UVEES SUCGOiUB TO SWEEP Of fLOODS Situation at Des Hoines ITo\o More Aiannins* further rise in KIVER8. Thousands of People Are Homeless, Actually Suffering For Food. Property Loss Will Be Tremendous. Rain Predicted. Moines, Iowa, May 30—Four of water was coursing through a section of East Des .Moines’ bus- Iness district at daylight this morning, to the rise in the river of a foot all past records, and the carry- ijig away of a section of the levee« Center street. ^ thousand people in Moines 4.000 in North Moines are l>ra(.-tioally cut off fruni cunimuaication ^ith the main section ot the ciry. ■A-bsoIutely no attempt has beou mada to transact business. The street rail- "’ay company does not expect to be able to start cars tor a week. Six thousand persons are homeloss, 35 per cent of whom are practically without shelter and have been unfed for lil houis_ during which time they have been expose>J to the constantly heavy rains with the thermomeier close to the freezing point. Many women and childre-n shivered all night long in raiur soakol garments, unable to tinJ a dry place on which to lie. I’ox cars were in reach of many of the refuge ‘s this morning, in which they could find shelter ircnn the rain, but relief work is in a deplora- condition and far l)pyond th;> nee Is. I-nestimable suffering i)ri vails. The ^udtlenness of the flood h'ft no time t^or preparation or tor organization to combat it. I.evees all over the city ’i-re yielding. In many places thfi l^f^s Moines river is 2 miles wide. Th9 du.mage cannot be coinputfii because of the fact that close to 2.ihh( buildings are submerged and it cannot be tolJ whether they will be carrii^l away. f»i>at damage w?.s done by th« breaking of the levee along the Chi- OBgo. Burlington and Quincy tracKF., which inunuated the j>rincipal factory <i’istrict. oeveral hundred tliousand dollars’ v/orth of machinery is un.'.ftr v.-ater. A dozen ice houses have been wat'hed away, resulting in an approxi mate loss of $TM).tmn. The plant of The Daily r*apital is floodtd and boats are plying through tlie business dis trict in that vicinity. Water is over the Northwestern, Wabash, Rurliugton and Rock Island tracks in many i)laces in the city lim its. From Ft. Dodge above here the weather foreca.“t is for co’itinucMl rain. The Raectxin river above here is still at a standstill. read. The principal address was de- Wvered by United States Attorney W. D. Wickersham. There was a larg* concourse of people at the exercises. Reconciliation Effected. Nashville, Tenn., .May 30.—recon ciliation has been effected Detwer^x: the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis and Brotherhood of LocomotiTf Firemen after an estrangement of 10 years. The Brotherhood was placed under the ban at the tiuce of the Puli- man trouble for the reason that many Of its members violated their contratif by going out on a smpathetic strike. SIXTEEN NEGROES DROWNED. Their Skiffs Were Capsized In Missis* sippi River. Memphis, Tenn., May 30.—Sixteen negroe.s, cotton plantation hands, w’ere drowned in the Missisisijpi I’iver near Pecan Feint, 40 miles north of the city. They left the plantation after dark In two skiffs. Waves from a passing vessel capsi;:ed the frail boats and all han.ds save one went down. A lad, Will Bell, escaped by clinging to aa oar. He v,as washed ashore an 1- re ported the tragedy to Dr. B. F. Chiles, a prominent physician, who brought the news to Memphis. The following is a list of the dead, seven of whose bodies have been recovered: H. C. Rountree, aged 50. Rebecca oRnudtree, aged 40. Maggie Rou-ndtree. aged 18. Geneva Roundtree, aged !<•. Mack Roundtree, aged 5. Ella Rouniltree, aged 6. Alberta Round-tree, aged 3. Infant Roundtree. I-ewis George, aged 25. Neal Camm, aged "O. James Moore. Willie Moore. Infant Moore. Andrew Roundtree. Wife of Andrew’ Rounr'tree. I Hope My Customers Will Excuse Me FEDERAL MEMORIAL DAY. Graves of Union Soldiers Decorated at Marietta. Atlanta. May 3o.