f: :v;- ;-v.: -N, v fi) ;: ) . A A5 - a ' THE FLOWERS COLLECTION riBLIsilED KTEBX TllfBKDiT STREET BREWER. (0K4, Eont side of McReynolJu' n4reet Carthnge, K. C) l ' I' ; X - . I - V . - 1 ... . ' i! - f f 1 - ?MiifI W AY rfW"' :B: " - : - iyear.. ' 7 " : i ; J 3 months 2ilKi ,. - TRUTH WITHOUT FEAB. j 6 ' .. 3500 ; . --. ' " : . .-, - ; . ' f " l "jw r.oo; I . . J I ... , '-- j- r - ---T -czr-U-Tr. - :.: - zrz 1 ' 3 month,. ... . . .. . . . 45 IK) V CARTHAGE,. HOBTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1878. "into 35. WmJS - 'atuai;ixU" office. . i .. r 1 r . Rate of Subscription : Single ropy, one year, , " " nix months ,.. :100 three months. ;u An extra copy will le given ny pcnwn , n. ruling n club of ten. All KnbccriptionH to be pnil in alvanc. ' Business Cards- Railroads. riitrutrtwl toliin. Jan. 15th.. 1878. JAMES I. Mt-IVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CARTHAGE, 3T. C rrncticest in nil the 'iuirt of the f tutr. 1'rompt n'tenlion givt-n to till bumuess. '. -tfita.it M - J. M. BROWKJ ATTOR ZTETZ' AT X. A. W Troy, N. C. rmctiro in thrromtH of Mont(-miiprr. ;nul iiiir.iniiic''Ci.nutis. . lx.K-tf ATTORVEY WO CI!!I.SELLl)R AT LA.W, XJARTHAGE, C lVrtct ii-cs in the Courts of Moore :uul ail joiiiint; t'onulioH. , ' CoUorl'loti iimili; in Any jvrt of Hie Ht:ite. ( 1 if. .1. W. ITilNSOALr, . lUlt l;:h. N. C. .1. A . WoliTHT, (.'urtliiigc. N.. 0. H1.UEUF SClll-.DL'LK.. j 1 KALEIGII & OASTOV RAILROAD. i .-MiiM-rintcndenf h ()m;e, i j Ruleigh, N. ('. , Jay 20, 1878. On Mi.1 Hfter MONDAY Muy 20. I78, tif:iinsi)i the .Raleigh A Gaston Railroad ill run flaily (Sand .y excepted) 8 tol- loWH. MAIf. TRAIN". I.eares Raliish at ..... . . . . '0 10 am Arrives t Wei Ion 3 00 p m Iaives WcMon 12 40 pm Arri ves at R-ilct;;h . . 513 p m At'lOMMODATIO.V TRA1S. UaV.-K i-.;.l. it,''- 4 15 p m Arrive :it WeMiin 3 20 a m l.e:iv.s WeMon 4 40am Arrives at ltiilt-igh 400 p U Mni.1 tr:iin nuikes close connection -at Wtl.ym with the f cnbonru ouil Roanoke lfciiiTo:ul iiu.5 II.y l.iiie Steamers via Balti moie, to and trom all poftitH North, AVest and oit!i-west, un I ith PeturMbnrg, Ricb nioml, and Warhingt'n City, to and from all points North ami North-weet. And at Kalei"U with the Raleigh & AngusUv Air Line to ilaj wnwl and r-'aycttcville. Hamlet, flMilotte, Wilmington and all points Amtb. . JOHN f. WINDER, -General Ifuperiutendent. noil tf lll.'SIAI,H & UOKTIIV, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Cnr'hiige, JlVf., Have 'formed a eo-pnrtnerliii for the prac tice oljlaw iu the eounfy ol1 .Moore. - ' . . . JAWES A. WORTHY, ATTOKNEYATLAW, CAltTMAGH. N. C. ' rraetiees'in Moore, Harcctt, Montoui riy mid K lolph count ietr". . SK!ei:il atten tion given to the collei'tion of ejaiuin. llol-tf Ladies Aid Society. rv L All NtH'l KTY will lo all kinds of inney worl , Fiich as I'-raiiliiijr, Knibroidery, Kilting, KnittMip, Cuitinp and Fitting for ' llontlemcii Ladies mid (diildren. They will keep on hand' late styl-s, and dispose of patterns very cheap. .S'..wiiig of all kinds received on" the 1st ami 3rd ' Wc dneday ' evenings of caeh lnou'li, at Mr. N. G. H MAIU.KV& no27tf III WK JUST 01'1'NED UUf ASIIOfc nf At - . . ... . sanford; isr. c. RALEIGH i A I GUSTA AIR-LINE, Snperinteiideut's Office, Raleigh, N. C, Aay 20, lb78. J. ONT AND A FT Kit MONDAY, May. 20th, IsTs, trains oti this Load will run as fol lows (Sundajs exv.ej)ted): 1 l-ASHENUKU TU " N". GOING SOt'TII. r.iiuvs - i . 5 dO pm 6 01 p ui U 20 p in S4 p in 7 15 p ni 7 3S p m . 