Sylvan MINER & BKEKSE. Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. C., FRIDAY, APRIL 2'.>. 1904. VOL. IX—NO. IH l^unns Rock Lodge No. 26? F*. Meets Friday on oi* In'fore the fiill in each nioiitlj. at 12 j). in. Visit- Masons are i*orclially invited to meet with us. Sptly \VM. MaxWKLL, Brevard Telephone Exchange. Hori^’s: Daily—7 a. m. lo 10 p. in. Sunday— S to i<> a. ni.. -4 to () ]>. ni. ^'eiitral (\)on«‘i' Hlo«'k. Professici^al Cisrds. W. A. GASH. attorney-at-law j V".;, Rooms 7 & 8, McMinn BId'g, Brevard, N. C. W. B. DUCKV/ORTK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specially. Uooms 1 and 2. I’irktdsiinoj- liuihliny-. ZACHARY &. BREESE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices in Mcf^inn Block, Brevard, N. C. WELCH CALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. l*rac‘tifos in all tlii- (‘oui ts Rooms 9 2nd 10 McMinn Block, Crevard, N. C. Miscellaaesus. Dr. K. H. CARSON Surgeon Dentist (HVi.-o ■ ivt r HKXI»KKS( IN \ i l.l K. N. S:itisf;u‘tii)ii < iUiiiaiiU i il in all ()i (.'rations, i'2'.i* C. C. KiLPATlUCK, CONTilACTOR Office at Barber Shop, Brevard, fl. C. l-’.‘^tiniato.< (;n ail k'inds of wui-k in tiu; Inuliiin^'- line. T. B. CR.AR.Y, Contractor for A!! Kiiids cf Brick VVGrk. Cement Work. 1’iasl<‘rinL’. dasli and ( a^tiuL; a Sju-ciaity. BREVARD, N C. G* W. Surnmey—Carpenter Jiest of reeoninu'iid;;!!*!!!.-- ili^ \vu. !<. .lolts in or out of town ai-iT|iiei|. All work ^juaraiiterd. MONOPOLY CIRCUS—GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH. T^uST* - •-°vK montionod to snbstantiatc the Domo- oralic d('ni;'.nd tliat it is time to “turn tlu' rase;!Is ont.” GOVERNaiENT FRAUDS. There Are Scandals In Nearly Every Department. MUM THE YVOS.D, EY TAT^TY OKDEES &.III J. O. DERMID, The R Watches and .lewrlry for >ali‘. r'in<‘ Watrli atid ('l(H-k r> mi.i i r i .\ll Wo'-k i:uarani<'('(i. W.-st .Main .•'I. A. C. NORTON, Praciicai Boo! snd Sr-osmaksr Harness Work a s]K-, i;iliy. West Main Street near Cald'.ve!!. The JEtkelwold lirevard's X<*w .Mdci-rii Ap- ])ointrneiits ()|»eii al! tlic yt-ar. 'J'he ])atrona^(* of ili>‘ li-a\« liiiL; i>u!>li<- as well as suniint.'r toin-i.-i.- i. xilicil.Ml. Opi). Court il(»iis<‘. l;rc\;ir.!. X.(’. Notice of S'jRinions by Puljilcation. Nortli (’arolina—'riaii'\!v:itiiii C.unity. Ill s..(s>ri(ii' ( (li.rr. \V. M. <ji!U''vs. I'( 111 (ii;!c-i>i(■. Com f^ilk' pu*. t'i<‘ il<.!fii<iaiit at.uv v niniu‘1, t\ill lake notifc liial an acii'ci ••iitii.r.I as ahdw lias b<'on eoniiiuMiccii in tiic Supciiiir <'<)iirioi' '1 raii'-ylvani:) C' unty by tin- (•liiintiii' at.o\c nanu'il for t'lo rurt n-c di (i in«r I'nm ih,- ficlei.