THE MEDICINE That You Take When you have a prescription compounded in niy store—thert is not the shadow of a doubi about the work being correct in every particular. It Is done RIGHT or not at all. Z. W. NICHOLS DRUGGIST Sylvan Valley News MINKK & HREKSE, Kditors ai)(i Propiiet«>rs. Friday Morning, Nov. IH, 190S. Town and County Items. Phone T). Brevard. N. C. W. L KUYKENDALL ^ Optician Every Friday at Tally’s store. PENROSE, N. C. You Live to See, and See to Live. tested l>y ini])rove(l instninients and iieedcti <:lasses sJUi)i)iie«i. Weak oi- I'ailin^- oi* short si^ht. astiLiinatK-iu ami idlifi- tlelicieiieiesj of vit-ioii cured l»y ucar- iiifi' my inipi-oveii ylasse>. .'_jet me know y»)ur i;eei!s :!iid 1 will caU and tet^t \ (»ur eyes at \t>iir ttwii home. Address as above II. F. P.- Uoute No. 2. BREVARD LAOi‘^OIV. We wish to call the attention of the laiuuiry patrtms of rirevar(l to the fact that we will operate a launilry hero, located two do<.)i-s above jxt.-l ottiee, on Main street, and i-es])eet- fiiily solicit yonr ])atroJia^e. \\v. are here for the o«>nvenienee of the i)eoi*le of Brevard, and ft>ei conlidtMit that those now sendinn' their laundry work out of towji will ])Utroni/e us. Our Work Will be the Very Best as we have the latest ini])i‘oved ma- c-hinei-v. Satisfaction <:uarantced. High GIcss or Domestic Finish Please mai-k li.-t X before either word prefei-red—(ikiss oi- Domestic. We are very i-es]>ectfully vours, Brevard Laundry. A. T. HOWKX. (;. n. FiU(iUi’:LY. > Props. IM-P-A-X-S Tabules Doctors liiid A «()()d prescription Foi* inaiikiiul The n-ceiit packet is oii<nii:li for usual occas’ons. Tlie funniy bi‘ttlo i(>u < ».•. t>) ooutaiii^ a tor a yciii'. All m-1i tlicin. Cheap Settlers’ Tickets. On th(‘ tirst aiul third Tuesd.iys of each mouth till April, 11)04, tlio Frisco System (Saint I^ouis .-iiid San l>ancisco llaih’ojid) will sell reduced one-way nnd round-trip tickets trom }{irmin^h:im, Memjihis ;uid Saint Jjouis to points in Arkansas, Kansas, 31issouri, Oklahoma, Indian Terri tory and Texas. W'rite \V. T. Saun ders, General Ajjent Pass. l)ei»t., Atlanta, (Ha., for full information. Jaines Traollisn] The Decorator Expert Assistants Honest* Work All kinds of Exterior Painting done PAINTS SCIENTIFICALLY MIXED Paper Hanging, Fresco Work and all kinds of i.iterior finishing ^ a specialty. J. W. McMinn went to Asheville on I business trip last Moriday. M. D. Cooper left last Monday f(u* v'ir^inia where he has large collec tions to look after. J. 11. liCdbetter has recovered from Ids severe attack of fjrip and was able to be out on Tuesday. The Brevard Taimin Plant will soon bej>:in ojieralions now as the ! tanks which have been delaying them j have arrived- I D. L. English, Ks(j., while attend ing federal court won a tine fifteeii- fh>llar pipe at a rattle. Nothing like being lucky. Mesdames A. K. and C. E. Orr, Misses Louise Wilson and Mary Orr went to Hendersonville last Monday to take in the (’arnival. We took our son Dick to TTendor- sonvjlle last Monday to see the ('ar nival and had a very pleasant trij) and advise our friends to go auvl see the show sometime during the week. The dam of Lake King John has been greatly strengtliened during tlu* last week in preparation of the sup ply of lla inbow trout Ihnt the Fish Commission is going to sejid here in t he near future. : Miss Mv)llie Hood arrived here i I frouj ( herokce county last week to spend about two weeks visiting nda- tives and friends, and will then re turn to Brevard to S[>end the winter. —Frank 11 u Press. Brevard is having an epidemic of “scaritis” as shown by tlie rejjorts tin'ued in by tli<‘ Odd I'ellows;nul K. P’s. ^['he latest person to be jilJlictt'd was Thos. H. Shii)man who had ase- vere attack ^londny idght. Frank L. DeVam^ returned last Saturday from ,\slieville where he: was on the federal grand jury for thej lirst W€‘ek. .