Use Our Water. ilWaterliig Trougli for Stock and a Drink- Fountain for Humanity are Badly Needed In Brevartf. note with pleasure that ^'^??gestions made by the News bearing fruit. The footlog at ^’u^lhey’.s creek has been ainend- so tl)at It is now possible for country woman to *?et to town 'vilh her basket of eggs without 'vutliiig or walking the trestle. ^oiiipiyijjg so promptly with our suggestions emboldens us to *^iaUe others. Tliei'o should be a drinking f'Hintain in front of the court ^'<^>use and it is the duty of the c ounty commissioners to provide ont‘. public well has been ^ill»‘d u]), and there is absolutely place in town where a stranger < aii slake his thirst without beg- People who come here to ‘tttj^nd court can tind no water to drink without infringing on the l iglits and privileges of some one, and even the county otHcers are ^•'nnpelled to supply their otlices I loin some one's private spiggot. court house is conveniently, situated for both water and sc\v»M*age, and surely the water rtMits will not bankrupt the <'<>iinty. This water su[)j)ly is tlie greatest necessity of the h«tur and we hardly see how the ‘•"inmissioners <*an longer delay tliis important improvement A similar and almost as impor tant an improvement is a place t'»i' watering stock. Teams need waleras badly as human beings, and at i)resent thei-e is no ])ro vision foi* their necessities. As tlu' siieets b«*l«'ng to the town, a watering trough could be put at the curb anywhere the authori- tit'N might select, and would be <>iu‘ more attraction to our beaL- til'iil town which even the dumb animals would appreciate. It Uii^^ht be that if the Board of Al- dei inen would grant permission soin(‘ enterprising merchant would construct a trough in ‘li'ont of his place of busitiess as an advertisement, but this is hardly to be expected of men wlio 1‘ent their business houses. Sinnmer is upon us—our town will si>on be tilled with visitors— and the belated ti-aveler and his lioi sp ai'e both unpi-ovided for in one of life's necessities — water. We hope the proper authorities will take this matter in hand at the»\',rliest moment, and remedy these important defects in our at tractions. A l^ord of Advice. W(* have found out that the Court House squai-e is under the e'vclusive control <;f the County C'omniissioners and therefore the Akl(‘rmen have no authorit taU«‘ it in charge. We sug to th(‘ Commissioners that t t nrn 1 he care of tlie said S(iu; over to the Board of Alderi/^. It will take a mall amount of nion(*y to iiave the i)lot ck^aned olf and mowed ;kj«1 perhaps it n(‘(*ds re-seedin.g The aldermen nr(* always here and h;^v'e a street overs(*er who could d«‘Voti^ some ^tention to k’ in pre- seiitable sha})e. They could look after it at less cost than'the com- iiiissioners. We think that the county ouglit to contiibute a small amount to assist in the needed cleaning uj). and ho]>e that the commissioners will see their way clear to -ret as we suggest. To ('»•'<* a <’ol<l iit >iic Day T:il<e LaxJ^tive liromo i uiniiie Tal»- ],4s. All drujij^ists refund theinouey iY it fails to cure. K. 'Iv. CJrove’s ature is on each box. ,2')C. The County Commissioners.. The citizens of Transylvania have good reason to be proud of their commissioners and the manner in which the business of the county is being conducted. The sheriff has settled in full with the commissioners and the list of insolvents does not amount to one-half of what was claimed by the last Republican sheriff. And then the taxes are less than they were under Republican ad ministration, although the state tax has increased; so on every side we have abundant evidence of good business sense and sound judgment. While the court did censure the commissioners for tlieir apparent neglect in the matter ol the poor unfortunate insane man in jail, we know that they have done all in their })ower to have the state hospital take the said man into that institution and have been unable to do so, and a great deal can be said in their behalf in that matter. There is one matter that ought to be looked after at once, though, and that is putting water into the court house. It is not a lux ury but a necessity. The county officials, the court officers, jurors and witnesses all need water, and the saving to the county in time would more than repay the cost of installing water and toilet room. We hope that the com missioners will see the advantage of having water and sewerage put in befoi-e the next term of court, not only for the court at tendants but f(*r the people from the country when they come to town at other times. Some Suggesilnns. The attention of the