LOCAL PARAGSAPHS. W. E. Bret^se Jr. Esq., weiit to Asheville on Monday to attend Fed eral court. A. H. King has moved into his very pretty cottage on the corner of depot and Caldwell streets. The Board of Aldermen were in session Monday and Tuesday nights with the question of a bond issue bafore them. Mary Ann, wite of ,T. K. Galloway of Quebec, died Monday night and was buried at Oak (Jrove cc^nietory Wednesday at eleven o’clock. She was up in 70 years of age and was highly respected by all who knew her. No one who receives this paper need refuse to take it from the of fice—it is paid for. There wjll be no bills for subscriptions sent out until the time paid I'or has expired, an<1 the time to which you are paid is niarked on the label—or will be after this w’eek. * There will be an old time sinking at Glady Branch church on the 4th Sunday in May, bej^inning at 10 o’clock a. m. H. C. Gillespie of Bre vard and Joseph Orr of (''lotiio, will conduct the singling in old time style. Bring your baskets and have a day full of enjoyment. i j A number of new features chai-ac-! terize the June issue of the New Idea j Woman’s Magazine. In tiction, | Sunday School Convention. Following is the programme of the Sunday school convention of the Transylvania Baptist Association to be held at Mount Moiiah Baptist Church, May 27, 28 and 29, 1904: FRIDAY. 11:00 a. m.—Sermon. Rev. L. D. Weldon. 1:.‘U) p. m.—Enrollment of delegates and organization. 2:00 p. m.—The Sunday school as an evangelizing foj'ce. Kev. I. T. Newton. .'J:0o p. m.—The evergreen country Sunday school; is it practicar:* llev. J. 11. Owen. SATURDAY. 9:30 a. m.—Devotional exercises. llev. W. L. Kuykendall. 10:00 a. m.—The superintendent’s work—(a) During the week, llev. A. W. Heck, (b) In the school, llev. F. M. Jordan. 11:(X) a. m.—The Sunday school teacher, llev. S. W. Hall. 11:.'}0 a. m.—Sermon. 2:00 p. ra.—The teacher’s meeting; its importance; how to conduct it. Calhoun Henderson. 2:45 ]). m.—How our Sunday school is conducted. Five minutes talks. 3:15 p. m.—Open conference. Diffi culties and how to overcome them. Conducted by moderator. 3:45 ]). m.—Question box. SUNDAY. 9:30 a. m.—Devotional exercises. A. O. Allison. 10:00 a. m.—Sunday school mass meeting to be arranged. 11:30 a. m.—Sermon. Preaching on Saturday and Sun- lashions, theatrical news, domestic arranged by pastor and science an<l interior decoration, the i Mount Moriah ('’liurch. Others will be expected to take part in the discussion of subjects as those mentioned are only to lead. Let each church and Sunday school send at least two delegates and let us come together and muke this meet ing a power for good. S. W. Hatj., for com. number fairly teems with good things, and the illustrations titly supplement the text. We often receive requests to ad vertise that Some one has a cow or other stock for sale as a matter of news. Our ad columns are the only souj ce of revenue a ne'ASpaper has, and when we open them for free use we might as well shut up shop. If yon have anythiiig for s«le we will ti‘ll about it in the business column for 5 cents a line. And this is Mav! Call for Congressional Convention. A convention of tiie democratic party of the tenth congressional I district is hereby called to as- \ fire in the ; gemble in Hendersonville, N. C., oltice every morning; cold north i winds chilling the very marmw j J une 21, 1904, for the purpose of ‘^''»nr bv»iu*s; heaters still P<^sition j j^Qfjiniating a candidate to reprc- ^our M tiosty mornings ' IQ very I’l April and flecce-lined underwear sent said district in the 50th con- Mill in fashion. \Vi,y will our norlh-, com- er:» visitors per.sisi in briojjiiij? tlK'ir |)ei loi rii such otlif'i horrible climate with tiienj when tliev visit the “Sunny oulh? ’ Tiiis week our paper is shoit of lo cal news and theie are several rea sons for it. Our county c«)rrespond- etds are i)lanling corn and are too business as may be properly brought before the convention. The various counties will please take notice and select delegates to the district convention. The counties of the distiMct busy to wi itc; W. K. Ihee.