ACID, GUANO, KAINIT and POTASH THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. FOIL ONE OF CLAYTON’S. Looking Costs Nothing I'lxamiru* my yoods all you lilrc—tli(‘p'ort- you itivestiii’atf the men-.- yi, i)iiy. .My nice .spring- line ol' un-lo-daU* Clothing, Shoes and Hats is Just ill and iiiy i)i-ic-e is as low as anv one's in llrevard. ft will |)a\ eall at JIM AIKEN’S Pil'st Dooi- lielow llie I’osiol!iet‘. UilFA'Ar.I). X. < . Wachovia Loan and Trust Co. (WIINSTOIN-SALEM. N. Cc ASHEVILLE BRANCH Capital $500,000.00 l)u(.-s a tnMieral L’.aiil<ing Husiaoss. n«K S a S;iviiig i)ayiim I pn-Cfiit. Intorcst on small compouTidins '!'• I)(x‘s a <n neral Trust lUisines.-. at ting as 'I'rustee, Guardian, Executor, TUK HUAI'.I) III’ >IANAt,KI:s or TMK ASllKVll.I.K Iil:AN< II AI!K T. S. M()1{KI^()X. (.’Inini. THoS. U. KAOIL \V. H. NOKTHI P N. K. SMITH CaI’T. W T. WKAVKR J). (;. DKVKNISII ('HAS S DAVIS \V. K. SHAKKNKK (tKN. THKO. F. DAVII>Sn\. \V. li. WILLIAMSON. I a-tiU-! .1. M WKS'I ALL K. S. HOWLAND Mk us Tliiit's Fresh jiikI Xi(*e, cut tVoiii tlio best of cattle. MEAT That's cut l*v ar ex[)erieiico<l hiiieh- er. It's sure t< 1)1 ease. We Select the Meat—We Guarantee It We have been watching meat quality so long we know wlieti meat is good. We know wh>c.'n it st:in Is the test of the very par ticular. We see that what we sell ^ v i is up to the proper stantlard. The Best MEi^^.T is Here. The highest market price paid for ho^s. cattle and sheej:). . r • and see us. We solicit your patronage. I, C. TINSLEY & D. M. NOUTON, Mnai Street. t >}i )site Court House, Ken Enveloped In Shower Of Molten Me Lai. V/Ei- K " OF RUPA5R GANG (. .. .i t\ot Accounted For and ' ■ ' - ’ L-een Blown In^.o Furnace. . r- r Until Recjcinition Is . ^ ; I . ’ ■ C..;., le. operator, near Pratt mines, three years ago and shooting down McNamara and rol)bing the place. McNamara, though badly wounded, recovered. Dorsey claimed that the shooting was done by another negro, but did not deny complicity in the crime. He met death stoically. Decision On Vaccination Law. Terre Haute, Ind., Ai)ril 1.—Judge Stimso-ii. of the superior ccnirt today decided that the boards of heaKli have no authority to exclude uuvuc<-inated ehildrea i'rojii public schoeis. Tne case will b<j appeaJed. ESTATE NOT SETTLED. GREATEST NAVY IN THE WORLD. So Declares Admiral Dewey of Uncle Sam’s Sea Power. Newark, N. J.. March 28.—The Eve ning News prints an interview with Admiral Dowe.v. credited to its Wash ington ( orrespondeut in vvhich the ad miral is quoted as saying: “The United Stater^ has the greatest navy in the world—every m3>n In the United States navy ip a man of intel ligence. He knows just v/hat to do and th(‘ right time to do It. A war ship is an enormous mnchl'iie shop and eveiy part of that ponderous creation be ouerated by i.itelli.genc e. Ev(*ry unit cannot he i:ild at the time of a< thin by oflicers just vhat to do and '.vhi'^Ti to do it. The leyst ma:; niuRi kiinw for liirnself. Oi’-iei's that were ‘.nvi'D to a crew aie necessarily general i*. ch:. rue ter. bit in fv/nlliot; every .stroke of w'oik iniit-t be direct ed bji intelligence. This is what mrikcs the T’aite.-i States navy tite greatest navy in the world. “Tlu^ Oermai! luivy for inptan^’e, is an (iitiidy uift*.re!;i (ir'^c.■.i/atl''!! in its nml'ieiip on huii';'i'i nuvttTial, 1 have made 3 deep i-tui]y of that navy. My lielief i« that its eluciency in iK)ssi- bie action is greatly over estimated. The I'iien do not betrin to compare in educatii)!) and intelligence with the Amnic'itns. Their men have, in my opinion, been educated so that thej look to the officers and depenil u])o:i them for specific instnirtions in the least matters. They have not the self-r(‘!iance of the Americana.” CHINA NOT DISTURBED. Returning Missionary Declares Reports of Trouble Exaggerated. San Francisco, March 28.