Sylvan Valley News MINER & lUJEKSF. Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. BREVAKl), TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. FRri'AY, AI'RII, i. 1904. VOL. IX—NO. 14 Dunns Rock Lodge No. 2f>7 M. F. £r -A. M. fleets Friday on or bt'foro the full »^oon in each nioiitli. nt 2 )). in. A iisit- in<^ Mason.s arc «*oniially invited to meet with us. sptly Wm. MaxWKLL, See?/. Brevard Telephone Exchange. Horixs: Daily—7 a. ni. ti) 10 |>. Sunday -S to !(> a. in.. 4 to p. ni. Central Ofliee CooptM- IJloeK. Professional Cards. W. A. GASH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Rooms 7 & 8, McMinn Bld'g, Brevard, N. C. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. IU)onis 1 and 2. rii-k«'lsinior Buildiny ZACHARY &. BREESE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices in McMinn Block, Brevard, fi. C. WELCH CALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. I’ract iei's in :ill tlir f<»urts Rooms 9 and 10 t.'icMinn Bloclx, Brevard, K. C. Misce!!(Gfteau?. Dr. H. fi. CARSON Surgeon Dentist ( mVi (>v» r U:;iik. m;Ni»K!;s(iNvii,i.K. n. r. Satisfitctio’.i in a I (>iifiiitions. f2‘.i=' C. C. KILPATR.!CK, CONTRACTBB m BUILOEB. Office at Barber Shop, Brevard, N. C. EYES OPEN AT LAST, 9 farmer he?ins to ronlizt what nt) an-.-iinst. < Anioricjin. \\ . I ()i '^rcxii :iii(l 1 ix* iloii. Bunici(Mit evid('nce that the ht^ef trust was still in operation. Meanwhile the case of the govern ment ajrainst the trust is now pending in llie sujireiDe court on aii])eal hy the (h'feiKhinls and will not he rt'ached for at least a year. Mr. \Vade said, al- thoujrh tlu‘ attorney c:en(‘ral eouJd ask for its advaiicenK'nt under the law passed in the F!fly-ei.t?hth oon^n'ss. Mr. Wade told a story that convulsed the when he waid: “I went into a Chioapo restaurant to dine. I ordered a sirloin steak. waiter asked me if I ui;ln't want onions wiili tl.e ste; k. I told him lliat : I did not. that I was "oin;x to the the- ' ater and tluit I didn't want JinyLhinj;,' so malodorous as onions f,n my breath. The Avjiiter looked at n>e jiityin;;Iy for a nunut(‘ and then r(>inarke(i; ‘Wait until you ^<'t your hill for the steak. It will tak(« yoin* breath away.’ ” LOW RATES TO California and the NORTHWEST! TEXAS PRESiDENTiSL POWER. Wise Selection cf Candidates a Matter of Importance. stiinaU's uiv(‘u on a ill t 1k‘ huiIdiiil:' 1 iih’. T. L. CLARKE, Architect anii Gontracter laJis and s])(.‘rilic of buildiuL!' work oil all kimi^ T. B. CP^.AR.Y, Contractor for All Kinds of Brick Wcrh. (’enu'iit Work, I’la-ti-'-iiiL:. ilaj?li and Itouyh ( ai^Uiiij a S),(.‘»-ialty. BREVARD. N C. G. W* Summey—Carpenter l>est of I'cfommeiniatioiir' -his wo^k. ,)obs in or t»nt of tovvn accfptfd. All work L'uai-antctMi. J. O. DERMSD, The Boiiile Jeweler, Watclii's aii<1 .1 t‘Wt‘1 ry for salt*. Fine Watch, and Clock r*'|>airiiio-. All Wo>’k i:\iarantc(Ml. Wc^t Main st. It lonic.s .•soiixnvh.