<laiit tin-shax-(>!' tlu-ii!::nMi;l in tiii- i<*;i and I'tTsonal <-stat(‘ of .lat k-.n <.i !c-) ii-, <li.. ceased, ttie sai«\ ri-al (> lali* lyiii-j in ii,c < i),,nty of Transylvania, in the Stat<of Nnitli Caio i.ia', ami ^a''i licfentlatit u;ll tak • iMiiti iiiar li*-is riMjHirt <1 ti> annear at tiic ni"it ici ni n! Uie Snr»‘- r'or c )nit of tlie said couityni 1m li-' <i iitlhi- (Our; hon-e in H'rvaP'. N. C. ( n the liftli McU'lay after tlic fir^t M<> I'hiy in M ircli. rol. jiiid answer or demur t'> li.i- conijilahit in the Slid iietion, or tiie jilainti!’, v jn :■ ,iv t., ii;,. court for tlie rel'ef deni iiid<vi in !iis ,-d n'li’.ai: t. ! Tliis 9t!i day of Man ii, lMi|. I . 'f l.()KTIS. C'leik of .Superior (,oiirt. ^ Tli«* I'ros tlio ‘’Doar Oltl W <mJ«5 3U‘ I);iiitn if tHiv* 'I’riitls \\ «‘re Iviio^vit. Tlie Cle« iiiiijif—Turn Ihe Rsi.s«'!il.s <)i3t. 'llie i>r('s('iit r.dnniii.^tr.nti<»n lias ht'er.i very nn.l‘.» v. ith liie larue num ber (.!' th;iL have* liei'-n ex it iscd in l!;;“ e.\ec’’.tive d'‘j»arlineuis ana 111'* « t») wiiieii the ,ur:iI'ler.s iiau sn«."-ci‘>ti‘ I in i<ioun.u' tin' .^ovf'rn- eoi.i'i's irei'oi'e any effort was made to .-iu|» or them. 'i'!u‘ at- i .;ta.l'- l»y tin* ad.’.iiinisiration to I *1'.1 :i: til;* e.\ito..u”e of liiest* scandals, n-a.i ll'.at a tliorouuh iiivestipaliu]i v.‘o.;I«i tile i.epiihlican party aihl llu’ov.' ;i ei«=U(i «,v( r iiu* jr diiica! I’or- lUnes e.i’ 'rresi-.k'Ht ICt>o.'-. veit. was a I'niiiire. Jm-:: iui:.Is, like niur(!;‘r. \\ iH out. 1'osim-.sier Cinrral T.-iync' d«>- eiai't'd tlr.'i'o w;;^. :io;!ii:!”- wri'im' in th • ]> »st'.Hi<-e d:-pai’ti:ie:!; :in.l (ie^;iu:lale»l llie 'rii'iix li“s ;;s “hiit air.” but the evi*i<‘Uee *u' the eXK'nt of tlu* lu »t- i;;,u’ bi'eaim* so .-'.I'p.-n-. iit tiiat a iiarl.ial invisti.-iit ion foi;.»\\i‘d. 'I'lie iiuiiil>er (»1‘ o;lieials involve ! l;;;s i;ot ,v<'l lieoii .uiv- en to tlio inibMe. a.iid tlu' Kris'.ow re- <)!) i;:e :;u;;]nsl <‘on'4i'ess- men" liiis b.-cn u.'+;',i i > uiiniaii::e ihe d^-p;!rl:;:ent wroa r; :oii;;-s. in .-.d.iiti j!i to 111 - >! >.-;I scand;;ls there ar^’ o;Iu“rs in oiher »l(“;iartnien!s tliat involv«* even a murii ui(*aier .■i:nou!!t or ]o;.t;;!.u:'. 'i'lie interior <le- jiartmeiit is lioneyeo'.al-e:! wiili lan.l I’r.-inds. The l!idi;in i,i!"e;!n an<l tlio I’awes eoni;ii!.-:s;;(n ;ire boJh under sus picion <:i’ ,ur;;Vt‘ nils, .in.trs tlaM ar(' at- t.'inpte i t<,> be hn.'la':'. ui>. an i oiiiy an ii!!I):!rti.ii in\■•. :i(lo:i ui.^:(':r, «‘r liow .ure:',t t]!'> :.r;;ili!;”- has li('en. The ollici:;is-, ajipoijitcd l:y President .Uo(»s;‘- ■vi'Il for Territory appear to liave been liie v/;!".;! polilic.-il Lv";ifl;>vs lu‘ could have ('iseovt'H'd to a;lv:i:iee tlu* civiii7.!'/ii(in of liie wards of the na tion. F(^r ii'.stanec'. the* e;-imes of the T'nit- rd Slnt(-s mars!!.