Street Com mittee of the lioard of Aldermen is Cidird to the coiiditioii of the plank walk ill front of the huilding be- Iween the .Ethelwold and W. P. Wfeilt's store, and also in front of the lot on the southeast corner of Main and Johnson streets. These two sections of sidewal-< are danjjer- ous and if not repaired mayc.iusea damage suit. There are also two larue stumps nearly in the middle of the sidewalk in front of the resi dence of Ed. C. Wilson. It was un derstood,-it tile time tlie larjre locust trees iVere cut down there that the party who cut them was yroinj; to move the stumps. There was some V!iUial)le lofust tiiidx'r in the two trees, and renu)viny: the stumps would not more than pay for i t. i And tlien the barbed wire fenc(‘ nui- I sauce is still in existence, and we lean hardly blame “Pink J^ed Pet(^” ' from wearing: pistols when in town when we see those relics of b’uMtartjus ajics still on our Main street, for lu* has p)od reason while ‘iaziuj? on those fences t<» think that lie is in a community where the person ;iud ]>roperty of the waylarer is not cou- siilered. r>t;^.I^>seph i’oniinville, ot‘ Still- i-ater, Minn., after havin«: spent over ?*2,000 with the best, doctors for stomach trouble without relief, was advised by his dru<;t*ist, .Mr. Alex. I Kicliard, to try :i bo.K ot (Miamber- i Iain’s StoniMcii hihI Liver Tal)lets. ! He did so, and is a well man today, jlf trouoled with indigestion, bad taste in the mouth, lack of appetite I or constipation, give these tablets a trial and you are cei iaiu to be more [than plea>e«l with the residt. 2-il*. sale by /. \V. Xicliols. iive- vard, ami (). L. Krwin. ('heiM'yliuhl. I ing of a oar on the Union Traction line, while running at a hi.?h rate of speed in this city early this morning. The air brake failed to \vor]<. Tho most soiiously injured was Dr. H. A. Woodruff, of this city. His arm was broken and hf' was also severely cut. Sweeping Injunction Issued. New Orleans, May 16.—Judge Board- man in the federal court today issued a sweeping injunction against the lo cal ticket scalpers forbi-iding them to deal in any \vay in the reduced tick ets sold for the confederate reunion :,in this city. / Brevard Banking Company Statement at the close of business May 4, 1903. Capital $ 15^000.00 Surplus 2,20 \ A9 Deposits subject to check 134,562.39 $151,763.88 RESOURCES. Loans $ 68,032.79 Furniture 544.56 Due from other banks 79,124.47 Cash on hand 4,062.06 $151,763.88 I, .T. W. McMinn, Cashier, certify that the above is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. J- W. McMinn. We Can Beat the Noise Our Cmpetiti by the sini^le announcement that we liand'e only the Satisfaction Brand of Clothing* No clotldny can be better (alone as {*001) for the same price we sell them. So don't waste time in lookinj; further. A waste of time is the kind of waste most ]>eo])le are yuilty of. We don’t want to take your time any lonjjfer than to call your attention to the fact that you can saye time, trouble and money bv i?ives^in*>- in the Saiisfsu^tion lirand Clothin*'’ sold by us below bed rock prices. C'ome in and see them. Spring and Summer Styles Shoes and Oxfords for all occasions and purposes. A constantly increasing number of satisfied customers is the best evidence of merit of our shoes. ^ • Oui* trade last month was more than double what it was the same month last year. We promise the cominj»' season we shall endeavor and ai’e fuliv deterndned to au^-ment the number of our customers if honest methods and t*()od values can acctomplish it. Please remember we have a lary^e stock of Dry Goods Matting Groceries, etc. We sell tlumi lower tlnn tht* lowest. At tlie One-l’rice Spot Casli Store Oi)|)t)site the Court House. Faithfully yours. W. P. WEILT Phone 54. Brevard, N. C. $2.50 Shoe For style and service always choose A pair of Brown’s $2.50 shoes. Dollar for Dollar you’ll receivc By always purchasing a pair of these, Never pur chased as stylish, dur able and elegant a Ladies* Shoe. It’s worth your whi liU to be particular in selectina'a Piano. It's an article you buy but once in a life-time, if you buy the rig'ht kind. Wo can sell vou a Ki»abe, Ivers & Pond, Chickering, Everett and Harvard, Also the Hurdett Organ. A ])ostal card will brina; you catalogues, ]>rices and easy terms tluit we think will interest vou. Asheville Piano Parlors lO.V South Main Street. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxativc Bromo Quiiune TaUets.^ Seven Mmion boxes sold in past 12 months. TfciS Sigliatlire» B. C. LEE. Pi-op Cures Grip in Two Days. on every ^rmrt^ 25c*

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