LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. H. A. E. JenkinsreturneiiJ on Mon day IVoiii a business trip to Asheville.' Rev. C. P. Moore Wf'nt Hickory on Tuesday and will be absent a few days. Mrs. W. L. Bogp;s, of Liberty, S* (\, ivs visiting her niotlier, Mrs. T. J. Npely, on Whitmire street. J. A. MulUnax, the popular repre sentative of the Moij^an Iron and" Wood Works of Spartanburg, was a welcome visitor here Monday. Dess Young has purchased the Niller lu>use on Whitmire street, formerly occupied by L. P. Sum- niey and will make it his permanent home. The Rnssiankoft* liearski and the infant Jap will now WTestle for the Manchurian prize, and the longest poleski will knock the persimmonoff ski high. A railing; in front of the delivery window at the post office would prove a great convenience to patrons of the office and facilitate the distri bution of mail. Two of our most enthusiastic hunt ers have just purchased new guns and have been trying and cleaning the same three or more times each day, including Sunday, since they received them. M. D. Cooper has five car loads of brick on the way for a new brick Wock on Main street, where Orr’s liverv stable now stands. This will make a decided iniprovement in the app<^arance of the street. Let the go<xl work go «,n. Messrs. Ernest Ewbanks and OH* Yt*r RutlOilgecame up for a pheasant hunt last Tuesday and brought «ome, after one da*^''s hunt, eleven e pheasants. This indicates that theie in the woo( s and that Brevaril isVn th;; center of a “Sporisman^s I'araiiisi^*.’” Rev. 1). M. Douglas r<eturned on last Friday night from J5>i^ltimore, and we learn that lie has recei -ed a call to one of the best Presbyteriy*:. I 4‘hnrches in that city. We sincer(^ly j Jjope that Mr. Douglas will see i <lecline this call, as he has jlonjj i. j great <leal of jiood in this sect'iou j ai.d would be greatly niissed slu- iild , iie ilrcide to leave. { I W. W. Zachary, Es(| , returnci'^ on hi>t Friilay from Marsfiall, wheivj'lie | Ji:ul been attending Madison coujii y I C:>urt. Mr. Zachary it stituted J^ev-| er;.l suits wliile there againsi thej railroad an.i express compaiii(s tor' violating the law in regard to | i!i whisky rr(»m .\shevii!e, as | ll»at tratiic he-ii«lcs being ille.uul was ! i: jin ious to the trade of the M;.rshall i di'-;>.’nsary. ^^onle Ashevii!'' distil!-1 ers \v<Te >ellii)g \\ hisky in Miulison i>er};'nilon, whieh is lOcts. loss per j^aTion than the revenue t;i : on it. SfJinetiiing rotten in the -liifctor’s ofiiue when that condition can exist. Board of Trade Qrganizad. On l.ist Monday a mass meeting of the business men <»f Hrevartl wax held in the court lu'useand was well attended. ^ The tinic^as come when if is nec- tor P,;evard to have a suitable /anization of its busijiess men to i'Curo for it the good business and industrial propositions that aie being located at other points. A {>oard of Trade was thei et'ore or ganized %nd started with about twenty members and W. L. Car michael w'as elected president and Vk\ E. iireese, Jr., secretary and reasurer. he organization will be com on Saturday, when a ma-s vill be held ni the C( urt clock for the ]»urposi‘, business men of the vill lie able t(j and assist in a Sound Business Locals. Notices in this column will be in serted at the price of 5cts per line. Biltmore flour at Jenkins & Duck worth’s. Cut prices in horse collars at De- Vane's. Houses to rent; for terms call on Jim Aiken. * A car load of acid now on the road J. E. Clayton. When you buy spring field seed re member DeVane. Grannlated sujjar 16 lbs. for $1. Jenkins & Duckworth. Lost—A bunch of keys. Finder will leave at News office. A car load of cotton seed meal just received—^J. E. Clayton. Nice apples, lemons, oranges and bananas at (^ox’s. the grocer. See Carmichael & Osborne’s new lino of clothing, shoes and notions. A lot of choice green coflfee at 8c and 10c per lb. Jenkins & Duckworth. A car load of cotton seed hulls pur chased before the rise—J. E. Clayton. T. W. Whitmire’s winter goods are going out by the wagon load daily. Don’t forget the cost sale will pos itively close P^eb. 29 at 3 o’clock—T. W. Whitmire. A fresh lot of Arbuckle’s coffee just received—2 packages for 25 cts. Jenkins & Duckworth. 12 and IG gauge smokeless and black powder. Club and Winchester shells, at DeVane's. The cost sale at Whitmire’s is draw ing fine. The excitement over the piano is running high. The So gold piece has added quite a lot to the one dollar j)urcliases. They all want to guess. For Rent—The T. J. Neely farm and preinises, 1miles from Brevard, X. C. Apply to Welch Galloway, f M'anted—Two salesmen in each state; and expenses; permanent position. I’enicks Tobacco Works Co., Penicks, Va. * Does everybody know that Car- mii hael »lt Osborne hnve Dr. King’s Xew' Discovery and Arnica Sdve? Well, they have. The weather looks bad and the men hants having dull times, hut a genuine cost sale brings the people through MU)w and rain to W. Whitmire’s. Taken Up—A black boar pig—5 or 6 moiitiis old—no ear marks. H.ts been at my p.-ace (> or 7 weeks. Owner CMn prove pi-operty, ]>ay for feed and expenses and take it away.