\ gri-at deal ot business! was transacted by the jury and the court was greatly j)leascd with their: work. I I From all appearances up to the ■ present there lias been a rush in the i matrimonial market. As high as j S(*vcn newly married couiMes have been at the hotel at one and tlu‘ same time, and each train brings iti some more. We gladly open our columns to a new correspondent from (Quebec, anti are still better i>le<is(>d to know that Pluto wil keej) ns i)0‘;ted in matters pertaini'ig to that neighboi- hood. By the way ‘■wh.ji’s in a name?’’ Have we any riuht to infer Pluto is A plutocrat? -lohn Waters came near having a serious accident while driving his mother out the other day. His horse was frightenetl b/ a colt on the side of the rood and jumped across a small ditch. Fortuiialely no damage was done excci)t break ing some spokes in one of the wheels. The coloreci ] eople had a baptising last Sunday afternoon in Brushy creek which was largely atteiule<l r>y both races. The weatiier was quite cool and the Wil ter must have been icy, but ue have heard, of !>o ill V. etiVcts therefrom. The preacher who conducted the ceremotiy was a man of more than average ability anti his remarks were listened to with in terest by all present. Quite a number of letters from coimtry correspondents came in by the Wednesday mails last week and were coni^equently left over from l.tst week’s paper. We much prefer I to print these letters while the items i are fresh and newsy, but unless they are received by Tuesday night there is no assurance that we can find time to put them in type. We are as anx ious to liear from the various sec tions of our county as are our writers to See their letters in print, but to in sure their appearaace the week they are written we must have them Tuesday. Prof. Bishop of the Indu.strial School has g<me to the Methodist Conference at High Point. A. H. King returned Tuesday night from a most successful business trip to Alabama and Mississippi. Jim Aiken has just put down at his own expense a good brick side walk in front of sto’e. In this he has shown a nio<t commendable spirit. Kev. C. p. Moore has l)een endors ed t>y the conference as the pastor of Brevard church for another year. He has made many friends here who will be glad to learn of this action of that body The Aldermen must have forgotten about the street levels, the town sur vey and the tire limit, as they have uot done anything on that line at the last two meetings. Listen to the wishes of our taxpayers, O ye city fathers. It is rumored that there will be several good entertainments in Hen dersonville during the winter and ii would pay for the railroad peo|»le to run an excursion so that tlie lovers of good music could go to Ilendei sou- ville, see the performance and return the same night. The “opening’’ of Cotigress on Montiay last is described bv the dis- patchesasa brilliant att’air. We are not informed as to whethi'r the same regulations prevailed which usually govern the opening of a jack ])ot, but presu'ne tiiat the long est i)urse will get th(> persimmon. Vanderbilt seems to find that a road machine is a paying investment in building and k<‘eping up roads in this immediate vicinity any yet the town authorities k*t onr machnii! lay idle and work the streets by hand. And all the neighboring counti(^s and towns find that a road m.iehint* is a mo:jey saver. The bracing fa'l weather has brought our many tennis players an<l as is the c.ise in .til athletic sports we feel that Hrev.ird can throw down the gainitlet to all neighboring towns. Plendersonville shotiUl prac tice up and we would feel s.ife in (mi tertaiiiing any projjosition for a ten nis tt)urnament. Lt‘t us hear Irojn iirother Shi[)nian. Other towns iu the state are no larger than Hrevar<l ;ire voting Itonds for graded schools an.l we are satlly negligent on the m,itt<*r. V.’t* are abreast of the times in other re spects .Mild must iKiy some attentioii to the matter of better t:ducation for our children. Aiul there are a lot of chiklren in Brevard according to the population. This is a tine climab' and the air is bracing—let us have good schools. The jnany l>i *nds of Mrs. J. T. 3Ierrell, formerly Miss Leota Lank ford, will be pained to learn of her death in Asheville on Xov. 4th. Her body was brought here on Thursday and buried at ();ik (Jrove on Friday afternoon. 