Sylvan Valley News Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper, MINER & HKEKSE. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY, APRIL 15. 1904. VOL. IX-NO. Ifi Dunns Rock Lodge No. 267 F. £r -A. M. Meets Friday on or before the hill moon in each month, at L p. m. \ lilt ing Masons are cordially invited to meet with us. . o sptly MaxWKLL, See V. Brevard Telephone Exchange. Horivs; Daily-T a. ni. to 10 Sunday- S to 10 a. m.. 4 to (> p. m. Central <)«rv- <’ooi>^^f Pi*ofessioncil Cflrds. W. A. GASH, attorn ey-AT-L aw , Rooms 7 4 8. McMinn Bld’g, Brevard, M. C. W. B. DUCKWOR-TH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. 1 looms 1 and 2. 1 *i<-l<*“lsimor Build^^^ ZACHARY &. BREESE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices in McMinn Block, Brevard, N. C. WELCH GALLOWAY, attorney-at law. I’raciices iti all ilic courts Rooms 9 and 10 McMinn Block. Brevard, N. C. Miscellfincic US. Dr. H. K. CARSON Surgeon Dentist (I ivi-r r.ullK HKN l'KU>"N VI 1 1 1'. ^ SatiMac tu.u c;uu>ant.-a in a'l «.poralions. C. C. KLPATKICK, CONTRACTOR AHD BUILDER. Office at Barber Shop, Brevard, N. C. Kstimatcs ^/wvu on all kinds of worl ill the Ituildin^' T. B. CKARY, Contractor for Al! Kinds of Brick Worl( CrnnMit AVorU. 11 dash and t’a.iin- a BREVARD. N C. ABOUT AS HIGH AS HE CAN GO. INCREASE© I — >-e\v York Herald. Uncle Zeke a Candidate. i.b iall\ Has All t!i8 N8c3ssary R^quiremenis for Suscess-Favors Ex- peosion, Gonlracron ani a Wiiols Lo! q1 Otiiar Tilings G. W. Summcy—Carpenter lU'f't of m-oninn“Mual i'.)!;s liis \vt». k ,)*)bs ill or out of town ;u-cc’,»lrd. All work uuarantfcd. This is tlio timo wIumi tlio 1iviii<r or iIk'sn])j)ort of his faiiii AiutM'ican pooitlo <40 down on ly. thcM’c still remains iho lnxu i :«‘ir marrow bones and bescMU-h rios of tln‘ poor-hoiisi* and the lie “Icadinii' (‘itiz(‘n” to sacritic'(> | comforts of “’swc'ct charily.'* 1 :iims(‘lf for liis country's irood i would not ontirtdy do away will ind bccoHK'a candichilo. andtho'tlM* jUMision list. simi)Iy ciil o!l cadinir cilizon wilh ix'comin.i:' 1 ho widows and orphans and J Ik nociosly announces that whih'ln'I old soldi(‘rs who aiu* not abh‘ tn ,)i'liL*\(‘s **th(? ofHco should s(M‘1\ ' ^’<‘1 to iho polls on olccl ion day. tlu* man” ho is in tht) hands of ()i'tic(‘ liokh^rs and ii’ovc'fnmoni his frionds, and walks up like ajemployes who wort? born consti- ia m b to t h(* t roun’h. tutionally tired, or whose' pridi That theortice should S(‘(>k th«‘ ■•‘Ho'^ed them to i)erform a !ian is:iti old chestnut, and per work in theii- li\es. l)Ui i.ips was all 1‘i^ht in the old foiry ''Vltose pal riidisin has lorc<‘e th(‘i‘ lays ot our anc(‘stors. but al this of tlu* workl the man sei'ks t i<*!ifilc(' if iIk; oftic(‘ is WolMh t'l;* seekiiiii' and there is an op- o. iunily to taU'e caj-e of hims*‘lf ind his frit'Hils and a chance foi- J. O. DERMiD, Watclu's anil .It'Wflry N-i- >ali‘. I'inr Watcl' ami (lo»‘k f na i i-i ul;'. All \Vo'-lc Li'uarantccu. W f>t Main st. A. C. NORTON, Practical Boot and Shaemaker Harness Work :i six rialiy. West Main Street rear Caldwell. The Mthelwold Mo(li-i-n At>- tli*- year. I !-;i Vfli i! uV luitdi'- ununcr to;iri>t> i- solicited. liivvard's New Hot-.-, pointnicnts- ()pfn a ])atronai2<“ of iIm as well Opi). ('ourt llousi“. l’.rt‘v:>nl. N . ^ Notice of Siimmons by Pubiication. N'ortli I’arolina—'rnui-> Ivaiiia ( ouiity. In Siiiieii'-r« i>nit. \W '1. (lir.i 'uic V*;. i'< 11; (ii!:!--');!'. ■['om :ii<* 'iofm'Luit ;il>n\c naiti<'<l. will take iiolit r llial an 1 fiilii.t .1 a'- ah«iv> I,-IS coiiiiiaMiffd in tli(“ Su|>fiior eomi oi Trni'-ylv.iiiia C uiity hy tin- pluintilf ahnvr n-inuVi I'or liio pur[M)^o <ii' iriuvniii;; fiom tlu- iloh'iKlunt till->liai<‘uf ilu'in ilie ival •mil i)fi>'>iia: m .la< k-.m (.iiio>pii', <tc- tlH“^ai^l lyiii” in the < i)'ini> oi*'l rai'i'ylviHiia. in ilie statr di' Ndiih Carolina, ai<i <U-fi‘nitanl " ill t:iUf iu>in hat h<> is to devott' their tah'nts and ('nor- iries for their counti’v's welfare, and who foi’ the miserly ])ittanci <d sl.fldO to s.”