Sylvan , Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. MINER & BKKKSE. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY. MAY fi. VOL. IX-NO. 19 I^unns Rock Lodge No. 267 F. ^ M. M. Meets Friday on oi- before the full pioon in each’month, at ’1 p. in. Visit- iD}? Masons are «*or>iially invited to »neot with us. sptly Wm. Maxwhll, Src’?/. Brevard Telephone Exchange. nones: r)aily—7 a, m. to H' n. ni. Sunday- S to !0 a. ni.. 4 to (> p. ni. <^'entral OtVice Tooi'i'r IVioek. Professional Cards. W. A. CASK. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rooms 7 & 8, McMiun BId'g, Brevard, N. C. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Speclaiiy. Koonis 1 and 2. rickrlsinier iiuildinyf. ZACHARY &. BREESE A TT O R N E Y S - A T- L A W Offices in McMinn Block, Brevard, N. C. WELCH GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. l*r;u*tu*(‘s in all tlir courts Rooms 9 and 10 McMinn Block, Brevard, N. C. M!SceIIan.eoas. Dr. H. K. CARSON Surgeon Dentist HKNDKUSoW N'. (’. Sati!-f;u tH))i ill a 1 < ite rations. r2!i=’' C. C. KiLr'ATP<.JCK, COKTRACTOB MD BOILDER. Office af Barber Shop, Srevard, N. C. K. woi’k. .lt>l»H in or out al.-. Fini- Watch and ('lock r^ i»a i ri All W<)'-lc tiua)-antc(M]. W.-.1 Main .>-t. A. C. NOR.TON, Practical Best end Slosniaker Harness Woi-k a s]Mcially. West Main Street near Caliiwell. Ui'cvai'd's Xcw ildtfl .MoJi-rn Ap- ])ointtnents ()|icn ail ll!f \car. The ]»atrona;^(“ (»l thi* iiii^ paidic iiH well as suinnn*r toiiris’s i- -dicii.-d. Opi). Court !!ousc. ! Ire v.'.r.;. X.('. Notice of Sumrnons ky Pul}lica!io;i. Xortii (.'aroliiiii—I'raii'-v lv;iiii;t ( ■uintv. . Ill ;,,r ( W. M. Oillc'pit v><. rc’,1 liiiif-j.i,. 'I r>m lln* iilmv i-naiiicl, will take iiotifc tliai ;;ii aciio:! ciitii,'* .] al;(tvt ],;,s ln'(‘ii foiiiiiu-ncfd ill tin- S!i|.c!i(ir cy till- (tliiMiti!’' al)')'.,- jiamf'i lor liie I'Urro'O uf riMd\. t intr noni thr ilai'.t tin-sliai*'<•!' Ilif j ■'iiniil in ih.- anil ]'C‘i>()iiai ai(l n al t;itc lyiirj in iii<* of Traii'vlvaiiia. in tl:c St: ic of Ndnh i aroMi!;!', aii r,>niiirf il to ni'I'far al tl.c i'i \t tcitn of the .-sup<* I riot C I'li't'>> '^^>■'<1 «-oiii,ty ;o Im' at ilir (■own lioU'-c ill l< .'Vara, .\. < \ on tin? (ifih >|oiin. O'- tV- i.l:;iini!V \'ill mim.Iv to the r>o irt f<’r t'lc rei'cl jniiei! in |jjs ci»r(, |i!ai; t. This Otii :ines(> lor the rupture and declarin;,' tliat the Uussian government neither i‘\pCv led n'res..t)r is the ureat ftict that liussia's coutsc in the far etist has been t!i(‘ coursc not of a civilizing ^ovcrnnienl, but of a jiromoter and speculator. Too many, lie sjiys. were persontiily and pt*cuiiarly interest(‘(l in the railr(»ad contracis. tiie jobs at liaibin ;ind elsewhere and the exploitation of the n('W territory. lie continu(‘s: Port Arthur was wholly unneres.'