—About 1.200 Geor- prlans. members of the Grand -A.rmy of the Republic, woman’s relief corps and sons of union veterans, gathered iu Marietta today to celebrate federal Me morial day. A sptH'ial train, consisting of a large number of coaches, left Atlanta. Three posts of the Grand Army of the Ropublic were in attendance—the O. M. Mitchell post, of Atlanta; the Blue Ridge post, of Jasper, and the J. B. Steadman post, of Tallapoosa. The band from the Sixteenth infan try at Fort McPherson rendered a sp^i- cial program sent out by the war de partment, which was quite elaborate. For not (*luiii<^ing iny ad. ofteiier, as I am usually too l)usy selling goods to our inauy custouiers to take time to think what to put in an ad. And besides, I prefer talking face to face with the })eople to seeing them at long I’aiige through a newspaper. So duirt wait to see me in that way. Thei*e is no use for me to do so, hut I will tell you that I have the best all-round general mer (‘haiidise store iu ]3revard; and those who dou*t ali’oady know it can find out by looking through my store. My lines—including Dry Croods, Groceries, Shoes, Clothing and othei’s—are strong; and from the amount of business done my ])i'i(*es must be low. Hoping that I may be able to serve a satisfied people, I am yours faithfuily, T. D. ENGLAND Phone 8. McMinn Block. Brevard, N. C. J WILD WORK OF WINDS. Missouri Valley Lake of Water. Omaha, Neb.. June 1.—'Tuie heavy rain continues with no indication of abating. Reports of damage by the floods continue to come in from the towns along the Missouri river. On the Iowa side between Council Pluff.^ and Missouri valley, the whole valley is a lake, and the water is l>eginning to ?:often up railroad beds. Trains wore late from the west and a num ber v/ere annullej altogether. Town of Haskell, Tex., Struck ,by Tornado. Dallas. Tex., May 30.—^Two ranche-e near Albany, Shackelford county, have been destroyed by a tornado. The telephone and telegraph wires are ba'ly crippled in that section. The town of Haskell was struck by a tornado and 12 or 15 residences and many more barns were blown down ar.d a number of people seriously in- ;ared. among them were Ab<^ Jone« and wife, Mrs. Scott and a farmer. LITTLE TOWN FIRE SV/EPT. Claxtcn, on the Ssaboard Air Li.“ie, Suffers Severely. Savan’ h, Ga., May 30.—special to the Savannah Press siates that the little town of Claxton. on the S.''aboard Air Line railroad, and about 4o miles from Savannah, was visite i by a se vere fire this morniiig at 1 o’clock. j Bob Pickens, general merchandise; Mrs. Simmons, millinery; D. C. Wat- | ers, jewerl}’; Mr. Lew'is' dwelling; Hen ry DeLoach, green grocery; Willie Wilkinson's residence: R. R. Pipj)i,^ residenoe, McCormick Machine com ny’s building were all (b'stroyed. The DeLoach hotel wa.s also threat-^ €ned hut was finally saved. Dropped Dead After Speech. Pensacola, Fla., May 27.—Judge F^ank P. Bonifay, aft'>r delivering a heated address in the campaign, dropped dead just as he v/as leaving the platform. The exertior' and ex citement caused his (U-ath. 'Hundreds of people had listene to the speech. ' • ei- thanking the audience’.for its at-i mention he turned aiid I’ell tio the ' ground. The meeting was immediatu- j iy adjourned. Judge Bonifay was onfl of the oldest and mo^^t re.spertecl citi zens of Pensacola. He was years old and was born here, as was his fath- Decoration Day at Mobile. j Mobile. Ala., May r,n.—.Decoration j . here wa» observed by John C. Re- niont post. Grand Arr.iy oti the Re- , nublic. Services were coriucted in National cemet( ry. f here the M-aves of the federal dead wL’-t- strews with flowers. Besides ad. !rt*,s:ses and music, Unccln’s Memorial Address waa ) Farmers To Build Oil Mill. Dublin, Ga.. May 29.