A Sunday Blaze. Union Meeting. y On last Sunday atternoon about 4 <>’eIoek smoke was (Hscovrred issuino- Jroni a window in thn McMinn ]fouse aiul the alarm was im»nedi ite- J^'Nen, III lew minutes the hose wagon Was out and on the f^cene with «ne line of hose conne(*ted with the nearest hydrant and inside of five minutes after the fire was first dis- <*overed a stream of water was play ing: on it. 1 he fife origfinated in one of the *>a(ik rooms of the hotel and as the ^•uildino; unoccupied and no flue Jroni any other buildino- was near,it seems that it was started either by an incendiary or by the CMn*lessness c'f some tine who had jiotten in the bouse. In fa(‘t certain parties were J-een to j;,) in the b.ick door on Satur- <l.‘vy nijjht and it is supposed thnt tliey thr»^w matches or ends ot ciy:ar- «*ttes on the floor and therel>y CiUised Ine fire. Three parties are suspected find evidence is beinj? seart-hed toi* to secure their arrest and conviction. It Would be well to make an exam- l>le ot these parties it'sutficieiit proof is obtained, as their action nearly caused the destructio''. v.f the most valuable section of the town. As it turned out the tlaina«e "’ill not nmount to over ^100 on buildin<? and furniture. The usefulness of the Fir*^ Depart ment was shown and its shortcom ing's were als«> discernible, but on the whole the quick extinction of the fire was most creditable, tliere beiii^ but one niember of the ?'ire Compa- ij.v present. Sunday afternoon was a bad time t'i)r a fire as the m;ijority ot our people were out drivinj; or walk- Inj;. The benefit of the fire alarm w:is also demonstrated ms m.iny who < anie out would not have known of the fire had they not lie*>rd the alarm ti'id when it is placed on tlu* t<*wer it can be heard all over the town. Those present will airrec' with ns in saying that there ony:ht to be at least six good firemen’s w;iter pr(M)f ovecoats lurnished as it is a surety (hat the firemen will j?et w('t and they c.-in’t stand much wnter in tlie winter when it freezes as it falls. \Jiet thn Board of Aldermen j?et a ^ood outfit—thetaxpayeis wen*saved s^('veral times the cost of the whole outfit last riiniday. A Hyniing Episode. On last Saturday a party of three of our m<*st prominent citizens nnd n fi iend fn)m Asheville decided to <ro turkey and pheasant lumtiny:. The location chosen was in one of the most inaccessible and tliinly set tled sections of tlie county and thn mountain sides were covered !»y a thick and impenetrable tanyle of l.unel and ivy. After arrivinj*' at tlu* scene the party divided, two<io- ii\^’ u\) one fork of the cnn'k and two o'oiDj^ np another fork aj’fi^ein*; to meet on top of a certain knol). Af ter a lon^ walk of sojne mil:>s three of the ])arties met but tlie fourth wa>< not pr»‘S(‘nt, his companion statinir that lie had left him and jjone after ji ]>heasant. The party decided to wait until he returned but after waiting for a long time th(\v becanie t aiarined and instituted a .se.inrli, call ing bis name and firing off their o-uns but no answer w'as received and th(*ir alarm increased. They then <lecided to retrace their steps an ’ look for tbe ir/issing num, but V were unsucc3sstul, ami !iao ar’’ ;it the conclusion that he had ji seriously injured and that they i secure help and search the w mountain side for him. Upon rt j.)«r the vehicles, however, they foi l^liim seated belbre a small fire dryi liis shoes and socks. It seems th lie got lost and realizing his positio tiedded l‘> return to the starting. )>lace, but knowing no path had t< I;eep close to the creek. This we found impossible owin**- to the tlii imderj;rowth and hetherefore wac i he creek for two miles or more a in mssiuii- the overhangi i.nshes lie i!ot wet to the neck. 11 ' thermometer was very low, but ov ino- to th** quantity and quality c ► the carried he was warme •ind and no bad resuk folloijretl. Editors Sylvan Valley News; There will be a union meeting of Transylvdnia Baptist Associa tion.atEnon, Nov. 27-29, 1903. Following is the programme: FRIDAY. 11:00 a. m.—Sermon, Rev. P. M. Jordan. 2:00 p. m.—Organization. 2:80 p. ra.—Duty of deacons, Rev. I. T. Newton and Rev. E. Allison. .‘{:1") p. m,—How may we develop a greater spiritual interest among our churches? J. Hamlin and Rev. J. R. Owen. T:;{0 p. m.—Sermon, Rev. W. L. Kuykendall. SATURDAY, a. m.—Devotional exercises. 10:00 a. m.