8 i3 p m 8 47piu , J 80 p in 1(1 18 p ui 10 57 p ni 12 15 a in Raleigh t t'ary . t . Apex at New 11.11 at. . Merry Oaks at MoHcu.ro at ( Ngood at - " Sanford at aiuerou at . . , Manly at K cystr at Arrive at Hamlet uui.NU NOETH. Leave r- j II unlet at Keyser at . - Manly' at 'iimt-iou at .Sanford at Osgood at -Monenre at Mcrrv Oaks at New Hill at Apex at I'avy at Arrive at Raleigh It Is Xot Your Business Why, WouM you like to know the secret Of yonr neighbor's house and life! How he lives, or how he doesn't, ! '' And just how be treats bin wife? How ho spends Iiih time or leisure, Whether sorrowful or gny, And, where he goes for pleasure. To the concert or to the play? If vou wish it, I will tell you " Let me. whisper to you sly If your neighbor is but civil. It is rot your business why. . In febort instead of prying Into other men's affairs, If you do your own but justice, Yon will bave no time for theirs. Be attentive tD such matters, " 4s concern yourself alone, And whatever fortune flatters, Let yonr business be your own. ' One word by way of finis :.. Let me. whisper to yen sly , If you wish t bo respected, You must cease to be a pry. ' Tor His Sake- iso a m . 2 53 a m 3 31am 4 23 ;i m n 28 a ni 5 55 a n; 0 20 a m (I 41 a m 7 ii2 a in 7 2S a ni 8 15 a ni 8 45 a m This train makes cloee connections at Hamlet witji the Carolina Central Railroad to and from "jWilmington, Charlotte, Ashe ville, tateslfille, Warm Springs, and all points in Western North Carolina and all I oints i'outh and Southwest, and at Raleigh with the Raleigh k Gaston Railroad to and from all points Forth and Northwest. - JOHN O. WINDER, Superintendent. noil -If Located in the bns'uesn part of the town. Keep nu liiind awed silic:ed STtH'Kofl l.K MH. R of all KIN US. lease call or i , , , . ., , wud in your order, it wi'i be promptly 1 Time Table Western Railroad. ..i'i... cumiTlVP ViiTli V :ic.i oond hHOK-MAKER WANTKD. 1 Liberal ' take -Lffeet on Monday, Mij 20, 18,b price will lie -paui inouiniy. iiive us a Trial. W. R CAMniELL. Jan.-,lltb. 137. uo3-ly ll.VIl.Y KXCKI'T SfNIlAV. TO THE TRAVELING PUBLIC. MA'L LINE FROM AKTIIAii: TO AMi:UO leaves Cameron, daily, at. . ... .10 A M.I Arrives - " , ........ 5 I'. M. Make? cotinecfion with the t'ars naming f,l evening irav.ieis wisiuii!; lo go to , (.av0 Jonfl!,j0ro at 'arthage or return Iroin Cardiage tit am- ,.-:;. .,i v- i eton will al'A.iys find conveyance ready to i L I. Le-.ve Fayettevillc nt Arrive at Little River Leave Little River at "-j Arrive at Spout Spring ! Leave Spout Springs at Arrive at Swaun's Station ! Leave Swmiu's Station at 1 Anive at Jonesbnru 1 I ,eave .loncslioro at ; Arrive at Sanford Ijeave Sanfoifl nt Arrive at Egypt DOWN.- I.eavc Egypt at Arnve at Sanford Leave S.i nford at A rrive at Jonesboro tarry thita. iio4 tf ;i:ki;n RAiLF.Y, Mid ( '(.ilractor. - MYERS & KELLY'S Hotel CARTHAGE 2ST. C. Tab'es supplied with tut EI'-SV the Maiket Jl fluid. Also nil kind of Liijuorn, I-aeT Beer, Wine, Cigirs tud Tub u r. at tin liar. BERRY FOSTKU RYI'.' WillSKY A Sreciahty. , ; I'lease uiy n a oU . O , . Cl 1 ' i I i.eaie ohhiiii s ciauon ui ; Arrive a Spout Spring j Ijeave Spout Spring at I Anivc at Little River ! I ti-ave Little River at . Aniveat I'ayetteville I Comiert at Snnfor 1 with trains of Raleigh a id Aiigntta Air-Line North and Sooth, j L. C. JGNKS, Superintendent. : 4.00 p. ni. 4 40 p. m 4 .4," p. m o.l il p. m. o.lo p. m. ti.OO p. in. (.():j p. in. C.30 p. in. b 40 p. m Ct.'O p. in. .0w p. m 7.20 p. m. 7.40 p. m, 8 10 p. ui. H.liO p. ni 9.10 p. m, ' !) .25 D. m. 9.5i p. in, 9..: p. iu. J0.3.T p. rn 10.45 p. m. 11.10 p. m. 11.20 p. m. 12.qj p. in. When the Flirg Scud discharoed her cargo and passengers at the London Dock, there landed among them a pen tleraan who had been absent from Eng land nine year. All that while he had passed under ti e burning suns of India He had suffered as soldiers do. He hd fought as soldiers fight. Ho had met the soldier's fate of scars and wour.ds, and one of the in had invallided him ho r.e to England. It was the first time he had trod her shores lor nine years, as we bave said, and for the first tine iaany year he wa gi ing to see his son, the Hblja boy born