-)! for the Ind’an 'I’erri- lory, I'lMijaitiin II. Collx'rt, liecaiiit' so llam'itious that he v.r.s arrested, ci:a!vi;od -with usin.u' his povrer for i»o- litical ]>nrpos('s. l.ettln..^' jnisoners (tut of Jail that ti'.ey miuh-t vole was one of his pleasing p;istimes; imprisonhi.u: In dians for not volinu' jieeordin.L; to his Vv ishes Avas another. What the ex:ict sit uation in tli(' int(M‘ior deparlnu>nt is it i.s dilllenlt to say. for there is an evident (‘ffort to supprc'Ks all the t“vid(Mi<‘e of the operations of th<‘ la.nd rinj; in the Indian Territory*, and the names of those implic.Mted, or who hav«> b('<*n asked to resii;n (»r htive be<>n disndssed. art* unobtaii!;ibie. Mum is th.e word at llie interior di'i-.artnient. 'I'he W(v:!,m-ii land frar*ds have b(>e:i of enormous e.Mont. yet but four pc*r- j-ons have bee:» indicted. 'I'heve is, liow('V('r. (“^■ide;;c^• that nuni(‘r''’.:s oth ers. inchidiii'r K<’r<ublican iiiOKiI.ei's of eoMu'n .'-s. ;;re beinu’ sidcldrd !‘.»r p i'-;il jiurtioses. It will l;e !-e::;e:':'::';'ed thr.t l’ini;<M’ I '.lie eo:.'.mis.;ion- ('r oi' liie .u'cM'.Tai l.acid oil; •«'. was l'o;\*‘iI to res!j..n. bii; has sir.ce I.e. ;i el;- •icd tt> <‘or;;r(.*ss. ()re,L;on h;;s he.-ii t;:c s’.or.i! center of tla* ht'.id f’r.' 'i'ia* New Yorlv World. (ic(. Uii, sali.: “Letters wri:;en l.y Keprest-nia.tive John XewtoM \\'iili;‘ii ■>{' i!;c S('c- ond Ori'^oii district ha’.'e !>e.*a publish ed <>n the 1‘acilic coast shov. iii'j,- thai iu‘ boui^ht lands froiii tl.(“ stale e.ich stati' liein;;' entiiied to tv.'o set,-;••-n.-; of t‘acli tow:i.',hip in thi* j.-ulaic dmiiaia Avithin its b >!'ders. Thret' <;.iys a.'.f'r tith* for tlicsi' l.tnds hat! p;isscd him and his i.a.rtner lu‘ wrote i(‘tte!’s to the l.-ind dejiartiiieat, lu'i'e tu!voc.aiinu' tl’e inclusioii of l;irii'(‘ tracts of land in a l\>r(‘st ri“serv(‘. Half the land he had r.c.iuireii inciiidid in tla* trait l>e rt'commended foi' i!ulusie>!: in \he for est reservi*. Wh<'nt‘ver a fori'st re- f-er\(‘ iticludi's lands that ha\«* Ihsmi boti.iiht from tin* ^^'ovi'rnment, (‘iliuT siaie (»r tin* owner is pen.lil ted to select an e',nal nnniltei- of ;icri‘s froni any p.arl of the piibli;* doiii.ain that has not been (‘nti*r(‘d und»“r a.ny of t!u' laws. 'I'Ik* tl>e(!i‘y is lhat tiie lands are of about e;]U;il value, b.’.t ihev are i;ei. and in that lies ilu* opportunity fur fraud.” 'riiosc' e'nar.ives which involve i-on- L;r("<smen and othe;s have not lieon in \esiiuaied, or if tinw have :-t‘crei:iry ili'o-hcock has maintained a eensor:ship th.-il the nev/sp.ipers have bee’a unable to overcoriie. 