-it, sus[)iciniis to t (»l‘ tli»‘ (l(,*ii)<)(*rati(* pai’t,.' in till' south who have; always ->loo(l hy its iioiiiitK.M* tmdcM* all •ii'cMiiii>tan(*(‘s. that thos(‘ ik'Ws [la[icrs which t'oiiirht lir.van in !h' last two (•anii>aii^’ns an* now 1(1 V(H*at iuLT thi; nomination of .] iu|o(> Pai-j\(‘f of Now VofU. Tho •andidacy of William Iv. lloarst i> :o\ (‘r (iiontioned hy t hoso so-call ‘d (h>mocra! ic pajx'fs. allhouo'h 1C has S('L-u:’('d lh<“ dc'h'ii’atos in ‘Very Slate whit-h iui> so far lu'ld ils I onvoniioa. In ti.i-; conn(H-- ,ion t. is wt‘11 (Miouo-h to l(‘toiir •oadiM's icnow what is o'oino' on. )ur Washinii'ton coi vosjiondtMU'c John vSharji \Villiani> of M sij'i»i, tlu' hi'ii;ia!!l i'oor loador o t he (ifihoc) :u-y in 1 ho I ar. nn'nlioiiod. in spoa'Kino-nf lhi^ mallor lo mo llio oiljoi' ()ay ; 1'romint‘iit momlMM- of 1 no ] joust .'aiio l'iii:sii:il Watc'!s im liON.x I !i t!se S«“U‘c {i;>ii of a Cliiof Kx«-fnl iv«». TIk* l'ai'i('d I talcs, vvli n they adopt- I'l] tlu' constltuti;::i. jilac.d ex*rjioniiiia- ry power in the haai.s of the jircsident. 'I'o him coiuidcd tlu* v»‘io j»ow(*r. Aiivin.i; liiin th(‘ auihoriiy lo decide wiiat laws shall hccoiiic opciMtive. H(> is (•(taiiiia!!(]:'!• in of ilie army and )i;i\y oT ilit* I'niad Siiilcs and of the miilt.ia of llu‘ several stales when call- <‘(1 inio s<-rvic(‘. lie has {»nw«‘r to make treaties, and ail tlic diplomalii' j>ow('r in n'i.iiion lo forci.mi nations I'csts in his l,;!ads. li!' has power to convenc cM}!;;rc.'-;s in “.\I:•;!ordinary session, and in case of a (ilsaurf^'aieiit ad- I join-".ui; in beiweea tae iwo lioU:;;'s (if ' that hoiiy he adjoiirn eoimrcss to I si!<-!i liiiie ;ss Lm* sii.-ill ihink prci>;‘r. 'I’lie I niiiHir powers «ii‘ i!ie pr-siiieai rouad I oiit, and m.;k.‘ aiaios; aUMK-raiie the ex- railway Will sell daily bet\v(?en S(.‘ptoinlH?i* and Xovetnlx'r .'{Otli, iovr colonist ticla'ts to points in iVashington, Oregon, California, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Nevada, Utah. Jtrizona and New Meicico. Sliort liiu“. quick tiiiio. no hu> tran-jVi'.'., h\t> !’f ii;i!iiu ( hail-iMi'i. K<>: 1 1 s, si-lu'ilu;i-s, maps and full '..i- inn u r tc ii> E. CLAr.K, W. T. SAL’?;OERS. 1 raw-liii.^ ,\L:t. (ien. A ri.A.NTA, (4A. *jun MORGAN WORKS an i(h':;l caiididati j H'-iordin.-ay pov 1 a I he ita lii I I I ■ <' 1 (t o 111 (; f till it it \\ oro not for wosdd n< t ho tani nin.u' two woclxs hcfofo ilit' Mj> sissiIi])i const i 1 ii 1 iiai would b(‘ t in solo iss ii<> in t hiM-a !ii[ >a ii^'i:.' n(' t iioi o you ai'o. " BEEF TRUST ARRAIGNED. Spartanburg, SASH DOOliS r.LIXDS s. c. i^orcH ,1!).? I)KKss!:i> LTMIiKli A. C. NORTON, Practical Boot and Siiosmaker Harness Work a s]>eeialty. West Main Street noar Caldvsell. The ^thelwold l>revard’s New llotid —.Modeiai ^Vp- j)ointments Open all the year. ' patrona-.’f of the travelinu- ]>nblic ;is well as summer tourists i.-. solicited. Opp. C’ourt House, Brevard. X.C,’. JM-r-A-X-S Tal.iilos Doctors lind A good i)rescrii)t ion For mankind Tlie .")-cent packet is (MioTi<:lM()r u>^uiil (iccas'ons, , t j • i • The faniiiy bottle a:o o.-t.t'-) ((.-tainssasiu)i)iv ofet ruH over. in their desnaii’ lor a year. All drusjgists sell tJiom. ’ ^ . . , , n . they aro be«:iiinin" to talk oi tak- ini^r a candidate from tlie soutlt All I'lH'iny <*f I'jmmI in'«“r ('oiinr;!!- »‘i* l*y V.sulo of loiiv". )ur Washiniiton coi rosjioiuh'nco ('onuressm;:n \\'adi‘. Iowa’s only last week contained the following- I>emoerat in contjrt'ss. slronuly de- nounc(‘d thi* nu'thods of ( hicata* meat pa<-kers diiri!