after he left&oine, and whose birtli had been lis motLers Jde.a(h4 j iapm r eury u uu oniy. Decu mr ried ' year when lie was ordered abroid with hi regiment.1 Six months from that day a letter reached him telling ti n his wi'e was dead. f. The letter wa written by an old nurse, the only friend iho had been with her. It ended thus "1 he oaby. hs h' e a child as 1 ever aw, is thriving. I've done, my best for it. Its mother's last wi-U. .was should keep it and perhaps, sir, as some one muht, you'd as leave 1 as any other I sian't be unreasonable in my charge." and I'm very foud of him already. With my duty to you in 1 1 is dreadfu ful trouble, . , - Yaur Servaut, Ann Golden" T''0 poor broken-hearted man almost sack under the awful news. He Jtad lovid las wife passionately, and when the baby was old enough to travel, tdie weuld have come to him in India, brav ing its teirible ciinate and the life of a sol ier's wife abroad, be:ause they coul not live apart. Now he did not want little baby on his bands, and ho wrote to Ann as soon as be could command. himself to do io, appointing her hi: nurse. Every quarter since that time, he bad sent tnoncy to ber for the child's board an! clothe3; A receipt was aiways rc? turned with "her duty, and the young gentleman was doing well," and tbis was all ho knew of Lia Ellen's boy- the cl'i'.d of a love that bad been as 6trou as it was tender, Now that his foot was upon England sj Miscellaneous. rem, and Im saw that, besides being youdfr, and small, and win, and dirty, and ragged, he was dfirmed. His qf er little hhoulder- Wi re heaped up to bis ears, and bis hands were like tal. ons, so Jong and bony were they. The eaptaiu held the wrist of this mann kin firmly,. but not angrily. , 'WlU did you mean hf that, Hr?" he grjwled slowly, stioping down to ook into the boy's eyes. Tib to hook y," sid the boy with erfect candor. " "On, please let me be ! Oh.p'easebl go! Oh, please, Mr, I won't do it no more never, oh, jilease V Ye mind to send yo to jail," said the captain. ".No, please, s;r !" said t the waif. Please sir." 1 "Who taught you to stoal !" asked the captain. The boy made no answer. Clriray tears were pouring from his eyes. 'Answer me," said the captain. "Il I d m'tfteal, I don't get no vict- ua s, said the boy, "and my utomsiCh is as holler fell it, mister! it's as holler as a drum 1 She's beeu beegin. to-day, and we'll have stew. I won't have bone if I don't fetch not bin" Oh" "Who is she !" asked the captain. "My mother," said the boy. "I'v5 been hungry myself," said the captain, thinking of a certain Indian prison experience. "It isn't pleas ant," . Then he thought of his own boy. ' God knows I ought to be tender to the li tie one, for the Bake of NellieV child," be said softly ; "Laddie, I'll not send you to prison." Thanke, sir," said the urchin And I'll give you a breakfast," said the captain. The dirty elf executed a sort cf joy ous war-danee. ' Do you know why I forgive you?' gaiJ tlie eaptaiu. The child brook its head. "I have a little boy said the eaptaiu "He's very different from you, poor. child 1 lie would not tteal. anything He washes himself). My lad, you must wash yourself as soon as y5u find water. But I couldn't think of his being hun gry, and for his sake I can't bear to sec other little fellows hungry. It's f r his sake that I dou't call a cont.