ar a faint v nee say : . .A-1 n. kW-J .-- i f..v't t. v w - "SMi 3 15ei! - - L,!:,. . . - - . V c-..--1 i.-ua ZJ: fp-plj eivi . ..... . loo w Timiiinmiiii iii ii i ' 1 1 -' ' " '-- j '"AitiiKoixiAX oSvuay b made at Tim ' . m. . CARTHAGE HORTH CAMffiiMllAY, J1E 29, IS73 ' or society, tut hand, Vd, tborcuih- ly one ia heart and mil ful work and tender-e leisure hou:s, wjioo frie: answered. I,." Cad use- io fill all wip's calls are The nrf!iit dismisyrby tht Em peror of ILussu 6t Chief of Police T wounda Iit3 rt'Qeiv from til:? pis''oT- ! rpcal3t; Viss wit t:r . HYGJEKE. f ; TLia w'fjir yoar HbaKh."' ' ' '" t The Laws of Life.' ,. 1. Tempcraiica, in alL thtns, whither f-hsicftf, mentl, ntoiul, aiuetional, or religbas. 2. Justice to uU creatures hat be jaiti.co being the exorcise of prectst'iy the ' sa-ue rules of ;(, j;Piiduc,r, thought, or speech that Last J une Trepoif visit ed i ha prisorr tar political imsoiieis 1:1 til. Fo teburg and inspected the intnates, who, i;ec6rdin j to the'rules.walked about fd"io , court yard' without speaking to each other.? Finally, he observed two men in convtTsa tion iind shouted to the prison director, who tremblingly followed him: "Why do tlnjse men firjo-y nn itnmunity V" "Seigneur," said one one of them, named JJogolioubcfi", in sileech aud act urri.' u- " - .... -J. .i lit OltlLTtf' (IT .i". orifeeds;. never hur inJaught that bre: f ne purposes of sus defense. 4. Truth in every wwrd or thought spoken or acted; but re servation of harsh or impleading trutlis, where they would r.ced lessly wound the feedings of others. 5. Charity charity in thought, to excuse the failings o! lu:iitaiIoa rtlit 5lcai. 4 herd are probHldy few persons who have not at wme 'lime i;i tk-ir lives had if not fJr mofe than- a rrtQ ment palpitation of thu honrt. Tho Uisei'su j - dortoti&rnt on over vv citosmrntof thcuecvs'of this orgin, Uua!!y it lasts but a few moment bat r-ases are on record ofits cortti nutng eight days nt the rate of 100 beats to the minute. Vh?te nor caused by disease of the li-art or its valves. it isncta cd;tnjerWs'af Iti6a, The" dfsttrMtn;.eLt is per- Wit nrf1 Many syllables I 0 - BjoJigannmoTi Her Lusf( Slow matches Long engs V ' Vvivj lies the head that we'a Lpgond vf 'Xor.Umit.i ln'iatVs. omV5: , looaa u hutu.in 1; pny J - divine ! y.. 51 ' 'Ri iui? fo Ja". to a few pnnll-mcn ii''-! " Vo-h g:v Is the . way a liunftholdof " ' ' . : Virdel lisOtdverti-c-JiCQf: -' , '.' 1 t: . 'ion arras jivUyaa ctans" i m - - 1 athes, save-ror L.. ';. ' , t ut r.'txlVx --? -. - i . V V f fcnvii-K nrp.'"f "v"u ..... avoiu o vor-rxeriio-n, f .r "--. r3 . --1; - V ri i T1-"" tight clothing nervous excitement. ' ft rft I and vTrom a crowded or tin ventilated , room a dw's knee, Wt thinks better, of ic and above all loading the stomach hack agsio, that's what 'they call a relapse. Mr. Edward Uo-ewater, editor of llm O.naha Bee, was brutally assaulted by a rough in tint town tliM ,wrek. Tlt s nviii" "we,- "Hold your tongue," ! vlt,-.,,.,m, ,...7!;.,.. was the reply. "Director, place jt1ie f'i 0f'ol!u.rs. (.uiritv I tins mitn m a rluri(rfon. Ilornhniih. ; .i... i ., , : i ... n , , . , . (Reus, wuerever, wneuever, unit to on reinanieu lnimovaoie, witn hisu.v, hat upon his head witlr indigestiblo articles of food We have known many instances of palpitation cured by adopting plain, simple habits of fife. whomsoev er the opportunity