Public Schools. Monday, July 6th, 1903, the of Education of Transyl ’^’unia Brevard Again Victorious. The Brevard base ball team county met in the court ito Johnson City and *‘‘>use in Brevard, and after the Bristol, Tenn., to play a series of ^^suul introductory business pro-, ^^ames with each town, ^‘^ecled to appoint committeemen ' Bi istol has one of the best ‘ind apportion the school funds ' teams in the south, and our team each district as follows: Uviil iheir meet “foemen worthy lioijd District No. 1— of their steel. ” From the scores ^ ^ Brown, Dealos «:ames with Johnson City printed below it appears that the iMstrict No. 2—T. U. Duncan, P. P. S. N. Merrell-4100. District Xo. :i—(i. T. Lyday, C. P. ' ‘Jiytoii, Caj'son WotKliin— Itnrxrd —District No. 1 — ‘^Jiylus Clark. Mark \V. tioklsinith, Uose—$Sl). J^i'>trict No. 2—W. II- Duckworth, D. M. Don**las, T. T. l.oftis— -'P4tiO, District No. —T. T. Patton, W. E. Dcaver, Wm. Maxwell—i^lOO. jHstrict Nt). 4—J. -lohn Mufus cirant—tso. i T;ie sendinur out of a <>:ood team I>istrict No. .•)-daslon NVill, .1. W. 1 , , ^ -Morris, w. H. Allison -iduo. ^ demoiist rates to the outside ('•itlidfs Ci-nk District No. ' world that there is a town named j ^ 1^. 11. Scriijj'^s. (i. 1j. liiazeuer, J Brevaid team had a walkover I in the first game, was beaten in the second game and was again vick)rious in the third, winning two out of three games. Tliereis no town the size of Bre vard in the United States that has as irood a team as we have. Mrs. CHAHLES LOTT S JUn PARLORS • • Brainerd & Armstrong’s SILKS Kmbroidery wash silk in File Cas])ian. lionian and liope. Mohia Lustre Floss. Corti- celli machine silk and twist in all i-iades. Also H, & A. sofa i)illow toj)s in llussian SII^K linen and l-^nylish art tickinjr. Bulf^arian Table Spi’eads at The Art Parlors. Candies and Chocolates received weekly. Butterick Patterns and the Delineators. Ribbons, Laces and Insertions. Black and white Net for waists. All-over Laces. (iernaan Lisle Hose for Ladies and Misses. (’oi'ded and Plain Pique Belts. Oxford (’loth four-in-hands. Huck Stocks and Collars in white and dainty colors. Handsome Ladies' Kerchiefs at each. (’hilTon and Silk Pans. Hair Looj)s and Fancy Side Combs. Olympian Silver Hooks and Fyes. Enyflish Twill Tanes, Linen Ribbons. l*leasant waitinj^ room with scales and mairazines at THE ART PARLORS A. Mull—!fl,")U. Disti-ict No. 2—T. .1. Koss. Al exander, .fr., Thomas (Jarren—^120. District No. K. C. (ilazenei-, *1 iiiiies Whitmire. .1. M* Zachary—$120. }{(>ck' -District No. 1 — Lawreiice Ash\v(.)rth. 11. L. Allison, lluy:hey Orr—$UH». District No. 2—.1. N. McD. Cantrell. -I- K. Duckworth. S. P. McCarroll— Brevard; that s.-iid town has a b ill team and that the ball team is a winner Such reasoning naturally leads to the absolutely correct conclusion that if Bi’e- vard has surplus capital and en ergy enough to get out such n tea.n that it is a good ]ilace to go ^ilo. District No. :5—S. \V. TI->osed, Wal- live, and sucli is the case. iiaxter. .1. 11. 1 laxter—^SU. i • ,i « District No. 4—\V. I’. il«>-sed. J. H. ■ brevard is the livest, busiest Biiiiwell. L. D. Si-rii^ys. tsi). j and most metrop >litan liltle town Kostnifjc Toirndiiit -District No. 1— j,, mountains. Whenev«^( n\ivJs Brevard has or does anything i; ^!«is'trict^No. 2--K M Whitmire. J | is as g«)od as can be had or done; 1^. (Jiliispie. Leo Fisher, ^liiu. jin fact to the well informed in- Disirict No —Davis Calloway, vestor Bievard is synonomout in Meece. 