* (Jen .John li. (iordon's own book; m(‘a orial tdition. Agents wanted in every city and (M)iinty; KM),1)00 coi);es u ill he sold. Agents should api>U' quickly f(jr territory. The Martin & Hoyt (’o., Atlatita, Oa. Wanted—In every community, a young lady or gentleman who is fond of books, to take charg(‘ of a t'raiich of the Ohi Donjinion Ciri'u- lating Library, geur^ral otlice, 20 (iovernor St., Richmond, Va. f The March Delineator contains ninch matter of interest and value in its houseln)ld departments. One of the most excellent features is an ar ticle by Eleanor .Marcham on “Serv ing the Infornijil ; O Mlay Xigiit Sup per and jnipronipiu Evening Re- freslimeiits,’’ ettectively illustrated. ‘ KetYeshments for Receptioiw,” il lustrated, as well as the uni(]ue luncheon di«h<'S a la Planchette, will appeal to all who enjoy dainty con fections. Lent-observing housewives will tind many suggestions to lessen their table difficulties at this season, including “Novel Oyster Reci))es” by Frances E. Peck, “Special Lenten Dishes,’’ by Alice ( bitten<len, ;ind “Dainty Sonfiles” by Margaret Hill. In addition there are num rous other seasonal)le recipes and us *ful infor mation for many home needs. Sul)scribe f )r the Sylvan Valley only paper the county. Uppsr Davidson River. Editors Sylvan Valley News: As I have been absent for some time 1 thought it would be nice to chat a little with my good old correspondents. I am glad to know we have some new ones among us. Mrs. J. J. Perry visited Mrs. J G. Mills Monday. The snow is deep and Birdie is very cold and can’t sing but very little this time. Miss Ollie Perry made a flying trip to Pisgah Forest last week and had a jolly time. Miss Allie Ownbey, of Pink Beds, is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. T. Rankin, this week. The tamsters have returned to Biltmore for a while. Hope they will have a jolly good time. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Rankin took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Perry the fourth Sunday. I would like to know w’hat is the matter with Totsy. She must be rabbit hunting and don’t take time to write. Hope she will tell us how many she caught during the snow. ,Say, Bnster, those ladies that went after the pine must have been expecting their best fellow more than one night as I saw them goiug to the store after kerosene oil the next day. There is one young lady in this section I am sure is happy. She received a gold heart and no one knows where it came from, not even the one that received it. I know she w^ould like to meet the one that sent it. Say, girls, there is one thing I want you ail to remember. All of you that would like to see “Uncle Zeke” be sure and come to Engli.'^h Chapel the first Sun day in April. I am sure we will be glad to tneet him. Best wishes to the News and its correspondents. Bikdie. DavidSQn Riv3r Items. K:litors Sylvan Valley News: Mf. Weldon English was a })leasant visitor at tne home of his fat.ijer last week. Mr. James Ca.se spent tlu* night at the home of Judson Aleece last Friday ni<4ht. Mrs. Robert Eng.’isli is very sick this weeif. IIo[)e site will be all right in a few days. We were glad to know tliat some of tiu? Davidson River girls wer all smiles Sutiday. We are glad to s('e the News getting so inierestitig. Why not Transylvania liav'e a good news paper as well as t)ther things. W(‘ are sorry Miss Mallie Eiig iish has moved from the David son Riv-'r section. We miss her so much; h()[)e sho will have a pleasant life and visit us oiJen. Hurrah! for Uncle Zekel We like to read his letters so much. We give him a spechil invitation to the old time singingat Etiglish Cliapel Easter Sunday. Be sure to bring Lize with you, as then are lots of pretty boys on David son River. With best wishes to all the cor respondents and es[)ecially Unele Zeke, BusTEii. Don’t get an idea that, as we are not offering special combinations with other pHpi'rs and magazines, we are not taking subscripvions for same. We are oflering all subscribers to the News the lowest clubbing rate for any pa’>er or magazine published in the United States or Canada. It will pay yon to learn prices at is office before dealing with an agent or forwarding your money. * We Are Still in the Swim And are handling almost everything in Goods, Notions, Clothing, Shoes, Groceries, etc. A nice ho® Macin tosh Coats at cost and less than cost. We have a new line of Clothing which we are selling at old prices. We can best Shoe in Brevard for the least money. We have a line of Stationary that will please every one. Our notions are the nicest in Brevard. We carry the best line of Hosiery in the county Call and examine our goods and you’ll giye us your trade. Highest cash prices paid for country produce, CARMICHAEL & OSBORNE Phone 19 PAIUTS! I have just received a lot of Pants in Blacks, Grays and Stripes. My prices on these are $1.15 to $1.65 per pair. These goods are equal to any $2 to $3 goods on the market. 1 want you to see them. Respectfully, H. L. DeLONG West Main Street. All goods promptly delivered. Phone 83. Plumbing, Steam Fitting, Tin and Slieet Iron Work. Pipe Threading and Cutting. Gasoline for sale. A new lot of Crockery just received. Large Stock of HEATERS now on hand. " *T-T- , COOKING STOVES AND k. Galvanized ShiM^l Iron tor Evapo! itoi-s. i. i m-i ai;d Plumb ers' maiei-ial always in stock. Tin Siiin.i,vi'‘s. k Lyo!!s. (lalvaii- ized Ii’oii C%)rnices. otc. P.irtio?. inLerest(-d ,.0 .\«‘il to ^et uiy pi-ices before ])hi(*in<‘' their or(iers. W. E. BISHOP Cor. Main and CaldwcJl Sts. .YARD. N. C'. J, A. MILLE Builders' Hardware and Building Materie^ls Dressed Lumber Laths Shingles Sash Doors Blinds Locks Hinges Window Pulleys PlasterHair Cement Lime Ready RoOiin;:; Glass Putty Sash Loci; IS Window Lifts Sash Cord and Weights a McCoriniGl Reapers Mowers, Rakes, Corn Cutters and Grain Cor. Main and Caldwell . 4 i'i.

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