of- lsrjn-y tiicsick the afflicted in irepoit Silted : Ins stick to knock .'it ort, but -his; (;, AIms"ivinn- v victim snatched it Irom his hand j anj comloVtin unauir -w uau.ay. i i.o ,oz taKe ,.vcry p!uipe that our m,,a,18 njmit oft my hat to tyrants, 'said he. At j of Ui(. ,ieeesshies of our fellow uusii;.omft;c two l'Uei's .seized littn. iaid him upon a bench, took off his1! arments,-tied liim, and admitilis-1 T:ae S3i-:t Wcaisli. Tie great struggle with civilized men' -in this worid is for'wealth. rough ft't bad because the 7?ee stunj him. V.c.v. Jeremiah II,il'ock once said M creatures d.eman tcred, by order of Trepofl and under j (;ttlMj ijV our I.:, r. CJ... I I - . I . I . . . : 7. Se. f-sacri!ice, wherever the interests ut others are to be bene- his eyes, fifty blows with'the k'noiut vvnicl left the unfortunate man in u t dated, iua nim ate, tnd streaming with blood. Six months afterward a young girl called at Trepoifs office with a petition for Bogolioubolfs release. "In twawty years,'' said Trepol!', with a sardonic - smile, motioning his attendant to admit another visitor. At this moment the-girl fired two balls into his' breast, "and with flashinir eyes held the revolver siokiti'- in her hand. en Jurat S". Temperate vet firm defense of our views of right, and protest against wrong, whether for our selves or others. - 9. Industry- in following any calling we may be engaged in, or in devoting seme portion of our time, when otherwise not obliged to do so; to the service and benefit of others. 10. ' Love above and beyond seeking to cultivate in our own Th !S is called the prime good, the I a young mini-ter who complained of hi-i one tiling needful, the great desid-1 small salary. ly young brother, per eratum of life. So men toil for it; j haps it is all Christ can afford to jdve deceive, cheat, defraud for it. Give y0U. nine, sirem-jtii. and too olten good health for it. The truth is, the es timate put upon wealth is too high. Its value, its goo I, is over Vicar's daughter. '''Ami why did Aaron make a go'dea calf?' Sharp child of three and a half. Tl ase, Mis, be rated. It is not thuereat good. It - cause he hadn't got enough gold to make is not the best thing man can have. ! :if0w; A Fl rid t npgro mi-to k a mule for a ghost and p-iked it with a stick. THo vei diet recited lhat lie came to his death It does not confer peace of mind nor purity of heart, heart-telt hnp piness nor'contentmeut, nor home ; .. : .1 i.i. i i - ... - J7',m" u ou.-ss. "or any bj td0 s,,ort a slick ia bin t,)) ot Hie solid and enduimg enjoy- , t c i o j j i unknown evidence of a future existence, merits. 1 I Wealthy homes- are often no j Two rasrnST.s rre conver ing in happier than thos-i ef'ihe poor and ; "day cani.-e about music. Or.c gpn- co'mfortalde livers. Poverty ! l'cui .n a.-ked the ( ther, who appeared always an evil;' but a fair supply i rather sh.pl.c. "Do you know the Jar- cf .the necess.u;ies and comforts ol I k-r ;f Seville?'' 'So," replied the -hit- ii!e ymMrb'U ted I hlml lamines, .--;i,i ii oo- tiudred, mi 1 ITl , TTTT 'tieu'ruino, a lov.u f rien I; i - i ."- ---tfTcrrean 7i tTfn spea.K , ttnd act no ! wrong lo anv creature liviirj ; re- : .. "i .i. , . ...I. ... I ; me J ; 1 111'! 1 i i; .UVVt.yS I Ihi I V. .Itl t; linr : i I , l ts, ;!;i rheotl:.