>”- tlu> de!>at(> i:i the ‘'ihe intiM’ost ImM'O in the iK^Xt house. lie Ixiian i>y callinu' aiiiariioi) d(‘inocratic pi'osidontial can(ii-|to tlu* stat('m(>ut of the attorney ^cn- date doos nol abate in tholoast. coniiilainl ha-j l.ivn made riiu sti'ides bcii.ii IIKUU^ by th.^ 'i'"’''""' >''' s..-,,,,'.. ,> 1 , , Tr ' • Injunction proiiibitini;- the jiackers Hon. W ilhai.i Kaiulolpli H"arst is almost tho soh? topic of con versa i if tluMc was a t.ot.le of lu cr in the tion wlii'rever poliiicians do con country that had not p:>id the tjix or if . Almost every day •» mountaineer ch.:sc« to ,iis- , .• 1 • 4 .. till a little whiskv witliout a license, brinirs mnvs of his cai)ture of ,, , ^ .Tudiii' u aue said, there was always an some moi(^ d(^l(*Oiite.s oi .sonn* otlicer of the government on hand to man of [)romim'nce in the party rer»ort the fact. Althouuh it w:is no councils comino- out for him. Morions that the beef trust was still Tli(‘Pai'K’(‘r mkmi are Ihoroiitjiilv pui.ik-senn- , , , . , , ' - ment. tlu‘ departnu'ut did not lift ti demn that nothin.t;' could be done un- a siii'll “staildin,:^ room only.' less somebody lixed complaint as trivi- Tiie old politicians of the party J^overnment a^ent could find all arudiiaMl yi.d sebraska, ^Iin- senditiijf delegates. a 1 ove I’i ied. consei'va:iVC ;ind w<>ll lialaiie“d pri';-itie!il:; ll;e>e I r;':iieat!otis pov.'ers have resulted ;4i'iierally ia tiie Welfare of ti!«‘ people df the I’nilt'd Slates, 'i'he vo:< r?; h;:\e a!wa\s lietMi •Mi’eiiiely eareliil la itiiiiiii,:^' forw.-ird t.-lMdidales fer the hl.uhest o!!iee. :iiid un;il pai.y neiaia;:t ion-; hei-aaie tlie rc.l-' no w< ;■(' made. I'artisaai polities .and tl;e rule of the i I’evv' tliroaL'.i orpiiiization and the (>x- iiendiiure- <.{' money hav,- siaee pariv rule u>urji(‘d torni;'i‘iiietiiods I'orecd ;h( selection of soaie pre -id 'iils v.'l:o wer; not ’(ip lo the hiv.h ordc-r o!‘ foraier days. 'J'he \-.;tei-s of the rnit(-d Stales <'aly indir(ctly hav(* to ilo v. iih tl i* selec tion aiiil election of i»i‘esi;l.^. iliey vole for electors, v. ho, r.n.i. .^.:e pri's- «'at party s\.-.leiii. ;iri' pledvc.i lo eUct j the c:in;Iid:!tcs lht‘ p.-irty cimvralions | iiy send your lllOUeX' a li i‘( >.ul have nominated. Nor h.ave th(‘ voter; ::?iy di!’<-«.-t V(,>ice in the no!aiiiali> 'i'hey 11;( rely elect pr( ciact del('n:>tes to county conviMi* ions, who in turn I elect d(‘ie,'-'.’ates t..» district canveaiions. | ;nul these st=lect the w- ('r to linn down. They will have to ^rin and bear it. What an opj>ortum'- t.v tins offers to the Democrats who, with th(‘ two-thirds vote, <‘an compel work. Call and s('e sendin.ii’ orders away. Vei’y truly, Kilpatrick’s & King, J. M. KILI’ATUK’K, Manager. Gangway, Duclvwortli & Oc., BEAL ESTATE DEALERS, Rooms 3 and4, McMinn Block, Brevard; H. C. the majority to pay IkhhI to a respeeta- Buy and sell all kinds of Heal Kstaie, ble niinorilv protest I ; a i , * * I (.ollect rents, and attend pro])- I erty wiien ownei- is absent. Tne fear that the Slav was about to ; pgf^ijpg Lg,^(jg g SpeCtailY. ,n-('rrun the world seems to be some- | »* *»■ wiiat allayed. Keep your eye on the Conlest.