STATEMENT OF COUNTY TREASURER. April 1, IIM. STOCK LAW TAX. ••an. 12—Balance nil haml 1103 31 1—Aiui. paid out (Ki Balance on hand Si0o.3l con'iincknt tax. •Tan. 12 Kulance on liainl S 214.58 ••tb. a-Caish from J. » . KniK... - aOo 00 l.i—daimsiroiii J C King jvirlit liets :i49 (kj ‘ •• “ !«i»efi!il_... 304 3« “ “ “ •• ^^iltekel8 ao 98 $lu7S Jio Keb. 2-Paid G T Kowler $ I.IK) 15—Paid «>ut juror tu'Uet^ ;241). Osi “ ‘ ‘ liil rlaiDi'.. 3ti4 32 “ “ “ wanes' ii» keis a).JW Maria •• BreVard V\aier Co 187. ;>j 822 82 April 1-Balance on hand.. |J5(» o« railroad T \X. 12—Balance on hand ~..S 648 00 Feb 10-Casli from J C King 10 U) uo Mch 30— ‘ • * • ()0». 00 J2J»8.0» Mch ]9—By commissions 7.) 0.5 April 1—Balance on hand *;Ji72 v»4 SFE('1AL TAX. ■Tan 12—fialanoe on hand S 668 46 Fob 1.5—Bv claims fruui .1 C Kiutf, .>-}»etial W8 81 ‘ • juror. 20120 “ “ •• •• •• witness !i».o;) $1547 60 Feb 15—Paid out, special »-laims..fOlS St “ •• juri>r ticket'! ... 2oi ’JO “ witness uckets :s;St 09 8SV9 10 April!—Balance oil hand v008.4(j 1‘AUrKK TAX. •Tan 12—Balance on han ' S T.^, 24 •*Vb 10a>h fioin J Kir.K :;.0 i hi Feb 15-Claims from ,I C Kiiif.'. 13.1.') April 1—By ani5. paid out to diite i21 -'lO April 1—Bjlaiice »)ii hanil ?103 0!) HHllKiH TAX. .Ian 1*.! - B liaiK e on liai d f47t> 70 Feb 15—tlaiius troni .1 C Kiii^ 1»> s(i S.!•;!..-)ti Feb I -To M I- Haniilto-i ^41.5 fi.'j Fib 1.") -'I») vVliuiiiirf l.fwi>..... 1 ;i»> To.IVBlvihe 1-'.‘>0 ‘ '!(» T .1 Wilsoi! 1 •)" To John Parker 1 -'lO starch 7—To .luliu'McCali 8461.70 April 1—Balance on hand f SCHOOL TAX. ■Ian 12—Balance on Inind <(8 Feb 10—Casli fioni ■! C Kint; :8 0 00 March Is—Ca>h f;oin .1 .1 Shipni ;ii, .1 P ... 1 <0 “ Cash I'roin'1'T l.oli!-, •'S I', tines 38.00 Casli from State Til usurer Hii* ;i.s March :iO-Ca-h fnmi .1 C Kin.u. (.00 00 Ca>li from .< <’ i'Cint? lOO.OO “ Cash irom K M Wliitiiiire, J P 1 .'0 ^■■)C20.80 April I—Anit. paid nut a."* shown by vouchers from .Ian l’.i U) date...$ 3S.S 71 April 1—Balance on hauil ^4532 15 \V. H. IH'I KWOKTH, TteaMirer. Republican Gonvsntlon Called. Headquarters Kt pul< ieaii Kx. *'nm., I Ashkvii.i.k, N. <’.. Marcli 2ft, l!»04. j At a iiiuetino:or Republican Stale executive C’ommittee. held in the city of (J r(M'nsi)oro, X. C., on February Tith. Iit04. the State C.'onvention of the i r[)ublican }>ar- ty was called to luec , at Greens- lioro X. C.. on May l'^. 11K)4. at iu>on to nominate candidates for reine court, and two jiresiden- tial electors at lar;:e. and to elect four delegates and four altern ates at lar^e to the National Re publican Convention, to bo held ill Chicago. June iMst 1(‘)04, and to transact such other businc'^s as may proiierly come before said I'onvention, The ro])ublican organiz itions of the various counties are re quested to call a ct>nvenl ion of the re})ublicans of tht'ir respective conuties (if they have not already" done so) and elect deleiirates and alternates to t!ie said State Con vention. ill accordam.'e with tiie plan of organization jido[)ted by the last state convention. Each county is entith*d to one delegate and o!ie alte‘rnate for every 100 votes or fractional }iart liiereof. cast for the canditlate of the re publican party for governor at the last general election. All persons who V)elieve in the continuance of tlie prc^sent pros ])erous condition of th«* country, who believe in a cl;*an and eco noinical administration of Nation al, State and county affairs, who believe in sound money and pro lection and who are in favor « f honest elections in North Caroli na, and all ]>(M‘sons who are f>p -^M)sed to Bryanism and llearst- ism, who are op})osed to the ex travagance of the last legislature, who are o}iposed to th(* present liigh and burdensome rate of tax ation. and who ai*(? opposed to (;lass legislation, are cordially in vited to participate*. By order of ihe Executive Com mil tee. Thomas S. Rollins, C/rm. Robert H. McNiill, Sec'i/. Reba Readings. Eiitors Sylvan Valley News: B. C Batson, of Calvert, was in our section last weelv after sweet potato seed. Terrell Bagwell who has been attending school at Brevard has returned home and gone to work on the farm. Miss Katie Scruggs is spend ing awhile on East Fork. She was greatly missed in our vicin ity Sunday, especially by “Jane.” We wonder if Uucle Zeke will get any “April Fools.” Perhaps the correspondent who thought him so nice looking will write him one. Miss Alice Whitmire, po t office clerk at Loftis, was a visitor in our section Saturday and Sun day. We are always glad to see her among us. 