¥ Sylvan Valley News Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper, & BREESE. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. 1903. VOL. VIII—NO. 3(5 Diinns Rock Lodge No. 267 F. fleets Friday on or before the full <^>on in each month, at 2 p. m. Visit- loyr Masons are cordially invited to with Wm. Maxwell, Sa-'y. meet with us. sptly Brevard Telephone Exchange. ^ HOUK.S: IMlly—^ p ^^vinday—S to 10 a. ni.. 4 lo (> p. eiitral Ottioe—Cooper Hloi’k. Confederate Veterans Reunion* Professional Cards. W. A. GASH, attorney-at-law, Rooms 7 & 8, McMinn BId’g, Brevard, N. C. W. B. DUCKWORTH, attorney-at-law. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. Ivooms 1 and '1. I’ickelsinier BuiUlinj:-. “Tlie knights are dust, Tliclr swords are ru>t, Tlu'ir souls are with th«- saints, we trust." •‘Theirs not to reason wliy, Theirs but to do or die. W. W. ZACHARY. ATTO R N E Y-A T-L A W Offices in McMinn Block, Brevard, N. C. D. L. ENGLISH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. r. s. Court ))rai*tit.*e a .specialty. Offices in Cooper Building, Brevard, N. C. WELCH GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. I*ca;-lift's in all the courts. Rooms 9 and 10 McMinn Block. Brevard, N. C. Address of John Donelson Martin before Transylvania Camp U. C. V., at Its Annual Reunion Here Aug. 24,19G3. Mr. Choirmon, Ladi>.'< t(ud ^'(///«»/ death and sacrifice to country’s Jkn Who WiH-c the ' j cause uplifts us niid jioints ihe way X() prouder compliment could be i to hij^her niid to nobler things, pjiid a Southern y<»uth than Inis been ntibrded me toihiy. To be permitted to address this inspirini; n'^semblaye of jrallant Confederate sohliers who for four Ion*? years of privation, snf- | And O, the heroism of your wives ferino- and harilship so bravely aiul daughters who, with anj^elic j fou«:ht ;is men ne’er fought for canse sweetness bore the sadness, ainl the j heroic is a priceless privjlej^e and an | sorrow, and the suirerin<? of those I honor which I can merit through the - ih-ead times that tried men’s souls! I heroic death of my jfallant <^randsire, ' J low nobly with their sympathy, the Coniederate brigrdier whose their encourajjement and their ten der ministrations, diil they inspire y(»u to the fiercest and most i>r(»- lonji'ed resistance to everwhelnjing Ibrce that the world has ever known. Tliere are two j>re.it forms of in spiration that move the soul of nnin And the privilege ot addressinj^ liij^liest asjnrations and noblest > on irs hei^httMied bj tne tact that as (jecih—love of country, love of wo- a son ot lenne>see I can pay a t«ilj- ^ Such is tiie intliience of pat- ute lo iiiy mothers mother, the iioti?ini that under its spell l)eardle.ss jjiand old state ot North ( arolina. youths have been known to iiurl We Tennesseans are proud of our lin- their lives in carele.ss ul^e at the tbot eii^e, proud ot our ancestry, proud • qj* tlaming altar of the (Jod of that fiom the \ii^in soil ot the ol<l ji.-ittles. /lUil let a man but once he- North State, that land of freemen universe and bravest of the brave, our int'ant sweetheart's eves- NOTICE, many winters. You have seen your veteran comrades of the marcii, the camp, the Held of battle; one i»y one, siidv silently to rest and travel the road to the ^leat Unknown Whence none returji to tell us of the way; s(nne of you even now can hear the rumble ol'a distant drum. You have nothino-to fear. There aw'aits lV)r you the reward of heroes who could fi*?ht for ri^dit, and noth- inj? daunte«l by defe.it live u'^eful, nol)le lives, consecrated to the u})- buildin^r of the bleedin^r and pros- u, a .-h.M.iut <,ak ih.-n.v wo t trate South. When the hour draws 'virh their nnc> is pov- i-. m ..h.