'rii(‘ feneiii”- (if the public doni.ain in Xeiira.ska a’.ul other stat'.'s !»y the ta’ <-aille b.arop.s, wld(-h Colonel ^l.»l.y was s(>nc to invi'stiii’at', has beeii t'ropiX'd .-.t t!'. ‘ iir.iient re lUest, it is Kl.-ilod, of t’-.e i;ep!:i»l;can dde-'.iiic a i:» con.u'.v'ss from that sia.te. v^ho f-.vir its ef;et t (>n the <-ominv: <‘leetioi;s. M.any seitiers i\r(‘ anxious to po en these public lands and a.ctiuiro homesteads, but are unable to do so from fe;’.r of the armOvl partisans of t'a* cattle bar ons. Then tla'rc* is the “see.l scjindal” in the a.-i'icii]tur;>.l d-ep:'.rfaient ;ti; 1 Iho cliaru'e lhat the sLatisiics of ero]* re ports have been us(‘d for the beneiit ef s''eeuI:;lor.s at the expense of the farm ers. Th(* srni'-r'rdn.-? scanihils iti I’orto lii- <•<». '.vi.'ieh involved ol'iec'rs of th.f' army, na\ \ a:al eivil svvvice. in whieli indict- !‘:c’;ls v.;'re fo'.nid.. v.-ei-e orih.TOil dis co.ilinuel liy Attorney Ceneral Knox t*n:!i r orders from tlu* presitlont. ?•[;;!!” (.'tiler scan l.als with which this Siren;i;.r:s a. iiiir.!.stration is snurched rai”ht b(* cited. l»ut onoimli has been REPUBLIGainIS Ij'J trouble. Profp.«!sor I'ppnirinstitt in his stupendous sensation, the canud back loop! A dan.irer defyinir d*.‘monstration of darinir, desperate and delirious disaster.— New York Ameriean. Aiixioit.s f«» .\d joii i-ii CotiKreNK, ln" i KveiitN Ar«* \V ttrwtiit;- TJi*ouii. The pi-o^rramme of tiie Kepudijcan IOiid(*rs, which i.s hacked h.v l rc'sidtau Koosevelt, for an early atijournnu*nl of con.uress has met with an unexpect ed obstacle ia the probal)le impeach ment of .Judge Swayne <<f Florida. If the house (>f repres(‘nt:'i iives follows the reeoniuieinlaviuu v>f the juJiciary comndttee tliis I nited States Jud;.,e ■will be inipeaclu'd for hij;h crime.s an.l ndsd(*meanors. That will ent;ul lhat conuress shall r<*main in s(“ssion some months loi:,t;er than the Iiei)Ui)lican lead(‘rs hoped or intended. In the meantime the various eomniitic(‘s are prolonjiin.ij the on tl.c.* bills that the lU“]iublieans do not wish to j;o on record, so that if a r('i»urt is linally ajrreed upon it is inten»i(*d to be too late for linal action. Iti that way the Kepubliean patriots hope tliat tlu'y Avill not be called lipon to vole for or against these (h‘h;itable (ju< s- tions. Ana mu' tlu'se are the bills u(:’- inandi'd by the labor or.iraniz.ations for shorter hoiu’s. anti-in.imiction and ar bitration; for i-(*cii>rocity and tariff re- f(»rm; for fn*e lrad(* with the Pidlip- pin('s. ri'eonimendt'd by (;ov(*rnor Taft: tlu* s«*rvic(‘ ]»(>nsion bill; the bills for st;:t(‘hood for the t(‘rrilories. which .‘ire proin.ised in the last I{epublie;;u plat form; the shij) subsiv'y bill; tlu* i‘ur‘ food bill; the bill to ine;-eas(* the pow er of the interstate coiai'.’