mmns A Link From Foundation to Completion—From Sowing to Harvesting. Hardware - Furniture - Paints Tlie larji'cst and most c()iiij)lete assortment of tliese thi*oe lines ever assembled tooellior in Weste)-n Xoi-tli ( Hi'oliiui, and \vt; jii'e in ])oslli»in to tnaUo you most atti-active ]n*ices from the time you lay .our founda tion until you are ready to (M)ok. eat and sleep in your new home, or if rej)airiny or niakin-*- ehanoes, I Ih'.M 1\M H l']| I we can supply y(»ur wants. ” 'Too much cannot be saitst ihat is ]u;itic. Wc bav*; sold nine-tenths of the buildei*s' hardw;ire used lu-re .sinci* we \h‘.- n and (‘Xjiect Lo coi’.tinue the ^<»od work. Give Us a Show. Jioys, **\Ve are the stnIT" on POCKET COTLERY. We ]iavc“ T.‘) to I(K) i>atti‘rns, and lliey jire wuminted. and the prices run ironi .’)c U> ^-2. More Razors Butcher Knives Scissors and Shears TliJin von evei' saw. Farm' "Wtdl. we notice iliMt thos(‘ who |)ati'oni/.e us t»nce st:iy with us ;iud we :ire friends jil'terwards. We iKindie the st:indai‘d mals ‘S jvjid want a. visit Iroui every cil- i/,en in the countv. SYRACUSE and CHATTANQGGA Oii!ii¥ators, Harrows, Etc i m ■ ■ I 1 FUEMTnRE OF A Li. T)l-:s(’JvllTlONS. A lar;_'e stock of Steves find Ranges Mattresses end Springs Cots end Fillcws (>11 r stock of Matting end Rirgs Tuore c«))u])ic te than ever. I’.-st vahics lor money in all our iines. :^^x'2^rr is oju* of tie ju»)."t itnportant coiisi(ierntioiis for sj>iMiur. »)ui- stock is tlie, lai‘;.>est and nios^. t watch over the house all day a,nd night, fearir.g that fur ther trouble would follow. About (* o’clock they struck the trail of Wiley near Strickland’s home, and in the chase they overtook Wiley about 1 mile from the scene of the shooting. He ^ ran into a neighbor’s house and told • the ladies, who were alone, that a ; mob was alter him. and hnriiedly gave his version of the difficulty, the pre- vous night, saying that he was not to blame altogether for the trouble. He said that in his j)ocket were | letters from the wife of Strickland i that would prove the part of her self in the tragedy. He also said that | he was going to kill himself before the j crowd ]>ursuing him could find him. 1 Saying this, he went Into a room, closed the door and shot himself in the temple and through the heart, dying instantly. The posse came up before he was cold an'3 broke into his room, finding his lifeless body on tiie bed. It is alleged that the dead man an(! Strickland's wife w'ere on intimate terms. The affair has stirred the communi ty to a frenzy of excitement, a>nd the peculiar death of the man in the case has ended one of the most unusual occurrences in the history of this county. Strickland, the wounded hus band, is doing as well as could be ex* pected, but his condition is serious. DEATH LIST GROWS. Thirteen Killr-« In Southern Wreck al Bryan, Ala. ] BirmingbTim. Ala.. .May 20.—ft is now | rei)oi-tcd that in addition to the eight trainmen v.-ho were killed in the Sout.i- . ern railway freight wreck at Rryan yesterday, five tramps, four negi'oes and fM'e white man, were killed anil burned. j The bodies of none of the missing men have been recovereL Two €ngineers. Samuel ,Iohn?on and W. T. Acker, were taken out alive, but afterward died. All the other Ceatl men were cre mated. A score or more of loaded cars wer? burned and the debris we,s Btiil burn ing at last accounts. W. L. AIKEN & Co. Dealer HIS FOOT CAUGHT IN FROG. Louisville and Nashville Switchman Is Crushed to Death. Birmingham, Ala.. May ,"0.—,T. M. Webb, a white switchman lor the Louisville an'l- Nashville railroad, was crushed to death at the Twenty-fourth street crossing. While w^alking along the track his shoe was caught in a frog and he could not extricate it be fore an apj)roaching engine had rush ed upon him and mangled him to such an extent that he died a few hours af terwards. Fresh Meat of All Kmds Beef Lismb Mutton Pork Poult^ry and Game Market One Doer Above Postoffice Buyers and in Beef, Cattle, Slieep and Hogs Phone 62. Brevard, N. C. Suit for $600,000 Fiisc'. Mcntgoniery. Ala.. .May :;0.—Su?{ has been filed for daniage.« against J. G. White & Co., of New York, who are operating the Mont gomery Traction company, by R. L. Harmon and the other Montgomery stockholders. Also, an injunction is asked to prohibit J. G. White & Co. from issui-ng $400,000 worth of bonds, In the name of the Traction company. The complaint alleges that J. G. Whita & Co. are trying to “freeze uut” the local stockholders. fi Dollar Saved is a t)oi!ar 31adi‘ Notice. 15.V directiotis ot* tlie P.o.ird of Al- (lei’Mieii tlic niemliers ot* the tire* coni- pjiTiy >u*e onlered to ])rMCti'je at least once ;i week. Hereafter the iiieiii- l)er.s will meet at the eiijiine hoii.'-:e at 4 in. on eaeii Fridji.v afternoon. A tire company that «locs not prac;- tiee is.of little jjood in case of tire, and we nmst practice to become of any value. Any member not pre.'^- ent nnle.^s for good reason wiil l>e dropped from the roll. K. liHKESK, Jll., Cilief Fire Depjirtnient. I will save vou^. iiionev on ^ \ ft/ SHOES. Selling for 20 pew cent less than cost^ R. J. PICKELSIMER /) • ff • l^oJ'J^tipaMon, Itidi'^osi ion. ^ i 11 —■ 25c and 50c per box. all druggists. Write'for>free sample. Manr.fiictured onlv bv The Dr. Chas. T. Sisk Chemical^ Co.,'^Jisheville, N. C.