BEPRESEWTATION Huiou League Club To Attack The South. Will demand negro s’/ffrage. a stone knife was found in one. Professor Moi ehead will continue hia investigation for several days. Radical Steps Will Be Taken by Club and Thousands of Pamphlets Distrib uted—President Roosevelt Was For merly Vice President. New York, A;)i. lu.—The members of the Union l.eague club, of this city, will take radical steps, it is said, favoring negro suffiage in the south at their April meeting, which occurs tonight. In a word, congress will be appealed to to deal v. ith the question along the liu€ of a radical reduction ci repre sentation of the southern states in congress. It is just a yesr ago that the UniO'n l.eague club was divided on t!ie ques tion of discharging negro attendants. The negro servants were kept by a ^ote of 3 to 1 alter a stormy session. The rei on of the ciub committee on i>olitica! reform, which is expected io precede the action favoring negro suffrage, will, it is believed, create a sonsation in the soutlu rn states. Af- ^ tor reciting that touthe.n states have I iaken stejis to circumvent national leg- irlation giving sufirage to negroes, the i )'eport recoaimends that congress be i asked to take up the question without | a moment's delay. j It recommends also that this body i be asked to cut .=ontation, and that a large sum tj° i iioney be ai>proi>riated to test the va- j lidity of the recently adopted constitu- i tions in Alabama, Virginia and other i i-tat*s in th(' sciith. ! The able? * counsel in this country ^ v.ill be emiiloyed to prepare and argue Ihese test ca.-?^'s legaiding the consti- Jiitions m<‘;:rioned. In ad Iiti!)n to the sums app:(>j)riat<=d it is i)iO!)csed to ask rile imlividual i^oii'.bers of the club to contribure. One of the i)rime movers in this movtmein is ?aid to be former SecM'e- lary of thf- interio;- Coi-r.clius X. Bliss. The clur,' it; expected to adopt reso- hitiO’Ds foilowiag the a-.'optiGii f)f the < onimittee’s^ r-r] ort. T;-n thousand ironies of the?-;* r» sohuinns will lie cir- c'ulai.vd to staie senator:;, to jironiinent (hurchmen and those in authority rverywhe; e_ President I’ro«!evelt was vice presi- dgnt of the cl'jh in ISl’:'. He is still j.'rominent i;i its counc-ils. General Hr.iafe Port.'r. Josejih H. <'’Iioate, John Hay n!.:! George Cabot Wai'i have aipo act* d as ]>residents <)? the c’i;ib n: diffore’^t tim-.'s. The b>te Hamilr.?!; Fi.= h an’ Wi’liam ?>1. T'vaits al^i; ! a ! tiiat .'isrinction in Will Take an Appeal. St. Paul, Minn., April 11.—Judge Young, attorney here for the North ern Securities company, stated today that the notice of appeal In the gov ernment of the in.iunction would not be filed until Monday. It was expect ed that the appeal w^cuhl be filed to day, but the delay is said to mean noth ing of importance, as the filing is merely perfunctory. MOTHER DEAD; CHILD DYING. Horrible Crime Committed Near An niston, Ala., by iJnknovin Party. Shreveport, La.. Ajiril 11.—Mr.s. Frank Matthews. 4H years of age, the wife of Fiank Mattluws, a civil engi neer of the Seaboa.rd Air Line, and her lA-year-old child. Alline, v.'ere as- saulteil by an unknown party at their home near Anniston, La., early this morning. In the struggle that folBwed the at tack by the assailant. .Mrs. Matt’oews’ head was cruohed to a jelly, and she died from her injuries. After assaulting h^r mother, the as sailant attem])t('’ to criminally assault the child, but after beating her into insensibility, fled, leaving no trace be hind him. The child is at a sanitai i- um here with no iKissiblp hope for her recovery, her skull having been frac tured atid her chest crushed in duiing the stuggles. The 2rime is a mysteriot’.s one. Mrs. Matthews had considerable jewelry upon her iierson. which was untouch ed. I'he weai'ion used in committins the as.^aulr was an ax. and a’! rvidence shows that tlie (•lime had l)een delib e!«tely jdanned. A jiosse with bloodhounds is in pur suit of the assailant, who will doubt lessly be burned at the stake when capturned. All parties are jirnmin'^nt and the excitement iirevails. PION’EER CITIZEN DEAD. from the second ward. He went from the council board to the mayor’s chair, but it is not know'n whether he will consent to go back again from the mayoralty to serve as a councilman Prominent citizens are planning, how ever, to put him in the field. Child’s Body Recovered. Augusta, Ga., April 13.