LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. To SappMre Conloi. From the Ashevillfi Citizen of Mrs. B. Broylpsof Yal« is visiting j SePt- 9- «;« 'hat lu'i’ daughter, Mrs. Ben T. Egerton. Emma Brown, of Cherry field, is visitin<r h€?r mother Mrs. J. J. Miner this week. Z. W. Niohols has moved in his beautiful new home on South Cald- well street. Walter Wood left last week for ihe State Uiiiveisity where he will resume his studies. If your roads are not as j;ood as they should be September i:< a good month to work them. Tho junior editor acknowledg^es the receipt of a basket of very tiue to matoes rai?-ed by Mrs. J. J. Miner. Jes>je B. Picklesimer left last Fri- <l;jy for Chapel Hill where he i.s go- iiiK to study Pharnuicy at the Uni versity. Rev. S. A. llains will preach at East Fork Church the fourth Suiiday at 11 o’clock and Saturday ni^ht he- f»»re. ('omeall. Owinjr to the fact that two of the engines are beinj; repaired, the Tran sylvania Railway uses one of the Southern’s engines and handles all of the freight at night. lirevard seems to be a iiiecca for those havinjr patent rights to sell. We generally buy several ^-t.ites and a few foreign countries and make money out of it—tor the otlier fellow. The silver tea and sale lor the bei - efit of >t. Philips rectory fund netted The rectory debt has been all ])aid and the church i)roperty i> now tree from incumberance. Laus Deo. Transylvania county would save nKMiey by having the next Legisla ture cut down all our courts to one! week, MS we never have any court the second week and yet have to pay for the jury the second week. O.-^ear Sterling, wIjo iost a leg in the ]H‘ad-on colli."ion at Toxaway last 'I'hursday, is in tine shape. «Mn]»loy of this road oidy a week as iuakeman when the accident oc curred. 'fhe Rev. ]Mc. rhapjiian will otli- t^iate at St. Philii-s next Sunday, vSeptember loth. Morning prayer •rUid anti-communion with sermon ;i1 11 o’clock. Sul'ject: -‘rhe C(»py i<nd the Orijiina!.” Evenscjng on Friday at 5:80. The undersigned has agreed to i’lold the regular service in tlip i>ap- list ( aurch, Ihevard. next Sunday morning and night. Ehi. r. S. (rasn- well of Marion, X. isexpecte«l on ^Monday night follow ing to continue 4lit* meeting some days.—1. T. Xew- t(»U. Mr. J. G. Adams has just returned from Lake Toxaway, where he was called on Saturday to meet S. H. Hardwick, G. P. A. of the Southern Railway Company, to complete ar rangements for the weekly tours into the Sapphire Country which go into etfect today. The jate is to apply from Jacksonville, Fla., Atlanta, Savannah, Charleston, Macon, Co lumbia, Chattanooga, Knoxville, Augusta, and all Southern points. The Southern Railway Company is to sell 51 ticket which will cover rail road fare to Lake Toxaway and re turn, stage fare from Lake Toxaway to Sapphire, and one week’s board at any of the Toxaway Company's hotels. This is a novel plan and should be very attractive to tourists wishing to visit this famous resort country. The rate from Asheville is $21 10. This to include all expenses of trip. It is the plan of the railroad com pany to make certain days in the week personally conducted by a pas senger agent (if the road and tlius relieving tourists of all worry and annoyance. MOB LYNC^^ NEGRCX Vengeance Dealt to Alleged Murderer In South Carolina. Columbia, S. C., July 2.