'Frank Bagwell had the misfor tune to cut his knee severely last week, while pruning an apple tree. H-3 can't walk as yet, but is doing very well and we hope soon to see him out again. Tiie thermometer regisled at 80 this morning and we are afraid our fruit w’ill be killed, bul we hope not. As we didn’t have scarcely any last year we are getting hungry for some. Miss Leona Gidney, accompa nied by Frank Hay good, of River View, S. C., was present at the organization of the Sunday school last Sunday. We wonder if she contemplates moving her board ing place to South Carolina in the near future? One of our Reba bo3’s went to town last week and put in several iruesses on the gotird contest He says he is going to get the cooking range, then he's going to housekeeping. Hurrah for him! Quite a rich idea, we think. If he could be fortunate enough to win the five-dollar gold piece and get something to (;ook on the range he would be O. K. Sunshine. Tho Now Yorlc Medico-Lesal society proposes a bill in the New York state legislature institutln.ti: the wliii)ping post as Ji punishment for wife beatintj. The president of the society says: “The present system of piinishment is whollj’ ina(leer, was the of Joe Ledbetter, the bachelor, two days of last week. Tlie coniiiiissiouers of Henderson county are huving the stock law fence repaired. Wish we had the stock law in our section. We learn that the son of J. L. Simpson, who was taken from Bre vard to the insane asylum not long since will be home by May next. James Case pas.sed through our comn»unity last week on business. He says he marked 2,87") tan bark trees in one cove. Beat that if you can. A. J. Cairnes, of Mills River, is on Boilston cutting che.stuut Wood. He has cut near 150 cords for our wood king Rev. T. ('. Holtzclaw this winter. With re{?ret we announce the death of the infant child of Mr. and Mis. Jackson Shipm^»n, which was caused from whooping cough. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of the community. We learn with regret that our no ble inventor took our comment on his invention last week as an insult ainl u.sed some threatening remarks. Please pardon us Uncle Norris. We desire to repent in sack-cloth and ash es if we have done wrong. Will also state that we think once he attaches his stone lamp to the other invention th.-it liis line cannot be beaten. Long live the News. Jack Stkphkns. From Jocassee. The Only Up-to-Date Grocery Store in Brevard, We buy more Groceries than any firm in town, and therefore get tliem fresher and cheaper than any merchant who handles groceries as a side line. Our siiecialties are everything you need in the grocery line. W'e are agents for the celebrated Hamilton-'Brown Shoes and their Oxfords, both men’s and women’s, are the most up-to-date to be fouiid in any city in the United States. cox & OSTEEN Editoi'.s Sylvan Valiev News: Several weeks ago when the ma ples blossomed (and tiien the plum trees) I tliought I would .scribble a little to your readers through the columns of your valuable i>aper, and now April is is on. The peach has nearly shed th(*ir blossoms, the ma ple instead of the beautiful crim.son is now getting green, the apple tree* puts forth her buds and the white* sarvice adorns the woodland. March for once in the world has come in and g:)ue out like a quiet little lamb— you all know that, but you don’t all know that this beautiful southland is full of Howers. I am having a g()od time and hope to be home in May. ]\Iiss EvaTolison is governe.«s here for the r>rowu children. \V. M. Brown is building a wing to his White Water Tnn. There will be 12 more rooms and a 1,-irge lobby. 1 hope the people in Traii.sylvania are all doing well. God bless them; they have my heart's good wishes. Sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Landrum Cox. She was a veryd(*ar friend of mine .-iiul her many be reaved loved ones have nivsvinnathv. *. 1 «. Mrs. Joanna lUiowx. For a Spring Tonic there is nothing better than Syr, Hypophosphites Co, {Special) The Brevard Drug Co, T. B. JiLLlSOJ^, Mgr. Jt CAR LOAD of the BEST THING OA^ WHEELS We challenge the world to beat onr celebrated Mitchell ^ Lewis Wagon for beauty of linish. diu*:ibility and li^htiiO'S of drau'^iht. One quality an r O r** O • W w •*) s c § Correspondents should be very j careful lo write only the truth, and even the truth should some times be omit ed where it will give offense. Writers for the p ‘ess should malfe themselves friends instead of enemies, and where trouble arises from their squibs their pen names will not protect them—we shall be oblig ed to give their names whenever accused of untruthfulness. Market reports declare that “bread Is rising rapidly.” And that, too, with out the aid of yeast. Don’t forget to clip and save the coupons which appear in each issue of the News. They count. Buyers and Dealers in Beef, Cattle, Slieep and Hogs Phone 62. Brevard, N, C. Ihe Athelwold GROCERY The Entire Stock at this Store IS fresh and clean—neat, sweet and toothsome. High Grade Coffees, Teas and Fancy Canned Goods You pay no one else^s bill when dealing with us, as oor terms are cash. J. C. LOFTIS, The Grocer Aethelwold Building. Phone 85*