—T-Jev. Dr R. T. Ryan, of the Southern Baj)tist church, who for the last 17 years l\as been a missionary in China, hag reach ed the city, enioute to his home in North rarolina. He repoi-ts that the rumors of j)ros- pectiv(* trouble from an insurrection in soutliern China have been greatly exaggerated. He df>es not believe any sc'iious trouble is to be aj-pre branded. The withdrawal of thp gar rison fiom Shanghai recently caused an i(ile riimor to the effect that trou ble was about to arise. China has in fact, aeeordins to Dr. Ryan, never before bc(m in such good condition for the invasion of peaceful mis.sionaries and other foreigners. Some incon- venieiH-.* is always to T)e fea;-ed in out of the way plaees from small bands of in.surrcctionists, but in the main, the country is not disturbed. STRIKE RIOT IN RUSSIA. Twenty-Eight Persons Reported Kill ed and Fifty Injured. St. Peteisburg. March A great strike' riot acomi)anied by much bloou- shed has cK-eurred at the town of Sla- tousk. in the gov^'mment of Oofa, among the Ural mountains. Twen ty-eight persons were killed and .SO others were wounded. Slatousk is the chief town of a mining liistrict and the center of the southern imperial mines. It i?as iron ■works and a^n extensive manufactur ing of Damascus scimitars and articles of inlaid and embi»ssed steel. Sla tousk has a iKipulation of about 21,0ui; souls. A TlMUjjilitliil M. M. Aiir^tiii, of Wiiichester, Ind. knew wli It to do in tli(? hour of lioed. His wife had such ;in miusiiai case oV stom.Mcli ;ind livt'r troiildc piivsicians could not help her. Me thought of and tried Dr. s ,\ew Life fill'- and she tjcot rehel at oniv ;ind was finally cured. Only 2.")cents at Z. W. Xicliols (h’liu’ slor<‘. ^ Senator Frye tinds tlie })ath of single ble.sst^dness a ditticult one to ti ead. He has no sooner (luiet- nd all su.'^picions ri'garding liis intentions towai'ds a blooming Miune.soiti widow lhan Dame rvl().ssip attempts to connect hi.*- with tlie widow (;f a late vice-president. KobbtMl tlio (irave. A startlinji incident is narrated hy .John Oliver, of Philadelphia, as lol lows: “1 was in an awt'ul condition. .My skiu was almost yeUow, eyes sunken, tongue ct)ated. pain continu al iy in back aiul sides, no api)etite, ^rowiny,’ weaktir day by day. Tliret physicians had <?iven me up. Then I was advised to use Electric Bitters. To iny fi'reat joy, the bottk made a decided improvement. 1 (oiitinued their use lor three weeks, and am now a well man. I kuov\ they robbed the grave of another victim.’’ No one should fail to try' them. Only o()cents,,«>:uaranteed, at Z. W. Nichols’ drug stWe. See M iner «S: Breese For JOB PRINTING of all kinds Brevard, N. C. EVERY CHURCH .,r in.ti tution suppiyrted hy voluntary con* tribution will be giv(>n a liberal (juantityiol tlie Louo-nian I'c Mar tinez I’ure Paints whenever they ]>aint. Note: Ruve done so for tw 'ntv- sevaii years,. Sales; Tons of millions ofgfiih)iis; )^)ainted nearly two mil lion h(>uses' under guaranti'eto rt“- paint if not s^itisfactory. Tlie paint wears for po.‘riods up to eighteen years. Lin^^e^d OJi must he added to the paint (<^ne in two nuiuUe^i. Actual cost thA| at)out§l.‘^"Kigallon, yamj)les free./Sold by onr agents. J. E. CLAbTON, Agent, Breyard. ' 1 One (lead, .^ev- ‘ • ji\ e, t V. i' 'i-.- ■ i . : ’ . is.) i);.uly ;i .vu- ];sr,. ... ■) i “l* .! • ‘h -' -.