7 H.-i- ' I'I - JiliK'i1PilfF«?piNf|IHP|p|ipipiJp jiJl||VfpJ.^.J< i" PiESCtDJY DiilLET ^GiiSitionai/aui^y T/:;;?edy Ht KashviLe, Tijna. ^oman charged with murder ^iss Loulia Cunnigham Lodged In Jail the IV!urder of the Wife of John F. Wilson—She Says Providence Di- **®cted the Deed. t Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 19.—The wife ■of John E. Wilbou wad shot ana Ivill- this mopning at hor home in Bast ^’ashville, and Mits l.oulia Cuuniug- is in jail charged with the mur- tier. The women were living iu the house iio diftei’encos had ariisen between t^eni. Several yeais iij,o V'. il;on mar- I’ied the sister oi' Miss Cunaingham, "ho Went to live with :he;ii and con tinued to make her hoiue with her brother-in-law iater the ucuth ot uer sister. ^Vilsoa married Miss Alica Carey, l-(->uisville, last Sunday morning, ^nd brought his bride ai once to Nash- ville. There was no obji'c-rion to the marriage on the part of *\lis.s Cun- i^ingham, and all went wc‘11 urf.l tlii. iiiorning, when witliout wui!iing. she snatehecl a pistol tliat lying on tae mantel and lirod lour tiniss in rap- -iu succession. One biilU*t ■j!i''rcod th' beart of Mrs. Wilson and a:u tlier went through her hand. cause Is kn.)wn for the deed, othei' than the sr;Ui':;ii'!'.t in.)d(> by thu liinrdi'i’ei’^ who savt; thi'.t piovi b'uce ui iwcted her to commit t’.:e criir.o. ed th"> woods and ponds were scoured in vain and he was given up as dead He says he was inspired to run away by stories of adventure and traveled all over the globe. Insane from Sunstroke He Suicides. New York, Sept. ID.-^Floyd Knox' aged 23 years, disappeared from his home in Hillsdale two weeks ago while temporarily insane from the ef fects of a sunstroke. He has just been found dead in the woods by hunt ers. Knox had (‘limbed a tall tree secured himself there and then com niitted suicide by shooting. V/ORK OF L0.\ Several Measures of Importance Pass ed by Legislature. -Montgomery. Ala.. l‘J.—Th^ house of rej)resent.iiiv^ s b tile senate bill e.xtcnciin^ tlic terms ol the t'.vo associate rniIro:ui I is •t IV'. '.V. T. Sai;tiers ana \r, C. Ti;n- ! sial], two years. ! iifbato was cv.t off by the advjcate::! ' cl :!;o bill by moving the i<;-cviiuu-; ; t;'on. j A 1)11] to rearrange the ci’’- ■ cuits. niakjiig seventeen c-ii-cnils. v/a-j ulsu j.assed. i Tr.i' houL-c vote i down the bill tr j PCTiiiir bookkeei'ing .-Jcriing and of pools (ni horse races. Quite a sensation was ci'e:iT:';l in i tii<- j-1'.nate by a ni,>ti-.in to reconsider | t:if auO])tion of the res ihitlon .Liivini: ^ one of Alabama's places in statiiaiy; i'.iill ,)! fame to Dr. J. L. M. Curry. Tht.- nuition was carried, but was hiter rnlf.l out of order because the iiet's'.' e.i , n.)t have the reso!utii-n. It will ].(? rec:il!e.l. The purpi.se of tl'.e r.i(it: ;n is iM;t known. T!'e senate adopt";! the nr.mlierol .hall' t iu the el?:-tion bill, but has as yet passed the bill. COTTON CROP ECTIMATES. Do No-t Run Over 11,000,000 Bales—De terioration of Plant. New York, Sept. 19,—Telegraphic reports to The lnternation?\l Mercan tile Agency regarding the more impor tant changes and features of tl e week are summarized as fellows: Southern advices af fuithor deterior ation of The cotton plant are general and crop estimates do not run over ll.ltT/O.OoO bales. expectations nortn ttud south is that the i)rice of cotton goods must take a sharp upward turn. Indian corn has been much less hurt by low temperature than reported. At lea 8st(» per cent reported absolutely safe and undamage.l. Kentucky tobacco will grade high er than the l»st year. rt will amount to tw(>-thirds of an average crop. In- dei)endent buyers have been active, but indifference l)y the combine leaves | prices havy. Ijidiistrial interests has j centered a”ound st; ?1, ])rices of which it is deciared will net be lowerei, yet billets have sold at or a dollar un der the poolo pi ice. I Of S from strikes this y^ar is over ^oJiD.UUO.OvU. quite an excess of last year. -N\'w England ccttcn men say they will net resume in fnll until the new cc'tton sup])lie.s v.xrrant it. The tex tile sitiKiion in Philadeli)l'.:a is slow- j ly lm;;roving. Demand for agricul- I tural implements, notably at Louisville. ! is excellent. Temar.d fo» j;ig iron; v»’ii;tin'4 at Chicag;). not st.'t'ng at | 'I’hiltKielp'nia and tirni at Pittsburg. | Gor.