-t .ble and tell hi in all about it. Remember that, and try to beliUe m( little fellow poor laddie, clc in and go id. Don't steal; try to get work. Will you promise ?" The waif s tidies sir," of course. Then the o-ptaiii led him into cheap eating housef and watched bin- eat until his little stomach was no long er "holler." You little wretch !" he thought, as he looked at bim. "If I could s-ee my boy and him together now, what a con .trasU'' , Aud be fancied his boy round, and white, and pink, and fair of hair, like having bad her for !o4jer. " "She had a chil l staying with h- r, too," she sa;d. ' Little Xedhe called him ; but, to tell the truth, she drank S' that I had te turn her out. I couldn't abide mch doings. SI e went to Fossil Una, No. 9." To Fossil Lane the captain went. It was & filthy plac, and tl ere was a druken woman at No. 9 who was not Ann Golden, and whi threw a piece of wood at him for asking for tlist lady. And now eviry clae. was lost, and the captain, neaily be ide himself with anx. iety, applied to the authoiities for help ; and after many days of great unhap. i ness he beard of Ann Golden, who dvel in a quarter in London so low and dangerous that all decent people shunn ed it. "No wonder," the captain thought. "if she lived there, that she should have bad b'u reinittmces sent to the potoffice, and left him to believe that lis child was'stM in the decent home to whieb she had at first taken him." Almost ill with excitement, the poor captain drove, with a policeman as pro tector, into the maze cf hidious lanes aud courts that led to Ana Golleu's dwelling, and, following his conductor, dropped into a filthy cellar, where, amid the borrib'e leakage of draiu pipes and almost in utter darkne.'s, sat an old woman with a bottlo beside her, who started up when the eaptaiu and his guard entered wd cr'cd : "What now? What'tthe perlice her for? Is the boys wanted agaiu ?", And, altered as she was with years drink, the riir.tain kt'cw bis wife's old nurse, Ann Golden. He gavo a cry of rage and darted towards her. "My boy?'' he cried. And she screamed, "It's I he captain ! "Is my boy living?'' he nsk d. "Y' S." s id the woman, shaking a' over; '"he's a'ive and well." 'How dare you to keep him here?' cried the captain. "How can 1 he'p bung poor?" whiued the woman i "I couldn't give up the bit you pay for him. I'm very eld ; I'm, very ill. Don't lr bard on ifte." "Good hea ens !'' cried the captah. "My Ellen's baby in a place like lire !" ' He dropped his head on bis hands; then he lilted it and clasped them. "I'll have him away frim here now !" he gisped. I 's over, anl lie's yonunj and will forget. Whcrj u he? ILve you lied w he dead ?' "No, no," said the o'd wonnn. "He'll be here soon. I bear him now. That's him. fle'U be h.-re in a minute. That's him. He'll be her -in a minute. Dou't kill a poor body, ciptain, don't. "I could do if," cried the captain. Listen ! l hero is some one comino;. My child ! My child !" They turned upon the ehil '. Some queer kuowledgc of I U father's feeling had crept into his ndnd. and he hud tried to clean b s face. A round white spot appeared anid-t the j.riivc and out cf it shone two beautiful two beaut ful blue ee, th.t looked wist fully up icto the captain's, y AH ot a sudden, a flood of such piti ful tendiTiics as he had never felt be fore ?we-1 over Captain PenrynN heart All the L'l'mf and Inine and wounded pudo lett it, to. to.-iie back no more. Elb n's eye-," he Sobbed ; '-Ellen's b iy !" and took bis son to bis heart. "For hi- sake.'lie f-aiJ, sof'y, as tbbugh he stood, by the grave of the beautiful dreamchild he had just buried "for bis sake end Ellen V.'' And then bo led the child away with him. Take Time to Rest. Most men and women.niust keep in the traces and keep pulling the year round. All the more, it is their duty to take things easier as the longer days como on. The longer rest at noon. Put on less steam when you are at work Snatch a Sunday now and then from the middle of the week You can't? You can. People fiod time to be sick and to die. These can just as easily find time to rest and keep; well. All does not ue pend on finishing that dress or fen cmg that field; or putting up so much fruit, or. catching so many customers. Better that the child ren should wear old clothes than that their mothers should be laid Sisitle by fever. Better