-^e Jr. is I will be entitled to cast the follow- attending Frderal court in Asheville j ing vole in tlie convention, based an«l is not hereto catcii the local j upon the democratic vote cast by it(*ms, an<l the senior and Uncle, jjj gubernatorial Zeke are ‘-knocked out’’ by Huncombe ^7 strenuous rc'ciuirenjents of the con-; test. We hope* to be in working or-‘ der by next week. ' The Toxaway (’ompatiy and the' Southern liell Telphone and Tele-1 graph ('<). have made an ai range-j ment whereby our i)e«)plo can have I thi' l)i iiejit of long distance phones ; when nece.'^sary. The agreement i went into eflect May 1. The l>ell j pi'oph* have l)ought the Sl)artanburg i aii'i Asheville line and without somej sp('citic un(l«‘rstanding this section ('herokeee 1<) Chiy 8 (rraham S Haywood 35 Henderson 22 .) iicksiju 22 Macon . 21 McDowell 23 Polk 11 I lutlierford 4>S Swaiu 11 Transylvania 12 It is earnestly desir« i tliai wou'd have b(‘(*n without long dis-i each county siiall be luily repre- tuiice conn<'Ctions. Patrons of iheisented by duly accrediunl ili'le- Tnxaway sunjuu'r hotels will find this a great convenience. Miss Olivia (Jla/.oner and T^eo Hogsed were married on Sunday Ir.-l at the home of the bride’s pa- rt^uts, Mr. aiul Mrs. Ed. (\ (Jlazenei-, of the Calvert section, llev. 1. T. Ke'vton oiliciating. Mr. Ilogsed is a young man who is rapidly foriring to the front as a young business man | of Toxaway. He has been with (). L. lOrwin sev(*ral years and is now in Ciiarge ot‘ his branch stor(‘ at Tox- av.ay. I'he hrid(‘ is the charming and acconiplishcMl daughter of p;!d CU'/ener, aii (Miterprising and pros-j porous farmer of the French Broad | vii'.lev. The newly married couple | st '.:t in wedd<‘<i life under very fa- voii'i.le auspices and the Xkws wish es' tf.eni notliirg but happiness in life’s journey. 3usiness Locals. Notices in this column will be in serted at the price of £cts per line. A car of S. Meal just arrived at Carmichael & Osborne. Twenty-five rolls of poultry netting just received at DeVane’s. W'e have plenty ot barb wire in stock.—.lenkins & Duckworth. This is fine weather for painting. DeVane has a a fine stock of paints. A full supply of corn just received at 90 cents per bushel.—.lenkins «fe Duckworth. Corn meal fresh from the mill ev ery day at 90 cents per busliel.—Jen kins & Duckworth. If you are going to do any paint ing remember that J. B. Poole is ready to serve you. W"e have one of the finest lines of shoes in town. Prices to suit all classes.—^.jenkins & Duckworth. Don’t forget to call for your stamps. You get one with every ten cent’s worth of goods you buy from me.—T. W. Whitmire. The trading stamp at T. W. Whit mire’s is going to be the finest thing on earth. Have you received your book? If not call and get one. About May 16 my Brevard Gallery will be opened for ten days and per- manpntly for the season about the middle of June. E. H. Glover, Photographer. The French Broad Valley Lodge No. 3447 United Order of Odd Fel low’s (colored) turn out in full regalia on next Sunday at 2 o’clock. Ser vices will be at the church. If you w ant a nice suit of clothes for a little money don’t fail to see Glazener Sons at Toxaway. They have 150 suits to be sold within the next .30 days at wholesale cost. 8t We want a good agent to re[)re- sent us in Brevard. Salary or com mission. A good line of fast selling books. Write us to-day, not tomor row.—C. II. Romxsox & C’o., 8 W. 5th St., Charlotte, N. C. 4 2t. A lady from rennsylvania said to T. W. Whitmire Tuesday when he presented her one of the saving stamp books,that she did her trading in Pittsburg with a merchant who handled the stamps and had got a lot of tine i)resents tor them. Our guessing contest has proved so successful we have deci<led to give an extra prize for May. We will give a ?o.50 pair of shoes, either la dies or gents, to the person guessiiig nearest number of seeds in the gourds during the month of May.— Carmichael ct Osborne. ANNOUNCEMENTS. short annoinict'UUMits will jmhlished under thi.i heading until the conventions lor Skxatk -The many friends of W. H. Hreese, jr.. desire to announce that liis name will be ])i-esented to the Dem ocratic* Senatorial District cf)nven- tion as a candidate for the State Sen ate. Xo man in either county of the di.'