MINER & BREESE. Our County—Its Progress BREVARD, TRANSYLVA' Dunns Rock Lodge No. 26? F. ^ J^. J^. Meets Fi’iday on or before the full raoon in each month, at '2 p. iii. Visit ing Masons are (jorilially inv'ited to meet with us. sptly Wm. Maxwell, Sec’/y. Brevard Teleplions ExGiiange. Hf'UiJs: Daily—7 a. ru. to 1(> p. m. Sunday—S to iu a. m., 4 to (5 p. m. CJentral Otiiee—(,’ooper l^tock. Every Road in ftis Coy Profes-sioi^fll G<f!rds. W. A. GASH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rooms 7 & 8, McMinn BId’g, Brevard, N. C. W. B. DUCXV/OP^TH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. lRve;:tigzticn cf Lanri Titles a Specialty, llooms 1 and 2. i Mi-keUiiiier Huildinj.*;. ZACKARY &. BR.EESE ATTO R N E Y i-:-AT-L A W OlficiS in tskMinn Black, Erevsrd, N. C. WELCH GALLOWAY, ATTORN EY-AT-L AW. PraeLices in all the c<»i;!‘ts. Rooms 9 and 10 McMinn !iock, Br£Y?.rd, li C. Miscel!cs5\eciis. C. C. KILPATFJCK, mmmm mi eyiioEB. Roum 13, fi'c^iinn Bi K'<tinial<-‘s ‘.vivi^u x>ii ali’ in tiie builuii);^' )iiie. T. L. CLAE IMans and sTiecificatious o ot' buildinii' \v(trk. Thei‘0 i.s one reuson why I dis Ig liko u innvspuper onic(‘. As soon ! I us a lUcUi sits clown i'or a little !e solid cotiiforl tliere is sure to Ui-ise from the de[)t}is a cry for | ( copy, jiiid it alvvays’coines when | his ihorght incubutoi’ is not in | running'- order and in the worst j^ossiUle condition for hatchinj,’’ an idea. Tim‘ oih-or day as I was seated ' li'ipfd hack ill uiy chair with feet peicised on the table and con- teiu i>ia‘tii!g* the holes in iny shoes, rinniiia,;. i n^. and as ]ia[)py as a iuan could . e iindei* the circ'uni- stances, for ,I had just li.i^hted niy pipe and under the magic in iiuence of the weed was g(‘ttin< rich on one of my pet schemer when the senior in a not ver mild but pei'susive tone sung ou “Zeke! wake up and give something. ” Down canie njy air castle leaving nothing behind but I,, simple proposition I wisli ;nak«^ to the honorable boai'd county com mission,ers—a }>ro ;:il ii' acce[)tecl will make, th laiiK'S imuiorta!, and I jvill b o.iue a ['ublic beiielactxH T. B. CXAK Contractor for All Kinds Cement Work, Plastering- dash and iloujiii Casiin^' a BREVARD, N G* W* Summey—Carpe: Best of recommendations—liis Jobs in or out of town accepted. All woric guaranteed. J. O. DERMID, Watches and .lewelry for sale. Pint Watch and Clock repairing*'. xVl Wo>'k auaranteed. West }.Iain st NOR.TON, EEarness Work a specialty. West Main Street near Galdweil.

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