.erce eonunis- sien to reji'ulato raih-ond rat(>s and the Sn'oot an‘ipoIy:.r;uny ca.'-e in th.e sen ate. !1 thes(* and scane oth(*rs the Kejmblican laaiiauers do not want the party to ]»ass upon before the election. :is a rt'cord vote on any of them miLrht b(* disastrous in many si:.t«'s and per haps ehaime the restdt of the n.-itional (lect M>n. 'I'Ik* ii.ii'e.-u'hnu'nt of .Tudire Swayie' v.otd 1 coni!»el f!i(> hous.' of representa- ti'.es lo reiii;’.in in st'ssion unh'ss the sen.-'.te a.ureed th;it the lov.-(‘r house could adjourn .-ifter the ar.i'f>intiner:t of t!'e mana.trcM’s (d‘ thi* lmi>(‘achn!c‘!!t on the pa!'t of th(‘ house. The fevv’ I>ree<';’ents si>em to be ajrainst su<-!i an aLieement. \A'ith the house of rc])re- se.;t;itives IH session until v>-('ll into liie si’nin;-ef. tb.ere AVoe.ld b<* constant <1 porlunity for the democrats to <‘X- pl.ilt t!u' inimerous ndst;'.k«*s of the part.\' in power. Thi re is a.!so a dr<'ad on th(> of tli(* l!e!>u’*lieans that I'n'sic’ent Koos(>velt will suddenly do soeiethin.i; that the countr.v will not indorse, a.nd with comrrt'ss in s;‘ssion it woi'iri lie eni|di.tsizeil by the Demo crat I ':^i( i’S. So it will !)(' seen that th<* K“pnblic- :mi h a-’ers' in a peck of tro'uble and wii! not 1m* relieved i!i their mint’s un til con.:;r( ss has adj(!urn»‘ h A WHINING ORGAN. I5ypoeriii«'!iJ ihe .?i Jiifk-ifii 11 3'jjr Sonu‘ !b‘iiul»li -a!is in Minneseia and other stali's horderinu' on ( an.uia are very anxious for recijjrociiy with ( a.n- ada. 'I he Anierieati lli-on-ani-;(. how- i'V(‘r. d( iioi’.:;c(‘s this reeiprocily as ”‘a l;ie;'.ns of addin.iT to the prelits of the millers, ih<^jo!>hers :.nd tlu.* '•ailro.-ith;" and s< liish. seiist'li'ss .-( iieniv' of clie.a; eidii.u' t!i»* domes: ie i.iariu't for la.rm proiiucis.” 'Ihe licimondst also claiii’.s "it ^^■onlll break down tliepiice of Av!K‘;;t at iniit ;!p(d;s, and for pr»‘- < is(‘ly tliat eifect and I'or ih;;! reason i!h“ Minn-: :ii>olis millin;.;' ct)rt!or:!tiotis and the 'i'v.i’i City daily nevvsiiaper.s an* ur,u::i;x reciprocity with all their miuht and main." As ev(^ry f.iriiier knows, crude reasoni!!^- is b.-ea'd on th.e s;;i>iiosiiio i th.Mt i!ie p-rice of v.!;(*-:t is lixcd i,i ?.iin'!'v:polls aeeorditiu 'mj the amount ef v,he;;t i‘ecei\('d there. I’e.t ihv* '■.'■ets :re thi“ J.riee (d’ wheat is < -nirolle,! by l!;e condiinivl <-ro]>s of the- w-.r!d. i’.nd tlu* de;a;nid for the sui- ] lus af'ii'r otir ov> n and (-tln'r home la.’.r’u'is r.rc' j^upjilied. Those* countries likt' Kn:.l;-,!\;i v.hich do not raise ('ne.i;'li v.daat to supjdy their (tv/n peoide b’,:y what they n('('d from the T'ldt; I St:’,! '.;, Indi.i. Aru'-.Mitina. liiis- ' si.i o:- . :;y ciiar country tiiat ha.s a f.urp!;:s u> sell. 