^ary to OTir i)i:rp«!S«^. As a jx'rt it is no hotter than Vladivostok, anti we fjaincd nothiiu< by aciiniriiiK it and liuildhiK a railway to the point. Vet because irresponsible biireaucrat.s and unthinkin.? olllcials want ed it we hail to become tlio near nt.'if^hlH)r8 of the Japa;u\‘^e. to whom we broufjht nnytliiii!? but neighborly sentiments. Ko wonder they do not love us. The le.!?lti- mate and systematic jidvanoe of Ilu.ssia has been jeoparflizfd b\' a militant com mercial policy of conci’iost. Jlerein Is tlie real cause of the conJhct. While we cannot recede n n.-itional sentinuMits of prid.c. enthusiasm and iniity which war lietVv'5cn mor:’.l (.*tiu:*.ls ^(‘iieraily ai'ouses. The Jaj) is rc'iLjardod by the liussian as iialf a man, a:; i tii 'n' is no j^lory in liirhtinjr him even sncci*ssi‘ully; Thi.s sentiment is the same throufjhout Russia. W < feel a.s doi s a re iiuvl man who h; s be n cmiTi'ib'd in a i«lit witli ono far inffrior to himself. Xeit.ier jileas- ure nc.r h. i; • > i)'- w-'o!'-- jini .n.-f-iii'-nces ihLrt-' ai“ sure to tio. 'r’l'.is V. h.»’ Wf ar*' so ;;iiathetic. <'r. more cori’cc il\ , disrKnnitlcd, and in t’ae worst of iium»»rs. Tlie nictioii of For(‘sts. Tht‘ anir.ial rc]»orl of tl;e suTicrin- tcnd.cnl lif tilt* st;U«* fori'sts of New York, w'.ilch has just come to liand. shows that some jiroiiri'ss has been niaf’e in rcccnt years in the way of k-ss(‘ni;ii;' tlu* dcstructioti by forest lires, iao;),u'h the anmial los.s from tiiis '•;ius(* is si ill \'i'; y lirc.-it, 'I'lu* N(*w York S';:: cadt'iii says that the Adiron- ■ ick forcsl iiavc bc-cn (U'strovcd .:ist yt;:r, "li'avir.;.: noihinu' bin a bare nid blackened rtlin ihrouj^hout its t*n- 1;''“ »‘;;te;it.’' bail it not been for the '.‘i the ^va!^:l‘ns. Tlu'se men, dur- ii'.;: liie T>ro!on;i'ed dror;cl;t. pri'ven.ted i];e in:mert>iiM lires from rimnintc to- j -.reilu r. Siicli care of ”!-e:it forests is beoom- i!;'C moiH* ne>-essary l;u‘,i:''!y b«*cause of inex<‘Usab!«* cart'ies.-^ness (mi tiu* part of hunu'rs and visltois in the forest re gions. I’ai'mers are also j^uilty of cri'.uinal iu*.i,dect in tills resjK*ct. l-'ifty- six of tiiem wt*re ii'.K'd in the Adiron dack re.trioii iasl year for st.-irtin;^ lir<*s on their farms and in that way c.are- U'ssly settinir tire* to the ad ine road in tlie iiio’,in!;iii;s is <-cmi y law lo use nil for f'U‘1. :Mid no lires took iilace <>n lhat line. .Mtiny ll.’es wert* c;tusi*d by lisliermen and to;irisls who started llrt's for cookin',' nur(»oses and left them burtutrj;. I'evv persons, ai»par(*i\t- ly. stop to consi('(*r the rfcat loss they cause 1)V such carelt'ssness. re'-ort^’os tla* n(*cessity Oi sii-in.mnt laws in this resjK'ct and tiU'ir strict enforcer.ient. and this r«“- fi'rs to the ftire^ls of Uie who'.i' coun try ::s well as New York. I’ni'oriunate- ly mai'y s'uiu*s lack the necessary len- islati«>n lo i-rotect the forests.^ .lud.ued by a p:tnip!'