Sylvan Yalley Our County~Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. \ I MINER & PSEESE. Dunns Roct Lodge No. 367 Jt. F. A. M. Meets or before the full niDon in eaoli n'’'’t.h, at 2 p. m. Visit ing- Masons cordially invited to Jneet with ii^^- sptly \Vm. Maxwell, Sfc’y. Brevard Telephone Exchange. iiouKs: Daily—7 ;i. in. to 10 p. m. Sunday—> ii' 5^- m., 4 to (i p. ni. Central Oflkv (’ooper Block. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 1904. VOL. IX-NO. (} I A RECKLESS SKATER ON DANGERCUS GROUND. Professional Cards. W. A. GASH. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rooms 7 & 8, Mcf^inn BId’g, Brevard, N. C. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Investigation cf Land Titles a Specialty. Ilooms 1 {um rickelsimer Build in ZACHARY &. BR.EESE ATTO RN EYS-AT-LA W Offices in McMinn Block, Brevard, N. C. WELCH GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. I’raetioes in all the courts Rooms 9 and 10 McMinn Block, Brevard, N. C. MiscEllaTieous C. C. KILPA GONTRAGTGR Rooni 13, Mcft ini^ Kstiinat«‘s ^•ivci) (j ili t!ic l»ui((ihi-j^ T. L. Architect anJ Plans and spr.■iilcatj of Imildin^j v. ork.H T. B. C Contractor for .Al! K (’einent Wojk. H dash aiid 1 umi-h ( brevafI G* W* Summe Ht'st ot )•»'('< .1 <)l)s in ())• (I Ilf All work j. o. deI The Reliali Watclu's and .ii \vi‘lc\i \V;i1i‘li :nui ('l(n-J Wo'-if A. . NORl Practical Boo! an Harness Worlc .j. West Main Sireeine The JEth\ Hi-evai-d's X.w n„,,, pnintuKMits The ))atronai;i' of ij„, j as well as su:nm< i' < )pp. I’OUI-I 1 I(,;isi.. |,| Veterans, fii / On the <;th n. Antun:; and Dalny, the chief trade cities of Manchuria. opon:‘d by the new treaty, and when they reach their new posts Itussia will have to show’ her hand. The United States has not been o.iicially informed that Man churia is no lon.uer a portion of the Chi nese empire, and the exe