—The body ol little Marion Killingsworth. who was drowned at a picnic party Saturday, was found in Spirit creek about 200 yarris down the stream from the point where she fell in. It was at a point where there was a bank of sand and gravel on the bottom of the cieek, and through the clear water th(> l).)d.v was plainly seen by the searchers lyon on the white sand. It was not marreJ \ruises or injuries of any kind. Fire at Valdosta. Valdosta, Ga., April 1‘].—The groc ery store of T. F. Mathis, in this city, was gutted by fire Satuiday evening. The origin of the fire, which started in the rear of the store, is not known. The valuable stock of goods is almost a total loss, but there is not a great deal of damage to the store, which is in the heart of the business section. ACID, GUANO, A KAINIT and POTASH THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. FOIL General Merdiandise AT- CLAYTON’S. Slipped and Broke Thigh. Toronton. Ont., April 1-1.—Sir Arthur T.owat, governor general of Ontario, slipped in his bedroom last night and broke his thigh. The shock to his system will, it is feared, be serious. Capt. Hilliard, of Waycross, Breathes His Last. Waycross, Ga.. April 13.—Ca]>tain Ctiyitr 'V. Hilliard, of Densmore. Fla., died Sunday morning about 1> o’clock and was l)urie.l at Kettle Creek ceme. tery. ni'ar Wayeross, MoTida.v niornin.s Gaptain Hilliard was one of the pio- v.oc": citizens of this plar-e. and inov(>(l from iiere to Florida, in 1S7;>. Tit was a captain in one of the compa nies of the Twenty-sixth Georgia icg- imen'". and made a iine recoid as a so]'.ier and officer. Al’rf^r tlie war he held several olfice.- of I'.onor and rrust in this county. il2 had many friends and relativ 's hiM-e. He leav( s a v/idow and several chil- drr-n. among Vvhom ai-e Mrs. .1. V/. Cl'iM'jh anl Mr.". .lohn C. -M -Donald of Waver os.s. Noted Confederate Dead. Huntington, W. Va., April 13.—Wil liam A. Smith, a noted confederate ireneral, died here today of pneumonia, aged 73. .V I)<‘jnoiislralion Of' wluit ('IianilKM'hnirs (’olic, (’liol- eva an«l Diarriioea IJeiuedy c.-ni nt('iit i)ri‘j)aratl('ns ainl Ix'eii treated l\v pli.vsiciaiis uitli- ont any perniaiuMit hrnefit. ,\ lew Hiontlis a'j'o lit' eoninieiKH'd tnkin;^ ('lianil»<*r!:iin's rolii; and i>i- arrh(>ea U('nu*dy an. !>re ■•’.rwi'-.. ( ■jifn-vfitdd. Looking Costs Nothing I’xamine my jroof up-t(j-(hite Clothing, Shoes and Hats is just in and my ])fice is as low as any one's in !5revard. It will pay yon 'o (•all at JIM AIKEN’S First Door lielow the 1 *osioliii*e. HllFVAIlD. X. ( , i-'or s:iU' I'V vard. and <). L {'lelr liferi; 50 has Senator Chaun- eey M. Deiu-v. John D. R'>^-kefeIler, J. Pi^rpont Morgan and Andrew Ca’’n''g:e are ii.emliers <>f ^he elub, the two latter ;ioing f/n the* governing committee. The I':St of menriK rs infdU'.Ies also William ]■, Sloane. ):ge F. liala-r. Yv’hlte- i-!W R<‘id, .’ ’’;in .laco.< AsTor. D. I\iil1s and niiinv othi-r ; r'^nirient men. ASSAGSINATiONS INCREASING. CABLE HONOLULU. rirst Boat Sa 's V.'ith ^'ate^ial, Provi- sicr-.s and Men. San Fi-a:i'i'l 0. Ajii‘51 il.—Today on the*'-!: A’.amt-da 17 0* the ro:;i’r;0; ' Cab'e coni];any will jeave ror H.-’koIuIu with n.'si' tons of ireight and pri.visions. Tiuse men ii»clud;e three rhief ojierators ;e,r l\li(i- ’.^ay. ior Gnam ar;d a number of rarpen'crs and (.‘lectricians. In the frt!'.i-nt whicli i;i('y talce with iliem are inidnd'-'d unframed houses, lr:nts, <^ah!e instinunents. l>att ries a;:.! r’l the niN‘i‘Ssa!'.v jiaraj-hf*! na'ia for in- tlariing in-truriients and estal)lishing ::aar-ers at ilie lanc’in.g stations at Midway and Guam. Charles Curds, chief elert;-:cian of vlie .\iackey Cable cenirany. nas just arrivev’. here trom tl'.e on his way 1o the Orient to me t th< ca’de shii)S Ih.a? arc to lay the c-aijle bttween MaJ'.ila and He .say.s the work wiK begin at Ma nila anoth (''In-istians and ;\!us.iulnians are increasing. In tha district of i’oi-ilej) during the past wi ek r.o 1-ss than fifiy Christians were killed bv .M ussuhr.ans. PASSED ANTI-STRIKE LAW. Netherlands Parliament Will Try tc Prevent Labor Trcublso. The Hague. Ajiril 11.