-r principles of . ight j .. VIrll.e rare imiiiieii neiie. an it, inuuenceo j 1 Li l i i t ra it 1 1 t i!'t. I qmU: as apt to confer red , j peace as great wealth. It. is not ' always fhavo myself." w-nrt: hful young rtiati apjdled lo his i " miiiuii me I t pure all-'Ctioiis. .', ' ' i e-s the to i cat, and pay b'lict attcit , wea-lthit st i . , , , , ) la 'j.'i 1 - ay. H-.: i- ..t K II. f atiu e i; oe' . le-. Ibid. f,r-t !2ea!fli. 'She is here, in itome. deid carry my message. l. ved her to t!;e la-t her at the anldress I gave jjon. I am Sleepless people ami there aj manv in America should court the-sua. The very worst soporme jis laudanum, and the very best sunshine., inereiore ib is vei i K, .,.,- the feet warm and tin plain that poorsleepers shoulo lsU il! C,J0. JJreatlie nm e air. Keep many, hours in the day in inej sunshine, and .is few as posssibie in the1 shade. Many women are. , , . renuire. Go to bed martyrs, and .yet do not know it. I earp.. ventilate your sleeping 1 hey shut- the sun:u.ne oul ui their houses; and their hearts, they wear veils, they carry parasols, they do all possible to keep ell' the i-nct i croft to coma and pr.opc.se to her, as her Tear Georgina had the free, e'pen coun- j Ma5ue v aunt iuformed her he had reipiesd d . t, -;, pa-fee derly to do as she pl.-ased. Trem-blina 'a-.d white, Gergii.a cr T.n 1 ... t I subtlest and most potent mdu Uvl.i-Mi is .T .i-endpd to L'lvo tnem Yob. will find .. ,,'., ,f ..,,".! ....-fui- I OL l Uii il , ..IIU .IITIllilJ . ii.. ''cf,r ! in ss. Is it e.ot time to change al: rei the I t,a ;uid (T,.t- r-jilor and roses ill m our the akin clean. ie: ( . -e in SUCH ii uiiui i itiii iia oir room. Keep' trie bowels open by means of suit able diet and exercise, ii possiijie ; ii not, oy inieeuons Lat piain, nutri 0VM whose 'I: i- p ;.-ib e,' l.-rtnrked a Uv r to heart, beats with wm n sympithies j i.i sveo.h a;-, '.'or i..c to spell Cupid.' for his lel!ow-Vnei!- who .finds good j ''A by m.J' -he innocently remarked, in all seasons, oil providences, and j 'Because,' he ansae el when I come all men. 'IV serierous mm vvko ! ,0 r, ic.m cono fu:thar.' As a friglitemd darkey, chased by an infuriited bull, neared the bound ies of tho iic'.d,; l e entl usiistieally exclained, 'Milli.'Us f;r do fence, but not ono i ,i, ' tdties the u!)'irtun;i,te ; the poor i Mit ji . . , man who resists temi Vatnm: the . wise man who orders well his Ide; the loving man who clings closely to his family and fiiends ; the stu dious man, who se.-ks itistruction eent for de brut in idl things, are the truly wealthy men. ExcIkuvjc. and pure water. tious.-fo-.jd at n'gu'ur hours, under True' Iflciacii. 'What's the diJ'crer.e,, asked the leach.erin art' hnieMc, 'between one yard and two y;rl-?' 'A fence,' wu the re-t-ly. .of a MiOKiher of the cIjss. Tr.o tuis, tiii our ile'chsieks. s'reugtir. oui ii.-i the be a MiJ. . . i . r : . . :. i .. . i . . , . permission io uo, ucoigma, iiu.ur nun t'e command ot li -r own income gentle, felt hit whole being ri-e in re- j 1S as not hap; y. ' volt. Was life to be to her what it was ,j believe I am naturally of a c.is-.toheraunt.aroundofc-iRing.-shopping, jCuUtented disposition,' she thought, as party-going, party-giving, interviewsj .he wanjtredf rt'essly, up a shady with dress makers aDd milliners? Could j ar,e. 