4 What Shall Our Answer Be? following letter has been *'^eive(i by the News and we * f‘wld be very jjlad to reply if knew what to say. Hi>w do * ‘^‘iders in Brevard feel in re- to a graded school? Would Vote bonds to educate our ^ ildren if the proposition was 1 eady for a vote? The authority to make a debt for necessary ^niprovements is now constitu tionally ours, but no move is making to use the privilege "hieti the last legisture granted Who is making any move towards securing the benefits 'vhich a bond issue would give and which can be secured in *10 other way? The News is ready to give every assistance in its })()wer for the betterment of P«*esent conditions, but until our citizens make some effort for themselves there is nothing to assist. Here is the letter: , Kaleigh. N. C.. Sept. L'9, 1903. Hditor Sylvan Valley News: Dear Sir: The Campaign Com mittee for the Promotion of Pub lic Education in North Carolina would be glad to l^nd some as sistance to the gcK)d people of Brevard in establishing a graded school at that point. We hav’e observed several comments in your paper in which you speak very strongly and with much reason for a graded school. What is the sentiment at Brevard and A Small Blaze. What promised to be a serious tire was fortunately stopped by the prompt help of the citizens and the Fire Department on last Tuesday afternoon. The lumber for John Duckworth’s new house was piled on his lot, and in clear ing up the property some brush w’as burned the day before and was thought to have been put out, but the wind rising started a lit tle blaze which soon spread to the dry pine lumber and it was soon blazing. The property is out of the tire limits and there is no water available and had it not been for the chemical extinguish ers all of the lumber would have been destroyed. This is the second instance whereour cl^mical extinguishers have saved considerable proper ty and they have paid for them selves many times over. Mr. Duckworth desires to thank the Fire Department and the citi zens for their help. Owing to the great help rend ered by her, the Fre Company unanimously elected Mrs. J. J. Miner an honarary member of the same. Rliododeniiron Falls. Mrs. Charles Lott has purchased the Entire Stock of Souvenir Goods from Elliot F. Tochterman, in the W. H. Alli son building, and will add to it a large line of Assorted Designs that have been ordered from the eastern markets Mrs. Lott has received a fine assortment of Mexican Work For Ladies In the most exquisite patterns. Waists, Collars, Cuffs, Kerchiefs, Table Spreads, Doylies, Dresser Sets, etc. The Brainerd & Armstrong Art Linen for Drawn Work Bulgarian and English Art Ticking for Pillow Tops and Table Spreads A Pleasant Waiting Room for Ladies It was our pleasure on Monday to accept the invitati >n of M. what is the probability of carry-1 jj^sper Qj.j. with him to in*^ the town for schools.*^ ^^^Ithe falls that he has discovered will send speakers there at any mi \ mu ^ tiinei(weca.iaidy,.urpo„plein:°" Turkey OrePk. The party establishing a graded school. : (consisted of Mr. Glover and W^’rite me if we can serve you. Very truly yours. E. C. Brooks. Sec. Reba Readings. Kditor Svlvan Vailev News: I “We.” The drive is one of the I most interestingaround Brevard, i t le roads are good and no grade j worth mentioning, and the fal's I ai e only distant six miles. The I name that Mr. Orr has given I them is very appropriate, “Kho- Kev. W L. Kuykendall deliv- dodendron Falls,” as the gorge in ored an excellent sermon here Sunday which was much en joyed by those present. Miss May belle Bagwell spent which they are situated is one mass of magniticent Rliododen- drons. ^ Miss Maybelle Bagwell spent In this section is the famous ^Sunday with MissKatie Scruggs. | “Bloody Spring” which is a na Aunt Sallie Reece is seriously tural cui'iosity as it is only neces- ill at her home. No ho])es are sary to probe in the I ottom of ♦entertained for her recovery, as the spring with a pole to make she is quite an old lady. ! the water change color from a Jack Lance, who has been at j clear white to a reddish blood- Asheville for so»ne time, was Colored mixtui-e. We su|)pose shaking hands with his old that there is some kind of miner- f riends here Sunday. ' al deposit that causes it, but it is Some of the Reba boys attend-1 a curiosity nevertheless. <^d church at Island Ford Sun day. We are sorry to say that Mrs. E. D. Cassell is on the sick list. Mrs. L. D. Scrugi^s S[)ent Sat ni’day night with the family of Brevard Banking Company J. F. HAYS, President. J. W. McMINN, Cashier. Does a General Banking Business and Solicits Your Patronage. We Hit the Nail Sqtjare on the Head. Why Is It? J. E G irren. We wonder why Norvin Har din didn't stay for dinner in the Reba section? We are sure he would have had a good one. Sunshine. TROOPS AT CAMP YOUNG. First Excitement in Hardin Since 1864. Camp Young, West Point, Sept. 26.—The first excitement in th;^ ; Last week the inews received j two letters from Asheville, in each of which was the following inquiry: I “Why is it that the Brevard depot has two waiting rooms and that the negroes are allowed to «ro to ticket window of the w’hite i c5 i i>eople*s room and crowd back ,ihe \\*hite ladies until they are I waited on?” ! Not being in the railroad em- Coun^y I unable to answer the ' ! question, but if there is a true ’ 1 basis for the question the matter be looked into and part of Hardin county since 1864, when General Buell placed a 'small detachment of infantry on F^’^t Hill, i a shon distance from Wt Point, was upon the people today gazed in astonishment upon amended. l>o (jrooossll)ly lose by trOOD iraiiib \ju auiitjuuit;, auu - i • i many of them had arrived and the; it.’ Most men appreciate a kind commands had been assigned to their i word and eneourajiement more than quarters before noon. ' 1 substantial help. There are persons The dust is 6 inches thick over community wlio might truth- «verything and the soil as hard as? j friend, cheer up. flint, making th ethrowing up of the, _• ^ ^ i i • j.i round a laborious task. The arriv- ^ doses ot ChamheilHUi s Cough als today were: j Remedy will rid you ot" your cold, troops of the Seventh caval-1 and there is no danger whatever from ry, Chlckamauga. s pneumoiiiji when vou use that inedi- Five troops of the Eighth ci^valry,, Jefferson Barracs, * o, 7. ) for it has helped me out many a time.’’ Pour companies of the T^.e^tIeth f Xicliols. Bre- infantry- ; vai*d, andO. L. Erwh.. Chei-rytield. Seven hundred men of the | __ . — d 300 of the First, all of Fort Tiie Sylvan VATiLKv News office Idan. WE HAVE BOUGHT OUR Fall and Winter Stock EARLY IN THE SEASON, CONSISTING OF Dry Goods and Notions, Ladies* and Gents* Furnishing Goods, Ladies* Gents*, Misses, Boys and Children*s Shoes and Rubbers Men*s, Boys* and Youths* Clothing from factory. And are here now ready for your inspection. We hit the nail square on the head (cotton now 13c) when we bought our fall and w’inter goods before the advance at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES for the SPOT CASH. Our Prices are Right, Too— Because our goods are feliable. Because we buy foi* spot cash, securing all discounts. _ Because our business is conducted with the least possible expense. Because we sell for cash, we have no losses from bad debts and vv'e do not have to make an advance in our prices to cover such losses. Come and see us at the One-Price Spot Cash Store, opposite the Court House. Faithfully yours, W. P. WEILT Phone 54. Brevard^ N. C. To Cure a Cold in One Tdce Laxative Bromo Quimiie Tablets. ^ Seven Mfilfion boxes sold in post 12 montbs. TblS Sl^natUTGy * * Cures <^ip in Two Days. onev^ry box. 25c. Ibr tine job priutiut;. I