11 M I'oue.i. ¥iH». \vith progression and thorough ness. (iallowav, W Brevard Johnson Citv District No. 4—L 1 C Aiken. .1 M Powell—•'fNi. District No. •')—.1 S iirii^well. H K j Calh.way. .1 H Cravley. | Monday (t Inure sit I' 'J'ou'nshi‘i Disii*ict No. 1— ! -I H House, H S MeCall. T(iallo- Tuesday Brevard wav. $U0. .loliiison t ity District No. 2—(' M Moore, .fames We'nsday Brevard Antlers, Blythe McCall. | .l«)hnson City.. District I.:»—.1 asper M< <’all. .James 1 M H v: lu IT c. \) IT) :i 2 :i i(» 1.’) 7 () s 4 i> •Mi-Cali, Kufus .Mc< ail. District No. 4—M Owen, Sim]) Fi^h.■r. W K Hall. *KM. IIoijIkhIx 'J'nirnslilp—District No. 1 — I’t'Ovven. 10 Ueece. (iidton Miiler. -'?i:U». District No. 2—-1 A Bi'eodlove. Lee Norton. T H lie d. •■Jil2<>. District No. .‘{ — Dr C (irimshaw, W n Xicholson, W .1 ()wi*n. $1(HK District No. 4—I S Fisher. A .T Lee. K I) Owen. !?S0. Distri(!t No. Arthur Miller. W A nurlinyjime, S L Saunders. GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. Child Labor Bill Meets With Defeat In the House. Atlanta, .Tuly 9.—Dereat In the de- gres forecasted by the apponents of til'* child labor bill was the fate of that m-'i-iisure in the house of representa tives ypsterday, at the conclusion of a debate which lasted Tor ;:\x hours. Opponents of the bill asserted con fidently on Tuesday night that they had 90 votes. The result of the roll IJtIh liinr lotriisliiit Distri«>!t No. cau house at noc-n yesterday L Hardin, Neal Heath. C - Ic- that they had lost 1 < i-ary. $5*0. District No. 2—.I 11 Mc(’all, W .1 Kay. rvlarshall l>all. *100. Disti-ict No. W S Ashworth, W \\ Kil])atrick, A .1 Ceor^e. .^120. District No. 4—W H Xicholson. D .M Ij M Hart. .Sl2'». District No. •')—I*' A Heath. N M Brown, James Jtmes. .SS*. coLoin o hai’f:. lioifd 'Tnti:nslni> —District No. 1 — Smith. .i?SO Ihd'nnl 'J'oa'hsliiit—Disti'ict No. 2— Ike Hailey, Bryce Mills. llichai-d Ponder. .^100. District No. .‘i—U»*v. Fletclier. C.’am Mills Marshall (iadsden. .slOO. All the C()unnilteein(*n are re- only one of these, while the vote for the measure was aboui, what had been conceded by them, its failure being recorded by 89 to 7,'). The debate yesterday was somewhat more of a picturesque one than that of the day betore. The speake’^s had a shorter time allotted to them, and there was a little more gringer about the proceeding. A little tilt between <;e()ryfe Orr, Adam Hutchinson, Doc ^j.v Moses, of Coweta, an.i Mr. Tigner, of Muscogee, served to enliven the uro- ceedini>:.'j quite a bit. Mr. Tigner had raised some question as to .Mr. Moses’ political refcrd, as to his De mocracy, and though Mr, Moses was Eot in the hall at the time, ho heard 1 , . of it .Tnd came back with quite a ,,uin‘d -oetore .Mitenng upon sharp reply the duties «)f th-ir office to take ^here was considerable fec’lng dis- oatli for the fail htjii ])erformance played by some of the sjieakers. but i: iht^reof. Sec. 45 School I^avv. ^as all in good nature, an.l the evi- The Board of Kducation or- dence was abundant that every vote dei'cd that every school shall be was the result of an honest, straight- run four montlis. and that no forward opinion as to the merits of contracts shall be made by any measure. committee for moi-e money than before, tne gallery lias been api)ortioned to their re crowded with interestfd listeners. spec-.tive disti-ict. If it I , . f 1 to demand a cessation of applause. to employ a teacher whosfe salary , Australian ballot bill failed to in four months \\ould bfc moie receive a constitutional majority in than is apportioned