DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? GREAT BARGAIN SALES Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. : Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, I the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. ^ It is the great medi- ^ cal triumph of the ninc- jlljH teenth century; ciia- '''{1 covered afier years cf [I scientific research by ^ Dr. Kilmer, the emi- ■ nent kidney and blad der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lane back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright’s Dicease, v/hich is the wor:;t form cf kidney trouble. D". Kilmer’s SAvamp=Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kid ney, liver cr bladder trouble it will be found juGt tiie remedy you need. 11 has been tested in ro many ways, in hospital v/ork, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by v/hich all readers of this paper v/ho have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find ov.t if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Vv’’hen writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer £: Co.,Bing- hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and iiome of Sn-amp-Root. doiiar sizes are sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, hut i*e- m«‘mt>er the nanu*. .Swanip-lloot. Di‘. Kilnief’s Swaiup-Uoot, and the ad- (itesss, Hiiiirliamton, N. Y., on every bottle. We promptly obtain U. S. and Foreign PATENTS I Our Big Trusts Mark Goods Way Down to Foreigners. ONE OF THE PEIOE LISTS SHOWN. ' Send model, sketch or photo of invention for' ’ free report on patentability. For free book, <- : lfe^.£S"TRADE-'MARKS < iiNQii u; S; PATEN t PFPii;CE: TH6; OPERATES Dovbk Daily Tram? ''ar“vlt!fr T’nnina i Sleepers. C.'ife ^'ar Ij. v-irio) iiiiJ '..I'.air Lur^ (, ais lice, Elee'-riii: B e T XV E C N 5iriKhn.2:K3.:!!, and Kars^^s C:t; AMO TO A l_ l_ F- O i N T 3 IN r^xas, Oliai^C5iia btiiai* TciTitGvIi; AND THE Fsr WcGi t'.nci riiE C'.LV '• car rr.c r-Q::rnf:A^T A^^i> kaa's..\3 c:tv llto'-at'ire, tickets ar rar.:-eu lltiv.u - h icservatiyii^ r.iad. spoil I)[. 1 iCLliUii to iw.T. SAvjC';Grri'J. Ac,t. P;;ss. Deo" Trciv. pAijs. Act.. AixasiTfi. C ' i ■Qstj’5 kr-rt Poivr^f.rire!* Do;i:-7 L.^i..; i , rl.v , k . ■' /. . ; ■'f' ( r I »v- ' ''A. 'V..- >y i' 0 : Sheflield Firm Quotes Ficrares on Aiiiericnii Filei* Sold In at One-third of Home l*rlee«—lledueed American GoodH In L2ng;lund, Can- nda and SoutU Afriea. New evidence is eoiunig to baud ev ery day showing the great dilierenee ill i»rices of our maiiuraetnred goods when sold for export aud when sold tor home consumption. Nearly every num ber of the Iron Age contains informa tion of this kind. Some time ago it eontained letters from inanufaeturers complaining that goods exported to Hawaii or I’orto Ilioo were being re imported and sold here at prices lower than thosr* charged here for the same }it)()Js by our maiiuracturers. The writ ers blaiufd other manufactiu’ers for giving export prices to these countries which now tiy the American Hag and which tlierefore should pay full pro tection prices for our goods. On Nov. 12 tiie Iron Age quoted American steel bars in England at Sii shillings, or less than per^^ni, and (n America at $1.42V2. or per ton. Thus the independent manufac turer t)f tin plate in America who has to buy liis bars of the ste»*l trust must pay more than r>u i>er cent more for his eliief raw material than is paid by iiis foreign competitor. This is ‘ proit'c-lion to home industries’’ with a veng<*ance. The same number of tiie Iron Age tells us tiiat American sit'd beauis, Iihiles. angles, t-hanncLs aiul rivi*t steel are l>eing sold in Canada at from to per ton less than tlu‘ prices eharg»*(l iiere. The Iron Age of Dec. IT enymeratt's a great iiuuibt'r of sirtic-U's of Ameri can malie which are sold largt>ly in S(»uth Africa. Nearly all ;ire sold there at prku's f:ir l)elow those charg ed here. Thus it appears that shovels, which our shovel trust sells here at '.10 cents each, are sold there at COV-j cents. This Iron Age jilso contains in formation showing tliMt the I'nited .St!it<‘s Steel corporatit:'.logues in this »M>Miitry. In 1!><)2 the Democratic con gressional coinmillee, Iiaving fjiiled to c’)tain a certain imi>ort:int exi)ort price list, advertised offering for it. In this way it obtniiUHl 11k* list troin a foreign country. Its campaign l;ook contains iiit(‘en pages of photo- grapliic reproductions showing scores of imi'ortant articU's on which the home jtric<‘ is from *Ji) to liOU i;er cent above the <*xport pric(‘. lU'i-ently the literary bureau cf tlie Demacralic congn'ssional connnittee rerices ch;'.rged to the buy(*rs in T'. S. A. with those ol- fered by the s.ime manufacturers her-*.” St me of the prices on tiie list inclos ed follow: ’• I ■ . : - I .M . . ■ 1 s ; I-Itest . I'Ji.iinifS ; f.i. ■ y ■ , ti> IliiM, rlc. Si;l>- ' V. -' Im; ('ir -t (dliy 1 • - ■, "i l i,,i t, , , Sivli I'. K-'i.'i >',»>. S'I’p-to- .! u:-. .ii.ur, I .1 ;ir;l A l'orl--. l i'illii!;r 1’.: I'.T I*;UUTI1S is H H All Sfof^s Aihw?(i r»ni Perf oi\'tions stir.H tne Hjstiiiu cinJ Se.vimj Lincs. Only 1', IS, r-M-. ci.t li —i- ii'r I. r III III i ill iicaiiy cvciy city ai.d !• II, «.r lii 11.,t.; Ir. ,!i TitJE McCALL CO.. II3-n j-!:7 West 31st SU NE'.V YCSH NOTICE. With our big trusts soiling all kinds of steel ami tools to foreigners at one- half or one-tliird tlie prices charged Americans is it any wonder that our small manufacturers cannot compete with the foreign manufacturers? It is oidy a question of time, and not a long tinu* eitlu'r. when our small manufac turers. b(pieezed by our great and greedy trusts, will be driven entirely out of foreign markets, even if they are not driven entirely out of business. When will the American people put a stop to this infernal business by abolishing ail duties on trust products? P.YUON W. HOLT. FORAKER TO THE RESCUE. J. A. MILLEB Builders’ Hardware and Building Materials Dressed Lumber Plastering Hair Make!* the Roosevelt Bid For TroNt Contribution to Caiupaif^n Fund. The bill introduced into congress by Senator Foraker to modify the inter state commerce law so that it will i>er- mit comlunations in restraint of trade when such combinations are reasonable must have been put forward for a liur- pose. As the author of tiie l)iil is one of the h*ading campaign managers for I'resident Uoosevelt it is not ditticult to believe that, if not inspir<*d from the Wliite House, it was a.f.