4 1>- W. Badham, -fyijKisH ATR3S1TIES ARE TRULY TEIiRIBlE Member of the Stat8 Tuners Association OF. CHARLOTTE, N. C. JicAiiq’.iarUM':- foi- tin* snnintor at HENDEF.SONVILLE, N. C. yt»ui‘ I a*i‘tjna;^e foi- work in lii? ii'it*. Pianos, Organs, ets. Tiined and R^epaired On rihcrt iioiir •. at i-«_‘:i>onable pviees. (Viiara/itcL's^ ;i.li worlv oiitnisteil to Jiir. ••■are. stMir ;c» iiiin at ITtMiderson- viii? V. ; 11 -‘t"!-'-'. !- t)r<>in|»t iila’iitum. With Fire and Sword Do structioi Wrought. KASTORIA. MASSACRE AT _'jj 1 I i^Bii Mill II III——nnrfn The University OF Noftb Carolina. Departments: Law, Jvledlcins, Pharmacy. (> ; !■. ■ iu'lil sc;.. M ‘I ii ! l<> L‘*a'.s to.'- r.oi'dy. 6G8 Students C6 Instructors '•;i ■ '.val'T . (• n^ra . 1 ^ ‘irary -]ii.d': t v( • iijiii'--. arc a:;i' ].r.«r ii ii:1 ~Sn. cf Turkish ti'o. p? have bren sent Salonica to pur^ae them. A small br,dy of ’ie’.-^ant I’efuze:-.-- near P; e.sl)a, who v. ere srarviu,4 the mountain.^, startc-a to t-ek f'jod. At Xakaletz th; y w.Te r.it i liv Tiir;- :sh soldiers who kilie; th«ni all an;, horribly mutilated the vv-o.nion. MERRITT HURT IN ACCIDENT. State School Commissioner Narrowly Escapes Death. Atlanta, Sept. 19.—Commissioner W. B. Merritt narrowly escaped serious injury and probably death yesterJay mcrning in a,runaway accident at Val dosta, where the popular ccniinlssion- er had gone lo spend a fov; days at his old home. That he su.stained nothing but a bad bruise on the body and a painful scratch of the arm is considered miraculous by eyewitnesses of the accident. C-ommlssioner ^M^er- ritt returned to Atlanta last ni:;ht and is now at his home in tliis city. Professor Tvlerritt stated in reply to Questions regarding the accident that he was out driving yesterday morning at his old heme, was on his way to Pine Park. Ills horse, which wa^s hitchei to a light buggy. l)ecame fright ened at a rapidly passing trolley caf and dashed on the track immediately in front of the car. which v/as then goin^r down g’rade. The mniornian w2s l',ovet i<)oni Suits, r»lattres.«;es, Spriiif^s, Cliair?’ ^ ►Sales. Frosli Groceries on hand. t to r.ill-and see me, ns I am niakinj? very lo^' !»• ie« s to all. Anvthiufi- in ]Jeerinj? iiiaciiinei\ want. Call and };et price?. The celebrated Tate Spring iiiineral water for sale. Yours for business, J. E. CLAYTON Looking Costs Nothing Kxaiaine my {looils all yoi.i like—tlie more i buy. My nice sprlnj^- line of up-to-date *e vou investi^'ate the ?iio!‘(* yiti] j| GEORGIA POSTAL CHAMGES. NOT THE HALF TOLD. 0 111 V.' 'r>'^ ’»■ • Ajb I ajSo ' 1 ) — I ^ » I- ■? 'k •.c ::'ti Drict:: • *. -.1 -1 Mi . /i».‘ Sh'sp ors Croad Street# . , tl/U. s. a:i>i l-oreigrT"^ vs f jr p' oto cf ii:venLioii for f fi'-. •<-'. “I CY. -;•! ■’-itni'ilitv. r< '• free bcck, r ^ l^™':^:;:.rTRADE-'MARK? < ki S * I ' V= - <* if Teackrs' Intsrstate Exanilndijn Course. 'r-aclKT' wi'liin^' to prepare for (‘xaniinittioi;- >li<)ulil \\ rite at oiiee to I’rof. J. i.. Oisiiaiii, Li.. i>., }■’>- l.')4 Kau(hdph i luihliiiir, ^!einplil>, Tenn., foj‘ particnhir- eui!cerniii5i his special tea<*iifi>’ e :iiii!:ttioii cour-:e*. Tltis eou.s<* j'tauiiht by ni:»il, and prepares le.eir-r' loi- exa'iiii a'ion in • Very s;a\e in liie uiiitui. i.,eal>ouId ini* UK’ili.itely av:iii tliein.'^i Ivt s of it. lu.clute staniy tor rei>ly. Turkish Alrocitios Are Sr.icI to H::ys Decn Unccre-jtirrr.ted. London, S<*ijt. lb.—'1';::; ti.iirstc r G.'zette says a v»’eil i-iio.’a I.ond-.n juuri;;ii,\st cables from i-,'‘lgrade as foi;< . ws: ‘Stalling with p^o-Trrkishi sympa- thio.'. I have f^';;n;I <:\i i'w)'.