‘MACEDONIAN R V IT SAiaTO«MI.'l> uprising Reporiai la j. oui Bu.ffarian Villages. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. insurgent bands Ar.E ACTIVE the DJetrict of Krushevo the Gov- •'“nment Telegraph Offices Have ®cen Dynamited—Trouble Ma> ®pread Outside of Macedonia. Constantinople, August 8.—The in ®urrec*tioiiary mcverneut in Macedonia •^ppeirs to be widening. Banos arc reported to b« active in the Sanjal^ Uskub and the district of Krushe- wh<^re the government telegraph offices have been dynamited; while the district of Dibra. four Bulga villages have risen, provoking a corresponding rising in the neighbor- Albanian villages. According tc ^he statement* of the porte, however the authorities have succeeiied in cahn- the Albanians and inducing them to return to their homes. The diplomats here are uneasy, fear ing that the trouble may ■ pread out- side the bounds of Mace-it>ni«i. Sc as the trouble is -'onfined tc the usual skiii'mif^hing bap^is and occa sional dynamite outrages, it is not bo- Sieved that there will be ^ny serious <'ause for alarm. Up to the present tlm-*? the embas sy has been confin>»a to advising thf poTte t oprerent the Masselsr.en pop ulation from engaging .n fights with the Insurgents. Twelv.^ battalions of i-»*lle''s in the Sanjak of Scrflje and rhc vilayet ol Monastir have been ca.led out. CARRIED TO FEDERAL COURT. Habeas Corpus Procetedings In Behall of Lytle. Montgomery, Ala., August 15.—The habeas corpus proceediugs instituted in behalf of W. R. Lytle, who is want ed in Chicago for assault to murder* and who is a brother to Mary Gor don, who committed suicide at Chlca- ga last Su*nday. v.ere late this evening transferred from the city court to tha TJnited States court. J^ytle has em ployed five attorneys in all, including two United States district attorneys It is said tha^ the district attorneys "Were tTie ones that suggested changing courts, as It is claimed that Lytle is heing held viniolation of the constitu tion of the United States. The requi sition papers will be fought when they are presented. The habeas corpus proceedlnfiTs will be heard tomorrow al 12 o’clock. Four Children Cremated. Spartanburg. S. C., August 12.—A! Welford, a &mall township near this -ity, four negro children were burned to death In a burning building. Char- Jey Hlneg and his wife, well known ne- proes, left their home early In the •evening In charge of their five chll- 'iren and went to the negro church, .about a mile away, to attend services. While away the house caught Are and burned <3own on the heads of four of the children. The oldest child, a boy about 10 years of age., jumped ironi a w’indow and was saved. The orthere were burned to a crisp la the <onflagration. Town Swept by Fire. Chicom, Cal., August 11.—William J. hall of the business portion of Briggs has been destroyed by flre. The loss Is esUmar.ed at ?40,000. TWIGQ'S MANIACAL DEED. Seven Perrons Dead as Result at Wt field, Kans. W'infleld, Kans., August Seven peroscs are now dead as a result of th« maniacal deed of fil bert Twigg, who fireJ into the cros»'d at a band concert here on Thurs-dti^ night. Twlgg and three of his vic tims died with a short timo. ' Those w'ho have since succumbed are Port Smith, Dawson Billltjr and Roy Davis, a boy. Elmer Farnsworth and Otisv Carter are dying, while Claud Ree;'* Charles ‘Thomas and James Clarksor are In a critical condition. A score of others ere badly hurt. ^ A letter has been found among the effects of Twlgg which iadicatea that he planned the masoacre some days ago. He wrote that he had harmed no man and had never vlolat- ^ the laws of his country, and that the deed iie was about to perpetrate was for the purpose of ‘‘gettln:^ even” with those who had shunned \iim and interested themselves u-nnececsarily in his affairs. He expressed regret that ji0 di'3 not settle his account w’lth Lieutenant Myron C. Bowdish and Cor.^ tract Surgeon O, W. Woods of the United States army against w^om he ikPpearB to liav« bad a grievance. George Clanton negro prisoner in Jail at Tlfton, Ga., attempted suicide by hanging. League of Georgia M-unlcipallties meets at Macon next Wednesday. It will hav« two days’ sessions. It is thought Gashier Dewey’s steal ing from the Farmers and Merchants’ hank, at New Berne, N. C., will ex ceed $120,000. Returns from the primary election in Mississippi verify former reports that Money won the senatorshlp and Vardaman the governorship. It is reported in AVlall street that the sta-ndari Oil Company has acquired control of the Vlrginia-Carolina Chem ical company. Seventeen hundred Bulgarians have been routed by Turkish troops. War seems to be Imminent In the Balkans. Tennessee will have an exhibit of her products at the world’s fair. The pre£i<lent of the Alabama Con solidated Coal a«ad Iron company con tinued his testimony before the ar titrating board at Birmingham yester day. Secretary Root has issued a state ment in regrad to the duties of the chief of staff. In an address at Dixon, Ills.. Feder al Judge Grovscup declared that the government must supervise monopo lies in order to save the nation. Parliament has been prorogued There was nothing in King Edward’s speech of special interest. The Turkish gendarme who killed the Russian consul at Monastir has been executed in obedience to the re- Cjuest of the czar. Mme. Humbert continues to Inter# rupt the progress of her trial at Parl.s by hysterical exclamations. She told the Judge yesterday that she would leave court with her head high. Three Killed by Lightning. ! Cliarleston. S. C., August 17.