-i , . ' ,i. liiide oi au ex ;;; iu u l;l;i>t fumace “I” of the r'; ; '.s i. feel ^1' the Cs,'- av'feif ; >!a;.aiiy h<. UiddvioCi., ;\i,. ea.dy ijii ni irniuj;. J he ..anu- ot the tie;ui nuii; is j-iviMi as .fiiiin Km'th. .crob'al'iy an A’.uJici/.ed lorni u Iiis pnu'er naiiie. Fbj utiit-is have I been itier.tilied. As as can ite learned the; exiilo- ;'lOn w:\s due k- a sufjposc 1 ilefect in ;ir; . .r.i a' ■ va t nent of the fu" na.ce. Dniii_ the night the ft’ruiuH' worked in at'. ’^atisfaetorily way. and about dayli.:'.iit a t;umber of men N-ere smit to tlh r 'jv tf) )•( I'.air the trou’-due which was ;ued a.t the “bleaker.” At the same '.ue the discovery was made that t!ie autoniatic ele;-t;ical '^•('luip- ment out of order and additional men v. detailed to locate the trou ble. '.'.’hile sevenetcen men work at woi'u ;;!ur at the toy or botton, a ‘ hanu ' in the furnace was found anii befoi'r' -he a'arm eoul I iu’ given, ther.'' was a iiTiific f'Xidesi(ni was and the woik’.n n were envelojied in a rain or in-.jU^ inetnl, coke and lime, which bi'.rn. i rile cl.^thing from tl'ieir boi'iies. and r> iii’cred them unconscious. Not- witli.'Mnding the danger a second exphi.'it'u. a party was ovgani/.cd and the I’u^n resu(“ed fiom their iierillous posit:. n. Only fifteen eouhl !)e found, how'. v. r. and it is not known v.’heth- er tile two missing were blown into the :' iinrt(‘(' or are wrindering about the 'i.'Tiict In a semi-demented con dition. THE ACOUSTICON A SUCCESS. Wonderful Invention of Alabama Man Stands Rigid Tests. New York. iNIarch 2S;.—Another dem- onst ■ ■ : -n of the powers r>f the acou"- tiro]'. iias be-^n driven in tliis city !)y the 'nvtnitor. Miller Reese Hutcliison. Mr Hutchison selected a? subjec-ts for experiment several inmates of the Xew York Academy for the Tn- strucrim of the Deaf and Dumb. Som^^ had ' ’.n stricken wir!i d<^'ni'nes? nt too r-.irlv nr aee to r^^menibr-r whnt the n:epning of sound was. and oU''’ youn.: girl in particular almost went into ,'i»asm.s of deliglit when the ear pie^'vvas adjusted anil she heard the srrai::s of music. Tv.-aln was in the little audi ence 1.=; was also Mrs. G ^orsre Dewey, wife >f the ni’miral. There was one skeat;.- ju-esent. He was deaf, but had I fnitli I’ e ;!) .‘M'/’on. so ho aski : to ])p rut in the chair. This wa.5 ne, ar.d his fare flushed with surp;:.-;i' whe;. ho was able to distin- su’.'li. “?>lairinia” from ‘‘Pa’iu.” }f',itcb- insnn .'aid' “Hello” to liim and he reiK'ated it. “A !.umber of other t<^sts were made and were suceessful. Di-:CPPEO '"OCK ON TRAiN. Passengers or; Jersey Central Have Narrow Escape. Bay-u’.ne. N. J., Marth iis.—An at tempt t 1 damage a New Jersey Cen tral x;,.i;n while it was pa-^sing through Bayjar.e last night running at tht? rate of about o<» miles aR hour, nar rowly escap-^d resulting in a wreck or at least an injury, to many ])as- sengt : s. The train was heavily load- €ti. Vs it was jiassing under the hriiU’-e f»t East Foi-ty-sixrh street s.ome one dropped a stone weighing about no pounds from the bridge to the top of the coaches. It is supposed the i)iirpose was to droji the rock on the engine The rock had a 20-foot drop. It hit the roof or the first passenger coach, brouke through, shat tered the gas connections and fell in the aisie 'netween seats that contain ed passengei.s. The noisie of the tearing through the roof and the drop ping ro the floor caused women to scream and fait and there was gener al excitement in the ca:’. A brake- man not knowing what had oeeurred. pulled the brake cord and the train was stopped^ suddenly. HUNG TOP '’^^BERY. Alabama ImpCwoc. Penalty For That Crime. Birmingham. Ala., March 27.—Will Dorsey, a negro, was hanged here to- <iay at 11‘59 a. m. for highv/ay rob- tery, it being the first instance in the state’s history where the death pen alty has been imposed for this crime. Dors<-*y was convicted for entering the home of David McNamara, a mine Heirs LcTts C. P. Huntrri.jton Still vvraricjiing In Court. ^ ( • Iv, March 30.—'Vv illiam W. .Vi tiiati'eou-nsel for G, I'jiiiily Rey nolds, of Washington, in an affidavit accompanying a made to Sur rogate Fli»gerald for n.n ord;M' to com pel the executors of the t;Ufite of Coll'is I* Ilr.nfington, to file au in- veniory of the estate, chiiigys that it is I)!!"