>-!m::;g cvi- drjiKP convi'^:in,.;iy j;;nvi:],-'; i^iat th(* Tarl:ish at.''vc!ci‘,;i a;e rarhej- under- osrlniar' ; in :hc uiTts of !?!r;si; suls, h:ir.i;-; rs and ur,:r.'- jadice i pc'cplf. yoroi;in ^lini^rer T:<,;koir tells me ia knows caje^ of starving ’.v'!n;c-n in for-sts l:i]]ihg tv.'o r;f rheir i>\vn chil dren to i>r‘\-;-rvp t]ie tlilrd. T>e fov. est waiui-'rers will all ;jC!-;sh of within two n.enti | ]'.ur<.';ie, auds tbe We;-t.'i;i::;-t -r G.v ! zette, de'il;i)u v/itli ihe Ka?'or;a re port.-^. is !)cund to iart r.ere wIk ther by [ conleicnce c.' a> a ri.r.c ert. GERlViANY’3 VtEVV. Has Tirre For Breaking Up of Euro pean Turkey .Arrived? r?erl;,n, t. IS.—Tlie !]‘.'i’;r.an s’ov- ernnient hoi ; in vie-v/ four points iu the Ralk!in sit-in.ion : dC'S [•‘'i.'-;;ia I'egar.I ti:at th; time f;:r the lir* ak up iif Enropf'-.!!; Turkey has arriv-.ni? The C-, p:in- ist^^rs have been unal)Ie r.o ixnetratt- Kussi.i’ ultimate iia-teiitions and met wit h Kli-’i-'leasi.r*.' the concerte:! attack.^ | of the St. PeT(=r.'-''!urg papei's ;)n Cv-r- many. wh;-':*h is Ir'ir.g dri-eribed as Ix • ^'.inning the l.?.cl<,:’.r')und and. takinc: pica?ure i:i T.l:e extirpation of Sla\s in l-Zuioiiean Ta;k’-y. Secon ;. if l-'rince F: rd'iTinil is p-r.'r- fUa.led th:it his tnrone is dtpendent ci; a v/ar v*'iih Turkt y, then vv«ir is r»er- tain. Every shculd i)e made tr tranquili/,..' Prince F('rdinand’s mind. Tiiird, the raeeun^ of the sovereigi::-- atten 'ed by foreign ministers ir- e.\pcft.:i to clear up the obscurities of th;' &itu"'.tion and enable German statesmen to forecast the friture. Tlie emiK rors of G^ iinany and Austria meet at Vitnn-a today. The c/:ar meets Emperor Francis Jc'-e:.h Sept. 2J. and will then visit the king of Italy. Fourth, the projeet for an Austrian Russian joint oeru])?.tion of iMAC-edoniD ha.s been v/holly abandoned, and ther* Is not the least likelihood of a renew al of the preparation. Desi.dte the fact that the Balkan sit uation has grown worse. Turkish funds rose again on the bourse today. Offices Ertsbiished, Rural Routes, Of fices Discontinued, ETtc. Wa.'^Iiini-to)i. Sept. ]•'.—'i'iie follow ing changes hui'e been oTdeie^ in the po-stal servi'.-e in C-eorgia; A new office h?..-3 been established at Lyken. CIin; h county, with special ser vice from Wiregrass. mih's west. John F. PHitersoii. t:f Lyktn, has been co:nnii>sioned postmaster. M.'il a.Hrscnger &; rvicp has been dis continued at iMaekville, Kmaar.el c(/iin- ly, to b.' sujK-rseded by rural free d.e- livery irom i-o;;t‘iton. Rural free delivery will commence 0<‘t. 1 at Ailey. Mentgomery county, a-nil Quinr..xn. j,rt;oks (ounty, with ad- ditioiiai service at bjt’a i eii.ts. Star s< rvi, e v/ill he in el' -ct S:M)t. 21 from -'a,ukin to Quiliriar.. ^ix tin.es a v. eek. H'uiry L. Croinatie has been com- mi.-sioned postmaster at the f(>uv:h- cla.'S money order (jffice at Willingham iMlcls-ey Culpepi.er, .jo’in fL Saver and Elii:a il. Allen have been commis sioned. pcstmaster... at tlie fouitli-class non-nioney order oiYices at Liberty, *Pistv>l and Withers. re.-=pectivt.-Iy. Clothing, Shoes and Eats is ju.“‘ in and my j)rice is as low as any one’s in l>rev;trd. It will pay you to call a'; JIM AIKEN’S . First r.'oor I’.elow the I’osioitice. THE Wacfiovla Loan & Trust* Co. Capital £600.000.00. INJURIES MAY PROVE FATAL. Judge King, cf Mevi> Orleans, Struck by Rijnav,ay Ttam. Xev.' Orleans. S^'pt. IM.—.Ju;lge Fred King. I t'?:^ *-.vil district ctuirt, while orc^s!ug C.i’;-;1 strt ;-t at the inter.-^.ec- tion of nourr>jn. was struck !