'I'ho d<‘n!;ind fe.r that sur;-lus lixes the ja-ict* (d’ whea.t all over the world, ar.d the (’aii.idi.a i Avhea.t has but a sll.i-vht inlluenct* to raise or lov.-<‘r it. If th(* ('.-.nadian , \vh;>at does not conu* throu.iiii Min neapolis. where most of it would be .tround into llota’ in American mills, it would be shi}i])ed to ('astern ('anad.i ; and (*itlier p.ia»Ie into flour t’aere or ! t-hippe.l direct to Knu,iand. l!i .‘\ny > event the most of it reaches England 1 and oonipet(*s in rejrulatin;' the price that is f»,‘iid the world over. The American farnuT lir.s been bndly treated by the protectionists. lie to pay hi.trh tarilT prices for all he buys and has but little protection on ■\Ahat he raises. Th«^ Kconomist knows this and must b(»lst(‘r u)) its firotection fallacies bj’ its i>rotended i’.n.xiety for the American farmer. The i’rotecttve Tariff leainu*. v. hich supplies th(* mon ey to publish the liConomist, is com posed (d‘ eastern m.innfacto.rers, most of whom are now oruani/.ed into trusts and combines, which are ldi‘e,an,:; tin? farmer .at ev(‘ry port*, and their anxie ty. exprc'ssed tlvrough their or^^an, the Kconomist. for le(* jsrotection of the farmer is like tlu* love of tiie lion for tin* iand)-to naike Ji irood nu'.al of. 'Jliis cont(‘ntion an’on,:^; tlu* Kepublic’- nn protectionists (>ii the virtue of reci procity. which, by the way. fa vored Ity I’daine and ur.ired by .\b*Kin- ley and was part of tlu* political creed of IMvsident iioost'velt until tlu* “stand patt(*r.s‘’ forced him to yield to their do nothing pelicy, is favon'd by m:;ny Re- publicans who sc(* tliat i»rotecli >n can not lonu,’ exist unless some id' its bar- ri(*rs to trade are lou'ered. The I)(*mocrats may aci-('pt reciproc- it.v :is ;i means to bri*ak <iown |>rotec- tion. but it is not tlu* l>enu»cratie way fif curin:.r the' <*vd of monopoly. Wlieii llu* farmers are reli('V('d from trust cxaclioj:> by tfi;* tarid’ beinr r.M’ornied so tha.t the irt’sls can no lonp’er ciiarue tlu'Hi n.ui h hiu'iu'r jM'iees lu‘r** than the s.inu* tiaist ).r ..I :ciions are soi.l for :da't)ad. tlu* jn oblem will Ix* sei ■ tl(-d at the sanu* tine'. .Ml the f.inner wants is t > in* allowed t<» buy in tlu* che.apest niai-kei and .sell in the Ix'st mark('t tiu* world adi’oi'ds. TIu^ f.irmer. wiJli tiie trusts r(*nioved from liis ba.t k. which ;\n* now ridin.i;' him to his undoinv:. will then have ('(pnd li^iits '.viti! the nae'opolists. wlio ai'(^ nov,' enjoyi!!;;- privile.;es at his <'xp(*ns(‘. KIkins A t>‘ J.siw hen Ihe tilkins anti-reiiate law was i;assed last year ihi* iU-publlc;:ns crovv’- ed loiaily. 