'I've got all I want, a country ehe not escape to fome locality where ilom0( 0& WOmen to help, children to there we" nobler aims aud desires? j be kjn(j to i cm piay iady bouatiful .Where? - , i to half Fry Corner on a small scale. I .... . have miles of eood. useful sewiny. cleti- i ty of books, my own pia.no, nobody to scold tne, no fiu ry to worry over, an l yet I I wonder if Duncan Holcroft i care- because I have gone?' , JVhat made that ques ion leap to her weak iacks. and courage in our The women of Amer lUtft in s.-ift v i.i vin : ev's shoulder : .1. - .i :..,.! li .nnnno- nil i Strofltr tlU'l liie, v..! 1 anvtieorgina ijuroy,- sac wui.-ijci-. - - .n isx-v 1 sunlight wi.i be a potent liiuuence, ; ft tnvej ,vet . , , I in this transformation. Will they But low as it was tne wius-pcr leaau- r hand nr.on the s:s- tini'u souls? ! ica are pale and delicate; they may Of. . A iilt'e iastniL' is o'ten remedy ior a sii-hf cold, ver, iie'ii ralitiii oi the face. id a'll those diseases that aiise o:u a (iisiiid.-i ed stomach.. Soiue ):;'-so;is 1 1 .:,.! w a last whii stieu . . ... j .. i i e Uii' as io .;esao iiu uoi.ui ei- compresses, mad ' ot cooi wat'T, bv iinotin A jreritlemati in the nortn Oi teaener was .-rent : . .. 1 T.I. i , . , -i . . i 1 ...I... - 5 ' Ciic-i .Ui en c; !iis. auc s anil vi;u- ; tti2!atiu tlllce said toa .ll ieiiu u-uo . ..-..... ni-.l hi.n In i Wo k : Uftt 1MSIM1 II lli.iil . i 1 . ,- ii......--. I ' .nn. .ii- I .'f mil- nun laf 1 KWSM.s-- ' ' 1 "' .lavs are generally i.uore in nuiii her than our evil dav, our days of I iiiean, as k i i. n lee's, toji i iind cove re uable mines, belong to me vomh r powerful steam entr.ni tains '.lie produce of mv mines, ai table to our condition and cir- van), tlituerto, 'leordina naa ;eeu gently firm. But oa this day ever her "courage failed before r:er .sunt' wrath at the proposal to diimiss Duucm Hol croft. I He came across the wide drawing room as she j sat thinking, Ihis fojotfall unheard upofe the soft, carpet. He was tall, ereot, handsome, past fifty, y old ; his eyes clear as a boy's, hi b IIUl ed Dancao Holcroft's ears, and a.smile lighted his white, wasted Lee. 'Little Georgina,' he said faintly. 'darling, have you'eome to say farewell.' -'No!' she answered, strangling the sob in her- voice. I have con, e to -pray yGU to live for me !' Mfif.'i.- nt a v nm -l.v-i -I H'nL -t . lI.I.' . - .-I in I I I . I I .11 " 1 r.ese ueaui u:u as vour eye can reach, those ma-i.-.'iie woods on the brow of the ',!iJ.,r. hills, and those extensive ', prosperity (uch, ....-. ...... - - - 7 - , (- . -. , II - I. ! . : I t - . cu'iiHtannes.) th m our days oi ai- 1 ins - 1 most cei tain. convev ,v wealth to though m.osl o: us are rpi y v. i-'o koifdom." up our accounts olherwiese. . IIov, 01 (al least compeiem j ive we enjoyed lor one e II. ..,r flay 01 grievou"' dumup. and permanent relief, and mav be , your estaU There dwells a poor! many blessings lor a iev ro.s. used without danger, provided the ! -omaII who can say more than all j For one d-mger that oath s.irpmr . , 1.1 1 .i . - ii- .. ,- . ' , , t : . : . 1 ml na briAv niiiiiv .scores 01 (biriL'i'lS Tli i-i!,Vi-:mr frnoi tl',P npn of:8yStefl' ' 1101 ' )i ' COIO ! tlilS, tof SilC C.insaV, -UIUH 19 f , c? Ihe( :oi!o,,ng Irom the pen ol . T ,J-, gAr . , T .-. , tiaVe we escaped, and solie. of them V il 1 CI i'liwi'lll! j 'I DI'U; in -L ' litllil . 