News Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. MINER & BREVARD. TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. C., FRIDAY, APRIL 8. 1904. VnL. IX-NO. 15 Dunns Rock Lodge No. 267 F. 4' Friday on <>i‘ In'fove the fiill •noon in each month. - P* isit- •njj Masons are in\ited to nieet witli us. . sptly \Ym. MaxWKLL, bc'c y. Brevard Telephone Exchange. Horus: l^aily—7 a. ni. to !'• P- Sunday—H to 10 rt. m.. 4 to (> p, m. ('entra'l Otfict—HU)ck. Professional Cards. W. A. GASH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rooms 7 & 8, McMirn Bid's. BrcYard, H. C. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Investigation of Land Tiiles a Specialty. Kooius 1 and 2. 1’iokolsiinor liuildinj?. ZACHARY &. BREESE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices in McMinn Bloci<, Brevard, N. C. IS IT x:rxje:? Report that a $250,000 Cotton Mill Is To Be Built in Transylvania County. WELCH GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. I’faftiefs in all the coui ts Rooms 9 and 10 McMinn Block. Brevard, N. C. Miscellaneous. Dr. H. H. CARSON Surgeon Dentist (oviT Uaiik. HKNl>KlvSt)N VI1-1 1-- N- C. e>t of reconnnendations—liis work. .lobs in or ont ol town at'C^-pted. All work o-uarantefd. J. O. DERMID, The Reliable Jeweler. Watches and .lcw<‘lry lt>r salt'. Fine Watch and ('lo«'k lepaii-injr- All Wo'-k liuaranteod. West Main st. A. C. NORTON, Practical Boot and Shoemaker Harness Work a specialty. West iViain Street near Caldwell. The JEthelwold li«-'jvard's Xew' Hotel-Modern Ap pointments Open all the year. The ])atr<*naye of the tra v(‘linj.«- jniblic j^s well as summer t(*nrists i.s soli(;itetl. Opp. Court House. Hrevard. X.C. K-I-P-A-X-iS Tplied for oi- irranlod--nor do we know that iny such chai*ti‘r now exists. vVo most sincerely hope that the item may be true in every par ticular, and that the writer of it may hav(‘ some means of fore- 'italling us in the knowledge, ^ ut there are sorious doubts in the case. It would seem to us that the interested parties would have been notitied as soon as strangers at Raleigh. One thing, however, is certain. Our })eo[)le have decided that a fact»)ry is one of our princi{)al needs for the p(*fma:i('nt gi-owth and })rosperity of Brevard, and the propositions they have made will remain open—and some com- [>any will accept. There is too much enterprise among our business men to let as small a matter as a cottcni factory balk ihem. It will come. Captain Alfjenion Sartorls, mother was not ijuite happy with her English husband, doubtless reasons that it is safer for an American man to marry a foreign woman than it is for an American j?irl to marry a foreign husband. Elder Dowie of the Illinois Zion be lieves in early marriaj?es, but he dif fers from Elder Smith of the Utah Zion, who believes in marrying early and often. It is announced that the Louisiana Purchase exposition is now ready for exhibits, and the formal opening will be on time^ _ The Peril of Polygamy. The Smoot inijuiry luis developed Into a much broader question than the right of lieed Smoot to a seat in the I’nited States senate. It has ass’.uued the diriiensions of a general investiga tion of polygamy in the Mormoii church and opened up the whoie *iue.< lion of Mornionism anractic(‘ of the lead ers of the church are in support of that pernicious d<'«trine. Whilt* I’rt'sident Smith insists tluit ‘‘not niort* thr.n II or 4 per cent of the entire memlxTship of the church'' havt' entered plural matri mony, it is gen(‘rally believc'd that a much larger iiercentag(' than this is in violation of the laws of the land in this regard. Tin* Salt I.ake City Ti'ibuix* expr(‘sst‘s the belief iliat "a little over one-thin!, or, s.iy, soinethiiig like ',]7> per c(Mit,” of the Mornuin ;idu!is i!> Ftah ar<‘ living in polygamy, and Sen ator lUibois of Idalio. :i inen!' <‘r of the K(‘iiate conimitt(M\ has introduced t*ensus tigmes lo sliow' that about *J;P i per cent of the adult Mormon popula tion in Utah were living in polygamy in ISOO. The st'uator says in ;in inter view: The solution of the IMormon prf.hlc^ must !)'■ made here anJ nov it the whnlc coiintrj' will .suffer and t’.'.o foundation.*-' of its Kovt^riiinent will l)f- we:’kt>nod. Be fore this iieariuf^ is ccncluded t’lc- c(tuntry will learn that the states of Utah. Id;ihi>, Wyoming ;ind to a l irse dei^rec ('dorado .'ind Or< :r< n are thre:;ten(>d wiih a terrible curse likel.