Sylvan Valley News Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper, miner & breese. BREVARD. TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. 0., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27. 1908. VOL. VIII-NO. 4S Dunns Rock Lodge No. 267 Jl. F. Jh Ji- Meets Pvidiiy on or bofori* t1i»‘ moon in each montli. at t p. m. injr Masons are ctu’dialiy iiivi'-d to meet with us. aptly \ym. MaxWKI.i.. s. '7. Brevard Telephone Exchange. HOUKS; Daily—7 a. m. to 1(* p. »ii. Sunday--S to !() a. in.. 4 to v- i"- Central ()nice—('o»>per Jilofk. Improve Your Farm Methods. More Crop and Lsss Acres-Bslter Care For Stock and Tools- Bettsr Roads, Etc. It has been onr to! when exposed to the cold and visit well-to-do farmers in the We have .seen millc cows nortli and west and our attention was called to some ditferenc^es that exist betweon their methods I and ours. The differences noted !aIso explain several questions ithat continually arise in oui- ATTORN EY“AT"LAW, mijids and wliich need to be an- Professionol C^c!s. W. A. GASH, Rooms 7 & 8, McMinn BId’g, Brevard, N. C. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty, llooms 1 and 2. }liuil«'iin-. W. w. ZACHARY, A T T O R N E Y-A T-L A W Offices in fficlKinn Block, Brevard. N. D. L. ENGLISH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. I". S. (’ourt ])i'artico a s]U‘cialty, Offices in Cooper Building, Brevard, N. C. WELCH GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT . AV/. I'racticrs ill jill llir courts. Rooms 9 and 10 McMinn Block, "revcrd. fl. C. SI |9Gfer Oeiiisl SiifEe-n Rooms 1 and 2 Cooper BId'g, Brevard. N. C. M?sce!t(sxiecus. T. L. SNELSON, Blacksmiil] and Horse-siiosr. Shop in Rear of Orr’s Livery Sialis. •(’arriaL:'' .ind Wajj'on 11iii iiiiidin^*' line. ~ T. L. CLARKE, Architect and Oonfraclor }*lans and specilications on all k'iii of builiiini:- work. T. B. CR.ARY, Contractor for All Kinds of Brick Work. ('tMiicnt \\ oi'k. 1 ’ia."-tt“I'in. IN iMtii'- dai^h and ltou;i‘li ('nsiin^ ;i, .Spfcially. BREVARD. N. C. swerod. One thou<^ht tliat is ev er ])r(‘sei)t when travidling’ in the northei’n states is “How do the j Itirmeis make a living?” Theii’ 'seasons are short, tlieir land is i old and must be worn out, still when on tin* farms and when in the houses of the farmoi’s we see »'vide!ices of i)ros[>erity and plen ty. TIr‘ tii’st intimation w<‘ have of ‘)einii: in a pro.'-»)erous community s the spimdid roads on \vhic!i arifo load.s of j^roduce can be lauled (|uickly: we next not(‘ the • Mices and hedg’os in ^ood I’epair: our attentioii is next (*a!h*d to tln^ l;n-> lu!r(\ ehicken o!' in.sianc(', •oi l), oats wheat ;h.iii our farmt Vnd tlien tl hat they ‘ also I lid lCO(; in this county tliat only liJive f n oi)en shed to stay in. If you don’t talre f»-ood care of a cowl’s outside you will have to put a lot on her inside, and that costs. Still there is another ])oint of difference. We noticed that the |)i-osiH,‘rous farmers in other sec AT LAST PANAMA TRiAiUS SIGNED Siibscribsd to by Secretary Hay and Minister Varilla PRESIDENT HAS BEEN ADVISED. lions talk of “how much corn they I'aise,’* while our farmers seem [u'oud of “how much land they tetid”—in other words, we of this section rather have in 100 acres and only })artially cultivate it than to pat in 75 acres and raise just as much. We are land poor. l)ut we must learn that it is bet- etter to tond 2i) acres w’ell than 100 aci es poorly. Have you ever noticed that our farmers have about the easiest time of any tnen in tlio community when il <‘onu‘s to the amount of time they vvoi'k? Su|)[)oso our m(4‘chants. raih’oad uhmi. artisans and other work<*) s wei'e idle as much dur iuii: the yoar as the far'mius riiei'e is always somethin«i;' foi Lno faiuner to do and if he wants losucL-einl he must keep hustl n I satisfactory result. Our soil i^ much m«)re fei’tile, our sea iUoi‘(‘ suite*d to airrii markets are ea coujpai-isor Panama Cedes to the United States Whatever Land in the Republic the Government Shall Find Desirable In Building. Washington, November 19.—Secre tary Hay and M. PhiliuDe Eunau-V^a- nlia, the minister from Panama, last evening- siJ;ued the Hay-Bunau-Varilla treaty, providing for the construction of the Panama canal by the United States. The ceremony occurred in Secretary Hay’s study. ,The Panama minister arrivoci at Mr. Hay’s house promptly, having made an ai>point- ment with the secretary for a confer ence. He was surprised to find that LOW RATES TO CaSifornia and the NORTHWEST! PACIFIC WiRASLWAY/.<, iKtj re litMiii; chaii-ciii.s. Kor r.:t< .K, sfhuilules, iiuit^s and lull im'orn.a- lioii write to F. E. CLARK, W. T. SAUNDERS, Traveling A^'t. lien. A^rt. l’a». l»e[ (. ATLANTA. UA. J. O. DERMf liahle jew s Watches and .lev.-tdi-y for .-al-'. Watidi :Hid ('lock r('[);iirin-. AVo-’k iinio-anteod. W.-st M.-i ; A. C. NORTON. PractlGSl Boot and Sl!oenifi!(sr W ork spcciii^ty. West Main Street near Caldwell. Town Taxes. Tlio Tax' .Vein’ I!hi;; the Town of Brevard is now in t-iv luinds for All ta.v )»ay. jv are notiti'*d that the ta.K ]■> now (im. and prompt i)ayment will Ik. forced favor. J- A. I) 11 ^ S( )X, Town Tax Collect( » 4 MORGAN WOR.K 111 IISI