.()()!) p(*r yi'ar. leac^ strentious lives four hours a da\ J would brin^ und('r the sinful otherwise h't the ottice ^-o ' jX'nsion when we ne(‘d a lot of r(‘(ruits. Mei 'A’ho spend ttieii- liv(.>s in tin,' ser vict* of their ^•ovt*rnLni‘!it have U(’ 01>[)ortunitit.'s to pj-ovidi> foi- th« future, and patrioti.-^m must b* rewarded. To turn thoni loo-c on tlu' cold chai'ities of the worn would be a siiame. foi- tlii'v mi^iit till a workiuii’ man's plac(>, which would be an injustice to iIk; ia borer. 1 am in favor oi‘ i-(‘form. The man with a dozen k'ids and vvlu si^lls his labor for fifty c-ents j>er tl.-iy, and sells his vou* loi- tin- price of ten day's labor or a bar rel of Hour should b(" sent to the chain<ian<4’—his }>rice is too low. But the ‘ic'adin^’ (“itizt'ii" who. for his coniitry’s irood, lays down his fj:ood, hard dollai's to p.ay foi- the Hour, we will honor by a re H'la ft -^eoK'ini;'. L wish to announct' to th('vot- >rs of tlu' country tliat wliiU'i , am not in the hatids of my I f! ’(‘:ids. 1 am a elcer. wiilini:- Hid anxious to be saci’itict'd for my country's irood. and anyofiice: Mta'-hed loa fat saiury and little labor. L am an advocali'of t'Xi):!nsioii in salaries: of contraction-- in the houi'S of labor; L'overnment ownerslii}) of st('amship, railway j and stri'oi cai’ lin('s. lele.Lcraph and t(,‘l('phones, factories, shoj)s. ■ wholi'sah^ and retail <‘stal)lish- i iiK'iits in fact th(' (,'ntiia* biisi-i ness of the commercial world. It I will iiiaU’e more I'oom for our l,eelers and aid us to perpetuate our party in p-ow('r. I am in favor of fi-(‘(' silv('r. j ;L^lorious life is his! He rises as the cock in ihe cedars cracks the dawn of day and «-oes forth lo couHnune w’ith nature and to his daily toil; he bathes his feet in the life-jiivin.ic dew ms he strolls down the flower bedecked lane to [)ull the udders of the meek-eyed kine. The “entle breezes softly sighing tlirou”h the branches wafts to his ears the joyous notes of the lane as it soar-s aw’ay towards hoiven’s ^ates; he lis tens to the voice.s of eai ly dawn and watches the bursting buds; inhales the fraj^rance of the How ers and scent of the new-mown hay. His life is one continuous poem, a story of poetry and soni^’. and he lies down jit the end of life's journey with the bless(?d assuraiKte that if it is a <^ood crop year the widow and c.hildren may l)e able to pay th»* interest on the mortgage. Since I have joined that trutli- loving aggregation (the Niiws forc(‘) I hav() turned a new’ leaf and d(^sert(‘d the I’anks of Ana iiias, and my promises can b(! as safely reli(>d on as those <jf any other candidate. l']k!ct me to otnce and I will in ci’easii your wa.ges and short('i. your hou' s of toil: 1 will advance th(‘ price of chick'ens and eg< s and ciieapcn tlu* pi'ice of whisK'y; I will put a door-i>late on every nan's front door, and a bi’as^ band oti ('acli strc'ei corn(“r; I will tax bacht'loi’s forty ])('!• cent, o: i h('ir income and (h>vo^(‘ the )d-o c *< ds to the foundling's home; 1 will gi\'*' every old maid win narries during leap y<‘ai’ fori; jcr('s and a mule, and »'acli young lady v.ho misx's hei- lea)) year .•hances will b(‘ debari'ed fiou! '.V(‘aring a nt'w gown on Ri>1er Sunday; [ will sto[) th«‘ do;:> Darl;ini;' at night and gi\'<‘ the •liildi'eu ill;* ne'v Ui(>('i’. fora I'oot ball. 1 do 11' t wish to ijnmiis: the impossible—but remembf'r. Li’ent It'men. I am a ca.ndidalt*. ••P«>litics mak'e si ra!ig(' bed f<‘l lows. " so do till' othi'r ti<.'ks ami buui’s. 1 am optMi foi' an (*ng;ig(' au'tit wilh eilluM’ })irty, prt'i('ra ably th('}>opidisl ;:s I am ojipo>.