Photographs, Will bo located in my new gallery in a few days, where, with a line skylight, ^lew backgrounds and chairs, sliall be able to do better work than ever. E- H. GLOVER, BREVARD Townsend Transfer Co. BAGGAGE delivered ta any part ol the city. DRAY MEETS ALL TRAINS. Heavy Hauling on Contract. Phone'67. Bravard, N. C. Loftis Locals. W. P. WHITMIRE Livery and Feed Stable Comfortable Carriages Reliable Drivers Safe Horses Drivers know all points of interest in the country. Wagonette meets all trains. MojNTinii Stable Phone 20. Brevard, N. C. W. L. & Co MEAT DEALERS. c O lOditor Sylvan \ iiiiey News: Jack Frost has made his ap pearance aujong the I’ariners for several mornings aad put frowns upon tlieir faces. Miss Esta Whitmire attended preachinjj: at Rocky Hill Sunday and took dinnei- at the home of her grandparents. Oliver Hardni s[>ent Saturday night with relatives here and went to see his best girl at Bre vard Sunday. Dr. E. S. English and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Reeves w’ere pleasant visitors at the hospita ble iiome of Mr and Mrs. E. E. Lewis Frida}’’ and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Tate, of Travelers Rest, S. C., spent sev eral days last week with their neice. Miss Leona Gidney. Oscar Batson and sister. Miss Annie, dined at the home of I\Irs. Hookei* Sunday and called to see Totsy in the afternoon. Ola May Hunt has been seri ously ill with fever but is conva lescing. Miss Fanny Stone, of Green ville. C., was a welcome guest of Miss Leona Gidney one day last week. Thomas Simmons, of Poe Mill, S. C., is attendin.i^ school at Ce- dai* Mountain. Rev. Stephenson will })reach at Little River Chu})el next Satur day night and Sunday at 11 o'clock. There will also be a bai)tisiii,i:: Sunday at 10 a. m. Doughis Hooker died at his home at Clara, S. C., last Thurs day and was buried at Rocky Hill ceraetery Saturday after- rioon. R(‘v. Beck conduclcd the funeral services. The bereaved ones have our heartfelt sympa thy. To'J'sy. Hog!)ac!( iQcais. •o O 50 < PJ > r O Buyers and Dealers in ^\i\l Gatlla, Slieep and i^ogs Phone 62. Brevard, N. C. The Long and Short of It. Restaurant and Bakery Loaf Bread, Cakes, Pies, Etc., Fresh i Every Day. All the Vesretables, Deli cacies and Toothsome Dainties of the! season served daily. I IIMPUCQ Short-Order ^LUIiUnLO Mecis a SpeciaJty. ^ Everything Strictly First Class. I Call early and often. | “I eat at Aiken’s I “I don’t, but I w / ■ R3staurant.” I hereafter” / Jliken, - Main Street ] Curtis ronstipA'fiorfi Indigestion : l^lood, Kj<i\’rey and/Liver Disease | ' ibc, 25c and 5<|>c per box. | Jit all druggisti^ ^jTiTe'^'forafree sample\' ^he Dr. Chas. T. Sisk emical Co., .^shediHe, N. C iMlitnr Sylvan Vallt'y Xe'v»: Monroe Hooper of F;iir1ield passed thi-ouijrh this section last week with a load of seed lye which he had bou;»ht on the Fi-cuich Broad. Lemon Saundei’s. who has been makini^ his home in Gloucester, is in our section again. A revival meeting has been in p>‘o<:-ress at Union Clnii'ch, con ducted by Rev. .loi-dan. The servir-e was lii'ld in the grove last Sunday on account of not havin.i4' I'oom in the house. A colh'ctioii of sll was taken up for Mr. .Iordan Sun«.hiy. Old Uncle Jerry Revis was foui'jd d(‘ad neai- the Soutli Cai-o- liiia liu(^ last Sunday week. He was ^etlin,*^ old and feeble and had been to visit his son in South Carolina. He leaves a family who hiive the s^’mpathy of many friends. The school at Union in chari^e of A. D. Middleton luis sto[)ped two weeks for fodder. “Jaciv Frost" was a visitor in |Onr vicinity last week. Best wishes to all. Bin Eyes. What Is l.ifo? In the la;;t analyt^is nobody know?;, but we do know that it is iindei- strict hiw. Al)use that law ever, sliiihtly. l)ain re-iults. frreyular livin<;' means der;ui;^enient of tlie or;i;ins, resultin';- in o()nsti])ati(>n. headache or liver ti’ouble. Dr. Kind’s New Life Pills quickly re-adjusts this. It's *;entle, yet thorough. Only 2‘)c at Z. \V. Nichols’ dini'*- store. Ihe i®tIieIwoId Brevard’s New Hotel. Open the whole year. Jtll modern conveniences. Service and table first class. Sample^rooms free. House that will soil Coiiimerciai Traveler The patronage of the Traveling Public, as well as Summer Tourists, is solicited. Brevard, J[[. C., July 20, *Q5. ur The Best Is Not Too Good for Our Customers We carry a large line of Parke Davis & Co.'s and Shni ix* iV Doliin’s Pharmaceuticals and Squibb’s and iMerck's CMieiiiica!.- i'./i' niiing physicians i)rescriptions, and there are none Ijotti'r iViaii Jlgents for Huyler*s Fine Candies. Resj)eetfully, The Brevard Drug Co. E. W. BLYTHE, Manager. Brevard Pressing Club. THOS. W. MOSELY, Proprietor. Gentlemen*s Clothing Cleaned, Pressed and 'Repaired. Teachers Wanted. AVe noed at once a tew more teach ers for 1‘all schools. (!<jod positions are hc'in^- tilled daily by us. We are receivinj? more calls this year than (‘ver before. Schools an(J colleu'es supplied with teachers tree of* cost. Kiiclose stamp t'or i-eply Amekican Teaciikks’ As.sociatiox, J. L. (ilvAHAM, LL. D., Manager. 152-154 Uandolph Building’, Memphis, Tenn. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Only $1.50 per month. Shop just below postoffice. Broad Valley Institii fp Bread Valiey, Transylvania County, N. C. Next Term Opens August 10. 1903. Ji- Competent Faculty.. Healthful J}ir. Co-educationczL Beautiful Sccnery. ()ne hundr^'d luul forty-one students from live counties ;iM:i ’.'\m sMt.c', la-t y<nir. Medals ^iven. (iood water. Kxj)enses cheaj). Inji; >l I.*; spected lu i'i-. Foi- in!'.!j-;iiation and particulars call on or adilress s. W. HALL, i „ . . , J. X. P.KADLKY, I " ^^Cleanliness is next to Godliness/' thing of beauty is a foy forever.'^ Our stock of is fresh and cican—neat, sweet and toothsciiic* High Grade Coffees, Teas and Fancy Gaieil SsqiIs You pay no one else^s bill when dealing with as our terms are cash* DEAVER & LOFTIS, The Grocers. Aethelwold Building* Phone 85*

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