The Medicine That You Tai(e When you have a prescription compounded in my store—there is not the shadow of a doubt about the work being’ correct in every particular. It Is done RIGHT or not at all. Z. W. NICHOLS DRUGGIST Sylvan Valley News Phone 5. Brevard. N. C. A FREE PATTERN (roiir city and town, or bv ii>ail frcin THE McCALL CO.. 1l3-n5-ll7 West 31st SU NEW YORK Best Passenger Service in TEXAS The Great East and West Line Across the Entire States of Texas and Louisiana Sii])erh rnllman 15nlVet S1<-(,*|h*i-s. liaiulsoine Hoi-linino-C hair Cars (!?eatsi fi-ee). »ant DininyCars (meals a la carte) between St. Louis ami Texas. Write for new book on Texas free. “No Trouble to Answer (Questions.” K. P. TniNHM, (General l^assenyer Ayent. Dallas. Texas. James M. Trantham The Decorator Expert Assistants Honest* Work All kinds of Exterior Painting done MINKR & HREESE, Editors and Proprietors. Fridau Mornhiff^ Aiigufit 21, 190S. Town and County Items. P. B. I^ankford, of Spartanburg-, was in to see us this week. He has CO cotiie to th«? uiountains occasional ly to cool off. Misses Ollie Perry,and Avie Own- bey, from Upper Davidson River, were welc<»nie callers at tlie News otliee Tuesday. There will l>e preparatory service;^ at the Prcsl»yterian church on Satin*- day at 4:80 p. ni., and Comniunioii on Sunday. All are welcome. 1?. H. Zachary, of Cheri-yfield, has lost severnl fine hoj;s recently hy disease of some kind—whether chol era or not we nre not infornied. Kev. .1. P. Southern of Inanda, N. C., formerly a prominent citizen ol Ih-evanl, was a w(*lcome visitor at the News office Tuesday. He is vis itinj? friends and relatives here. The News has been remembered this week with beautiful specimens of tomatoes from B. T. T^>l»»t'rton and Gray Morris. Both donations were thoroufj^hly enjoyed by the senior and his family. There ai)pears to be some fatal malady aniony; the cats of this sec tion and reports reach us from everv direction that the cats ar<‘ dyin«>-. So far as reported the disease battled the wisest old women in the country. A little girl of J^r. Cannon at<’!»l vert fell out of the loft on Monday while her f'atiier was away from home. Dr. Wallis was telephoned to j»() up and reduce a supposed nior is too busy in the mechanical department to spare many minutes at a time to editoi ial. W’e sincer(‘ly hope ye junior may be able f'or duty before another week. The seed thus sown will certainly bear good fruit in the future. The News joins in kind wishes to the disbanded team, and ljo[)es that their sojourn in the moun tains may have been a })leasant W. F. Bryson and family, of Pied mont. S. C., are visitin**’ his brother, . .. , J. A. Bryson, Brevard’s efficient | Marshal. Mr. Bryson had tlie mis- wish also to publicly ac- fortune to ^et his mule kiiled by the knowledge the assistanoeof Chas. afternoon tiain last V/ednesday Im‘- Clai'ke in making “BaseHits tween Ktowah and Blantyre while an intei-esting departinL*nt of the eiiroute here. The mule had broken News during the season just away from camp and sti’ayed down closed. His previous ex[iei ienc(' th(‘ railroad track and the tiain jn tlie newspaper field lenders hands claim that they did not see it articles appropriate and in- in time to ,«t.,p. -JtV an ill 'vi.»l i terestiii- and our midei-.s will that blows n<>body t^ood,*’ but this . . . , . • , , ^ ’ loin ns in hopin<>- that his news loss helps nol»odv. ' . . . . , paper \vork may not end v/ith the PAINTS SCIENTIFICALLY MIXED Paper Hanging, Fresco Work and all kinds of interior finishing a specialty. baseball season. Baseball is not Dead. It sometimes hap])ens that all our country news gatherers send in tlu*ir corr(‘spondenc(* the same week and when this occuis some of them must stand over for lack of tinif* t<» put them in type. In order to be cer- Bie\aid home boys have or- tain of their publication t hey should g^tnized a Baseball team to i)lay be here Monday night. If anything the remainder of the season as important occurs after the letter is the college nine disbanded on ac- nrailed a postal card would add it to , count of sonu* of them being com- their letters. We aiv very thankful polled to go home. There will be to all of them for helping to make Saturday, morning at the News an inteiesting and *i<^wsy , evening at 4. between paper, .