^jast as- senteu to. The supreme court has now before it the celeorated railroau merger aud beef combine cases. It may or may not reaihrm two former tlecisions, in which the majority of the court de clared that "any agreement or arrange ment or understanding wliich lias the direct and natural effect of placing re straint upon competitive action is, in contemplation of tlie law, a criminal offense, punishable by indictment or preventabl(‘ by injunction.” The ex traordinary news has l)(*en s(*nt out by some of the best informed corr(*spond- ents at Washington that mcnibers of tlie supreme court are s(*eking to modi fy their fornii'r decisions and decide tliat if the restraint of trade is reason able it is not contrary to the law and pul)lic i»i)licy. If the court adheres to fts f«)riiu*r sweepinj^ . and Q. raih'oad. should visit I*resident lioosevelt and declare t4at. altliougii he had iieen formerly opjtosed to his renomination, he now favored him and is alh'ged to have assured liim the railroad combine is not :*.gainst him on account of his attitude in prosc'cnt- ing the Northern Securitii's merg(*r. Fn.m anotlier sourct* it is slated that Morgan and liOclvefell<*r have l>otii de- clareil thi*y are not opposed to tlie re- noniinalion of I’residt'iit lioosevelt and will make tlu*ir usual liberal contribu tions to the Iit*publican campaign fiuid. rolitics makes strange Iw'dfellows, and it is quite possible that the exi- ger.cies of the coming campaign have n'.;;di* the iiolitical manag«*rs of Presi- dt*nt Roosev('lt, if not the pn*sident liinist'lf. agree, if the suitn*ine court di*ci(U*s jigainst the corporations, to aid th(‘ j)assage of the bill Senator Foraker has introduced iiblican i>olitic;il managers to fall into such an arrang(‘nu*nt. Th(* lJt*pul>lican political workers liav(* been so us»*d to being liberally ])aiil for their servicc's that a campaign without ample funds would be a tiasco. Laths Shingles Sash Doors Blinds Locks Hinges Window Pulleys Cement Lime Ready Roofing Glass Putty Sash Locks Window Lifts Sash Cord and Weights COMPAIIATIVK FJIICF.S OF AMKRIC \M FIt.ES IN AAIEUIC AND ENGl AXL>. Per Price per dozen. cent Fn.:jc- United differ land. States. ence. Flat bastard, 4 i.n<,'hos . .$U.31 $0.92 170 Flat 1) a s t a r d. G itn.'hfs .. .CO 1.07 114 F’at b a s t :i r d. 10 Snches .. 1.03 1.75 G2 linnd bastard. 4 iin hes .. .38 .92 142 lliuul ha.stard. 6 huhf^-s .. .02 1.07 73 Hand bastiird. 10 inches .. l.CO 1.S7 44 Half round bastard. 4 inches .. .34 1.20 253 Half round bastard. tj inches .. .50 1.52 204 H:'.lf round bastard. 10 inches .. 1.08 2.27 108 Round bastard, 4 inches .. .34 .75 121 liivind bastard. G inches .50 .87 74 Hound bastard. 10 inches .. l.OS 1.40 30 Square bastard, 4 inches .. .34 .95 179 Square bastard. 6 inches .. .50 1.15 130 Square bastard. 10 inches .. 1.08 1.85 71 H vinsr quttlifieil ;nliniiiir, ik-iv-iiM d, liittr < 1' '1 niii^ylvcinia couniy. N. r.,)liis is :(> iiotify all fK'rsoiis tiHviii" claiiiH ' ajr'iiii-i !i!c oi ilu'saihfr to ex- hiljit tiurm i<> ilie uni^iiKl on or ht-ioie tlu* 15ih itay of .vugitst. iyo4. or this notice'* ill be il',11 bar n! tiitir letovery. Al' persons in- «5Cli;eti it) .-aitl tstate will please inuke ininiediaty p;UTlnnt. I 'J h;.-, .Aii;ru‘it i:’. 10!>3. ' UHODA K. FI.^iHKFi, Administrator. ! W. W. ZaUHAKY, Attorney. 1 From these figures we see that the American File association, which has not revised its price list to American buyers since Nov. 1, 1899, is charging us for most kinds of its small files more than twice as much as it charges Englishmen for these same files, and for half round files Ave must pay three times the price charged Eu.gllshmen. Cost of Livinf? Still Goins Ip. It may be well to call th(* attention of hnnilreds of tlumsajuls of skh'Iwork ers. cotton mill operatives, mlnt'rs :ind oth(*rs, w!io have humbly accepted re- ductio’is in tlieir w;;gi s running from 10 to 4v) per cent, or wl'.o are now idle because many mills are closeil. to the fact that while wages are going down the cost of living is going up. Dun's index number was •'<100.142 on Jan. 1, 1904 .conipareil v>it!i ^9S.223 a month ago, and is the highest since last March. It is within about 2 per cent of the highest known in recent yc'ars, which was J?102.2S9 on May 1. 