New ram.- EquaUt jor All; Special Privileges for None. J. I MINE I WPRIETOB. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1903. VOL. VIII-NO. 8 The following and thousands other Testi monials are on file in our office and open for inspection: Cures Throat Trouble. N. C., Dec. 6, 1902. To-lo*tan Coiniprtny, Knoxville, Teiiii Dear Sirs—I want to contribute my mite towards* the upbuilding of your wonderful remedy, To-lo-tan. My wite hns iJeen a constant sufferer from throat trouble for several montha and .found no reliet uatil 1 was induced to try a package of your To-lo-tai!',. It aeeras to work like uia^io. hilieat Variety Store The Largest Business r E!jt n igy 5s::j snn r!?i is'j Kiia Ra En CK rT? eji Ci3 i:si iJSi Ever done at my store during the month of January was done in the month just past, and I take this o)pportunity to thank my many friends and i»atrons who hy ye^nade this record a pojisibility. ^ TheJLarf;;est Sto- Of Dry Goods, Notions,*^^?>thing,‘"Shoes and bought by me for a .season’s business is now ar being displayed on my shelves. Cali and Examine Every department of my general store will be full to flowing, and you are invited to call and examine .j”"’' prices. Several rare bargains are open to the jucli< chaser. W. Li. GARltjllGHAE PHONE 19 B3 Ba rsa Eia isa eg FT i>a L-. Wachovia Loan e (WINSTON-SALE >i orc^ i'v. Antirt- Genile;=;. ^1.00, fiij another 1. ■: fluttered v»;; ftnd hrtv> lit!,I l)Ut have (• > i*!\ one botile i j o 4)ther jeuiedici t Yours verv Price, I Matiii 0 0 15 /