-nul h„pe ll„.y will not B.-eva.-d. Ev- “weary m well-doing” if occasional- , ^ ^ . , , ^ . 1 " , j ^ erybody wants to see this game ly a letter gets sule-tracked. Come , , asain-you are nhvays welcon.e. : “I® Yearns will be class ; and good ball played. Res])'y, The Nfavs office has been torn up; rp WHiTAlHiE, manager, all this week in an effort to run a oO- ^ , . / . ! L. L. Allen. Oaiitain, light dynamo and produce electric light for the ^Ethelwold from our | Knd <»f I5itter Fijflit. water motor. Whether sufficient “Tw-o physicians had a long and l)Ower can be developed will proba-' tiyht with an abcess on my l>lv he known before we ko to press,! of but at this hour (Wediie.sdav p. iii.) | i. ’ *.-11 • iv *. , , I erybody thought ray time had come. the effort IS Still HI the experimental I , ; , . t * • i • , ,, , , . As a last resort I tried Dr, Kings stage. \\ e shall be glad if success-1 at t^. « *• mi ^ New Discovery for Consumption. The ful as this will add to the uses of our over abmidant water supply. Dur ing our experiments our readers and job patrons will, we sincerely hope, hear with us in our enforced delays and other short-comings. Every thing will be in order before fwiother week and we shall strive to make amends for all delays. benetit I received \vas striking and I was on my feet in a few days. Now I’ve entirely regained my health.” It conquers all Coughs, Colds and Throat and Lung troubles. Guaran teed at Z. W. Nichols’ Drug .Store. Price ")0c, and $1. Trial bottles free. Subscribe for the Svlvax V.vllev News, only paper in the county. J^ever Before AT "L, r • i. 4. ^ Vkc the styles and quality No, never befc>re in a country store has ine ® , ■ Vjeen better or the quantity greater or the prices ^ vveek i stove at C:l.erryHoU. If the ladies will only come next »t,ck a„a see our new Dress Goods, svich as Waistings, Lawns, Dimities, Zebilitie Fancies, Etc., all new styles, never out before, we shall need ' tlsement. Let the .voim*; and old eome and see oni n‘i (•<,liars. Fancy Ties arni ('rayats, Ueadj-.Nlade < lothinK. I ^ Hats, Shoes, all just arrived. If Urevard or town can beat us in prices, styles or quality we wil y J} Round Trip Ticket and Pay Your Hotel 3ill while in the city. Our stock of Groceries is fresh and complete.^ and our motto is. “Sellcheaj), sell aheap, and keepeterna y at ii. Ladies, don*t punish yourselves by wearing the old long Corset when you can buy the M.odern Girdle at Cherrylield, which insures ease, comfort and health. Come sec. Columbus Whitmire Cherryfieldy N, C. / Dioide My Profit With You Customers and Friends: I have moved into my new store room in the ^Kthelv.old Buildinir. «hi Brt>ad Street, and have a chance to show otf my large and choice stock ol General Merchandise. I am not selling my goods at cost for the next thii'ty days, tor I sell tny ti'oods cheap a 11 the year I'tiund. At the present time 1 liave just receivt ii a larj:e line of drummei’s' samples which 1 will sell atwliolesale prices. I lia\e a large line of Men’s Siiirts. Hosiery. Suspenders and Neckwear. For the Ladies I have some choice l)argains in Try (ioods and Notions, also some nic** l ni- brellas. ('ome in and secure some of the great bai’gams while they la.-'t. Yoiu's to i)lease, .T. Ii. LEDBETXEIi The Price Cutter, Plumbing, Steam Fitting, Tin and Sheet Iron Work. Pipe Threading and Cutting- Gasoline for sale* A new lot of Crockery just received. A large stock of Tinware and Cookinjr Stoves on hand, Tiniiot > and Plumbers’ material always in stock. C.iasoline l'.jc per gaiioii, Tin Shinghis. Ridge Rolls, Galvanized Iron. Cornices, etc. Pai lii'" interested will do well to gel my [)rict*s before placing their orciers. W. E. BISHOE Cor. Main and Caldwell Sts. BREVARD. X. C Chas. E. Orr, Livei'y&ITeed. ^TABLES. Mil in, street, BREVARD, N. C. Up to date Vehicles. (iood riding and driving Horses. Attentive and careful Drivers. Work for ,s;ummer visitors and the traveling^ public solicited. Orders by Phone, Telegraj)h or Mail promptly attended to. Two principal Main street stables. Busses meet all trains