—Sarah | Polie. a negro. a>nd two children were I killed by lightning last night at Brog- dens. In Sumter county. The woman was in the a(*t of closing a window when killed. The Infant in her arms was knocked across the room and se riously injureJ, but is alive today. The other tv.'o children were on the oppo site side of the room. Stockholders' Meeting. Toledo, O.. August 17.—J. Edward Simmons, of New York; R, C. Martin, of Xew York, and Henry W. Ashley, of Toledo, the retired members of thd Ann Arbor board of directors, were re-elected today. The stockholders’ meeting wa« held in the Ann Arbor private car which wa.s run in on the siding at Durand, Mich., long enough to comply with the legal requirements of a meeting. (’omiujr as it does in the busiesst season, when a man can least att'oril to lose time, a sure and quick cui-e lt>r diarrhoea is vei*y desirable. Anyone who has i^iven it a ti-ial will tell you that the (|uic!<est, surest and most pleasant remedy in use for this disease is ('Ijainberhiin’s (’olic, ('holera and Diarrhoea Iteniedy. There is no loss of time when it is used, as one or two doses of it will cui’e any ordinary at tack. It never fails, not even in the most severe and danoei'ous cases. For sale by Z.W. Nichols. Brevard, and O. L. l-'rwin, ('berry tield. r 1 Hope My Customers Will Excuse Me For not chaiioijig iiiy ad. oftener, as I ain usually too busy selling goods to our many customers to take time to think wliat to put in an ad. And besides, I prefer talking face to face with the people to seeing them at long range through a newspaper. So don't w'ait to see me in that way. There is no use for me to do so, but I will tell you that I have the best all-round general mer chandise store in I^revard; and those who don^t already know it can find out by looking through my store. My lines—including Dry Goods, Groceries, 8hoes, Clothing and others—are strong; and from the amount of business done my prices must be low. Hoping that I may be able to serve a satisfied people, I am yours faithfully, T. D. ENGLAND Phone 8. McMinn Block. Brevard, N. C. From the Factory to the Foot T. W. Whitmire has just received the largest line of men’s, women's and children’s Shoes ever in Brevard, and the prices are 20 per cent, cheaper considering quality than any other shoes in town. These shoes are bought direct fi-om the factory, and every pair guaranteed. My Clothing was bought the same wiiy—direct from the factory—and I have some of the nicest and most st.ylish patterns in the city. My line of Negligee Shirts and Neckwear are simjjly out of sight. When it comes to dressing a i>:en- tleiiian from head to toe and in the swellest of style no one in Brevard can do this but myself, and this is the way I do it: First thing is a silk finished undershirt with double elastic seams; Scrivin’s drawers; next is that pretty little low collar and midget tie with the 20th century link cutf^ and buttons; then I follow that up with a suit of the Kantbebeat brand of clothing, which is the most swell line in town; then comes the ^reat Manss pat. cult blucher shoe, the jH’ettiest thing ever seen in Brevard, and every pair guaranteed; the last and best of all is for the head, and that is a John B. Stetson hat in the latest shape. If you will tell me what more it takes to dress a man I will buy it. Ah! I forgot to put any socks on ray man, but it is not because I haven't got them. I have them, and the very nicest in town. My dry goods and grocery trade is good enouj^h. Come and see me. T. W. WmTMIRE /, 2, J Cooper Block, Main and Broad Sts. Galloway, Dyckworth & Go., REAL ESTATE DEALERS, We Wish 'oims 3 and4, McMinn Block, Brevard, N. C. Buy and sell all kinds of Real Estate, Collect rents, and attend to prop erty when owner is absent. Farming and Timber Lands a Specialty. .. to Call.. U. w. Kadhain, Member of the State Tuners Association OF. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Headquarters ff>r the summer at HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. Solicits your patronajje for work in his line. Pianos, Organs, ets. Tuned and Repaired On short notice, at reasonable prices. Guarantees all work entrusted to his care. Orders sent to him at Henderson ville will receive prompt attention. T HE attention of our customers to the fact that we have some special bargains in Hry Goods These goods must be sold, and we have put them on the market at a very low jirice, giving our customers our profit. To Orii Country Trade: When in town make our store your head quarters. Brinj^ all your produce and we will pay you the hijrhest market price. THE OPERATES Double Daily Trains parrying- Pullman Sleepers. Cafe Cara la carte) aud Chair Cars (seats free). Electric Lijjhted Throvghovt BETWEEN S!rmini:tiam, (Memphis and Kansas City and to Ai.U POINTS IN rcxas, Oklahoma and Indian Territories AND THE Far West and Northwest fHB ONLY THROUQH SLEEPINQ CAR LINB BETWEEN THE SOUTHEAST AND KANSAS CITY Yours for business. KINSLAND & WELLS Phone 71. Brevard, N. C. Descriptive literature, tickets ar ranged and throuffh reservations made upon application to IW. T. SAUNOKRSi Gcn'l A«t. Pass. Derr. on Th*w.Pa**.AoT., Atlamta. Ga. W. T. SAUNDERS G«n’l Ag*nt P«sssng«r D«partm»nf ATLANTA, GA.

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