< k o k ih, I soutli *.J(i polc< to a stiikf HI W 111 ,Ioht:^o:i sluic, " ' thonce eust i'll his livi'to t!i • coii- t liuijii; vi'.t a« ii s. Knteied ir>ih dav c; hiiv. hki:} W. M. HKNUV. Kiiti V ■r;’,k< r. H^vinjr qiialitie<l as adiiiinistnttor ol w. <J. Fi her, deo ase 1, late < f Trans;. Ivaivta ooiin y, N. C.,ihis is ’o notify all pf^rsons hMviiKj- clairnH airainst the »srarc oithe said W.C. Fi.-h'-r ioe>- hii>ittheniio the iiiidi-r'ii’iu-rt on or t>ofore tJu' l.'t'h day of AngU'it. IW4. or this notife will he I>le tl in har >f tht-ir recovery. Al’ ]«-r om>» iti- dehted to said estate will ple:ise uiake iiiKji.viiiii^ payment. i iiis Ausrii^t 1<. lit'i;}. K!fOl»\ K. FiStiKR, Adr.i;ii;‘irator, W. W. ZA( IlAKV, Attorney. Notice -Entry No. 2426. ■Folin .s 1*itton'Miter a’ld claims u'.) ncr^s latid ill Brevard Townshi).. iyiiiiron the warcr’ of hreneli I'.road Ki vcr. ad.ioiiMii.ic the t:iuis<{ theheirsof <'ii:irHs H:itton, Wni. .Io)h1''Oii aixl »tlier<. Hc-riniiintr at a liickory (’h.4r!"' Haitfni lic’T'" corner in Wni. .I.Wiii'on's line and nni-: name 1 bear. Dear to me is the her itage of his soldier’s death at ('orinth where he led liis dauntless brij?ade over tin? enemy’s breastworks and t'or a })rinciple lie loyed yielded his life to the (tod of Battle. A . H. McLEAN. Doctor Dental Surgery. Rooms 1 and 2 Cooper BId’g, Brevard, N. C. Miscellaneous. mother •'pranj?. Honor to whom is honoi- <lue. The State ot‘ North Carolina has a record of which her I sons may well be i)roud. j (,)n history’s scroll in tlamiiio: .characters as imperishable as tiu* levealed in his -those twin stars far brighter than the dawn-lit Kast and dee|»erthan the fatiiomle.ss sea— let him meet there an answering? Hash of tin*, and h,? has felt that in spiration which alone can move the prosaic soul to i)oetry and arou.se in ! soul ot man tlu^ moN iny^ linger ot the breasts ot commonplace men the l'atf‘ ha?i written the spotless uloryot slumbi'rinj;, fires of heroic ambition, her past, the matchless si.lendor of xve men ot the South hav.* inherited I her luture. “A simple scene, yet as our patrimony both these tbrms I hence our countiy sees her solid of inspiration in unsurpa.ssed dej^iiee. giandenr ri>e.” i love our country and we love the Ihe treasures annually delved unshrined jjoddesses of our hearts T. L. SNELSON, Blacksmltli and Horse-shoer. Shop in Rear of Orr's Livery Stable. <’:irriai:i“ and Wao'on Building-. Whivhvrloht woi'k a s))ecialty. from the throbbing- bosom of her sdil exc(*ed the wonders of the story IxKdvs; the i)U‘ntiful harvest of her fertile fields yields abundant life. our with such steadfast d >votion that we first lift our voices, but thereafter we lift our mighty swords and trusty muskets if it beJOiiie necessary, to hope mid lK\ppiTiess t» ii joyc.us pe»- ,,ur comitry’s ai.tl pro- C. C. KILPATRICK, CONTHAGTOR AND BUILDER. Room 13, McMinn Block, Brevard, N. C. K.stiinates oiven on all kinds of worV; in the buiiclin^^ line. T. L. CLARKE, Arcliitect and Contractor, I’laiis and sjiecitlcations on all kin l.s of l)uil<lini>- work. pie, while her myriad of ma^niti c(‘iit achievements in industry and commerce throw into pale insi^^niti- <:ii:fe the fondest hopes ot'h(‘r sturdy pitMicers. Not for the wealth of ('ro(^s;is, the pomp of AlexandcM-, tiie power of Cic-^ar. the triumphs of all aoes and all t inies would a sinirle man of you yield his imperishable birthrijiht of North Caroliiiu citizen ship. Through what mau’ic I;as the State of North Carolina attained her unexampled i)restige and pre-enii-i blameless record! You liave be- nence? Honor to whom lionor is <iu(!athe(l us an imperisliable i>atri- ‘bie. I sav to you Veterans: throu};h ^ mony of honor and jjlory! lilijstrious example and heroic; May the omniscient ('reator of tect the .san<*tity of our homes from the oppressor’s wrono-, the invader s tyranny. Veterans of a hundred battlefields, yon tbuj;ht tor your rights and your freedom. “Furl that banner softly, slowly, Treat it irently—it is holy— For it droops afjove thi- dead. Toucli it not—unfold it ui'vcr. Let it ilroop there, furled