1 I i i I . f ' ' " V I 'coui Wiiti-r curt-; lot. try it ay ear or two,-and oblige ! toWtlt applied do the head, throat, j -Weil, mv lord," reolieJ tht gen- many days ;housaiids of admirers? Hearth j chest bowels, spine, or u hatever J tieman. "do vou see' yonder little j health !inv i iart sutlers nam, often aiton! six-edv Miov.-l that seems but a speck on ti and Ihiue. Tryirsgvjo Live M'it5iont Work. The, following from the pen of 1 1 W noracevjieeifj,isirueaoUa1.t...ca-; , ...:. . .:n k. v...v narrow v Hut alas: wi iKuini ntii-if "( lor .p.erii) h are 1 : 1 " ' t ' - - . .1. . t.. .. i...- A greatjy lighted the Iangnideye,---v :ncli the ; best practitioners seldom use ah-: liiltM, wj.,mi ,e scanty limits oi u , writ on ; I , . e.. ..f it . .1 ti-.ifur . 'n .H'i.rn I ... Mil fvntl IflVP C ! dill (lili.WUtMia ii'. io.i.f i ,1 Vi JLCiy L'oi'J inu.iiui -itiuit lUIJH.1 DUl Mi' "f"1 l" l . v i i , . !; . s. 1 1 iiiAm .rioa cn rt'n 111 I nil ths s irn- gray hair curling and abundant, hip-gray mouatacha giving a military ait to his well out features. Faul'thss in attire, jnind a hundred times a day. She had refused him, put him out of her life, and yet she thought often of his courtly manner, his grave, gei.te kindness, his real conversation, so different from the society small, talk that wearied and puzzled her. Did he miss her? She felt courteous in manner, he also possessed j herself such an atom in his ciicle of half million attractions in solid invest- j f'10 : -0 lowly and little, compared to the belles fluttering efer in his view, so ignorant and insignificant, that she meats. JSut all elsa seemed to him worthless compared to the possession of the slen der, pale child who, half-buried in a deep arm chair, realized as yet nothing of the yearning love in the large, dark eyes fixed upon her face. It was scarcely to be supposed that Dhncan Holcroft, bachelor tas he was, had iraveled over sixty years of lifp with untouched heart, butte had lived over all other love till this one earner and conquered hitn. 1 ; It stirred his b.trtjwith a siek paiu, ! coming, to fret sally if sh Fur you ! Geotglna, do you love me . t Wft of pro,ctive labor an nt. last?' i .... II..., nriil .t,ri,. nr. rl.o fr.wd; i hiirp paitlS, C LI V IU MIC ?l'J .mini' w wivv.i - - sobbed, 'only 1 know it at last !' ' less traffic. VVe have deplored te-v ; S eedy re,iev. In n.most I bovs learning trades.with ten times , r" ' :'LV ' , mxious to rjet: into busi-1 i ' , . , - I . n l ,t 1 siiyui'i iiUk Liiii ..ij iiNii-i .it i ii-i UfSS; Iliac is iy uev ifu mui: i ru-.nt-, . live without :"J'Ji . . : a uooi him waking after many hours to sea lov-j '. J ,j .' - . . 'sense, an I'll it- 1 lluai-l llv ' vl ' 1 -' i i r ing eyes unweanedly watching him.!. ,. , .,u, ,-.,; ; ot his iro..ss:on lill". ll'Ut niu .nil--' . , , . . I o. .... . . ... I.nnr'piifti ee n.i h.-i. t hi hfO'i-i 'I cmnot die now,' he said. And he did not. Clasping Ce, r'ina's I too many a s'en ler hand fast, he found the life-eiv-! iniT sleen all nnreoties had tVled to L'ive i W - o i c .-.!, lov-i he '-raduafe-! aS t!mt I.e hi in as terei r a lor non'.erl henr; tli;m i, . . i. .. t . U..t Vour l-r(ls:t! mjw i ioss.es. -t-n . " - - - s,i, iiiheiirance iacOrruptit.ie, :....!..,. ',:.! thatfideth not ; former. Audlhisn the greatest eseivedin heaven tor those i or our u-iuiaiiKiua..-u.y .e U lli.il Ili.il 11) MS"-,.;!' aWaV, re who are' kept by the power of God an iaith unto Silvat ion.. -ihiouch couscietiliotis i!;;.n.0t 'e a go .0 '- i ; --.