Equalit jor All; Special Privileges for None, miner BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY, MARCH 6.1903. YQL. YIII- The following and thousands other Testi monials are on file in our office and open for inspection: Cures Tbroat Trouble. Aahevllle, N. C., Dec. 6, 1902. To«lo*Un CompAtiy, Knoxville, Teim Deiir Sirt*—1 want to contribute luy mit« towHrcl^ the upbuilding of your wofM!. ' V- - Wiif' ftOU^ tiiiurt monlhit and fo WM i»iduc«(l r mf^y, To-lo-tan. 11 a coiisinnt siiflferer ublo for tteveral d no relief until 1 try a pnekajpe of Sylvan Valley News Miner & Breese, BdltorB and Proprietors. Bnt«r«4 at the Brevard PoBtoffloe as Second Cl AM Mail Matter. OB’y in Tranjl^^ni? Zm‘j Rates to Snbscribers: l« APTANcB oiri.Y—per year 91. *• six mnnthsSO cents. ** ttiree montbs 25 cts. “ one month 10 eta. Mo names put on our books wlthoutacredit Rates to Advertisers: Home Patrons—Tearly, per column, S50. if'oreign—Yearly, per column, $60. Local reading notices, 6 cents p«r line ^V^Job PriutinK in all its branches solicited ANNOUNCE MENT. Once More at the Helm. After a year and two months of rest and recreation the found er of the Sylvan Valley News is once more in charge of its me chanical and editorial interests. Moi e than a year ago he discov ered that his plant was not keep ing pace with the rapid develop ment of Brevard, and that un less means to improve it could be found it would soon be a back n’lmbor When he bougbt his j«)h dt-par* Jiietji ev^Ji >4sars ag’o ir did st'eisi prci’ojibie that anything more would be needed ’ " -xr:*.*' material your Tu-'io-thn. Jik© IT She of oiiic aaly lim Cl--. (^i9< HlnSt '• V. To-1 • and i hat •Aid crlt CHpJ 3M9T \ lit 1 Andrews, .N.l To-lo-tan Co., kI Gentlemen—lJ fl.OO, for whiJ another bottle oil m»d hn.y txitd | but bav« recaiv( eae bottle of To*l| other ieraediM I Yonrs very Toe price, JJ Manitf TO-IOJ of the country. We shall have room for correspondence on all topics of interest, and w e invite letters of neighborhood news from every section of the county. A word now in regard to the partner who will share the labors and benefits of this enterprise. Mr. Breese is a young lawyer well known to most of our read ers. He is thoroughly educated and graduated with highest hon ors in his law class. Our read ers will find him honest, upright and a gentleman in the broadest sense, and we cheerfully recom mend him to the business men of this and neighboring towns. His field of duty will be largely outside the office and we heartily commend him to all business men. We shall personally su perintend the mechanical depart ment of the News, and jointly we shall strive to make its col umns interesting. A word also as to the gentle men who have had charge of the News during the past year— Messrs. DeLong & Bosse. They have made for thv^mselves a rep utation as competent, sober, in dustrious and honest workmen, as well as honorable and highly respected citizens and Christian e^entlemen. We do not believe 1- .. , Better Roads. There is a wide spread move ment throughout the entire country for better roads, and the Goods Roads Commission has gone to the expense of building a sample road in many counties of the south. This mountain section is the most difficult por tion of the country in which to build roads, and at the same time it is the most sparsely set tled and its properties are the least valuable of any section of the state. There is before the legislature a road law for Henderson county to which many of our citizens have signed petitions that Tran sylvania county be included in its provisions. On Thursday last we met Hon. E. A. Aiken on the train and he informed us that there were provisions in that law which he did not consider well add,pted to the conditions which exist in this county, and he had added an amendment that it must be endorsed by a major ity of our voters before it goes into operation. If it passes the legislature a copy will be at once forwarded to the News for pub lication so that our citizens can inform themselves on its pro visions. If endorsed by the voters it will go into effect so the county commissioners it creates at Clayton’s Fall !and Winter Business i thing Wanted. See hii lino of beautiful and stylish Drese Goods now on arrive noon of the latest styles and patterns in shirtwaist an now in stock, Panama and other up-to-date shapoe. Ladie Jackets. Bargains in trunks, suit cases, shoes, flannels, ch fact everything you want at prices to suit the times. It will v. harm to call and see us; we will do our best to please you. Freah u- always on hand. There is no firm in Brevard who can undersell ui. kinds oftiade taken in exchange for goods. Yours truly, Clayton's Great Variety Store caQgaaisaQaBiaaBiasieiiaBEiiaiaBQEiiaiaaBiaBanaeiaBaBiaDBDBBaHBnsBB ^3Q3QaaaBaBaBQi3aeae!qBaei3pcii9a6aGasaBaksaBaoaBaBGiBBDaaa BB SB BB ^ BB 1 BB BB BB BB BB :nis |S The Largest Busin Ever done at my store during the mouth of • done in the month just past, and I take this op^> > thank my many friends and patrons who hayf ■:'* record a possibility^ , The Largest Stocl^ Of Dry Goods, Notions, Clothi^lg, .Shoes anusin(?gs i^ow arrivin being displayed on my shelves. Call and Examine Every department of my general store will be full t< flowing, and you are invited to call and examine.qual prices. Several rare bargains are open to the judici chaser. W. I*. GARBIIGHAEL PHONE 19 BB BB Vachovia Loan a (WINSTON-SAF 0 0 2 3