to thtlschool senate yesterday after the provi- for which he is employe*, then sion that it should not bei'.ome ef- the amount ovei* must by made fective until approved by the grand np by private subscri[>tion. Due juries had been stricken from the regard has been given to schools measure. needing more than one teacher. This morning a motion to reronsid- I T Newton, ‘ action will be made and the i probability is that the grand jury pro- I vision will be put in the bill. When ' this is done, there are assurances that a requisite constitutional majority will be forthcoming. Brevard Banking Company Statement at the close of business May 4, 1903* Capital $ I'"),000.00 Surplus 2,201.40 Deposits subject to check • ••••• •••• •••••• •••• •••••• •• •• •••••• • $151,70^8 RESOURCES. Loans $ (‘>8,032.70 Furniture 544.5 (i Due from other banks 70,124.47 Cash on hand 4,002 .00 $151,703.88 I. J. W. McMinn, Cashier, certify that the above is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. -T- W. McMiNN. County Supt. It Takes Patience .. to be a .. Good Fisherman T^UT it takes more patience and more skill to l)uild a clothiiio- I’eputation, and truth is the most powerful lever we could use to hriii<;’ our successful business to its present height. You , wiii't goods that are rigiit, and you want right prices in theiiL The Satisfaction Brand Clothing will not disappoint you at the })rice we have marked them, and as to lit, stvle, as w'oll as the price, are sure to please you. Values in Shoes and Oxfords Your money goes a long way when invested in shoes here. It needs no persuasion to sell shoes that have good value sticking out all over them. Our **Star 5 Star** Shoes look like a dollar more than we sell them in any light or any position. The Style and Leather Concert at St. Pliilip’s. Theladies of St. Philip’s church j of Brevard have seciired the ser- i Kishlneff Ringleader Suicides. Berlin, July 11.—^The Frankfurter vices of Mr.s. Emma Berry Pol- Zeitung says it learns by way of Bu- - 4; LI * 4- charest, Roumania, that the ring-lead- l,i«l, one of the "Sc.uth s sweot- KUhineft atrocities, a man est singers ’ to give a concert for named Pinerjewski, has committed the benefit of the Roctorv fund, suicide at Kishlneff because the direc- Due notice will be -iven of time the Russian ministry ot justice had arrived there, commanded by the and ])lace. ^Irs. Pollard has czar to make a stringent investigation toured from New York to Florida into the horrors. The Zeitung also (luring the past season with emi- learns from another source ^ ^ . that former Governor Von Roban has iieiit success, and has received returned to Kishlneff and is endeavor- the most liattering notices from ing to get the Jewish population or the press. All lovers ot bl-illiant ‘hat place to unite in a testimonial \ . to the effect that he behaved correct- inusic ha\e a leal tieat in stoie. jy during the massacres. are just like more expen.>ive shoes at other stores, and w^e stand l)ack of the w^eai. This store is noted for good shoe values, and if you are a man or woman who ap})reciates a trim shoe and are not u}) saving a dollar buy a pair of our “Star 5 Star" BrowMi Co. Shoes and you will be more than pleased with the price and wear. We have special values in Diy Goods, Li.die.'^ and Gents’ Furnishi’' Fur Hats, Floor Matting, Etc. Come and see us at the One^Price Spot Cash Store opf Faitthfnlly yours. W . P. W Phone 54. To Cure a Cold i Take Laxative Bromo Qiuime Ta Seven Million boxes sold in post 12 months. TblS SlJflU