-trict is more competent to lill the oHice or will bring greater j)ersonal sli*engtli to the ti<*ket. Many Demockvts. SiiKiUKF—I announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the ofllce of Sheritf. subject to the action of the Denioci-atic county convention to be called hereafter. If nominated I will do all in my yower foi* the success of the entire ticki't. J. (’. KiX(;. SUKKlFi''—The friends of W. L. Aiken announce him as a candidjite for Slioriff. subject to the Democratic lominatinj>- convention. Many Votekr. gates. By order of the 'JVnih District Executive Cominilt< e, in session at Asheville, X. . on April '28. This April 30, 1904. Respectfully, Iv. M. Weli.s, Chciiruiun. M. L. Shii»man, Seci etary. A curious railway accident ocotirred in India lately. While a train was m Iliixaul station a tcrrifio storm (.oni-j meiiced, and, althouf^h the brake was applied in the van and the engine, the force of the wind was such that the train wa« driven along- the line. The: engine dashed through the buffer sto])| at the end of the line, and traveled, KiXJlSThK t)F Deeds I hereby an- along about six lenj^ths of rail laid 'lounce myself as a candidate for end to end without fisliplate fasten-! i \t“i*ister t)f Deeds subject to the ac- ings. After leaving these rails the en-' tion of the Democratic county conven- pine plowed along the emhankmrnt. | ^ be called herea fter. and then came fortunateh' to a stand-j still, no great damage having beeni __ done. i Subscribe for the News. Sheriff—At the request of many T)<^mocratic fi-iends I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of SluM-ilV, subject to the Democratic convention to be held hereafter. This May (itli, li>04. Respectfully, • C. KilpatkicK. y' 300 Square Feet' two coats to the gallon, that’s what TheSherwin-Wiluams Paint will cover. And on a good surface it will cover more than that. No paint will do better, and very few paints will do as well. Maximum covering capacity, easiest spreading qualities, longest wear, and greatest economy are what we claim for S.W.P. It’s the one safe paint to use. Always gives satisfaction. If you want to save money in painting let us show you the way. We sell paints for all kinds of good painting. sold by DeVaiie Supply Co, Dealers in and Headquarters for Hardware, Furniture and Paint Supplies. Phone 2. Call and see our complete stock. Brevard, N. C. M. M. SHEPHEED HENDERSONVILLE. N. C. Successor to The Robinson Company. THOS. SHEPHERD, Manager. Fine FURNITURE Coffins and Caskets. Opposite Imperial Hotel. Open Day and Nighi. Phone 25. Plumbing, Steam Fitting, Tin and Sheet Iron Work. Pipe Threading and Cutting. Gasoline for sale A new lot of Crockery just received* Large Stock of HEATERS now on hand. COOKING STOVES AND RANGES ON HAND. Galvanized Sheet Iron for Evaporators, etc. Tinners’ and Plumb ers’ material always in stock. Tin Shingles, Rid<^e Rolls, Galvan ized Iron Cornices, etc. Parties interested will do well to get my prices before placing their oi’ders. W. E. BISHOP & Co. Cor. Main and Caldwell Sts. BREVARD, X. C. Muiriini !6-Gaiige SIh®tL.giniia This is the smallest and lightest weight {about 61-2 pounds) repeating gun ever manufactured^ and opens up many new possibilities to the up-to-date sportsman. It is not a i6 barrel cn a 12 action, but a new, well-balanced, properly-proportioned ji'un that, v/ith modern smokeless powders, enables a shooter to use a powerful load in a small shell and reduce, materi- &lly, the weight of shells and gun to be carried. The p-aa]1. light gun handles fast, results in close holding and ili '■'liac.wd SLCCUrClCy. descriptioninnew Marlin Catalos !^’o. AS42., Hirca stamps f.r to THE Marlin '“JSEAr.MS Co., New Havun. Conn. I FKEI) E. SIIUFOIO. Looking Costs Nothing. Examine my jroods all you like—the more you investijjate the more you'll buy. My nice s])rino' line of u])-to-date Clothing, Shoes and Hats is just in and my pi*ice is as low as any one’s in Brevard. It will pay you call at JIM AIKEN’S First door below ]>ostoffice. BKEVARD, X. C.

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