that the eom crop be a little lighter than that there should be no one to har vest it. Put up the store jshuttt-rs earlier at night; prepare plainer meals in the kitchen. Take a noon day nap yourself, and give your employees a chance to go fishing of an afternoon, now and then. That only is duty which the Lord lays upon us, and lie is not so hard :i muster as we do sonilnres sup pose. she res agaiu. and the meeting was jerWis poor lost Elen, and I kuow he said of if. TO THE TraVeling Public. THE GERMAN HOTEL AT Cameron, N. C. in now ope r. GOOD ROOMS. Table sup plied with the Best in the market. ; ' PRICES LIBERAL. All kinds of LIQUORS; CIGARS, TO BACCO, &c. found in the Basement. Ytry ResoectriUlv, AUG. MYERS, --:o33tf - Pror.iietor. Go To I Ruscoe's Tent, For Good Pictures. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY! : o : SOUTH 'CAROLINA HOME, ULD NORTH STATE, AND GT1ILR , ISSCRANCE COMPANIES j Keprosented by W J. STUART, Carthage, N. C. no2-tf i Jauuary 8th, 1878. For Sale Low. BClv Volumes of " The Southern Pres byttriivn Reviev ." unbound, froai Ko. 3, Vol. 17, to So. 4, Vol. 25. inclusive. 9 years and bii months, ending in December,1S74. A 11 perfect and in good condition. Enquire at t bis Office. April 25. 1878. i7tf. Job Work Neatly and Cheaply Executed at this Office. near, Captain Fenr.yn felt new thr'tl's a father loe through bis soldiers heart, and longed for bis boy's presence. "Ho would take him to himself," he said. "They would live together, sbar ing each others joys and sorrows. He would ni'ike man of the boy not soldier, for he knew the trials tf sol dier's life too well ; but something very honorab'e and creditable. Il should be proud of him, ' and . he hoped ah, how be hoped ! that Ellen's child would have Ellen's face." .. Then he thought how bis heart had been won by toys and sweetmeats, and coming to a shop where the former were cold, paused fceforetbe gay window, and began to wake a mental choio be tween a red and gilt stage coach and horses and a train ofbrtsibt blue car ru ages. ' lie Bad aKcaruea coin lor a dox of scirlet-coated. soldiers, suddenW ;he felt a tag at hit coat-tail, and turning round, be found a giimy litt'e htind half ToT Ealf out of his pocket. He caught it at once, with bis bankerehie.t in it and gripped it tight. He wa? a soldier the keeping of la and rule is a groat thing, to give thlit tie thief to a policeman and appear asainst bim next day. was bis first thought ; but as the creature stood there shatin'j and whinning.Jba fact of hi- diminutive size s'ruek the captain forcibly. He r erc-ived hi youth which wasex- that he wtuld pity Ihii poor feller and be kind to bim. The meal was over. The eaptaiu paid for ir, and then drew the boy be tween his knees and lectured him. To bo good was to be happy. Honesty was the best policy. Clean'.incss came next to godiness. Theso were the heads of hi discourse. Then he gave him half a crown, and bade bim go and be clean. - 1 And the boy was off like a flash. "Thousands just such as be in tfU great city. 31neli .Hurried. l'i.eay lies the head that wfar crown a; pliv i fiicu'arly, ie u.iln I iiiuik, iii ue ivii goi ctnii, wu'i na, or h d, COO coiiiinis-io ed wives and 2,400 wives by brevet, a 1 o! tben living m one vast palac; at IaiiaKoK. jiom men ut'uld rallier re'inqui.'