Sylvan Yalley News Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper, miner & BKEKSE. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY, MAY 20. 1904. VOL. IX-NO. 20 l^unns Rock Lodge No. 2S7 A. F. Sr Jt- M. to mpet with n«. sptly Meots Fi-iday on oi- bt'foi-e tlio full moon in month, at 2 p. n'. Vif^itinjr Masons are cordially invited Wm. M.axvvkll, Sfc>. Conestee Lodge No. 237, . O. O. F. fleets every Monday ni;rht at S ** <*loek. VisitiniT hroti ers ai'e cor dially invited to visit us. Z. \V. XICIIOI.S. N. G. Transylvania Lodge No. 143, Knights of Pythias 1. The unit of county or^anizM tion shallLethe votinjr })i*ecincts. In each precinct there shall l>e an Executive Committee, to con si St of live active Deniociats. who shall be elected by the dem ocratic voters at ti e several pi e I *• cincts in the meeting tirst called I citict meeting. The chairman respective districts in accord ance witli this vote; that is to say. each carididate shall receive in the county convention that pi-oportion of the vote to which trict conventions the delegates from the dilTerent counties may disre^^ard the vote of their i-e- S{)ective counties as to any can didate: Proi'/fted. that a two-thirds majority of ail his votes from the <*ounty consent. o. The chairman, or in his ab sence any member of the County. llfi.’ular conviMition ev iM-y 'riit‘sday niyht in Ma sonic 1 lall. V i s it i ti y Kiii^lils ;irt'cordially in- vii(*d to attend. .1. A. SX()\V. ( Brevard Teieplione Exchange. HOT'KS: Daily—7 a. ni. to K» p. in. Sunday- S to I(t a. in.. 4 to <» p. ra. ('entral f )ttice - ('oonrr Jilock. Professional Cards. by the County Executive Com mittee. And .said coujmittee so elected shall elect one of its mem bers as cliairman who shall }>re- side at all committee meeting's. - The chairmen of the severiil precinct committees sh-ill com the precinct may be entitled I ^^enatorial, Judicial and Conijres- which he received in the pre ■‘'ioiud convention, shall call to or der their res]>ective conventions and hold chaiimansliip thereof nnlil the convention shall elect its chairman. 4. The Executive Cojnmitte(vs ! and secretary of the precinct meetint^ shall certify to the' county convention the vote re ceived by each candidate at the precinct meetin«ir. 7. Each ])rec,inct shall be en tilled to cast in tlie county con Call for County Convention. A convention ot‘ the democratic party of Transylvania county is hereby cjiINmI to assemble in the court house in lirevard on June lltli tor the purpose of selectinj; delej^ates to th(? .s-tate convention to be con vened in the city (»t‘ (ircensl»oro on Thuis«lay, June 2i}d; also recinct chair men, in })erson or by proxy, shall constitute a (luorum. The deujoci-atic votes cast by tlie township at the last i)rec(idino gubernatorial election: ProridvtJ, that every votin<«: ])recnict shall l)e entitled to cast on(? vote and each ))i’ecinct may send as many (h'h'.ii'ates as it may st‘t‘ fit. K The chaii nien of the pre (•iu(!t committees shall presid«'at all ])recinct meetinijrs. In tluii absence any other membei’ ol nf tbo .in 1 inclndiiij-: member ol the ejj- ot the senatorial, Coni»Tessi(>nal ;,i ^ ^ , T T T • 1 Tx- . • islature, register of deeds, county and Judicial Districts, r(*siK‘ct-' • • ■ , ' ■ conwnissiouer.', si ei iil and consta- ively, shall, at the call of their a,,,i to transact s.u-h otht..