’mmmm ■BiF p*' mm V, Of/r County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. f < ) )1IXKK IHu'.KSlv r.REVARIV TlfAXSYI.VAMA COIIXTY. X. C., FRIDAY, AI'l.’IL 17. !90:5. VOL. vni-xn. lo Dunns Rock Lodge No. 267 F. ^ Ji- Moots Friday on «>i‘ boforo tlio full •noon ill at _ i>. iii. \ isil- j’l’-T MastM!" ai l' roi'ti ially invitod to i ni“(>t witii u>. 5<]>tlv \Vm. M aX\vI'xr,. Oiii* Tn x 7k.Hsossoi'*fc^. ConiHiissloOirs is lolgd ly ili3 ProfB5S^oTi*‘Cbl Cards. V/. A. GASH, ill town i.s ad voii isiiiir, that show.s ;iii ('r:i ot plenty atnon.ii^ us. It take.s iiionoy to pay lor tht\se ad vert i.si'UKMits and tlioso adver- tiscMU('nt.s niak'e inonc'y for tin* advertisei'. We do not, have to *^•0 outsid(‘of our county lor :id- V(‘riis(‘! s tr> liil our .space. This sta1(3 oi' affairs siiows not onlv Tjast Vv’i't‘k \v(' puoIisiic(l tlu} nanu‘s t>f the ni<‘n appointed by tiie i^,)ard of C'i>unty C’oin iuissiom*rs at lii(‘ir last iiieetin^' to list tii<* taxabl<* pi'opi.M'ly this year in th(' s('V('r;d townsiiips. in ioo 4i " <■. I I > . , ...1 HinoniZ' OUT IK'Onlt ^ I ovor t he na lilt()ii(‘ {*an .s(>e I (la I t.U' I >0.1! (.1 .seie( It (I 1' pi» Nt n 1.1 , ■ i i AiTOi.'vNiE'*^ AT 1_A \A/^. I t j iii( ‘U, lilt'll w ht) <)\v II their hi >iii tvs a nci art* ini tMH'st t*(l in t he w t >1 isin-vativecitizons wiio. ' ha vo sht)Vv n tho ovithMu-t Ijino-j pfosp(*rity but a spirit of pro- <4i'e.Nsi V(>no: that will l)t'i>ot ii’ood t i nit's for all. Rocms 7 8. ^'icf ;ir;n Cld'g, Brevard, 1C. W. B. DUCKWORTH, A.TTORN^V AT LAW. lnvesti£?.t‘on nf LciiU Titles a Spcciaiiy. IJot)iriS I aii'i i’iri\risi!’n r I i It'i w. w. ZACHARY, A T T O A N t: \-A T-L A W Oftices in fiiCi'-’iiin Clock, Crevard, K. G. D. L. I'^-GLISH, ATTOIV N LY-A'r-LAW. fare of thoctuinlv. Tnt'V aro htuit'st and con; - hi liiev <'i r in anv wav. will Ml favor t.fa lt>t> small vaiuat ion. i 1 l>i‘‘i^1y'>f work and Xow w'uit is tli<3 cause'' avt' ehanii’fd sttniuch and so rapidly during' tho • .tt'lv c.iaii.i'clK'iid I I'"''' ■! "liO s IM,«- an.i iu'ul os|.crUilly is i '“■'■<1 'vui-ki:,- ...vMKi.niral. honi'st and (|uicl\ to talce advan- i:!<4't‘ t)f iii! i)i‘ovt'd int‘tht)ds in thoir busiiu's.s. Sfcond, v\’(> iiavt' abundant j 'i''ht‘ coiitiil ituis |]iast 1 wo yt‘a rs 1 ha. I th(‘ordinary cili/on can s(“irct‘ ' tlu? diri't‘i t‘i!Cf il! aclua! valu' i t his I I'ut' of uncultivated inounlain and 1 iini)er la.nds. I t is tiiiiy a ft'w voars sinco a!l 1 ht* wild land in tii(‘ c'ounty was on tiu' tax bot)l\s a' a vabialion t>f I'T) ct-nts an aero, and wluMi it was raised hy 1 In* assesst>rs tt)r)Ocls lh>'i’e was a i^rejil l\icl\ Ironi tiu ^ ai-t* inforiiifti that lar^;t' hodit's of tiinbt*r lantls an* ^ior tu’ery man wiio is look- i(* 111.* fact is o\'t‘rywln*rt‘ palont tlial Expert Assistaiiits Honest* V;^ork tax pa vors. \Vt now listed a! -^1 jkm- at-rc*. w i:it an acri' of land in the ctiuntrv but will !)riii,Lz’S-j ca.