T Over-Work 4 VnlKiltlij Kldae; k» All the blood in , your kidneys once eve etlB Kidneys* Ijnpwe Blood, p^ses through 'hree minutes, kidnyys are ycvr blJod purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or impuriiios in the blood. It they are sick or out of order, they fail to do theii; worK. ^s, %ohesandrhet> I. i' ospe from ex- f uri:; acid in the due to neglected I ick or unsteady lie feel as though i«se the heart is -T thick, kidney- ■:ns and arteries. ^ that only urinary •d to the kidneys, 'roves that nearly have their begin- :nake no mistake dneys. The mild Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, tne great kidi.ey remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases |Uid is sold on its merits \>y all druggists in fifty- pent and one-dollar siz~ You may have a pample bottle by mall Home of swamp-Root. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find put If you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer k. Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Don't luiike any mistake, but re member the name, Swamp-Root. Di\ Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Bin^'hamtoi), N. Y., on every bottle. jSylvan Yalley Hews KICKERS’ KOLUM. "'Kidney trouble. Kidney trouble heart beats, and they had he&H tr over-working ii poisoned blood t It used to be c troubles were to hut now modern (til constitutiona fling in kidney ^ If you are sic hy first doctorii the extraor DeLone & Rosse, Publishers. }Puter*«i at the d Postofilce as Second uttor. oiir R I» A.I)TAN Mo n«me« i R» Hone Patron • 1 |<'«reiBO--Yett» Loo.hI rmd 4l9*i«b Pvdntii We give sev’eral an dispeusary., tit ions have ^ i circulated ak \ traffic in Tru- s’ There will prob^ in the law fr have. The ])ejj their repres.etj fied as ■ -i rulu£ v/e ■jL.,uy plainly ou this g ^Jachary was di- election will determine wii| be, we may supported Mr. in the eolumii *‘.^achai*y latr.” held and evory V( dictates of his none are bou.^ht) the result. ssylyanla Ccuflty .. ribers; > , ar ?1. ■ iionths 2.'i «ts. KiUtil 10 Ct8. without aci-edit. I icrs: $«•». por line . .«:iohP» Bolicited 1 s week to T prohibiiion, umerous pe- iud are being the liquor tiiia county, be a We like to kiok. ^I'e were born kicki!iv:-^and expect to (iej»artMie| sanie v.MVo L’nt wh i; wo xick we' have i\ cause i'i-r m'.. ',Vg want' to direct the attention ot* the people to the practice of the railroads. No doubt lUuiiy of your readera can call to mind instances where they have been iiii.-^ti-eatyd by the above iiunied corporations—instances in which “mistakes” were made, and aUvays made in their (the raiIroa al>out ii? iM'iuiid, there is only one remedy—jui^t ont*-^to stop this practice of “mistakes”; “u/is- takes” which (we believe) are made purposely; “mistakes” wliicj; occur every day in the wei k; “mi which take from you that, yours and places it in the tho^e who have no jnst cl “mistakes” which, asl^ are always made in ~ ones making them. from these “mistakea months throughout th«j wouhl buy hall' the country. The rem can only be adminis tion. Governmeni railroads will pre'j takes; governme give equitable alike; goveri not cause you t J and another touior class of tVeight; go 8hip will insure son IVoight rates. The servi? railroad commissions in t, today arc not worth a the people. We derive soul from such a commission, r } ii(