—A movement la on foot among the farmers of Lau rens county to establish a co-o[)erative cotton oil mill. \V. J. Joiner, one of the most progressive farmers in the county, has charge of the movement, and he states that he intends pushing it forward to completion. He is sai<l to be meeting with much encourag*- m-^nt. Start liny Kr'-Ii tostiniony in eat quantity is constant Iy (oiiiin ^ in. d-clarin'.' |)r. Ki New l>i«rovory for Ci)<Miin|>tioii, Coii^)i.s and Told.' to iini*- ^ iiM ent ex|ire.'SU)n f.c^in '1'. .1. McFur- ,<1, Ki. ntoi villi‘. Va.‘iTve.i as an e.x^iiiiplf. H-; itcs: ‘ 1 had Itronrhiii.s for three years and M-toied all the tlie time without being benefitt d. Then I Vitgan l.tkuii; Dr. Klnu s Ni-w Di'eoveiy and a few t>ottk-s wholly eured me " K<iually ell'eetive in curing all I.ui.j? ainl I'iiroat troubles, (.'>!isuiiii t!un, I'ueuiiinnia and (;rij>. < iuaraiitt'ed ]>y/.. W. Nifiiols. Daiir^ist. 'I’rial hollies fri'O, n-^ulur ^i/.e.s r.iK'.an'i sj o ). Injured Pugilist Dies. Sava-nnah, Ga., June 1.—Geo. Fee- ley, whose skull W'as crushed in a contest with Jim JejTerds. died at St. Josepli hosipital at au early Lour this morning. COME EARLY and AVOD THE RUSH As I am going to sell my entire stock of Straw Hats Reacy-to-Wear WaiStS and Skirts at Net Cost I have some very fine Silk Waists that are going to be sold at a bargain. You dbn^t have to wait until the season is over to get bargains in seasonable and stylish goods* I will sell them now. T. W. WHITMIRE Steamer Founders. Sydney, N. S. W.. I'I ay o'i—The Brit ish steamer Oakland foundered orf Port Stephens today. The .Dassenu'Ts and crew were saved. The Oakiund was a small coasting vessel of 22S tons. Tlint robiniijj;- Would iiuii-kly leave you if you u-ed Dr. Kii'u‘> N'.'W Life I’il s. Tiiousands of sulVerers have provi-d t’ eir matchh s merit fo: sick and Xerv iu« Heada'-hi-*-. I lie\ nuiJce piue l>lood and buill uj> your In Only 25 cent*;, money iKJck if notcuied. .S)ld by/. V,, Nichols. DiJ"- ?zist. * Chinamen To Be Bounced. ^rontgomery, Ala., Ala 30.—Fong Hand a-nd Doc Sho, tw'O Chinamen who escaped from a United States deputy marshal near here, wiio w^as carrying 46 of them to San Francisco to bp deported for violating the Chinese ex clusion act, w'ere tried before Com missioner Elmore, who issued an order of deportation, the first ever issued In Montgomery. Reward Offered for Murderer. Montgomery, Ala.. May 30.—Gover nor Jelks has issued a reward of $15o for the arrest and co-nviction of the murderer of Robert Arrington and the ! Chamberlains Cciic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. i'Piie uniform success of this remedy has made is the ruo<t i>opular vrejyaratlon iu u-e for bowel I complaint.';. It is everywhi-ie recoyuizcfl as the I one remedy that can always \)0 depended upon and th;it is pleasant to take. It is especially val- ' liable for summer dianhoea iu ehildreii and i.s I uudoubtt.<iIv the means of saving the lives of a great nuiuy ehildreu each year. For sale l>y Z. W. Nichols, i^i-e- varil. and O. Ij. l^rwin. (.’herryliekl brutal assault on his mother at Sul-; Arnica .-;.i!ve. l)viv«Mi t<» I><‘sju‘r;itioii. l.iving at an out of the way phi< <-. remote from civilizatio’.i, a family is often driven to desper: - tion in eas<* of aei ident, resulti: g Hums, Cut.-, Wounds, fleers, ete. Lay iu a supply of Jiucl'- Ifs the best on eaith; •.i-'-i. livan’s mill. Barber county, last Mon- at/., w. AkhoS' < day. * 3 tore. Galloway, Duckwortli & Go., REAL ESTATE DEALERS, Rooms 3 and4, McMinn Block, Brevard, N. C. Buy and sell all kinds of Heal F.state. CJollei't reiits, and attend to j)ro]>- erty when owner is absent. Faming: ai d T.r. ber Lands a Specialty. J- nbscr.be tor the ^^vkvax V.vllev Nkws, only paper in tl e county. \

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