^ti. v;Uiialion ol' all wihl lands shoui.l |„. j iy ivpays 11.,' lana.'t-who woi-ks ' i! in t lie coi‘ri*ct m:iiint-r. KtMirlh. w(* have intn’chants Offices in Cccper Buiijing. Brevard, H. G. V-TLCL-: CALLOV/AY, ATTOlv Ni£Y-A'r^LAW. i ’ract ic i> ; I' ;! l i"• coiii-t Rooir^s S end 1':' iMcV:r,n t-Jnck. Lrev’: .;, N. C. (*spoi‘i;dly in Iht'Town of lirt'vard < j I !in t“iyiLLAil Jor Rco?ns 1 and 2 Cocpsr [Jd’g, Brevard, H. C. T. L. SNELSON, siBiiii anJ Hoi'S8-sliD8r. Shop in Raa*- of Orr’*: Livsry Siable. ('arriaL:'' a:i;'i l!uiiiliiiL:. \\’lit'flwriL;!'’ woriv a >;i(’t‘iahy. C. C. KkL?ATR.ICK, COflTRAOTOR ^^0 BOILOER. Room 13, Biock, Brevard. N. C. l-;>t iinatc^ l:!'.!'!! tm all k'imis of woi-U ill t In ■ I HI i il: i 1: ii in ■. W o bt.’iiovt* 1 h:il tin' taxaldi* I rajs('d tt» soiin't liiiii:'liicf its c.isli \'aliit*. I ini b't'va rtl towindiip. ami i iht.*rt‘sliould boa i:'t*nt*ral rist*in t ii.* vaiual ion of town lots. ’’I'lu'reis al- lo<.:'elht'r ttm liToa.l a discrc;);! at'V i;i't woen 11n* ])ri< i‘o! lotsand lands ! ftir taxation ;mtl liio prioe at whic/i propt'rtios art' Sfllini,:. This i." i “>pocially t i-iio cf tiu* D.i vidson Itivor s«*c;ion. Tht*rt‘ :m‘(' many ^reasons voliy lands art' woiih inoro tlun't* than t'ls('w!;ort' in t la- iCouiity. It will b(* I !i(* t! uty of 11n* assi'ssors to not o t In.* condit ion.s I ami (Mpia!i.':t“ values as nearly as pttssil>lt*. atnl we bt*lit!Vt.* t!i'.*ni am- ! i'ly ca j la Me t>f dt^bm- exaet ly t lie i-in’hl t hin^\ j II tii'* iliei'l“ti^>('d valut*s wt)uld have* a tt'iidt'ney to incri'aso tbe 'amount of individual taxes we mi.ii’liL ht'silati? in askiiiii’ ft)i* a irt'mn'- al ri.>>t*. but .as wt* st'i* it tluM'e is only a ,iiiv(.*n amounl to be raised t*(.l \'aluation will rt'tluct' the rate until the indi\'idual !a\ t‘ about t iie saim* amt)unt to pay as nt>w. 11 is a liuty we t)Wt* t hi>se wht> pay only poll lax tliat the rale be i!!adt*as low a.s pi>ssihl<‘. It i.s tin* )>oll tax that is la. !’i';ely in.sol ven t. autl tiar >ehool fuml sufft*rs aeconlinnly. Why not list [>rt»r.t‘rty at its cash vaba*—not at whal it would i)rin,<:' in a ft»rced sale, but soint'iIdiiiT nt'ar what it is actually worth in tht* ma.rU't't. We ha\'t' a.ssesst>rs in ('ach tt)wnshii) this year v\’ht> llit)i-oui;'hly iindt'i-stand values in tln'ir rt‘sp('ctive st*elit)iis. and Vv'e ho[)t* the eounty comnli^sit)n(‘rs havt' instructed tht'in as to a i»’(Mu*ral in- crt'ast* in vaiui's throun'heut thect)untv. All kinds cf Exterior Fflmtjp.g done PAiNTS SGIENTIFIC/ILLY Um .anti an mere :n Transylvania’s Prosperity. Mm Gt !i'E?..Mi!>. Tlie Re’ialjle iswelef \Vat<-lit‘> ai:^i .!' W'atfl.i ai;ii Work '•:fV M M-k r..i- sale. U'cst Main A. C. NCiVrON, Practical Bcai; and Slioetnaksr rfani-'.-s a specialty. Wesi .\iaiii G{r$;ei near Caidwel!. GallflWev, OyGkw\nri!i &, Go ‘■I ESTaTE BEALERS, Rooms 3 and 4. Mci/knn Block, Brevard, K. C. We thini\ tlnna' is no (county in the .state wliicli has made tin* '^bowin<:- that Transylvania h.as in the last ft.?w 3'ears. The number of improvi'inents that an* now <4’oinaid for. the class t)f dv.'