&SeSSS> Moms' A Link From Foundation to Completion—From Sowing to Harvesting. Hardware ■ Furniture - Paints The larg’est and roost complete assortment of these three lines ever assembled together in Western North (’arolina, and we are in position to make you most attractive prices from the time you lay your founda tion until you are ready to cook, eat and sleep in your new home, or if repairinj^ or makinj^ changes, KKMh^MHER we can supply your wants. Too much cannot be said of our stock of BUILDEBS’ HARDWARE. We carry it in stock—a full line —from the 2’)c door lock to the l)€st that is made. We have sold nine-tenths of the builders* hardware used hei’e since we be- yan and expect to continue the ‘food work. Give Us a Show. Boj^s, “We are the stulT'*’ on POCKET CUTLERY. We have T.") to 1(K> ])Hlterns, and lht!y are warranted, and the prico'^ run from ")c to $2. More Razors Butcher Knives Scissors and Shears Than vou ever saw. Farming Implements Well, we notice that those wh<> pjitfoni/.c us once stay with us and we are fi'iends aftei-wards. ^Ve liaiulle the standai'd makes and want a visit from every cit- i/.en in the ccaintv. SYRACUSE and CHATTANQ06A PLOWS Cultivators, Hi,"0 / s, Etc V. BARTH nmiiTiiRE OF ALL DKSCKIPTIONS. A larj^e stock of Stoves and Ranges Mattresses and Springs Cots and Pillows Our stock of Matting and Rugs moi'e (;om})lete than ever. Best values for least money in a!i our lines. is one of the most impoi'tant considerations for sjiriny. Our stock is the largest and mos*: complete it has ever been, and you have only to visit us to lind that we have the quality and price in Ready-Mixed Lead Oil Varnish and all inside and outside work, including;- Wall Finishes and Wall Paper Ivemember, we want your busi ness. we want to quote you ])rices. we want to see you in our ^itore. \ve want to answt>i' your letters of inquiry, and we want you to remember that we have huiulreds <»f articles you need, and we {jrive s])ecial atten tion to mail and phone orders. DeVANE SUPPLY COMPANY » I 19 Phone 2 McMinn Block Brevard, N. C. IN RAILROAD WRECK DEATH WS FIVE Accident on Erie Railroad at Redhouse. N. Y. SHEEPMEN CtlCLARE OPEN WAR. FIVE YEARS FOR BURGLARS. PASSENGERS ARE INCINERATED. Limited Express Collides With Freight and Cars Afterward Take Fire and Three Sleepers and Two Coaches Be ing Destroyed—Two of Train Crew Injured. Jamestown, N. Y., April 20.—'Five pas*sengers an-d a hrakeman lost tiieh' “Olives in a wreck which occurred early today on the Erie laihoad at Red house, N. Y., about 8 miles from Sal amanca. A freight train which had orders to take a siding to allow the Testibuled limited express, which left Chicago yesterday and was due in J'Jew York this afternoon, to pass •through, an accident to a coupling, had bailed to clear the main track, when tlie express train came along. The result was the rear end colli- Biotn, in which two women and a lit tle girl and two men passengers on the express and a hrakeman on the freight train lost their lives, the passengers being burned to death by the flames, which d'estroyed three sleepers and two coaches. An express messenger, named Gabriel, had his leg crushed, land Fireman Bell, of the ijassenger train badly burned. ACCIDENT ON M. & O. iFreight Crashes Into Depot on Siding. Brakeman Seriously Injured. Mobile, Ala., April 20.— Through freight train No. 31, of the Mobile and Ohio, was wrecked late las-t night at Lambert, 28 miles north of Mobile. Bight cars jumped the track and land ed squarely on top of the depot, com pletely demolishing it. Not a timber in the building w'as left standing. No on*e was in th« depot at the time. The grade at Lambert is the steep est between Mobile and a point in Il linois and the road makes a sharp curve at the grade. Th« depot stood a-t the foot of th« curve and when the cars left the track they alighted on the depot. Brakeman E. M. Hessell, of Meri dian. Mis«., was seriously injured. A broken flange is said to have caused the wreck. The cars were loaded with grain. Clash Imminent With Cattlemen In the Sweetwater Country. Ch-eyenne, Wyo., April 20.