3Irs. Merrell had been sick for several months and her death had been expected for some time. She left otie < hild, a little girl about 8 years of age. We extend our heartfelt sxmpathy to the l)e reaved f'amily in this hour of th(‘ir distress. One of the saddest accidents which falls to :i newspaper to record oc curred the Kocky Hill section about ten days ago. Reuben Jial- lard, since the death of his wife last year, has been living in a cabin by hitnself. For several years he been subject to occ.isional fits, aiul on Monday moriung of last week while cooking his breakfast he was taken with a fit and fell near enough to the oj^en fireplace to literally roast one arm, shoulder and one si<le of fds body. How long he lay before the fire unconscious no one knows, as he had regained consciousness and got into bed before he discov ered. He was removed to Bud Nicholson’s, where he now lies suf fering most nitense agony. Dr. M. M. King is attending him and has hopes of his recovery, but in the nature of things this will be a slow We know of no more wor thy object for the charitable than to administer to his urgent nece.rsities- clothing ! 25c on the DOLL/Ht ' . or» /Invs We must make room for If you will visit our store within the next 30 day oui’ winter stock, and in order to do so Here are Soine of Our Prices. CK) I $10.(X) OVEliCOATS $7.7,-, 9.75 8.00 “ 8.20 *' $1').00 SUITS for $12,001 12.50 10 00 8.00 (5.00 4 C 44 4 4 4 4 5.75 4.50 5.00 4.00 ;>0 Good Shoes 1.25 ! Arbuckle s C olTee... ih Best Calico 5c per yard | Ginghams ^ I * • \aid $2.00 Pants $1.25 ! (iood Jeans I" '' yard 1.50 “ 1.00 I (iood Linen Ct>llars Moc 2.*,.; DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE $30; NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE $20. Sample Hats at your own price. Give us a look. Yours for bargains, M. J. Glazener & Sons, Toxaway, N. C. Brevard Industrial School. BliEVMUD, N. C. Will open in new building Oct. 20, 1903. COURSES: Common School^ Domestic Science^ Bible and Normal. Instruction thorough and practical. Expenses the lowest. For further information address E. E. BISHOP, Prin. Mever Before Xo. never before in a countr.y store has the st.yles and <j i;ility been better or the quantity greater or the prices lower than ;tt or.r store at Cheri-ylield. If tiie ladies will only come next we.'K and set our new Dress (ioods, such as Waistings, Lawns, Dimities, Zebiline Fancies, Etc,, all new styles, never out before, we shall need no further .nlvi-r- tisement. Let the young and old ctime and see oiu- line of Kuhin r Collars. Fancy Ties and Cravats, lieady-Made ('lotliing. I’ants, Ifats, Shoes, all just arrived. If Brevard or any f)tli* i- >mall town can heal us in prices, styles or quality we wiii give you Jl' Round Trip Ticket and Pay Your Hotel Bill while in the city. Our stock of Groceries is fresh and cdniplete. and our motto is, '“Sell clieaj), sell a heaj). and keepeternal ly at it.' * Ladies, don*t punish yourselves by wearing the old long Corset when you can buy the Modern Girdle at Cheri-ylield, which insures ease, comfort and healtli. Ci.itie -ee. Columbus Whitmire Cherryfield, N. C. We Wish % "Cl T .. to ICall., Hl^j attention onr ciistoiuors to the lact that we have soiuo sDoeiol bargains ill ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Hry Gocuds Tliese goods must be soli, {uid we l)iit them on the marker Ait a very price, giving our ciistoii)6rs oui To Oru CouN'PRv Tuade: When in town make o.'n- store v')u.* he-i^l quarters. Bring all your x.-o-i. and ve pay you the highest market price " " lave low pi’olit. 1 ours for biisiness, KINSLAND & WELLS Pho3\e 71. Brevard, N. C- The SYLVAJi VJSLLEY JVEWS

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