forever. For its [K ople's hoi>es are lied.' ’ Valiant heroes, you have left us a T. B. CRAR.Y, Goniractor for Ail Kinds of Brick Workj CtMiieiit Work. IMastei’ino. I’eidde- dash and lloujrh Castin^>^ a .Sj)ecialty BREVARD, N.C. J. O. DERxMiD, The Reliatile Jeweler. Watches an<l .Teweli-y for sale. Fine Watch, and Clock rcpairinjr. All \Vo- k iiuaranteed. West Mriii st. A. C. NORTON, Practice! Best and Shoemaker Harness Work a specialty. West Main Street near Caldwell. Notice—Entry No. 24/35. W enters and claims 75 acres of 1 in Hosiback Township, J'ransylvania fv X- '• on the waters of Flat Count. 1' south pronL'of French Broad OreeK, i^iij^g tlie lands of G. W. Hei^dorson. ccece, Julia Ann Galloway and others, on a hickory O. W Henrlerson s soutli end of Pine Ri<iire and runs coriipr coinpIcnKMits. Kiiteired this 4 th da. Kiilrv TiiiKer. (j ijHt'eds ot your nobie band ot volun- | mankind breatlie your spii it of c teers who in 1S(50 demonstrated to the world how glorious and j^raiid a (hinu: it is to fi^ht for the noblest cause for which men e’er fonjjht and to defend the purest homes that fair w’omen e’er jjraced and ke}*t inviolate in their sanctity. Oh! Hrave survivors of a lost cause, not le.ss rifxht because o'ercome by countless might, you stand there as a livinj? monument to a younger | y,,^v the li^ht of an unspeakable des con r- ajre into this younj>:er jjeneration that witli reverence and love tor our fathers, both th(> livinjj and the dead, and with no laggard steps, we may be led by our utdalterino- efforts to a succe.ssful .solution of the most mo mentous, sphinx-like problems which are now being propounded to the people of the South. Our country is to-day the greatest nation that ever nigh wtien each of you must render his account to Him who placed you liere, you can say in j)erfect harmony witn the Immortal poet: “Sunset and eveninjr star, And one clear ciill for me, And may titere be uo moauin? of tlic bar When ] put out to sea. Hut such a tide as niovina: seems asleep. Too full for tide or foam. When that whicii drow ftorn out the boundless deep Turns again liome. Twiliirht and eveuin?r bcH, And after that tlie dark: And may there be no sadness fit farewell When 1 embark; For though from out our lx)urne of time and place The Hood may I)car me far, I Jiope to see my pilot face to face When 1 have croised the tar." Vanderiiilt Buys a Farm. The Reed farm at the month of Mills river recently sold as the {)roporty of th(3 Western Caroli na bank, w’as bid otf by J. B, liostic and Capt. JSawyer of Ashe ville, It lias rec<‘iitly develo[)od tiiat these ^-entleiiien were only actin<^ as agents, and that the deed was made to W. Vander bilt. The Evening News says: “Tliis })urehase, althon,<:h the farm does not adjoin the Vander bilt property, is of great signiti- eance and is taken to indicate that Mr. Vanderbilt Vv’ill ac<inire large holdings in tlie beautiful and fertile Mills river valley. He already ov.’ns lands not far away but thesti have been con sidered as part of his mountain property, while the purchase of BIe Land Opening. A large f'-;Kt (’omfirisiutr thousands ot acre* of fertile laii'U ill the far.'.oii- Hi-.t liiv rVa'.’.i.y.s non-throw;: open to the piililic for This body oi' land lie- liirc 'tly : di« iii^ r.n.ii rich and fci'Tiie siTtir)n know n as tlie Uiowa Comancln- <'iuiitry of oklaiioina ou tin- ii-<i and Pease Hiveis. withii! a few miles of Vento"., 'l'e.\as, a l:o iri'lmiu- coiinty seat -own < f :! r.«i) p>o(>le. substantial hom«'s public . 'Chools limi churcfies. Two l iusof rnil"oi't< HOW eotni'leu-l; one 1 K-isco System) nins- di.i-»-:- ly throUfTh tlie l:<nd. ffcrc is a <-ouiit y \vhoi-; wheat, oats, corn cotton and alfab'a ivrow side by side: where they have a tnarkcc and favoritli!-'.'hippinu r.itc': wIk-u.’the 'easons are ! and tiie winters short >'nd irriid lnwsse'onl :o noiieaud istxe!