1902. It is now about 39 per cent aL'ove the lowest point, whicli was on July 1, 1897. This means that the trusts have not yet loosened their grip and that they are counting on lower w.nges to de crease their cost of production and in crease their monopoly prolits. Is it possible that they have bunkoed their emiiloyees into accepting lower wages when there Avas no actual necessity for it? Are wages now’ 40 per cent higher than six or seven years ago? Are they 10 per cent higher? If not is there now' or has there been nt any time prosperity for tlie wage earners? And now, when wages are reduced an av erage of 15 or 20 per cent, while the cost of living goes up 7 per cent, shall we call this prosperity? Ask your Republican congressman what is the cause of this kind of prosperity and what he is going to do to break the tight .grip of the protected trtists and give the common people a chance to live again. McCormick Reapers and Binders Mowers, Rakes, Corn Cutters and Grain Drills Cor. Main nnrt Caldwell BREVARD, N. C We Wish to Attract ;c- T HE attention of our customers to the fact that we have some special bargains in Dry Goods These goods must be sold, and we have put (hem on the market at a very h)w price, giving our customers our i>rolit. To Ot’h ('oux'pry TIv’adi:: Wlien in town make our stoi*e your head- (piavtei's. Hi'injj all your produce and we will ]>ay you the highest market |)i*ic*e. Yoih's for business, KINSLAND & WELLS Phoi\e 71. Brevard, N. C. THE Wachovia Loan 8c Trusts Co. Capital $600,000.00. Asheville branch 43 Patton Jive. - -- Asheville, N. C. Correspondence Solicited. General Banking Department. Savings Fund Department. 1 merest paid on Savings Fund Dejiosits at the rate of four per cent, per annum. Trust Department. TriTTST DHPA l iTM HXT acts as Agent.;utor, Administrator. (Juar- dian, Trustee. Keceiver. Will take entire charge of lieal and Personal {'^states. T. S. .MOllIUSOX, W. B. WILLIAMSON. Chairman IBoard of Managers. Cashier. Chas. E. Orr, Livei-y&I^eeci bTABLES. sfnef, BREVARD, N. C. U]) to date Vehicles, (U)od riding and driving TTorses. Attentive and careful Di*ivers. Work for siunmer yisitoi-s and the traveling public solicited. <3i'dei-s by Phone, Telegraph oi* Mail i)romptly attended to. Two ])i’int.*i])al Main street stal)les. Busses meet all trains. Transylvania Railroad Company. General Offices Brevard, N. C. WINTER SCHEDULE Effective Monday, October 5, 1905. ‘•J s :: X t: — A.M. ce Q c3 (Eastern Standard Time) STATIONS tt— 3 5 ■SI -j: c ce ZJ 8 8 8 8 -o 8 ao 8 oO 9 lo 00 l.'> 21 •) P M ! “) 10 Lv Hendersonville .... Av T) 2a Yale o Hoi'se Shoe 5 4(> ('annon r> TjO f) 50' 0 08, <5 lt>t Davidson iiiver (i 19 Pisyah Forest 6 :io Ar Brevard Lv Cherrylield Calvert Tk^xaway " Quebec Ar Lake Toxaway Ly X - f. j’..^ \'2 lie 12 (1.-, II 11 47 11 42 11 jio i\4i 11 v: 11 07 11 00 110 40 |lO •’!<) 110 110 :;o To 10 I 0 4.'. I A. M Connects at Lake Toxaway with Turnpike to the Resorts of the Sapjiliire Country—At Hendersonville with Southern Kaihvay for all points AOi'tli and Souto T. S. BOSWELL, ISiqminlcnileul. J. i. HAYo, General Manafrer.