'i hey t-;dl(‘d it antiirnst Ia"v’ vvhieli uas lu curl) tiie raiiroa(is by conii>eIiin,u' tlu'in to treat ail siiip[>crs j’.lllie. ii was obst'rved. ho'vever. that Ih'e railroads wta‘(' not opposed to this law. Aiui v.hy should tlu y I (>. '. lien its obji'cl to pri'vi iii iia' secret cult ini;' of i-aies liy cue road :’.s au'.-unst aiiolher aial to .i:u-!!-.'. iilte tiiat all would char.,e an.l cdhct lii<? n>axin.!Uia r.-tcsV b; it siuprisin,:: lhat tIu' values of r.ailroa'i sleek.'; ro^(* r ip- i.'.ly in Wall street after ihe p.issa,u(' of this a.ctV But. Just a.s the 1 semocr.ats t!u*n s.iid. tlu* law is firovini: ine.I’t'etivt* to stop discriniiiiatiiui. '-'lu' lion Au«' of i\iareh :;i mentions cuu* Avay in wliicli lli(* l.iw is beln.u' ev;id('d. It is doTu> tl!ro'!j,'h lla* p.iyna'nt of swi-'-hii'.c; ch.;:” <'-■ to swilchin.LT comp-anicv;. 1k>so amount in s ’:■'> c;;scs to SC; a car. 'Fl o Iron ,\>e says this di'vice • ;.;s “l'('en in o;H>raii''n S'Uei' a '.ery fv'W laiaiths al'ter ii.e passa;.■•<> (;f th«* Elkins 1:1 w. ;i:i i its e'::.-!ance has l>een a n'.atti'r <!i‘ f?'eo!H-rd ((I’iinient.” Ancthcr v.'-iy in \v|ii<-ji ii.js ja.w is evad.e.l is lids: A i*iv.' sh;i>!'e-, i.aa.ted fav!a\itdy for shippin';' over two or more r.allroads. ships ovei- tht* r '.d tliat v i'd ailo’.v lIu* ,~i'e;:ie.-,i c' for lost ^'o(''’.s. No t :'<-!-;a”'t s or co xls are aetaaily l<-st in t rniisi • n.;; it-n. but llu' au'cnt is ail! i.'»! i;'ed t-- t'ediicr so much for srcii !( iis wav rebab's ani!!!!!!! i > l’' . .‘10 aa 1 ('\’-'!i ."o pt>r cent cf li e f!'ei::iiL bill are allov.-e;'. “Wliiflj Is V/liii*!! Xorj.c.f' ? While Sen.-'lor Aldri;!i v.’a.s saiyintr .at I'I’ovideace th;'t t.ii'iff diUies ‘-do not ('ncoiir.::,e <si- create mo!ioi'o!i»*s ()r triisis or coni'iina.i Ions’’ the <; mirdster of coi!iin;*i\-'‘. >£<!(‘lh>r. com- nu'ntin;.'; upon tIu' r(>ce!>t dei isi ai (d’ the I’nib'd States sniirt'iae cooi-t in th<* c.asi' of the Xot-tliern Securilii's (‘om- pany. wais' that “the evils of the trust system ca.n only be counter.icted by a tariff n-diiction be- ca.use the hij'h pro1c(-tiv(* tariff is the cause of tiie evil acts the trusts are feiiilty of.*’ S'ofil. il I>y l'r<»nii.v4*s. The Pr.)tei tiv(* TariiV h'auut*. backed by trusis and inlbu'nce and moru'y. h.a.s Avhii);'(>d those menib('!s into line v,'!u) promised tariff reioriii by ihr«.'ait('uin^ to ti”‘ht I heir I’c'iioniinal or di'fi'at thom at the iti)!ls. lIov\’ ion;.;- the vot ers will continue to be fooh*d )».v prom ises atid pay hi.uh trust prie('s. know- int;’ that the trusts an* I' tlu*ir products to foi'ci.trn countries and sell- Inj;- those products for nuudi less to the foreigner, rLinains to be seen.

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