\- to sprf.'.ad herond the wc-st and southwest it is checked. I’resident Smith, howc'ver, thinks that polygamy is on the wane. He gives the following ligures of ]»olyga- mous families, based on a churi h cen sus : In ISC'O. at the time of the late President Wili'ord ^^■ocdruff’s manifesto, theie w»'re 2.4C1 such families. In Oetf)I)er. l.MtO. it was fornd that this number liad been re Lindsey's ment is that the public school sysioiu, .uenerally siieaiiing, is not fair u> the boy, in that it does not give a trade as well as an education, lie says t!u;t 50 per cent of the boys he sends to the state reform school come from the public schools, wlu*re the lad has had no oi)j»oi'tunity to acqiiir<‘ an occupa tion. II** speaks of one habitual truant wlu) wanted to h*arn to he a idumber while si'curing an educatif)u. Sununed up, it all amounts to a re- afhrmation «f the old saying that Satan <-an lind things for an idle hand to do. ’I'eacli tlu' boy a useful trade, let him believe that h(' is acconii)lishing some thing (hat will i»roduce r(‘sults in later life, and the danger of developing criminal tendencies is minimized. The Statue of Frederick. The :icc<‘iHanee by this .government of the statue of Frederick the (Jreat, the gift of the prc'sent (Jerman emper or, h:is led to no little *riticism in vari ous quarters, to which a rej)ly has been ni;ide by Dr. .[allies, president of the Norlhwt'stern university. Dr. .Tames holds, in tlu‘ lirst i)hue, that the .gift was a signal proof of the desire of the kaiser to cultivate friendly relations with the United States and that it ought to b(* jici-epted in the spirit in wiiich it was orieri'd. Amon.g g(*ntle- nien tliere can hardly Itt' two o]»inions on that ph; of the (pu'stion. The em peror gave us that which was most pre cious in his si.Lrht. To r(‘fuse it or to receive it grudgin.Lrly or to deny it a .suitable resting place would be an af front to a great fri(‘ndly nation to which we are .Mllicd b.v ti(.*s of kinship only less stron.g than those which bind us to (Ireat F.ritain. There are Ameri cans who do n;)t greatly admire Fred- ei'ick, but, says Dr. .laiiH's, we should h('pe that even those would have a pk'asant word for the donor of the statue because of the spirit which prompted the gift. All this may bo true, but a statue of Coethe, of Humboldt, of Mommsen or of Ilelmholt/. would have nu>t a hearti er welcome from the i>eople of the irnited States, including those of (ler- man ori.gin. Not an objeclion would have been heard had the emperor sent us the statue of one of these great Ger mans instead of that of his Avarlike ancestor, and the expression of .good w’ill -which he sou.ght to convey would have been more effectually accomplish ed. The .governor of Ohio nii.ght get some pointers on the way to prevent lynch ing by conferring with the governor of ;\Iississii)pi. The proposed legislation to prohibii the giving away of coupons would tend to confine the use of cigarettes to peo ple who have the poor taste to like them for their own sake. LOW RATES TO California and the NORTHWEST! PACIPX .r- RASLWAY Will sell daily betw^een Sept<-‘tn}x*r loth and Novtnnber .‘{Uth. litU.J, low rale colonist tickets to points in Washington, Oregon, California, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Nevada, Utah, Jtrizona and Mew Mexico, .Short line, quick time, no bu> traii'K‘r«i, iwe re liiiinu '•ii;ii|.,.:,,s. For r t s. xjlnilu I's, nuips and niK ;tir»;ni i- ■ loll \\T te to F. E. CLARK, W. T. SADriDERS, Tiavelin;; I\.ss. A-t. (Jen. A'-ct. Uept. A l l.A NT.A. (4A. Spartanburg, - S. C. SASH l{()i:(;jl aiJff BOORS DIIKSSKH BLINDS T/L-MP>KK Iron work and castinj^s of everv description. Estimates lurtii^heil promptly on nil work. Wm. M. JONES, Pres, and Trgas. J. A. MULLINAX, Supt. BREVARD Why send your money aljr(ta(I when you can get lower jx icts at home for Turned Columns and all other turned woi lv. Door and Window Frames mantels and all similar niachiiie work. Call and see me bel'ore sending orders away. Very truly, Kilpatrick’s & Kincr, J. M. KILPATllICK, Manager, Galloway, Ouckwortli & Co., REAL ESTATE DEALEBS, Rooms 3 and4, McMinn Block, Brevard, N. C, Buy and sell all kinds of I?eal Kst;u»', (Jolleet rents, and attend to jirop- erty when owner is absent. Farming and Timlier Lands a Specialty'. Keep 3"oup eye on the Contest,