—At the urgent sit':ing of tlie lirst chamber of Th(- Nptherian']s ])arliament today the anti- strih.e ])ills ]»reviously adopted by thi^ secon;l chamber, were passed unaiil- mens;y. The Queen Wilhelmina immediately sani'tionc'd the anti-strike bilh;, .jich for:hv.'ith liecome effective. The militia remains under arms and is guarding the railroads. WADE INTERESTING FiND. Eeiievsd thrt Skeletons cf an Extinct Race Have Been Exhumed. Hr^vtkinsvill^^. Ky.. April 11.—Profes- Wart.-n Moreheaci. curator cf the uspai tment of ar. ha-'i.dogy of Phil- ii;:s aca tniy. Andcvt r. .Mass.. has dis- < overed on a farn. t ' oi tiiis j)lace -..hat he calls the b'ury;n:r g’.ound of a )>rehist<•: ic peoj;le. Pi’ole.'Scr ?^lore- head v-xhumed ten skelc-ions, several being ia a fair state of preservation. He is -''a'cing a i.relin.inavy investiga- tio-:'! :n this region ar. 1 will be likely followe ; by a ;;arty of ai’chaeologisis t'Oni Yale college. T;-' >ni-s found he pronounces to t-i' of extin-’t race cf mound build' skeletons were in receptacles, built of flat stones. Stone ciiEs wer^ round in several graves and Electrician Meets Death. Mobile, Ala., Aj.'ril i:}.—John R Burns, aged 2!i, electrician sergeant at Fort .Morgan, met fieath in a iieculiar manner. He v.-as superinteuding tht removal of a it-pounder gun f:om tlie whiu'f to the foit. A brace ijioke anJ the iro-n bar ho was using struck him on the right a’.ni, l)real;Ing it, and knocking hhn to the ground. The heavy gun rolled over the lower j)arf of tl’e body, causing instant death. The remains will be interred tomorrow in the National cemetery, Moi)ile, Ala Burns came from New York city. May Pun Phinizy for Council. Augusta. Ga.. April 13.—Mayor Phin- l7v’s 3-yeai term as mayor ends next December, and ’uring his absence from the city at this time p'rominent citi zens of the second ward are planning to put him into the race for council Bank Statements Asked For. Washington, April 11.—Tiie comp troller of the currency of the treasury departuK'nt has issued a call foi- a rei)ort of th*"* ccndnion of th.e r.ational banks at tiie clo.-;e of business Thurs- (!ay, Ajjril 'J. Accident to Buffalo Bill. Manchester. England, Ajiril 14.—W. F. Coiiy (Buffalo Hill) met with an ac cident at the first performance of his show here today. His horse rcarc'd and fell on him. He was removed to a hotel. Sue ra 11‘. A St ratlin”’ inridont is narrated hy .lohn ()!iv(‘r. of !'‘lidiia, as foi- Idws: “1 w;is in an awfnl <‘ondition. Mv sl-;in was aini<»sl yellow, oyes sunken, ton*^n(‘ <-o;ited, |»:tin contlnn- ally in hack und side.-, no api)etite, yrowinj;'W( ak('r day l>y day. lirec* phys'n ians liad «^iven me up. 'i'lu‘n 1 was ad Vi to i;s(* UeiM rie j litters, 'I’o my «ir(‘at .j"y, tiu* lirst hottle made a decide.1 improveujent. 1 continued tiu'ir n-e for tlirt‘(* week.s, and am now a well man. 1 know tlu'y rold)eai.sits at the rati'of four per cent, per un;iu: Trust Department. 'I’l’l's'f ! if;*cts as .\g-ent. Ivveinitoi-. Administrator, (i ir- dinn. 'frustee. Hectnvor. Will take entire charge of Heal and l*er.-i'.,,i i {•'.state.s. W. H. WILIJAMSOX. ('asi)ii‘.f. T S. MOHHISOX. ( haii’iuan Hoard of Managers. Tliiit's Fresh and XicL‘, flit tVom tlie l)cst (>r cuttle. lEl! That's (Mit l»y an e.\[)erience(l hiiidi- '•'1*. Its sure In please. We Select the Meat™We Guarantee It We have been watching- meat quality so long we know wiuMi nietit IS .i^ood. \\ e know whriithe test of the very par- ticLilar. We see that what we sell you-,yup to tlie proper stantlard. The Best MEAT is Here. The liighest mai-ket price paid I'or hogs, cattle and slieep. C.'(*nu and see us. We solicit your })atronage. 1. C. TINSLEY a D. M. NORTON, Mnai Sti-eet. OpiVjsite Court Hcmiso We promptly obtain U. S. and Foreign PJIETO ' Send model, sketch or photo of invention for r free report on patentability. For free book, f How to SecureT D A C M Jl D1/ 0 w rite f Fatcntsand I nHUt~mAllEVd to HiHOt EVERY CHURCH „i- tution supported h^ vohintar.v con tribution wiy he o-iveii a liheral (luantity tlie Longman A: .Mar line/- I’uro Paints whenever they l»aiut. Note: llavo^ done so tor tw..nty- scyan years. Sales: 'Tons «»f iuilli('Us ol ^ullon.^; painted nearly two mil lion h()uses under guarantee t«* ic- paint if iK.t satisfactory. The jtaint wears for periods np to eigliteen years. Lin.-eed' Oil be added to the ])aint (do. e in two niiuut«"^i. Actual theii^;ihout!?l.‘V) •i''ail('ii. Sani].les free, by our a-^ut^. J. E. CLAYTON, Agent, Brevard.