.let pr.ldished by tiie i;(>vern.inent of rara-^uay. that coun try m;iy become an impoi t.nni source of ootli)n supply. Its eastern re.i,ion icives Jill avera.^’e yi(>ld of about r)i.iu pounds tJ the acre, where in tiie best lield in tliis c;»untry it is only about ii'JO pounds. Th«* entire cotton belt in i*ar- a^ua.v is flose to water irausparir.tion, and the only cause which hr.s prevent- eii the deveh)pment of the industry is one that exists all over South Amer- io;;—the absence of an adequate and sultident labor bupidy. Russia and American Trnde. Were conlinnation needed of the fact that Russian success in the far east augrurs 111 for the f’rowth and expan sion of American Iradt*, it is to be found in certain statistics in re;^ard to American exports to China lately siven out by an otiicial of the treasury de partment at Washinjjcton. Comiiarinjj: the value of cotton cloth .sold to (.’hina durin;.? the last ei>;ht months of the present liscal year with sales for the correspoiuiiiifi period dur- in.i? 11H)2, he finds that there has been a fjilliuK off of W) per cent. In other words, the total hris dro'pped froiul^lO,- UU4,8;>0 to $2,7d2,(JT.S. The ollicial in question does not hesitate to laj’ the greater part of the responsibility at the door of the Ilussi.-ins. who iiiive availed themselves of the advantaj^e afforded j them by the possession of Port Arthur and Dalny ami their hold on Manchu ria. so plainly in violation of the treaty, to shut out American products as far as possible and to substitute therefor goods of their own make, in many cases imitations of popular American brands. Their Inimical tactics jippear to have had nuicU elfect tlir()u^hout the wliole country, but in Alanchuria their success has been absolute. For over a year it has b(*en practically im- I)ossibie to jjret our manufactures into that province. These lii'rtu'es are very timely, us they furnish a pretty effoctual refuta tion of liussi.-i’s contention that her success in the orient means the exten sion of civilization and the world’s t-ommerce. Harvard, 6,013; ('olumbia, •l,">r,7; •i.i-ii.’, iiichitran. S.fl-’i; ('aliliirrla. ni'is, ; i,Ito.L.'.ii; AVisconsin, Yale, :■ ■.■mi; (ra. I’l-nnsylvania. jl.iil;; .1 S\raeuse. -.-n7; S;.:iU'. riie AttendjMice In I'liivcrsities. 'i'i’t* nv-'islrar of Co!iindii;i U'.'i^ ei’.^ity ti -\c-w York h.'^.s lately cointiiled,* t .uurt'S slunvin,:^ liie enrollinetn of tli;* I rincip.-il tndvi*rsilies of tlie couniry, which are us follows; ('liicaj^n, iili- i II riiuft ■: iMska. 1.7M; Iii- 1..i’:'l:ici‘ton, Jr., l.;;7tioiis. Il.-irv.trd ;inl (';>!in:i- Ida. It may be noted (’hi;:;L''< •. Califorida, Illinois ip'sola are ahead of Cornell, Yale, 1 ennsylvaida, I’i’in<-eloti and .bilius Hopkins, wlii< h rank anionu: tlu* jirhi- rijial insliuiti'. ns of It ai'nimr iii t'l:' woi'ld. 'ri'.e re.'zistrir shows that it the western and midilU* we-’.».