- ..nc-tifc!: t.i.iio.' Hasten' ai;.'i Nortli>-rn State-. S;><M-i:i! iraitis vi;i tlie Frisco s.-tfm will run to this iau<!. b avucj; St. Louis at J;80, 8:;!.') and 10:("p. iv. . an 1}'. ”• sp.s city at 7 :>■'and llNio p m . Tui-^.l i'.-. > m.- tcmber l.‘». ■e'Ct. l.ow latc of 'rl.i.n:' ir ,t, .-i I.ouis and Kansas City to ViT’mvi. T • :;i- !•• ! return. Fn.i ortionateiy lo',-.- rifv^inr.ii a;l oii.ci points. If it is ' intention t(. iiia’^e thi-tr’n to s..- cure a valu 'Me homcs:te, wriic to U. .s l.e no Secretary, F'ri eo Sy.^tcia lmiiiii;r;iCi<Hi !'>ui *.n SC Ixiuis i'l order tliat ar-in',''jtn,'!;ts f i: y ).ir aeeommodanon ma>- be jna i''. MORGAN WOR.KS Spartanburg, SASII DOOKS HLTNDS l ;( i i 1 :)Mn ])iM-:ssiv]‘ Iron work and ca-ting- ( t' ( v«Ty . (l(*scription. KstimaU" t'u! r 1-Iiet! this fai'in indicates tiiat exten- j promptly <ni all work. sive fiirniiiig operations in the valley are C(jntenii)lated. ” Unite a lot of speculation has been caused here by this pur chase, but the most unique sug gestion is Unit the wild animals are multiplying so rapidly in tlie L^isgah forest that Mr. Vander bilt will have to buy the fanning land in several counties in order Win. M. JONES, Pres, and Tie^s. J. A. MULLINAX, Supt. generation of the matchless valor of Southern arms and the deathless glory of Southern deeds. T^y your sturdy endurance on the march, by your good comradeship around the camp tire, by your ever cheerful conduct in the midst of pri vation and suffering and by your im perishable glory in the blaze of bat tle you have furnished to us your children and your children’s children an example which can but inspire us to highest aspiration and noblest deeds. And, Oh! The unsurpassed glory f)f your sleeping comrades! How the meu’ory of their heroic tiny. Southern men have ever been at our helm to .steer her clear of the dangerous shoals. It shall become the duty of your sons in the future, as it has been your duty ill the past, to sha])e the future and mould the destiny of this great nation. The example of your hero ism shall ever be with us, even now, as when you shall have pa.ssed on to the Great Heyond. Even now, many of you, who in 18(50, as beardless striplings respond ed to bugle’s call, are bowed beneath the Aveight of Iioiiored years and crowned with the silver snow of to raise Belgian hares to feed to the catamounts and bears. Of course it is not ex))ected tiiat he i will enter the field of usefulness or benelicial industr\\ BREVARD Machlise Hliops Why send your r.ioin x' abroMii J when you can get lOWei’ j : if. > at What is Kentucky marksman ship coming to? One of the best shots in the state has died a nat ural death. A Roiiiarkable Kecord. Chamberlain's Cough lleniedy has a reniarkabk? record. It has been in use foi- over thirty years, during wliich time many milli(^n bottles have been sold and used. It has long been the standard and main reliance in the tieatment of croup in thousands of homes, yet during all this time no ease has ever been rei>orted to the manufacturers in which it failed to ef fect a cure. When given as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even as soon as the croupy cough appears, it will prevent the attack. It is pleasant to take, many children like it It con tains no opium or other harmful sub stance and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. For sale by Z. W. Nichols, Brevard, and O. L Erwin, Cherryfield. I iloine for Turned Columns and all other turned w<>; i\. Door and Window Fv*aitu;.s mantels and all siniiiur work. Call and sim* ino b( i'oi’e sending orders away Very truly, Kilpatrick’s & King, J. M. KILPATKICK, Galloway, Duckwortli & 0&„ REAL ESTATE DEUERS, Rooms 3 and4, McMinn Biock, Brevcrd, H. C Buy and sell all kinds of ll.ral }>.••? r;'.o. Collect rents, and attei.j to jnou- erty when owner is a})so:U. Farming and Timber Lands a Spsclalty.

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