—lufarmatlon was received here from Norway, Or ange county, 50 miles south cf this city, that Oharels Evans, a nogro. sus pected of the murder of T. Phil lips, W£.s taken from the guard bouse at Norway last night a,nd lynched by a mob. Four other negroes who were con fined in the jail, were beaten into insensibility. The crime for which Evans L«et his death last night, was the muraer ot John T. Phillips*, a one-armed oon- I federate soldiers. Last Saturday a j young son of Ph'llips whipped somt negroes at Norway, and several threats were made by the negroes there. Monday night while seated at his suKper table Mr. Phillips was killed by some one who fired through reported as gettitig on ! the windows of his dining room. Phil- Ffp hjul bnen in the' Instantly, and two of his lit- ' tie children seated with him were I wounded by the shot. i Charles Evans was suspected, and confessed to having fired on Phillips, and In his confession implicated his | brother 1 Governor Hej’ward has ordered the I county cfiicials at Norway to do all I within their j>ower to ;^otect the i other pesTO ir» laJl 1 Di-. M. P. Daugherty, well known j tlirouiihout Mercer and Sumraei- conn- j tie's. W. Va.. most liUely owen his lifej to the kindness of a neighbor. He 1 ^ j waj almost h<>|)elessly alllicted with: <iiavfh<*ea: was attended by tw<» ]>iiy-1 sicians who gave him litt'e. if any i-e-1 lief, ulien a neighbor leai'ning of iiis j serious c<Midition. brought him a >)ot- j tie of ('ramberlain's ('olic, Cholera' at'id Diarrhoea Remedy, whicli cured | I'iim in iess than twenty-four ho’^c'^. i Fo?* s:ile ty Z. W. Xiehols. Hrevard i and O. L. Krwin. (’herryMeld. ! Teachers Wanted. j W^ ni*ed at otjcva few mon^ teach ers tor fall schools, (iood positions are being tilled daily by us. We are receiving niore calls this year than ever before. Schools an(l colleges i supplied with teachers free of cost. • Enclose stamp t'or re[)ly Amkkr'an Tkaciikks’ Asso( iatiox, ' J. L. (tRAHAM. LL. D., Manager. | 1)2-154 Randolph Building, | Memphis, Tenn. li. F. Morri-, of Wa'-ren, Pa., is the guest ofCharles Lott. Mr. Mor- 1 is was editor and i)roprietor of tiie Warren Ledger, for many years the leading ]>aper of the county. He is an up-to-date business man, and it is a ])leasure to welcome such men to lirevard. The people of Brovaid are always willing to help any churckor e<luca tional proposition to a surprising <legree. All church entertainments :uv Well attended. T!ie ladies of the Kpiscopal Church have paid oil' rlie entire debt on the rectory in a little over two years—the amount of the dc*i»t being nearly S2,•')()(). They raised about $1,100 and the bishop gave the balance. A head-end colli>ion on the Ti’an- sylvania lailroad near Toxaway last Thursday has quite seriously crippU d the road. The two engines were crippled so that the freight train has dropfied out of schedule time atid is now running at night with a South ern freight engine to pull it. One of the engine’s conceri\e.l in the col lision is so badly injured that it will have to g:> to some sho]> tor re- j) iirs. The other one will be put in running order by Master Mechani«* W. Piper at the repair shop hero. We are very sorry tnat atjy accdent should occur to our road an<l especial ly so during the summer travel. A FREE PATTERN (your own selection) to every sub scriber. Onlv 50 cents a year. M^CALL'SiSC MAGAZINE^ A LADIES’ MAGAZINE. A con; beautiful colored plates; latest faihions ; dressmakini; economies ; fancy wurk ; houseliold hints ; fiction, etc. Sub scribe to-day, or, nend sc. (or latent copy Lady at;ents wanted, bend for terms. Stylish, Reliable, Simple, Up-to- date, Rcoiioniical and Absolutely Perfect-Fittiujf Paper Patterns. Settle All Disputes. Survey the Towh of Brevard—Establish Permanent Corners and Grades. There is one question that should appeal to every person owning a foot or more of real estate in the town of Brevard, and that is a reliable sur vey and plat of the town. At the i)resent tinie tliere is no bejjinninj? corner that can be located, hence it is nearly impossible to cor rectly survey any one lot. The best remedy is to have the entire town surveyed and then have a beginning corner located and made of some in- ilestructible material. One of the meridian stones erected by the na tional }»overnment in the court house grounds would do. All surveys in the future wf.uUl and could be lo cated troin this beginning corner and all questions <*f boundary or lines could be settled by a survey in stead of a law-suit. And while the survey was being made the grades and levels of our streets could be made, and this es tablishing of grades and levels would stop all the present discu.