—The greatest needs of the cliui*»^hes of Transylvania associa tion. How are these needs to be sup plied? H. 1\ Moore. Rev. P. P. Orr, Rev. P. ls\. Jordan and Rev. W. L. Kuykendall. 10:50 a. m.—The co-operative plan among our churches in calling pas- Loi's. (1) Is it best? (2) Is it Scrip tural? (’. M. Gallimore and E. M. Allist»n. 11:.‘>0 a. m. — Sermon, Rev. I. T. Newton. 2:00 p m.—Condition of chui*ches. Five-minute t.ilks. .■{:(>0 ]). m.- Hest methods of church work. Rey. Holtsclow and .T. K. Hen derson. T:.'iOp. ra.—Sermon, Rev. J. R. Owen. SUNDAY. 7;:{0 a. m.—Devotional exercises. 10:00 a. m.—Sunday school mass meeting and song service, conducted V>y moderator, 11:00 a. m.—Sermon, Rev. W. T. Ib-adley. Tlie ])i-ogr}imaie will be inter spersed with songs Enon class. Our last union at Cathey’s creek was good. L t eacii church send at least two delegates, and may we all pray that this will be the best meeting of all. S. W. Hall. Com. List of Jurors. The following names were drawn as jurors by he county eomrnis3iouers at their meeting last Monday. The next term of jourt will be held here Nov. 30, 1903, and will be presided over by Judge E. B. Jones: W H Kaliis Lit Oonlt y B C Bat>on .lames M Owen l>ee R Fisher W L Aiken M C Thomas W C Hamilton Oeorge GaUoway H W Tinsley Paul W<K)dfin M V Breedlove R W Norton B F Kcnnemur Oatus Bryson P G Morris Kdwiii Poor M W Ganon T F Turner M 1) Cooper J A Miller R B Orr Tilden Reece J H Young .Tell’C Davis F G Norton •John D (xirren J C Tinsley J F (?isson W L Mml B J Wilson H M Miller P C Moore G M Galloway J Marion Whitmire T H Jordan E M Allison V B S<*rnKf?s W H Shank R G Smith L F Lyday Abe Jones THE New York World THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. If you have a bad cold you need a good reliable medicine like Chamber lain’s Cough Remedy to loosen and relieve it, and to allay the irritation and inJlamation of the throat and lungs. The soothing and healing properties of this remedy and the quick cures which it eftects make it a favorite everywhere. For sale by Z.W. Nichols, Brevard, and O. L. Erwin, Cherry field. Read wherever the English Language is Spoken. The Thrice-a-Week World long ago established itself in public favor, and it is now recognized as the strongest publication of its kind in the United States. Advertisers and publishers seeking club combinations—and they know best—universally testify to this. It is widely circulated in every State and Territory t)f the Union, and even in remote South Africa and on the yold fields in the deserts of Australia. Th'^se are the things that tell. Next year we have the presidential camnaign, in which all Americans are deeply interested. Already the issues are being discussed and the two great ]){i,rties are preparing for the fu'st moves. You will not want to miss any details, and if you subscribe now your year’s subscri])tion will cover the campaign from beginning to end. The Thrice-a Week World is abso lutely fair in its political news. Par tisan bias is never allowed to aflect its news columns, and Democrat and Re])ublican alike can obtain in its pages truthful accounts of all great political contests. In addition to all the news, Thrice-a-Week World furnishes : best serial fiction, elaborate market j re)>orts and other features of interest. The Thi*ice-a-Week World’s regular ; suhscrif)tion })rice is only $1.00 per I year, and this pays for l’>() papers. ! We oti'er this unequalled newspaper and the Sylvan Valle^^ News together one year for $1.T”>. NaoA MSN "IS )sie Mm zii*sii*cii **00 nVDJ>W 3HX UKii) iieui i(q JO ‘uMOl pu« i]l3 Aj9A3 X|j1>au Ul P|U§ UI3I4) JOJ 7[*y JSqDlll 3UOU—I43B3 S)U39 Si pu« OI X|UO ’S3U|i Ou|M9$ pue OB|)SSfl ai|} Moqs suoiiejo^aj pus p9M0||y suie»s ny SN»U\», nvosw the the the ^lamiosqy puK [t::>!iuou<03 ‘ajcp •oi-dfi‘aiduii^ ‘amvjiajl ‘qiiiXis ■suiiA) JOJ puag paiucM S)u.->9« Ap«T Xdo} ioj pii3<i *jo *A^p-oi sqijst *3|a *uoi)3i| tsiufi] p|ot(asnoi| ! ^joM Ajunj : saiuiouoDx ^luiiieiutsajp : suoiiist-j }saie| !s>)R|<1 pJiO|oi> |ii)imv9q : luaa y '3MZV9VN <$3iaV1 V 3NimVN '“'S.IITOSW *Ji;aA ()« .([uo 'jaqijos *<ins oj (iK>un.)iaM ua\u jnuA) NHaXXVa V J Seed Wheat Weighing 61 lbs. to bushel: raised on land yielding .‘11 bushels ]>er acre. Price $l.r»Oper bushel. Call at Brevard Roller Mills. 8. W. HAMLIN Painter AND- iitflor Decorator ARTISTIC Paper Brevard Banking Company J. F. HAYS, President. J. W. McMINN, Cashier. Does a General Banking Bu^^iisess and l^'-olicits Your Patronase. 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