*;.", that the >"X<-*«-ut:>rs do not intend to file an inventory of the estate, which, he says, h*^ is advised consists, among other things, of per sonal proj-erty worth from $(jO.O0r».0o0 to $70.i)(h),OOU. From the best information now ob tainable, the estate will show a valua tion of about $21,000,000 at the time of the death of Mr. Huntington. No explanation is oh'tainable at present for the apparent shrinkage of the e.state to this low' figure. When Mr. Huntington die! those in a posi tion to know about his affairs said his estate was worth between $27,- OOO.Opa and $30.000,0((0. The state eomiitroller’s oiTice bas taken about ,tv;o .years to make its ajioraisal for t.^xation purposes, and is not yet ready with a report. DIAMONDS ARE UP. Wearers of the Precious Ctones Must Pay Higher Prices In Future. Nev.' York, .March .‘’.0.—Another ad vance in the price of diamonds is an- nounceU. Private cablegrams from European brokers which w’ere receiv ed’ by diamond I’njiorters here stated that r> ))er cent had been added to the price of all .grades of rough diamonds. The advance is to take effect at once. Tiiere was a similar advance five weel<s ago. and dealers said t'.iat still | higher prices we:e to be exjiected in the I'.ear future. Retail prices are said to be higher now thru tl’ey were a year ago, and tiie aivanee in rough stones will be followed by an increase in the retail rate. “Mining of diamonds is neeomin.g more and more difTiculty eveiy year.” sriid a New York dealer, “as thp mines get deepi'r the cost of operating bo- < (inu^s dtMrei'. In addition to that, tht )•(> is a eon.-^an'ly incr;^asing de- n;and for the g('ins.” Prices have been advanced three in the last six mont’is. Each change has been 5 per cent. BURDSCK INGUEST ENDED. Accomplished Nothing Except to Lift Name of Burdick frcm Mire. Buffalo. N. Y., Ma;-ch 2S.—The in quest into the death of Edwin L. Bur dick, who was murdered just one month ago in his home in Ashland avenue, ended yc.--.teiday afternoon. At the (dose of the inques-t Judge Mnrirhy announeed that an orficial in quiry into the death of Arthur R. Pen nell, who bas figured pro’:*inent]y in the Buiv’ick incuest. A’ould hejrin Mon- da\'. The liurdick ir.que:it has served to develop several theories relative to the crime. But the investigation has not added anythinir more than an ap- pf^arance of reascniliility to any of the.^e theories. Asi:le from the fail ure of the authoiities to secure evi dence bearing directly upon the com mission of the crime or to esta\)lish the identity of the murderer, there is a feeling of satisfaction that the name of ^fr. Btu-dlck has been lifted from the mire in which it was dras;ged and that his character has been shown in its true light. Tlie evidence brought out under the examination of witnesses by District Attorney Coatsworth, has shown Bur dick to have been a lovin^g father, al ways willing to sacrifice his own hap piness and pride for the sake of his children; that he was the victim of false freindshln. broken pledges and in the face of it all, a forgiving, indul gent hr.^jband. The efforts of the authorities to fix the crime upon some one H not end with the inquest. At the same time there is now’ little hope of success in this undertaking. .Tudge Murphy said after coxirt ad journed this afternoon that his judg ment in the case would not be hand ed down until Monday or perhaps later in the v/eek. It is possible that he may Issue war rant.^ for the arrest of “John Doe” and “Jane Roe.” If .Jni'ge Murphy sees fit to take such action the district at torney will he o)di?ed to submdt the whole case to the grand Jury.

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