(’raI trade is most active in the’ 1 ccntral an ] southwestern states. I heavy niuvenient is conspicuous at St. ^ Louis and throu.-iliout the states tribu tary to that ciLy, which c.Mends to all s:ai)le lines. SC'JTH£RM MA;<23 REPORT. lot MARRIED BY TELEPHONE. Grocs Earnings For Fiscal Year End ing June 30. \ev.' Ycrli, -Sept. IS.—The anr ro’jort of the Soutiu rn railroad just is.'’ie,i shows that in the fiscal year ended Jtine 3(>, grcjs earnings we:e $4 an in; re.:se oi $4.t;41 .b> 11 or 1:1.;;i pt i- ( Cnt. X.i e.iiniiigs wt-re $1 }.i‘19, an increase of ;?4i):i.:) i,s. or 4.G per cent. The surjilus income over fixed charges w.ts i;S.7ii7.-i77, a:i iJicrease of 313.9 per cent conii)ar;‘d wirh ]Sj5, v.-Jiijii the Sjc.r,iiern’s; tlrsi annual report was issued. Annual exi-'ensos and taxes SrM),!<o9.139; an in crease of ;,142.:':u2 or 1-1.-;3 per cent.: The cost of maintenance and e.">ui i me-nt in;-reated ?1.24:t.4oi, or 22 per cent. C( St of transportation incre::s- ; ed $2.(;21,913 or 1 n j)cr cent. In the annual r-'iiort of the Mobile ' and Ohio a part of the Southern, a.i i Vt^edcied In Hacte to Get Fourtune Aunt. Binghamton, X. Y., Sept. 18.—TIio:n- as P. Baker and Miss Mariv' Wells. .>1 Atlanta, were married by telephoi:e. the !->ri .a being at Glenwoiui, Pa., and increase of about in the^yi’oom in Buffalo, X. Y. and $255.0iX' in net is shov/n. 1 lie couple had been < n^'agod foi ' some time, the weddin,.: b-ing a fani- j MAN’S STRA^,!Gii FAT'T. ily match. The date wi? set for Oct 1, bill it wa,3 leai ned that an a—ed Frichtentd aunt, who had set her lu^art on tli': match, had decr(*ed in h.er will thal unless the mai-riase tock place before her death proj;erty to the amount <d wouL; divert fror;. Miss Well?, to ot’ier relatives. / The aunt was stricken with o Death ?t Gight of Cij AuiCiTiObi 1-2. New York, Sept. IU.—Patrick Col-j Ilns, or> years (;!d, a driver in the em ploy of the city, has bee.;i frightc'neJ ! Jto n F I Hope My Customers Will Excuse Me OR not chaiif^ing my {kI. oftener, as I am usually too busy selling goods to our many customers to take time to think what to put in an ad. And besides, I i)refer talking lace to lace with the people to seeing them at long I’ange through a newspaper. So don’t wait to see me in that way, Tliere is no use for me to do so, but 1 will tell you that I have the best all-round general mer chandise store in Brevard; and those who don't already know it can find out by looking through my store. jly lines—including Dry (roods, Groceries, Shoes, Clothing and others—are strong; and Ironi the amount of business done my prices must be low. ITo})ing that I may be al)le to serve a satisfied people, I am yours faithfully, T. D. ENGLAND Phone 8. McMinn Block. Brevard, N. C. From the Factory to the Foot T. W. Whitmire' 1ms just i-ocoiv(‘d the largest lino of men\s. women's and chiklriMr.s Shoes in IJri'varU, and t!ie jjricf.s ai-e '21 p.n- {-.(iiit. cheaptu- ron.siihM-in.i^ (lualily tiian any ottier shoes in town. These shoes are bought dii-ect from the i'aclory. and (,*vefy }>air guaranteed. ]\Iy Clothing wtLS boui,dit ihi' saiiH; way—direct i’l'om the fiictory—and I have some of the nicest tind most stylish patlei ns in the city. ]\Iylineof Negligee Shirts and Neck'woar ;ii (‘.simi)ly out of si«^ht. “When it comes to dressing a gen tleman froHi head to toe and iu the swellest of style no one in Brevard can do this l>ul mys('ir. and thi.s is the way I do it: First thing is a silk finished unilershii i with douhlo »‘lasti(* seams: Scrlvin's drawers; nc^xt is that pretty little low collar and midgt.-t tie with the i^Oth century link cnlf?