>y a ri.n- av.'ay team r.nd it is ])cliev.: j fatally injured. Li- rii'liv leg and arm were broki'n. Me saved hi.^, le-year-old son from injury by pu.--hing him oiit of danger. The ti.am had rrai ar.uck for ten squares tiiro’.'.,gh Canal street witi;c)’u striking an cljstaclf'. Lii'g is a brruher ef Miss Grace King, the well known author ess. I Jlskeville Bro.n.ch ' 45 Paiton Jive. - - Jishevilie, N. C. I Correspondence Solicited, I General Banking Department. i Savings fund Department. I Inicvi^t paid ftii .'iaviiij's Fund Deixtsit.s at the rati-'Of. ■'■..■nr per etoit. . i:r, m. ' Trust Department. j Till ''I' ]) i'.l’.\ I rr.M EXT acts ;is .\;rent. Exeeutoi-. Adnii(iist>;it->r. (I ar- jdiaii. 'ihaistee. Keceivtr. \Vill take entire cluirge t>f lieal :ui'i r> t-onar ]!-;slati>. ' 'J' S. ,\:(>i;iMs<)X. j ('liairuKiu !';-.ard of Mnnap-rs. > o REAPER CLAIP/IS JUDGE CSTES. Dun^b for Years; Now Speaks. Xovv York. Sept. 19.—A remarkabl:! case in which a woman has been madf to speak after inability to utter a w^ord for three years, is that of Miss Em ma Lewis, says a dispatch from Utica N. Y. She is 50 years old and los: use of th evocal chords through pa ralysis. A local physician ha.s restor ed their use by electrical applications of varying power to the throat. She has now regained her full xx>wers oi speech. Prominent Georgian Dies at His Home in Gainesville, Ga. Gainesville, Ga.. Sept. 18.—^.ludge John B. Estes died at his home in this city yesterday. His death was not unexpected, as he had been i’i? failing health for several years, though he liail been able from time to time to get about. His sons—Claud Estes, of Macon, an 1 LIubert Estes, of this city ■—were with him at the time he ex pired. As soldier, jurist and legislator Jud're Estes had quite a notable ca reer in Georgia. The North Carolina State Noiir.ai and Industrial Colkgfe COUKSES: Literary Commercfal CiiZssical Doin€>siic Science Scieniific Manual Training Pedagogical Music Five coui'ses .^adiny' to i)i!)lomas. Advaii;,'-.-d courses U'adin;^'to !'• i! etjaipped f’r:i.i*tice anil ()i)servaiioa S^diool. Faculty ann,’ ird. laundry.. Suitioji and fees for use of te.xt books, etc., s:]4ii :i • iion-f<*^lden:s of the .State ’J'weifth annual sessi<»n I-**, '■J’o s-i'ure board in tlie dormitories all frej-tuition ac; liid !;e juad'- before .iuly l'>t>i. Correspondence invited f)*o>n tlio.-* ■■ i''.>ta;>eti*nt te:'.: i'iers anti stenographers. For catalogue and other inior, CHARLES D., ?4dVER, President, Greensboio^ N. C* Wr I >» > i f'\.: I be.- I slK- 40. year, i.icni- ;? ions -ii-ing la’ ior-. D'ecI In Far P.hiiippincs. Columbus, Ga., Sept. 21.—The bo:y of Charles C. Keene, of Columl)us, has arrived fiom Manila, and the fu’ier- al occurs from the residence of his brother today. Mr. Keene v/as a clerk In the quarternias'.er’s depaitme.nt i.i the 'Philippines. He dieJ on May 17. His remains were s'.mt home by the government, and arrived in a state of perfect preservation. ?Jr. Keene was a member of one of the Georgia regi ments during the S])anish-An:c rican war and was well known over the state. IJnckltMi’s Arnica SnlAO. Has a world-wide fame for marvell ous cures. It siD’jiasses any othei' salve, lotion, ointment or balm for cuts, corns, burns, boils, sores, fel ons. ulcers, tetter, salt rlieum. fever sores, chapped hanis. skin eru])tions: infallible for piles. Cure yuai-anteed. Only 25c at Z. W. Nichols, druggist. TH E WAT 0. J, ,4 w/iro(j 6rcaKe^ ' fe ^ Silverware Watches and Clocks for sale ( Eyeglasses and Spectacles* Eyes excmired free and glasses fitted* but BKING TTOM to David S* Haw^ftt The Jeweler All Work V^ranteed