-h a I foaer aud ioal autbo i'v than be qui e so much tuanifiil ; but we jrrMime, the polygon rus S'Hcreiii h s got sce'ii-ti m e.l to his sui cr bundiuit conuubulity. lie u wid to be an am able and enli.lit- ened Prince, "and Milneieiitly advanced not to grievij over lha recent death of the eepliant, a sacred. be; st a-nong t1e UudHhist. lie probably thinks h if 3,000 wives clephaiit enough for him, w thout cotein:n' -biinseU about U e actual quadruped, He inut be amiable sure'y, 'to get on t-moottily, as he s said lo do, with 0,000 women, nil cf whom Adviee to Those Xhf JV Make a full estimnte of all vou owe and all that is owing you. Keduoe the s mie to a note. As fatt "as tou collect ' pay over ir those you owe. If you can not.renow your note evtrj year.iind get the best Fccnrity you can, tJo to busi ness diligently and be industrious ;wa,., no idle u oments;be very (canon ical j t all things; dUcud all ride bo faithful in your duty ta God by regular and -hearty prayrr niornb'g and nighty tt- tentt ch ii nil and treating regularly every Sunday ;and do unto other meo as you would thry bhould do unto you. If you are bw needy in circumstances to give to tic poor.do wbatevbr else U in your power cheerfully .but if can, help the poor ana uufortunate. pursue . tbi.4. course diligently aud flncerely for seven yeirs.nnd if you ari not happy .oonifort. able and iudependent.come to me and I' v. ill pay your debt, X.X. . , Men and Women. The real difference between the mentlo calibre of the two sexr lies probably at the very founda tion of their natures. That thin difference in eatlier growth should be scarcely apparent, is only in accordance, with the law of like ness which pertains to all primary conditions,whilc the differentiation that eventually occurs.to use one of Mr Spencer.s terms.is simply in " obedience to that principle of di vergence evolution, which marke nil the aspects of nature. .... The common assertion that men have superior opportunity we. believe, in the main. unfounded. -There are higher universities for men.biiti with the great bulk of, mankind opportunity is more favor able to women than men. The ripest culture among men is often the product of sell-teaching; and books are as accessible to one ex . as to the other, while with unmar ried women, at least, the leisure for study is more abundant than with men. A jyirtou's Ju rim I. Wit and Humor. The; Hank Clerk's Association ia not a secret society, Thty have tellers. '; Ujhed the ! arH and be walked along. " Ah oif !" t Then be went iu seach of Mrs. Ann Golden and his own fair darlraj:. But Mrs. Golden was not . to easily found as he had hope. There was a little shop in the house be bad been di rected to, and the keeper tnereof said that she bad bought it of Ada Golden ; but I haven't seen her since she said ; "tinlv there's a hit of card with ber number orj it: that ii, if I eaa nnd it. After a search she did find it, and the captain thanking ber, harried away ; but auoiher disappointment awaited him. - , . -Mrs. Golden bad not lived in this second place for years, fche baa moved into Clumber row, but but what num ber no one could remember.' At clumber row, whither the cap tain drove io a cab, a woman owued to The door opened softly, a bead peeped in luw down, then drew hack. "Come in," piped the old woman "The pei lice am't arter you leastways for barm. Captain, tbals hiin your boy Ned." And as the captain stood with out stretched arms therj crept in at the door who? what? The w:m, de formed md j dirty criatnra who had picked bis pockets whom In iadffed for the sake of his beautiful drjatii child the wretched waif forgotten ut terly in the Wt few days of anxiety. "Th-it's him." croaked thp old croDe ..mi I .1 . V7 J l again, "mat .iyour uoy mats ivia. The captain pave a cry; be sank down on an old box cluj-e at b4d, bid u facr'ind wcp Tbe sb fchovk turu terribly , . they fiiihtcnnl the old wo man, and set the policeman rubbing lit eyes with hw cuff . The Uiy utood and stared lor a, woaieut, and then van ished. ' Ai'd what was the wretched father thiukiug? Bo many thought'' that there are no words for them ; but find of all this horrible one that that vile little objeef, that wretched cbiid of the streets, ras the darling for whom be bad searched so Ion?. "Better I had never found bin,' mourned the tptaio, ''or found bim dead!' nre rennted to esteem and like bim "e wonder hi.w he manages. Theie nnipt be some su' tie secret in it which I h i AVe.