‘r i schools the atte-ndanc-i* is rapidiy ii;- crea.sinir, while tiu* standard (;f sc!;o:- iirsldji ;i!id instruc.ion is steadily rieai- in,:^ llu* j;:<;ai of perfeciion. All tids 1> sii^iiificant of sevt'.'al rratif;.'fact.--, tine of tl:e.-«.‘ is that cultui'e i.-; n.>t s(‘C- ;itul tlrnt tlu* f.aciiiiies at- t.ainiiii;' it in th<‘ hiiila'sj {!e”i-(*'* are iu>t circuiascribed wiiidn n;iri'ow liwi- its. T!ie ti:!!e w:>.s wlie:i iiu* i:ni>re>- siou ]>revailed that the !duhc*st ciii;ure was obtainaiih* only within the hisi(»r!c environment of tlu* !.ient of ti e v,'ko!e couriiy in t':<* m;;tU*r of » diicatir.a. "wldcii is indie;;!Ivi* «)idy of a v. iiU-r and mor(* Ket:er;il desire f;>r advanced. knowled;;t‘ than has hit! ('rto jM'evailed. but the me;ins and facilities for jrrati- lyin.i; it. physical basis of meteorolo;;y. Even ; government weather experts admit ^ that they do not know what causes ! tlie weather. They can tell with some j I accuracy what the weather will be for j I twenty-four hours they can I find out certain things about the weath- i er conditions surroundint: points for j I which predictions are made, but they i can’t say what is going to happen next. i I There are scientists in Washington, j however, who believe that there Is a lixed ba.sis of the weather and that i once this basi.s is discovered it will be possible on any given date to predict exactly what the weather will lie for every day that month, including rain fall, temperature and all other things necessary to be known for the benefit of agriculture, horticuliure or com merce. The trouble is to discover the basis, which successfully and persistently eludes the scientilic weather sharps as well as the goose bone prophets. It Is a toss up since the last policy wa.H taken out Avhich Moman carries the lieavier life insurance. Mrs. Ice land Stanford of California or ilrs. .lainos Dunsinuir of Toronto. The odds are in favor of Mrs. Stanford, for she now is rated as insured for “over” $1,000,000, whereas Mrs. Dunsinuir is put down at an even ).(««). They are un«.]uestional)ly the nu)st heavily insured women on the American conu- nent and far whead of any of their sis ters in the east. The next nearest is Mrs. Basil N. Duke of Durham. X. C., who has policies umountin.i' to .SllSo,- <100. The fact that the navy department h,as cut “Hail <’oitnnb:a” from the music.’l {)ro,u;rammt‘ of the Hag lower ing c(‘remony and made the “Star Sp.angled llanner” tlu' wliole thing will grt'.atly rt'Iieve many people wiio un duly distress themselves about tiie na- u.;i ;.ninen:s. .lapan is censurinsT some of her prom inent citl/.ens who nvo staying at home and trying to makt* money out of the war. Every v^'ar d(*velops a large class »jf that kind of patriots. From a late St. I\*tersburg dist)atch it r.ppears lhat the Russians Avho W(*r(* killed a few weeks ago in a light en tiu* Yalti river are living in com- i lete ignoraiue (jf th(*ir fatt*. 