-^sion about the natural flow of rain water as well as it wouM guide oropeity owners as to the proper height of their side walks and buildings. Let us have the town surveyed, a beginning cor ner established and the grades of our streets determined. Superior Court. At the last term of the supe rior court the following state cases were disposed of: Charlie Owens was sent to the state prisf)n for the term of seven years for killing George Banther some time ago. Owens took an appeal at the last term of the coui-t but did not perfect it. V. B. McGahti whs tined ^-.r)0 and the costs for tearing down a legal notice. A. 0 Norton was fined ^5.00 and the costs for retailing with out license. P’red Bagwell, Garmon Hogsed, Foster Bagwell, Frank Bagwell and Weyman Cassell were tined ^r>.()() and the costs each for dis- tui bing a religious meeting. Bob .Tohnson, Webb Johnson, Alf Benjamin and Cal Miller were found guilty and tined for retailing. The civil docket was not taken up owing to the absence of W. A. Gash, Esq. There were several cases that had been taken to the superior conrt from the mayor's court on appeal, and in each case the judgment of the mayor was sus tained. Merchants’ Protective Associa tion ot Transylvania County. On last Thursday night the merchants organized the above named association for the pur pose of controlling the credit business of the count^’^ and for their protection. From a hasty glance at the constitution and by-laws we think that it will be of great benefit to our business men. and we wish it success. The following officers were elect ed: T. D. England. President; E. W. Blythe, Vice-President; Z. W. Nichols, Secretary; F. L. De- Vane, Treasurer. We will pub lish the constitution and by-laws in our next issue. MS CALL ^BAZAR* L fiOTERHS All Seams Allowed and Perforations show tile Basting and Sewing Lines. Only lo and i) cents each—none higher Ask for them Sold in nearly every city and town, or by mail from THE McCALL CO.. 113-115-117 West 31st St„ NEW YORK. Stomach Trouble. “I have been troubled with my stom ach for the past four years.*’ says D. L. Beach, of Clover nook Fai’m, Greenlield. Mass, “A few days ago I was induced to buy a box of Cham berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. 1 have taken part of them and feel a great deal better.” If ;vou have any trouble with your stomach trv a box of these Tablets. You are certain to be pleased with the result. Price 25 c. For sale by Z. W. Nichols, Bre vard, andO. L, Erwin, Cherrytield. Small Profits and Quick Sales! Til order to make room for a largei stock of Groceries I am offering my entire line of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes, and Men's Winter Clothing at close prices. Call and examine my stock and learn my prices befoie buying elsewhere. H. L. DeLONG Broad Street Phone 83 Room Wanted. 1 need room for my large stock of Fall and Winter Clothing and to get it I am going to sell my entire liiu^ (d* men's and boys’ stylish spring and summer clotliing AT COST! You can also get bargains in my shoes and hats which I am selling at first cost. Come in and sec me. W. L. CARMICHAEL Brevard, C. BREVARD, N. C. The McMinn House CHARLES R. CLARKE, Proprietor. Open all the Year. New Management*. $2.00 per Day. Special Rates per Week. In the Mountains of Western North Carolina, *‘The Switzerland of America.” J. A. MILLER Builders’ Hardware and Buildini 'Materials Dressed Lumber Laths Shingles Sash Doors Blinds Locks Hinges Window Pulleys Plastering Hair Cement Lime Ready Roofing Glass Putty Sash Locks Window Lifts } Sash Cord and Weights McCormiGk Reaper>$ and Binilers Mowers, Rakes, Corn Cutters and Grain Drills Cor. Main and Caldwell / BREVARD, ft. C

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