i ( \ -ft West Sud Store. Reba Readings. Yoiins: & Sisters. General Merchandise No high rent or expensive clerk hire. Editor Sylvan Valley News: Miss Belle Cassell spent Sunday wi.tli Miss May belle iJat^well. Mr. and Mrs. Chns. (larren and lit tle dMUjfhter Miidre in<^ here Sunday afternoon were Messrs. Hen ry ami WateGarren, Charley Grav- ley, and H. S. Gillespie, of East Fork, and Miss Alice Whitn.ire, of Loftis. Yes, and by the way, Plato Scrujjgs, of (xhuly Hrancii. For want of news 1 will exit and };ive space for so:iie other corres- poiKieiit. Jiest wishes to the Svl- VAN Valt.ey Xkws. Sunshi.nk. Country Produce bought and sold. Loftis Locals. iC Get a Game of FLINCH 99 V at the Drug Store Z. AV. NICHOLS. Tlie Ladies of Brevard and Vicinity will lind a nice and up-to-date lii\e of goods at Mrs. GK&RIES LOTT'S ART PARLOR Whiti' aiiandies, Oxford C;lotli and Medal- lian 'I'riinminLis. A lint' a>s()riinent oi f^inon Hradhi^' and f^aee eltects. A lint* (tf the iii-ainerd vV Armstroiiy Kmbroidery and Knitlinne he will soon be O. K. Misses Reba and Leslie McGaha are visitinjj relatives at Brevard. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Hawkins and <*hildren passed through here Sat- urilay. Oscar Hatson was a pleasant vis itor in these parts .Sunday. ^lessrs. Seewright an poles to a chestnut on the w est side of the road from Eastatoe Ford to Blue Kidge; thence to Elfzabcth Whitmire’s line; then with her line to L. T. Galloway’s line: then with his line and various courses to the Iteginnlng. Entered April 7th, W. M, HENRY, Entry Taker. May Get Large Factory. Ja-cksonville, Fla.. April 20.—The In. dustrial Record has information that the Ameiican Fuel company, with an authorized capital of $1,000.00(», has been incorporated by New York and Georgia capitalists, and that the plant of this corporation will be established in either Brunswick, Ga., Savannah, I Ga.. or Jacksonville, with s'trong prob- i abilities in favor of Jacksonville. The I company, it is understood, will manu- i facture furnace, stove and grate fuel I by a process known only to the pro I jectors, but broadly si>eaking, from sawdust and dross from turpentine stills. Fuel blocks and other compo sitions will be made. $60,000 Fire at Chicago. Chicago, April 18.—Fire early today damaged the stock of and property oc cupied by the Pyrot foundry and Chi cago Candy company to the amount of $60,000. Th«, loss is covered by insur ance. 7 ' ' - - They Bark .. But do not* bite Our competitors claim a wliole lot when brought to bay by our lower prices, but when it comes to their meeting our figures they make all kinds of excuses to cover up tlieir deliciences. Let us show you our line of Laces and Embroideries at our reg ular pri(^es and then give you 10 per cent discount on }’our bill. These prices will surprise you and will only last for a limited time. Don’t fail to get your share. Yoin's for business, KINSLAND WELLS Phone 71. Brevard, N. C. On Monday, May 4th, I siiall open tlie HooklDi’ook StoT*e witli new goods in all depart men t.s. A.s I buy for casli. udvuutage of all discounts, I am in a position to offer my stock (;f Genera! Merchandise to my customers at the lowest living prices. C(jme an<] mk . William Hewitt Sole Proprietor of Rockbrook Store. 3Iaest in tlie world tor liver, stomacli and lx)wels. Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Only 2oc ;it Z. W. Ni(*liols drug store. Private Banks Are Closed. Chattanooga. Tenn.. April 2rt.—The private bankt: of Leroy C. Harding, at Fo’t Payne, Vttala and Collinsville, Ala., are closed on attachments issued by alleged creditors. Mr. Harding has not been seen at Foit Payne for several days. The attachment at Fort Payne was served in the interest of a Kentucky grain house to collect a debt of $1,900. It is said here that banks in Kentucky. Ohio. Indiana, Atlanta, Birmingham and Nashville will lose money. i09fi The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so decep tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by it — heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble is al lowed to advance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack the vita! organs or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles most alv/ays result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feeling badly you i can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scald ing pain in passing it, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity cf being compslled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sized bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful nev/ dis covery and a book that tells all about it, both Ilnme of Swamp-Root. sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co. Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Don’t make any mistake, but re member the name, Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Iloot, and the ad dress. Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. MORGAN Wood & Iron WOR.KS Spartanburg, - S. C. SASH ROLTiM ura DOORS DRE^SFJ) BLTXDS LU.M]l]:i; Iron work and castings »>:’ cvi ry description. Estimates 1 linii-lu-l [)romptly on nil work. Wm. M. JONES, Pres, and Tre:.:.. J. A. MULLINAX, Supt. THE I OPERATES i Dovble Daily Trajiis parrying- Pullman Sleepers, Ca-fo |a la carte) and Chair Cars i. e- .J. Elcctric Lighted BETWEEN Sirmingham, I^ernp^js ar.d r AND TO Al_l_ POINTS 114 Texas, Oklahoma ar.a Incilar. Ten l a. I, . AND THE Far West arid Nsrthwef t rifB ONLY THROUQH SLEEPJNQ O.'r BBTWEE-'M THE SOUTKE.VSF ANL KANSAS CITY Descriptive literature, tirkct- r; ranged and thrcutrli reservatioui j:;.-:.. , upon application to yV.T. SAUNDERS. Gcn l Aqt. P. ss C.r-, o.^ Trav.Pass. Act., W. T. SAU^SD^:•C Gen’l Agent Passsnger Depai*t:rc;a ATLANTA, GA. I I