—The ! Bheepmen of the Sweetwater country have declared open war upon the cat- j tlemen and a clash is imminent unless steps are at once taken to bring the I warring factions together on a propo- ! sition satisfactory for the division of j ranges on that section. I Sheriff Stough, of Lander, has gone ! to the ranch country to investigate, and if he finds the condition of af fairs as alarming as has been report ed. he will immediately make a for mal request of Governor Richards for at least one company of state militia to patrol the ranges. . Recently the sheepmen of the Sweetwater country have received cop ies of a circular letter notifying them that sheep would not be pei mitted to graze within certain boundaries. The Fremount Coimty Wool Growers’ asso ciation has adopted resolutions hold ing accountable to any member of the association whose personal and prop erty rights shall he violated, the per son and property of the “dead liners” and pledging full financial aid. moral support to the defense of the lives and property of the members of the asso ciation. The resolutions characterize the drawing of “dead lines” as a violation of federal and state statutes and call ui>on both federal and state oflficials, other wool grow'ers’ associa tions and all persons interested, for assistance. I Convicted at Charleston and Will Go I to Atlanta Prison. I Charleston. S. C., April 17.—William ; McKinley, Thomas Nolan. Edward Duggan and Charles Howard, niembers of the gang of safe blowers that cper- ated in three states last winter, have I been convicted in the federal court I and sentenced to five years in the j Atlanta prison. The trial ran for a week and more than one hundred vvitnesses were ex- , amined. The gang cleaned up $8,000 i in Enoree. and smaller amounts in va- ' rious towns in South Carolina. While I In Columbia, just previous to their ar- ! rest, it developed that the prisoners squandered thousands of dollars. The i cash and jewelry found in their pos session amounted to more than $2,000. , Practically ail of this is now' held by the court. FOUND DYING IN WOODS. W. K. Vanderbilt To Wed. New York, April 20.—It is reported here, says the Paris correspondent of The American, that William K. Van derbilt is to be married quietly here on Wednesday to a young American widow to w'hom he has recently been paying attention. The name of the bride-to-be, w'ho is at present living in Paris, is kept secret. She is reported to have visited New York a year ago, where she w'as entertained by her sis ter, an unmarried w’oman, who is in the secret of the approaching marriage to the exclusion of Mr. Vanderbilt’s relatives in New York. Good Return from Convicts. Montgomery, Ala., April 21.—The state convict board has turned into the state treasury $22,371.53 as the re ceipts for the month of March for the hire of convicts. There has not been a single death among the convicts since the state took charge of theii care. i Mystery Surrounds Death of Cancer I Doctor Near Brunswick. Brunswick, Ga., April 17.—W. A. Brown, a cancer doctor, who has been In Brunswick about seven months, was found in the woods a few miles from the city in an unconscious con dition. He was found by two negro I boys, who at once notified Coroner Jennings. I Brown w'as brought to the city and j physicians were called In and they did everything possible for the unfortu nate man, hut without ever regaining; his senses he died. The affair has caused quite a mystery in the city. The exact cause of his death is not known. The police department Is In vestigating the case. A Sure Thiiijr* It is said that nothii?}? is sure ex cept death and taxes, but that is not altogether true. Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption in a sure cure for all lung and throat troubles. Thousands can testify to that. Mrs. C. B. VanMetre, of Shepardstown, W. Va., says: “I had a severe case of bronchitis and fora year tried every thing I heard of but got no relief. One bottle of Dr. King’s New Dis covery then cured me absolutely.” It’s infallible for croup, whoophig cough, grip, pneutijonia and con- sumplion. Try it. It’s guaranteed by Z. \V. Nichols, druggist. Trial bottles free. Regular siz*V 50c and $1.00. W. L. AIKEN & Co. Meat Dealers Fresh Meat of All Kinds Beef Lamb Mutton Pork Poultry and Game Market One Door Above Postoffice Buyers and Dealers in Beef, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs Phone 62. Brevard, N. C. R. J. PICKELSIMER t General Merchandise I Brevard, X, C. / Country Produce at Market Prices. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. '»V. Grove’s signature is on each box. 2oc. Notice—En, W. p. and W. L. acre.s of laud in i)\ll Townships, Transv vfj on the waters of ‘ Oli Broad River, adjoinitii ter, J. M. D. Cantreh, frcd Tinsley and othei, nut oak in the old Oliv of the old Oliver trac lor complemeut. Ei>t' w y No. 2424. [^11 enter and claim ^ Rock and Ka>t:ite» HKNRY, Lutry Taker.