'i'si An <-;in rc*call (*j»isodes in Cbina's I'istery tha.t will enabli* hi'r to conti'in- j)la;e the discomliture of eivli<*r Russia ( r .!a;)an with a «-ert^in vengeful satis- !':ictlt>n. Admii-al 'I'ogti m;iy bi* a corker, but i'.(' hasn't y<‘t i>een :>M(* to cork tip tli<,* of I'ort Artl.iir har’ior. 'I'here would be something doing v.'or'ih talking about if .Japan couhl borrow the Kearsarue a.nd tin* Wis<;on- .«:in for target pi:ictice at Port .\rihm\ 'rii(‘ ri*( t*nt lic*avy ptircli.ast* of ri.Me;’ !.y 'i'url v-y is sin;ruiaj' from tlu* fai-t no recent cap:nr»* anti ransom of inissioiiai'i(*s h.-ive bi*., :s re;. :rt(.Mi. Now it ."I'pcars lh-!t i;i tlu* matter of “iM-.tling ni)" tlie lleet in I’ort Arihti!' tlie -h'panc'se rtaiiembered every! ning S:iV(* the s’op"-‘r. Aft<*r looking into Venezuela’s ar- !’anv'eme!its f(d’ paying its debts K.aiser Willu'iia i^^ di.-po.-.(Ml to feid lhat his navy is in need of bombard practice again. KAi.i JSkxJiiV/ CAT \t A6 AiioOT. Bat They Never Saw the Cat anil Were on Another Fluor of the House. “I have observed recently a rather curious liiing wiia rfi.pecl to the rela- tionsmp b,iV.wteu cats au(i rats, and it hiui ltd to a raihir inieresiini.; tion,” i^aid a mail v, ho lakes mjcr. inicr- esi in ammai ide, to a Orltaiis rimts-Dtiiiocrai rci,( rier. •Forauiiiic the rats overran nij ijhace. At n.ghi- itiere v, as no buch tiiiu^ as qux t arciiuid the hous nothing curious about this lacl in ityeif. But to my lerscnai i.nowitdge the rats have never sten the cat. 'I'ne cat has remained tm (-ne lli>or and the rats on anotlu r. 'I’hrrn has been no chasii;g ant; no coniiict betwef n t hem. Novv, I want lo !■ now how the rais knciw the cat is on the place. “The inquiry iia& caused me to indulge the more iuieretiing rtfiiction: ttow far can a rat detect the presenc^^ c.l’ - cat by the sens:e of smell? Eviuenil> ar considerable disU'unco. Fl£llonore:l AilsiHre—K.%perl- ence ivith Cook. .^^oirietimes arise from sli^bt c?*ubes. ar.ri occasionally or.:> fjcctirs which set nis- to i)ro\et!nt ^ilcnco is nf)t aiw.iy.5 {..olfit'a. Iri this ..-a^e tr(;ii- hie v/as brt-'.’.ed v.’ithoiit. a wo*'d bfirg spol'icn. '^'ourg Mr-, Pond's Sw(^;i^a c(.;>!••, ?avf tii? ^ (>'s Coniparior., was pcrupuifiusiy neat al.'out her w( rk, bur, i;or fi?i;r;- w,;s ?o unlovely, n’d h: r ' )ur.if-rr,nce “o nrprer-'f/ss<:?'?ii’.g tliat • ovt=r;r-’.si i'.iious-- v( tiiijr n.;>r coaai ‘ ro iocik at her. ii..=tc id. ‘ (ver the Lowsckf^pe ‘ '' ! p< c.-;;,ary intci',; . . i-uuaiiraco maid she l-e[:t ht-reyts: fix; (] u’'on n ' Mack <:);•] .=cn'tlc ihat alv,'a\.s £'«.ooc\ Le- lore th'^ kitchen stove. One day a? Mrs. stood, as t;siinl, in the doorw.ay intertly at rhf* coal hod Matilda was if Iii:.g whai groctric.^ were needed, tiie }:ai.<:iriait en avu-Mi'rctP.ily cha:.gM’. tlie sniii'-ct, -u d ')roc.d to give- vert to the peiit-up ;eelit:gs of many wteks. “Vat for yon all :,iati,i.:-i. -vith evident re^cnttrt>r.t. "F.'