-1 e . t it . i i e I:iol e . x T:ic 3 3Ta!o. the way bwlTi'.Ces I A Sri: I-: I.kmkuy vou a Coucir. -i- iVlke a haudfu! ot hop', put it into three pints of hot water"1, let re ;, .,, r,n b. .!f linnr. or until, the ft .-v.. y - " ... . - - cpuld only wend.r when she remem bered the honor he had paid her. ' String fl.wers fadecf, summer bloom died, autumn fruits were fathered iu, winter vnows melted., It was May again, and Georgina had been one year at Fry Corners. The old farmer had fa led iu that year, and very tenderly and pitiful y his grandchild nursed him. He learned to love her as he had loved nothing for many years, to watch her left him. The, were marri-d when the 1 ;JU -,pi,,and the disparity is steadii v Perience e.e nas had the oettc; a;: i , ),,,,,.,.,! o:1 t!!.. .faked plains of the trenth is out. Then strain, and came a few hours later, the good fister aiJgnTt.ntiag. One million families! tnt- 'ss he miaht seem fu rely u-poii , , T-i. bulfaloes col-; a1,j om. an1 half cups of best still remaining to share the nursing, j are tryir.3 Wlive by selling liquors. ; nitrdicine, and tne more he o.t. . u,(. -n .C1.,lltt;es!i iter,k f,,r water, kind of inok'ses. and one cup of Hut the litVgiring joy was Georgina s j tobaceeecTndv, etc., in our cities,! trLl 10 , t',''"': U"' , ,t,m-' ' and it is at the uv.Kr holes they ; white sugar. Tiien boil down love, and all the restless dUe.utent left her happy life forever, when ones she knew the secret of her own heart. . ' Mrs. CaSiowin says: 'She can't understand why Geoigina followed Dm can Holcroft to T-ome, j who fbuld be spared therefrom witd.out the Siigntest puoiic nciri-; Y;iat in ment; and if these were transferred ' cyuiiucute l miu. i.i r., . ...,.,,,,,...1 T!:e ead.-r n rst:jl.; .. hrSirl.t AiU . r an-nm. Si-AU Sav.s Thee 1 6,,tH ly vO-riw g"",- ih'.$ de-;,.ttMj 'kelile, to about one quart. 4 ' t I - 1 ... I .1 .. I. . . . .- . i ... 7 . ... ,mir:iii7-iit ine I ern aiei ii-e sjiooc- - v hnLii na it u r.-m u n.r arssavsoii-ei.iaverv si 'mu ant to . ' . . . - j .v.. - - to the soil and set to growing . . , ,, " ;. ' ing may be continued at pleasure. Drink u little when you , , ; Oa. ill lut tveii i:i.;v s-"..r to us!,. i-t- t i- ,t 1 c- . grain, meat, wool.etc, or employed i , Tneyaie killed .toi t.ie vu.ue ol ,.oUg!,. in smelting the metals, or weaving ; dwii !iut is cxoib tant ia eart1, fanei s, an 1 t eucjurai; e-e i r!ip f;ihrie. fur whieh we are runil- i wheu.be might as well have h i,-gip ,jebt iin Europe, otir country proper wedding and recep ion at home, W0UJJ increase its wealth at leas ': and Georgina has never explained. twieff' as much as it is now, and j nieaL-.rg te.r :;! i :.:: u.-i Fry Corners sees her no more nor will there would be far less complaint n a" hjrin-.i.y .f th-. w.-o'c her husband make her a slave to fashion u dull trade C.lld hard times.' ! dite;ted tiatar-: u;:d lif. -' I ed cei ami carcases are left to per-; Sayn tlie Cincinnati liiwkfuU TnUe: sh. Two hi.-tidivd t hou.-iand head G.-e.k i, the lauguae for pcetry, lave alri-i; !y bee'i s'aughtere afid l-'jei eh for lov , and Iuluu f r baud ck fstiy,-.l.eJ-there- will be three i L.rjltQ uxy . bat th . :naa v.ith a tl irt ;m,dre.i fifty thousand killed ,v,l,;i- thr.t u'i ii is the same hopcyesJ .'cieii' the vcasun t- over, :' llovi iu u!'. i - Y .-1 t

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