•fc-'- fe;’ W' T ... r>s: fell 14* V* Write to YoyrBongressman. A biil has been Jitnxiuceti in Con- ^resd by Hon. W. P. Brownlow of ■Tennessee Asking for an appropria tion of $24,000,000 for the purpose of Iraprovintf the country roads of the United States. This bill will .come «p in a few days and we hope every <*itizen‘ of this county will write to Hon. J. M. Gu'^lger, Jr., and ask him to do all in his ponrer to secure the passage of said bill'. If the bill fiftbuld pass therti would be about ^4,500 spent in thi3 county on roads. There ia now a. surplus In the na tional treasury of! $260,000,000, and «ome should be ppent to help the farmers of the coujntry. Millions are fjpent each year pn improving the waterways and harbors, on the vet- <^ransand on public buildings in the large towns and cities, and it is time to spend some of the national funds 4br the people who live in the coun try, and this bill to &pend this mon^>y •for good r(»ads will help every man in every country section in the en tire United States. The bill is essen tially a farniers’ bili and should have thei-r most hearty support. Something over a half million dollars will be spent in North Caro lina and we can drive from one county to another on good roads. The same team and wagon that now •hauls one ton can on H^ood rf the jury tigating the Iroquois theater tire Ing that it was the unanimous of the jury to eliminate al testimony which does no! rectly to responsibility f(| The letter suggests that b< could be obtained by callii ers, lessees and managers| quois. Six additional chi ordered closed today. AI lodging houses will also si sequence of the strict enfc