LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. M. A. Cooper is in Asheville visit ing his family this week. It’s a qneer time of year l\»r “June Apples” but there is t>ne on Glade Creek—June Apple correspondent. Rev. S. A. Rains will preach at Glady Branch Sunday at 11 o’clock. A cordial invitation is extended to all. The Ladies’ Aid Society of the Presbyterian church have decorated ICaster eggs on sale at both drug stores. John Schotte killed a very large rabbit hawk measuring 4 feet (5 inch es from tip to tip, while out liunting last Tuesday. W. S. Price and T. H. McLean re turned last week from a lengthy business trip to the lower part of Houth Carolina. The formal call for the republican convention forth is congressional dis- Iriet, which is to meet at Henderson ville May 18, was it'ceived too late for publication this week. It will appear in our next issue. Cox and Osteen have joined forces »nd are now doing business at the store formerly occupied by Mr. Osteen, where they have a full line of dry goods, shoes, groceries, etc. Y»'ateh their ad next week. We are after you! That party who li;iS been awake at night thinking of .'•ome way to make money easy. We handle a large line of Subscription Hooks, Family and Teachers’ iiihles, and pay the largest commissions con sistent with safe business principles. Xo trouble to answer questions. C. H. ]{ol)inson Co., 8 W. 5th street, (’harlotte, N. C. ih 4 programme for the di>tnct itj« cling of the Knights of Pythiji>, to (oviveiie at Hendersonville April 7, is or our table. Prominent spt^ak- . j> trom all over the state will bo in {jt^nniJance, and tlie i)rogramn)e will w*nd up with a l aniiuet at Ulue | T?idge Inn. Manv of our local I’y-1 thians contemplate attending. j 1 The .\pi il Delineator is an uncom-! moiily interesting magazine, t'rom j the stai «lpoint of both fashion and ! liteniry features. Almost as good as | a trip aromul the world, education-! * I ally, promises t«) be the pictorial j .series “Around tiie World in Kighty j Pi(“tures,” the tir>t iiistallmeut of. which appears in this number. | The democrats of Transylvania must not t'orget that this is the time ! when we are entitled to tlu‘StatH S'^nator, and we liear that the other j (ounties hav? out candidates. We liuve good men w ho can worthily till ihe position, and let's keep ir ht re| among us. Don’t pledge yourself to | any outsider, but get a Transylvania man. In view of the trial here fter 0])enings. We are more or less observant of things of beauty, undjjuy who are not satisfied i»y Mrs. ICnglish’s display of stylish hats are certainly hard to please. Speaking of our abundant and healthful water supply—why is it that there is not a hydrant tor the use of the ])ublic school? We are violating the rules of the Water (^>mpai:y every r cash or on time— Carmichael & Osborne. Mct'all’s fashion sheets for distri bution l)y 31 rs. Nita Norton. Saturday is the last day to buy Kaster suits at T. W. Whitmire’s. A shipment of new hats and flow ers received this week, Mrs Norton’s Don’t t)verlook DeVane’s builders’ hardware and paints when building. Stetson hats S4.00 and ?5.00, less 10 percent, for cash, at T. W. Whit mire’s. * For clothing in the late.st styles go to T. W. Whitmire and buy the Kantbebeat line. Men’s SA.OO, S I 50, S4.00 and S3.50 shoes are simply beautiful—T. W. Whitmire sells them. T.ost—Between residence and drug store, a package of* goods. Heward to finder. ]\Irs. Z. W. Nichols. It’s impossible to get stylish shoes from jobbers and T. \V. Whitmire has the only factory line in the city. It will }>ay you to buy your coffee from (’armichael Ostmrne, as they have a large Parker mill and will grind it f(»r you. ]\Iighty few' white men can buy factory goods and no negroes at all. T. W. Whitmire buys ami sells them and it is swell stuff. If you want to keep uj) to the dot you must wear factory shoes, ( loth- ing, hats, etc. All jobbers are one year behind in styles. T. W. Whitmire has just received his factory line of men’s and boys hijjh grade shoes in high and low cuts—pat. Feb. 15), 1904. The stockholders of the Transylva nia Railroad will hold their aiiiuial meeting at the General Office, Bre vard, on Wednesday, April (J. C. II. Stolzenbach—Brevard, N. C., March 25, 100^. Ail Knights of Pythias belonging to Transylvania Lotl^e, No. 148, that will buy a suit of clothes, hat and pair of shoes for c;>sh between now and April (}, I will give a free round trip ticket to Hendersonville ban quet on April 7th. Respectfully, T. W. Whitmire. From San Francisco. Kditors Sylvan Valley Mews. Would you object, I wonder, to another Cciliforniii corresrond- ent. if .so don’t hesitate to say so. R. E. Williams and C. G. Mor rell talk of purchasing property in this state. Ho])e you will succeed in net ting the cotton mill there. It is just what you need. "We had a severe storm last week. Considerable loss of prop erty throughout the city. A friend in California would like to hear from the Misses For- lun(\ formerly of Greenville, South Carolina. As it is raining steadily the out door exercises for the day (St. Patrick’s) will be seriously inter- ru))ted, and the Ii’ish ])opulation proportionately disappointc d. We have quite a number of North Carolina people here and all seem to be well satisfied, W^e often think, however, of North Carolina and the many friends there. If “Uncle Zeke” thinks of go ing into the chicken busines he ought to come to California. Hens dressed are 75 cents, eggs, until recently, were 60 cents per dozen. A