«-(! to water ill geiHM'al, and S(x;i> in [lai’ticiilar. , Kh'ct me to offic(‘ and I will di.'-charge the duties lailhiulK’ and hold fast to all 1 can j^et iii\ hands on. Zi:k]•: At last a real ust* has found for j prize li,:r!itc!-s. Tlu* ]>ncilist and Ins train«>r who the* other ovs'nini;' sonndl.v Llirasliod tiu* iu*,j;ro assailants (jf two youn.u; women dealt out sort of jus tice* wliic h ;ippe;i]s to th<‘ averau'e p(“r- son as r:;lli( r sntisr;n‘t;>ry. I( is a pity lo waste' siuh usi'fnl nuis<-lo in the pri/.e rin;r. LOW RATES TO California and the NORTHWEST! PAC3FiC RAILWAY V'v ill sell daily between .September loth aiul Xovembei* ;{(»th, J90.J, low rale tickets to points in Washington, Oregon, California, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Nevada, Utah, Jirizona and JVeiv Mexico. short lino, quick time, no bu.i traii'lfty, )>oe re- linini^ cliaii -cars. For I .tfs, selieduies, maps and /uH infoniui- lion wiitu to F. E. CLARK, W. T. SAUNDERS, Tiavol.n- .Al'*. (ien. Ai;I. t. ATLA.NTA. GA. MORGAN WORKS Spartanburg, SASH 1)00 i:s HIdXDS s. c. liOrciI an<f Lr.MUiOK Iron work and ca^thigs of (*verv '•:-crii!lion. JvljifiMlc.s lu;(i^.i,c 1 ;)romj)tly on .-ill work. Wm. M. iCNES, Pres, and Treas, J. A. MULLIJiAX, Supt. BREVARD In passi’m' :i vote* of thanks to Admi ral T(<:ro tlu* .lapaiu'se hoCise of r<'i>n*- sentatives may be* doinji ^ravt* injury to the mikado. To^o m;iy bo induc-ed to return home and run for president. In tlu‘ sprinu' a yoiniu' man’s fancy H.irlUly ttUTiS to a liuhtweit-'lit. liuht ^U“d suit oi' clollu's jvist :\s iiu*vit;!bly js th(' oi»])osiVe s(?.\ turns to the stun- nini? Kaste'r hat. h'ction. l?ric‘e makes tlu.^ dif free gold and free whiskey, and a , ference. monomaniac on tlu' subject of' lam opposed to spc'cial legis neibsions. A man who foiiuiit. lation in favor of those* ])ami)(ii c*d ! ^ ' T , • 1 i , I Ihe i-e‘i)ort that Je>hn 1). liockofeller b!f(l lUX. <ll. d to. thii lwii (lollurs suns cl lortiuii.. III., lunnci s t ,,„n...-ed tlio vlok-t nu.rkot ucod per niontn, hard-tack and gray i i hey want the* earth. Tliey ha\'(* I not cause y,eneral grle)om. The duiide- I backs, has had enough and by , our prennises and should poss(‘ss I ’"'ill be out in a few days. shoidd be I the ii* semis hy send yoiir mone^’ ab)‘0<id when you ('an ge*t lowej’ prices ,t,t ‘ioine* j'or Turned Gclumns and all e)ther turned worlv. lioor unci iiidow Frcnties mant(,‘ls and all similar inachine. work. Call and .se,*e tiie before sending orde'rs away. Very truly. Kilpatrick’s ^ King, ,r. M. KILI’ATllK'K, .^hmairer. Galloway, OiiGkwonl! & Oe. iSf Rooms 3 21k!4, f^cl^inn Bloch, Brevsrd, H. C. ^"qliirVa to avipcai-at IhencKt li i iiidi the Supf- i-,o' C lurt ol the said eouuty i>> In- inrl«l at tlu- '‘’”''1.1‘^IIter‘nie’iSi-r Mnrpi,! in M^Trir im'iV'' l)r()per manaueme'nt shoidd be I the ir se>uls in ])atience. Ife , 1'^ iv .r nr demur t > 1 h.-■eoin'i.j iint'in tlu ' i i. i r \ ^ i i i • .i- i *. i i i , reported decision of Japan that .|al>le to put away ainpl.' l.ii- the ■ shculd bo satisti..,! tliiit liflioMs she will hold KorL.a may bo sub,1oct to , Far-Iling 31!^ TililLor Last'S 3 Sp8Cisl!V. ‘‘‘•ndJyth da7 ns,-,,n.i.hii;-t. ,,l(i ag(', but if he ; t:i<,'exaulte'd i)e)sition of th('“man i)uy and sell all kind.s of Ileal Msta'e, (-e)llee*t reiUs. aiul attend lo pre>;j- ertv when o\vn<*i‘ is al)senv. a ffuess that Russia thinks she has T. T. LOFTIS, Clfl Iv .<1 .-Illj.Ll l.Jl >, oUlt. squandered his wealth in riotous 1 who feeds them al!." What a coming. Keep ye)ur eye* on tiie (’

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