-tem wor-d has never divhied Why doesn't he cive. Ida view n the Women Question. fO much di-t-ussed f late? II is tnullifaiious experience has em powered5 him to s-pea iutellijretitly, aud his o inions would have -jreigb. It would be very int resting to know how one man can live comfortably v i'b 5. 000 women, wh n m many men find it hrd to live with one woman. Andj-ibt then a I tt'e band crept over bis knee. The thrill of hair was ajrainst bis bind, and piping voice said meekly : j "Pleate. Fid clean now. Tve w ash ed myself." i; The ep'aiu3 lwjIUu eyes uau'osed. Martins In the World. Many an unwise parent labor bard and lives unsparii gly all bis life for the purpose of lea tin!! enough lo tive bi. cliildrt o a Mart in the' wr!d, a it i- called. ettme a young mia R"t wi h moiiy left bim by bi rich relativ is like tying HadJers und-r the anrif of one who ennoot swim ; ten chances t one b will Iom bw bladders and go to tlie bottom, Teacb b'nu to swim, nd he will verer Vieeil the b!ddeM Give yonr child a sound ediK4tion. ami yon iae do"e e h ium f r vvv. oee H that his tr.oial" re po-, bis mind cul- ... . . , livatid, and bi whole Uature maileSUD ervieit l law which c vern inan. and vou have C'Veti what will be of were value than the wealth f the Indies. The Sunday Question,, I wonder i( they will take a collec tion to-day? - Wlteti may a man's friends na tunillv suppose he has gone amiss-iogif- When he has gone a-coui titig. It is better to be a doorkeeper in an icehouse than to dwell in a sanctum with the wicked ther mometer. Aggravating -fo think of u good joke after getting to bed' and cot be able to recall u word of it next morning. 'Every cloud has a silver lining. But that is no consolation, alter all. when you Mlect that things are never worn with the lining side out. I. this nir tight? inquired a man iov a h.ndware store, as he ex amined a stove. '-No sir," replied the cleik; "air never geta light. He lost a customer. , ' Schwab, the Communist sells 1 1 tegs of beer every Communist meeting. en that ll'idJand Fire Pica. The Courier-Journal asks, "What is the Kuppdt ting element of Corri tiiuniatii? and thej -Detroit Freo Press respon d, " It leans against, lamp post and dead walls up this, way- : i- " .."..- I know I am a perfect ,ber in my manners," aaid a young fanner to hit sweetheart. No, indeed, you ore nol, Jobn, you have ney er bugged rne yef you are more tdieep tiianljear." What the nation wants investi gated, is why an interesting cow will liivarriably tramp on the loos suit of a two-fool flower garden, in Kx. And this is the 'lev levens the whole lump. Urtfetfiice to the crasa covered H id Adam coirmepccd coont'ng dl hundred square feet of the rest cf ,.i ... . . i i i .. mo yarn. Young man," aai-1 a minister to a youth of his congregation,"do vou know what relations vou sus tain in the world?' Yes Sit; two cousins and a grandmother; but I do not intend to sustain them much longT." One is the 'Sword of Bunker Hill, and the other is the aword of bunker Bill." This is the answer. As soon as the weather gets cooler we may construct a conundrum to to travel with xi.bvrrittown tier ald. the vert day that he was cet-'J, anl counted rapidly every day, for twelve hours, day to the ( resent .lime. In- would not bare emau'J' a Uiiii -n Aua vet a trilli n can eaVly le repre-euted by a line of f'purM oe o-cli m length. If it takes a--long to cui!t the year in a lineef figure one inch io leugtb, bow ling would if iak lo cjunt the years io a lino one mile, ten mile, a hundred mile, a milli-n ot n'iile in length? And if i lake i lung uimph, to ccunt tbofr-y-r, bow kogi'l it take to live tliem? Ileal bapptiife" m chu p enongV, yet bow ear'y nr we iu the habit of aying jf ri a counterfeit. :4