EquaUt jor All; Special Privileges for None, f. I MINElR. PkoPEIETOR. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13.1903. VOL. YIII-NO. 7 The <t?llowing a»d thouiaads other Testi- jnonials are on file in our office afld open fox inspection; Curi*8 TliFoat Asheville, N. C., De«, 6, 1^02. 'To*la-tU« jCkur.prtn^ , ivuu:^ville, lenn Dear —I want to co.ntributp iny mite o\Kir<l9 jthe upljiiiMjng of ^•our woidtrtuj *vyK'4y^ To-lii-tan^ My wit€ Jjas Ijeeii s, co?isU*.|)t fiufljprep from thjoat troubie fof soveral ^oiithH And foun^ no relief until I was ill to try a paeKftge of your T| It seems Ui worjj )ike mtgic, Sh# Ims takeu «|je but Itle of )he tonic and us«d tfee spray joniy i few times, and sli« Impels «o 'Well 8ie has discont|nu.«d it« use air fxidBt eitirely. To-lo-iai^ is certainly a wonder^ aud I feet.that too much cannot be paid of i’l V«rj No Dispensary Editor Sylvan Valley News; Wie notice Jliat our present ie^isiature is being thronge4 jritJj petitions “for temperaoiGe iegislati<)0. ” Th^ ts an, iap4 on m aarnejst, and it is to be hoped tb^t before it the victory wjji be won for t<6(mp«r-- a.nce, for sobriety—in short, for Dur hoffles. Prohibition prohi bits. Tbftt ig what wb want, what we need, what w^ must have.. The graat curse ol' key :£■ be^'ond {hcpon iir of wordg to 4*v.Q>.ci’ibe. He who gives his inijuenea to the establishmQ^t of a bar, a dis pensary or a aUtill' ’s work ing for that vvhic destroyer of ni' wrecker of many ruin of mulfitud “Woe Jiiito h’ neighfefif drin botUe to him drunke^j als- V * Jj* j .i:\ to . uiaj iollo continue ’ inliauJis t! the * ft'or hands. , fao}ishod, (JriecI up ijlill ii ; Oj^.icJiKisi I Ail' I measure.” What ceiv>:) all tl^ose x^hc this life in^ businoiss. In your Issue of Janu an article “T^aet' the Tilings That Pay. Commercial fertilizers are chemically prepared plant food. They are mixtures which con tain, or are supposed to contain, certain elements in soluble form which will increase the crops. A fertilizer containing 8-2 2 means that you ejtpect to find € per cent of phosphoric acid. As there are ^,000 pounds in a ton this would give 20 time$ 8—160 pounds Gf phosphoric acid in a ton, so twice gO (forty) pounds of anjnjonia and twice twenty (forty) pounds of potash/ AU thase give you 240 pounds of soluble plant food to a ton. The I’fist of the ton is worthlosg to the crop. As v^e <jommonly »se about gOO ’OQunds per afire, or a ton to ten this gives ua sixteen ^ ^hospho^ue acid, four •’I onia and four ^ per acre, '^ot per- •^rd Pisp@nsary at Warrentoii. As the whisk®y question now claims the attention of our peo ple, and as the establishment of a dispensary is being agitated by some, we have been handed the following for publication which shows how the dispensary works in Warrenton. Chief of Police, John W. Allen, says in the Warrenton Record:— I have been asked by so many about the workings of the dis pensary here, which we have had about three and a half years. The main object in getting a dis pensary here was not so much jfor revenue as it was to do away with th^ social features of bar room drinking. In this jjarticu- lar the dispensary is a complete success and is a very great sup port to the morality of our com munity.. As to the quantity sold by the bar-rooms and dispensary I am not able to say which sold the most, but there is a good ’“al sold by the dispensary, but ' i effects of the sales Jis to '=s and disorderly con- ^ least fifty per ^^e ^’spen- days Cla]rton*s Fall land Winter Business in Every* thing Wanted. See his line of beautiful and stylish Dress Good.s now on hand v arrive hooh of the lat.e6t styles and patterns in shirtwaist and skirts; now in stock, Panama and other up-ta-date shapes. Ladies^ capes Jackets. Bargains in trunks, suit cases, shoes, flannels, clothing an faet everything you want at prices to suit the times. It will do you harm 1o £all and see u.s^ we wUl do our best to please you. Fresh grocer always on hand. There is no firm in Brevard who can underseJl .ua. kinds of tiade taken in e^chanjfe for goods. Yours truly, Claj^fon's Great Vsiriefy Store BiasaG!! cacacE E1I9 Ba Cn oi Dd BQ oa Ea Ba B3 isa ea Ea ca Ea na Ea BO Ea oa 1903 In laiindilngour jnercantile boat for the favoring breezes of the trade winds in 1903 we cannot restrain a feeling of thankfulness to the many patrons who nave given us the best year of business during 1902 that lias been recorded in our history. We feel that we haye made many] warm friends who will remain with us, and this invitation So call and ne« our stockjjis extended to all, whether old frieiMs or new customerid. I iSicaBacB lasi kia nq Bp :ett 4aa ■199 Ba J3B I3B BB BB Bfl BB BB or r Ba D3 ca ra Ba BQ BP! na ca Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba oa Ba Ea Out We have this j^ear a< in charge of Owen Yoi L. F. Lvday, and whe it is easy to renoh us. this year than ever bef lowest More Ben . Andr«wit| To-lo-tan 0 Gentleiiie .^1.00, for .another bott ;iuffer«d with] jind hftye t tbut hftva reci 4>ne bottle of .other jeinadii Yoiirn 0 0 I I /

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