(*HiiiL''s that have betni ert‘cti*d all ico tt> show a prosp(*i'- ous ]u*op]t*. We can then olfer tt) lionu^set'ktM’s not only a prosper- tms section but also -,i p(*act‘ab1i‘ and law-abidini;’ community. In this clai m t iiat we nudce b>r Ixnii.n’tlie baninn- county wh(‘n • ky. ' j| comes to beinir l.T.v-alVidin^' w'e roftn’ to our criminal docK'(‘t. tlu* ; small<\‘^t in the Statt‘. Our st>licitors barely mak’o thoir expenses “ while here, and tlii' only <*ases that we have are p.*tty misdenit'an- ^>rs. Evtn'v Judina that has been here comiiH'nts on it. AV(‘ have I hi'.d some more serious cases on the dock'(M. but th(\v arc' few anti * far V)etv. een. To a man with a f.amily thei*e can be no irreater in- l'iti.‘I dncement thnn tliat of ]ieace and fpiiet—we can fui-nish both. Allj 1,^ i-Oi’’.ard to our pros])oi-ity w(' i*eftn- the investor to several I s;afe and sure critt'rions and ])oint to them with pride. Wo lirst i call your altenlion I0 the records in the otlict* (d‘ the Reo-jster of T)oih1s. ant1 yon will 1hei*e tind but few dt'ods in trust oi* niortirau’os beinir r<‘Cord(‘d. Vre also call your attention to the tiles of this j paper, wdiicb is Ib.e only i^aper ])ubi;sbed in the county, and there- jfore every leinjr on for tbe last eiirht years. The jnewspa])or and tbe lawyers are losinj? by 1lic* liick of le^al notices but the county is prospering Is there anotlier section of our state l\\ in> st'll the* satm* ^‘ivxls for as ! lit lit* inont'y as the merchants in j tilt* larii’t'cil jes, tht*reiort* we can l)uy wiiat vo(‘ want ht*rt* .-tt houit* and Ivt'ej) oui' money in tin' fain- ily. When you tind a people willin.ii* to work' and plt*nty for them to do at ii'ood ]>ric(*s you will also tind p)'osp(n‘ily. Wt* hav(;a will- inir ])eo|)le and wt)rlds t>f woi-k. Vv*t; therefore call the att('ntion of tin* invi*stor liavin<.r :i small amount of (.‘apital tt) tliis ci^unty. }I<*rt' ht' can tind lands siiiled It) th(' cultivation t)i' all i1h‘ cereal>: a line openini;- ftu’ truck' fariiK'i’s and market ,i:ardeni*rs; a need for st'Vt'ial poa.Ilry I'aistn's; ani[)le t)[)[)ort unity for larirt* and })ayin,i:' t)rchards; ffnt; catth; and sli(*e[) raisin,li’ properties for sale at rini- sonable pric(*s. ami he will settle amt)n.i;' a ibid-fearini:’, honest and l)ea(*eable pi'o[)l(\ Our climate is all that could be asked. We ai’e ])rt>t(*cted from the severe ami nearly continuous north wiiiels that. swt'e[) over some of our west<*rn counties durin. In fact v;e can offer to tbe in- vestoi- all that yos '‘xarnined I’l-ec ainl lensr> t;rt' Fine waleli anti elock i‘c]»airiii?.'. a as IJny anti sell ;p] ..diul.'< of ilt*al I'lMtate (’olleot attonil to j)rop oi'ty when ou .*r is aitseiit. to jIUUUMUii CU^!!5 A bill was pass(?d by the last k'gislatui'O creatinir tin' Andobon soci(*ty for the protection of the ^•ame, son.-htless VXT)— AR1 iSX!C £3 many. We w’onld rather let it go on as it is novr. Save the money paid for l^g.al advertisements and subscribe to your paper. And then there is anotht'r sign of good times, look at our ad- farniing and TiniftBr Lands a Speci2lt/.jvortising columns. You win see evcrj’merchant and business man acts are liable It) be* [)unished by : the courts. i>irds are the farm- | ers best friend and should be j p rot‘.'c ted. 1 All woi-k <>"iiar:i,ntet*d ant: roa?'Onal»lij Shop on Broad Street* \