^ and buttons; tiuMi 1 follow that up witli a suit of the Kantbebeat brand of clothing, which is tlic' most swt'll lin(' in town; then comes the great Mtinss pat. cult blacher shoe, the ju-ctticsl thinii'(‘Vi'r s(>c‘n in ]>i-(‘vard. tind evi‘ry pair guaranteed; the last and be>l of all is for the head, and that is a John B. Stetson hat in t he hitest shai)i‘. if you will tell me what more it talces to dress a man I will buy it. Ah! 1 forgot to i)ut any soc.-ks on my man, but it is liot oecause I liaven't i^ot them. I have them, tind th(^ very nicest in town. ^ly dr^” goods tUid groci3i'y trtide is good enougli. Come and see me. T, W. WHITMIRE /, 2, 3 Cooper Blocks Main and Broad Sts. death by the sudden glare of an I autoniobilo that nearly lan into his j team in Jerome avenue, at One Hun plexy a-nd pronounced dying. T’ne I drcd and groom, who is a traveling man. wa; ' and Seventh street. As (''ollins aj)]n‘oached a sharp turn located at Bufui.o, am! tiie marriage j in the avenue the l>ig white automo- arranged over the teleplione. A mUv | b!le with a brilliant headlight, istt'i oificiated at eac h end and th€ j dcnlv lo(uned up. ceremony was concln ied M minutes^je to drop the We Wish .. to TME OPERATES fore the aunt breathed her last. Mississippi’s Va.'unbla Find. JacKSGnviiif, ..Miss., Se^jt. I*.—While Mississippi cannot rival the famous petrilied luresi in Arizona, she yet re joices in a recent find iiiong this lins that ^s attracting the attent.'^^on of ge ologists and curiosity seeker^^. The find is on the farm of A. H. hradley, near Flora, and is said to con* ist oi some -large, beautiful and w5i^nJer ful petrifications.” State Ccnlimis- sioner to the St. Louis Fair Henr^i’^ ha.= sud- CoIIins wBs seen •eins, .=t:ire straight ahea ! for a second and then topple from the wagon. The driver of tlie automobile swerv ed his n:achino in time to avoid a col lision. Hosj)itaI physicians who we;t3 summoned said the old man's weak heart kiiled him and that he was prc))- abl}’' dcaa before* lie strucli the ground. I''<‘nr<‘i{l <)t!<Js A.nasnst Him. I HMiri(l(ien. alone and de.^titute. Such, ill brief, was the condition <>f an old soldier by the name of J. .T. Hav- ens. Versailles. O. For yeai's he was visited the petilfied forest’ and/made i trouhlsd with Kidney (iisea.se and n<M- arrangenients for m exhibit /of its tlier doctors nor medi<Mnes o-jive him wonders at the big fair. Mourned as Dead for Yesfrs. Xew \ork, Sspt. 18.—Ai'iei*' being mourned as dead by par< nts and frien s for 13 years, Wah^r l^razee. a former resident of Scotch Plai U ' J., has returned to that villagt ' howel complaints, azed mother was overcome witf S I ‘^”teed by Z. W. Nichols, drujrjrist and swooned. When Fraaee disarl f-’ q he Xfws office fi.r Blauk I)eed.«. meduMne: )‘elef. At lenjith^'iie t)‘i(Kl Kleetric I3it- ters, Tt ])ut him on liis feet in short order and now he testifies: ‘*I'm on the road to complete recovery.” Best on earth earth for liver and kidney tro\xt)les and all forms of stf)mach and Onlv oOc. (iuar- 'HK {itteiitiou of oui* customers to the lii(;t tiiat wo have some special ^ T L^auis 111 Dry Goods These goods must 1)0 sold, and \ve iiavo put them oil the marker at a very low price, giving our customers oin* proiit. To orK CouxTKY Trade: When in town malce our store your head quarters. Brinof all your ])i'odut;e and we will pay you the highest market {)ri(!e. Dovbk Daily Trains Tarrying- Pullman Sleeners. Cafe Tars ja la carte) and Chair Cara (r.ats free). Electric L!^.hted T^’rouji'^out BETWEEN Sirming:tiain, I^ssnpJais and Kansas City AND TO ALL POINTS IN rexas, Oklahoma ar.d Indian Temtorics AND THE Far West and Nsrthwest rtlB ONLY THROUQH SLEEPING CAR LINE BETWEEN THE SOUTHEAST AND KANSAS CITY Yours for business, KINSLAND & WELLS Phone 71. Descriptive literature, tickets ar- rang-ed and through reservations made upon application to IV. T. Saunders, Gcn'l Act. Pass. De**t. OR F.E.Clark, Trav.Pass.Aqt., Atlanta, Ga. Brevard, N. C. W, T. SAUS^DERS I Gen'I Agent Passsnser Departnn&nt j ATLANTA, CA.

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