-'i ry tiay 1 'CTob hf<-ni ir.i- ide z:j\ 1 s.crof;h lu c m onr- -irie, until ho vas > i;i-t so (*i-, an an my ca’’ ' a-h heem—Iid'e, mec-si-. I U i'. f* ?crt:h all P;’.'',s -'Iter of h0‘in—-bn.t all thf' t.a.i'e_\ oil ill! ai!-,eat luum ii'r e.vou ia,r’.k I va^-•h hf <-ni at ali'. I never fe^s no lady fo particular about she's coai bocketl'’ CHEESE m V/ISCOKSIN. In Spite of Se^ei»{»*en llnndreti Fn*- tories in SJiitt* TJiere Isi So Over l’r»>il i:et i«in. Forecast in';? (!u- V/eathev. Any oiu* wlu> lind out what causes th(* w«.‘ather ;ii;d :ippiy his ! knowledge to f;itl;t‘r will la* for thirty days .at a J liiiie <;in g(*t fj-om th(* Fn;te(\ I States governn.c'ut if a bill introduced b,r Senator i'ard of California becomes ! a law. '1 h<* P.ard bill offers .'i:i,"0.(K)0 in i two priz(*s. one of ()()(> and tlu? olh- i ei* (;f .';r;l(,uuu, for the discovery of tlu> \ !.(.;u1on p::ysi<-ians have discovt'red ili:;l r.adinm wiil not cure canct'r. It , i.'J b.arely jtossil ie that there art* a lot ^ < f (itlicr tl.inus lhat it will not cure. .\l!])jir(‘ntly Yoinig (Vn’bt'tt do<*s lud j ‘'('C'! ,a> yo’il’d'ul as lie did before his 1 ex: i ; ;eiue v. illi .Mr. P.ritt. “You ndjiht as Wt-Ii Irad: for an ovcr- proi':actioii oT rhi'u r v:: c:vtr-prr.- duccioii cii't'':. " .r. ill r. S. Pat r. st.c- re;ar> ni'th. \\ ■ ia ^ A.a,i t i-;-’ asswci 1 liv.. l.o.-vi. to a .\;iiw:;M:t-c S'*rti:i: 1 r» porter, “Tiie fact tiiat w, huv, n;-'var:i of 1./''■ chi'es(* factcric-.- in h?:'^ raist.i; thf' cry that ihe heriae-^s Iss !■ ovtr- (One. Tli' p*,or>ie o) thi.=-< (.;i.! ry haxi- i,ot yet l«ar::tc to ■•l i-Lr';-. l':;t i;'- y ;; r ' i’( I:' i■ to i!. Ls < iiir ' I'i i > . T i't- co;;:-':!i:niiiai p‘r (apita :a is t eai'iy i:; pinirds a y-: v. w:ii - i:: V' is-- CO! ^ii; !t !' oJ;lya! u', jcri.iisa \ t:> e'^'h T;(*r='0'i. W'eari a^ .l( ti:e avcravc of tiu- s ;r t’^ ii>u (.f ('.ic-c iu)i wii !'*'=• a V. V, -ve .=o ’ar b.'hirul ti: !iM;' r^~ j It is to be boD'.'d lliat tlu' St. Peters- j !>r.i'g ;u!d 'i'okyo gov(-rnnieids are not i (h'lx'nding wl:o!!y upon th.e "otdcial re- j ::o>'ts’’ for tiu'ir knowleiige of the sit- ' uauc-::. rpii’t. T!;;‘r- wen iaa dar. i; \\ cin- sin daiii.g t!' i:*-n .loi !n,i. niuitKis of chcepr*, is r ; *■ nti a r,narti-r ( !’ th<* v.du'Ie rrv.-ani c.r; i;\-, td. in ti'.f- Pidt'd a(!-"f. price has ))e;*n ten ceii's a •;f)ur:':, "■;> H:a! yo:: ;’an ^.je. wiia po —i!i:v "i oi tMilW’r. h“ :rialir,t' cf civ ts- ip the farrii ir:f:VtStry i’- t’u'.‘^".ite. 'I'lu re is ro \Vi?ci r,?^;r chce?e ia irg exy onei:, lor t'ai' sirap'.e rcasoji tha; the conietiic dematui takes all the supply.” In additjon to iX'snecting the inte.:- niy of China, Russia is also learidni; to respc'ct the navy of Jtipau. -Ml j)rod p.ales have been barred at the South Omaha stock yarils and the packers will now l;e cxpeideil to in struct their mt/ii to rcniip tlicmsclvc.s witJi the new style of whip.