Tar Heel. A Good Investmsnl. The County Commissioners are to l e complimented on the great improvements recently made on the court house and county jail. Since these buildings have been repaired, Avhitewashed and thor oughly cleansed it not only im proves their looks but makes the said buildings much healthier and more pleasant for the occu pants. There is one thing that it would pay the Commissioners to look into and if possible to secure for the county, and that is a fire proof vault for the Clerk of Court and the Register of Deeds, Ev ery citizen of the county is di rectly interested in the safety of the papers and the records that are kept in those two offices, and if the court house should happen to burn down at the present time it would be only a matter of luck if the contents were not de stroyed. In the destruction of the records in the office of the Register of Deeds we would find that many citizens and property owners would have the only title that they have to their land de stroyed and it would necessitate a legal proceeding to re establish their title if a lawsuit did not arise, and as a result the citizens and the county would be put to great expense. If the Clerk’s office and its contents should happen to burn up, a great amount of confusion would arise and it would cause endless litiga tion and the loss of much money to our citizens as well as extra taxes to pay the expenses of the special terms of court that would have to be held in this county. Now^ would it not be wise and economical to preclude the dan ger of the losses by having sub stantial tire proof vaults in w’hich to keep these priceless recoi-ds and documents by investing some few hundreds of dollars now instead of waiting and hav ing to j)ay out thousands after a fire, to try and straighten out af fairs, and then it would save all the inconvenience that would necessarily follow the destruc tion by tire of our records. Near ly every other county in the state has seen the need of fire proof vaults for the valuable rec ords and ])apers and we must do likewise or we will surely suf fer for our neglect. It would be better to pay a small extra tax and save our original and pres ent set of records or other docu ments and archives than it would be to have to pay a larger tax to get up a new set after a fire. There are at present some little vaults in the two offices mentioned that were intended for fire proof vaults, but they are not, and besides are so damp that any books put in them would mold, so they are worse than useless. Large fire-proof iron safes would cost too much, but good, substantial brick or stone vaults could be put in for a small amount and it would be better than insurance. Executor’s Notice. Having qualified as ICxecutor of Xancv' W. Lott, deceased, late of Tran sylvania county. X. this is to no tify all persons hav’-^- claims against the estate of the c. oeased to exhibit tliem to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of March, 1!K)5, or this j notice will be j)leaded in bar of their | recovery. All pei’sons indebted to | said estate will please make immedi- ! ate payment. criAIlLES LOTT, Kxecutor. This 2()th dav of March, UH)4. 300 < Square Feet two coats to the gallon, that’s what THE Sherwin-Wiluams Paint will cover. And on a good surface it will cover more than that. No paint will do better, and very few paints will do as well. Maximum covering capacity, easiest spreading qualities, longest wear, and greatest economy are what we claim for S.W.P. It s the one safe paint to use. Always gives satisfaction. If you want to save money in painting let us show you the way. We sell paints for all kinds of good painting. SOLD BY DeVane Supply Oo, Dealers in and Headquarters for Hardware, Furniture and Paint Supplies. Call and see our complete stock. Phone 2. Brevard, N. V M. M. SHEPHERD HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. Successor to The Robinson Company. THOS. SHEPHERD, Manager. Fine FURNITURE Coffins and Caskets. Opposite Imperial Hotel. Open Day and Nighi. Phone 25. Ji CJhR LOAB of the BEST THING ON WHEELS c We challenge the world to beat our celebi’ated Mitchell Lewis Wagon for beauty of finish, duraV)ility and lightness of di’aught. One quality and that the best. We g-uarantee in every j)articular, and will rej)lace any brokt*ii part in 12 months. See our one-hoi*se beauty—the lijrhtest wagon on wheels— a family w*agon, a runabout, a load-carrier combined. Guaranteed to Carry 3000 Lbs. Sold for cash or on time. If we can ])lace a few sample wagons in Transylvania County we will con trol the trade. Wilson Mercantile Company HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. Plumbing, Steam Fitting, Tin and Slieet Iron Work. Pipe Threading and Cutting. Gasoline for sale. A new lot of Crockery just received* Large Stock of H£AT£RS now on hand. COOKING STOVES AND RANGES ON HAND. Galvanized Sheet Iron for Evaporators, etc. Tinners’ and Plumb ers’ material always in stock. Tin Shingles, Ridge Rolls, Galvan ized Iron Cornices, etc. Parties interested will do well to get my prices before placing their orders. W. E. BISHOP & Co. For Rent. That well known and well patronized hotel, the McMinn House, containin}? eleven bed rooms, pai-lor, ottice, two lar*>e samj)le rooms, bath rooms and toilets on both floors, furnished com plete except sheets, table linen and table ware. Will be leased for one or more years. Apply to W. E.^BllEESE. Jr., Cor. Main and Caldwell Sts. BREVARD, N. C. If you want neat Printing Give THE NEWS your or