-I,usi- lespective chairmen, meet at j iie-^s as may be proi)erly brouf?ht l»e- some time and [)lace in their re-, lore the convent ion. spective districts, and the chair- ! The votinu- precincts in the county men of said j-espective comujit-!''iH he entitled to the followinu’ lees shall immediately notify t he *tiie convention, the same chairmen of the different countv based on tiieir vote in the last County Committee shall likewise 1 said conjmitti'es may |)r(‘si(le. f' })point a Central C^)mm: ttee of (’ )l'NTV AXl) lilS'l'IvK T cox VKN'I’IONS 1. The S(‘vi')-al (N)iinty conven lions sliall l)e entitled to elect ti their Senatorial, .Judicial an<; C’oMiiTessional c<»n vent ions on< (h‘l<\er nattirial (‘h'ciio ] in thcii- r('s{x*ct i\ e (‘ount!('s; atid noiH' but dele ^•ali's or alternates so (‘lecteii shall be entitled to a .>>eat in s;)i<; conventions: rmrl>lr<] furthrr. that in all county con\’(‘ntions i: C. C. KELPATiUCK, CONTRACTOR AID BUILDER. Office at Barber Shop, Grevard, N. C. lOsti/nates ;iivcn on all knids of woi-K ill liie bni Ui i iiI i in•. T. B. CKARY, Contractor for All Kinds of Brick Work. ('cnient Work. n j. IN-bhU*- dash and Kou'jii ('ast'ciL; a Spfcialty. BREVARD. N. C. G. W* Summey—Carpenter IJcst of i-econuHfJidat iolj.- his \vo: k, ,!(>])s in or out <»l' tewii acn-ptcd. All work ^uaraiiliM.Mj. J. O. DERMID, j: iUi I Watclics and .Ifwclry for Fine Watch, and ('lo-'k i riAll Wo»'k nuarantf(>ii. Wfsi Mai!i st. A. C. NORTON, UIEUui Harness Work a spfciaity. West Main Street near (Taidwell. The JEthelwold Jirevard’s New ]Iot<‘] Medivn A]>- pointinents -()pen all tlic yrar. The patronaye of the travel in jr jniblic as well as sumnier touri.sts i.-; ,soli<.*ited. Opp- Court House, Tirevard. X.C. five, who shall act in its stt‘ad when the C. J11 case IhtM'e shall be a fail lire on tin? part of any precinct o el(*ct its Elxecutive Committe(‘ for a period of thirty days, the County l']xecutive (.’ommittee shall appoint said committe(‘from 1 ho Democratic voters of said precinct. 4. membcM'sof tlu‘L’recinct Committ»*e shall eh'ct to any va ^•ancy occurring' in said commit- : e('. .-I. The Coimly Kxeoiilive Coin. „.|,ich d.^leirafs shulj l,e selrcie, inltee shall cal! all Me,-,.ssai y , I aiiv Slate. al, nauenli,,,, tintic.. I.y |M.l,lK- a.• ,.,,„v,.nii„ii. The d,.|,..^aies sl,;.| l.abhsbe,] in said ,-„unty, ' i b,. s,.|eel,.,I l ie,n t he friends ane '(■le.stiniT ail democrats of the . • i- i ' ' .•^up))oi i(>] .N (‘I (>acn ca.ndidat* ■unnly te meet in their res,-i-I ive )>reniiets on a coinineii 'lay I ,i„„,ber „f voles he shall recei-, iher.-in sial..leL>:a1 <‘s to Stale, {''on tion fi-om tin* voters of tli<‘ re : uressional .i iidi iai, SiMiatorial oi- s})(‘ctive votin<>- ])recincts. which j<»lh(‘r conventions ai-<‘ <-hos('ii) d(‘h*pites. or sucli of them Ms|t'i«‘i-(‘ shall Ix* a vot(‘ lalc(‘n ior >Iim1I att(‘iid, shali vote the full'the i)(Mnociaf i(* st j’eniit h of theij’ \\ ho.s<' natne.s niav b(.> j 1 (ui sp»'ctivt‘ volin.u' I recincs on all i and t In* il«‘l(*oal es shall voU* for (jui'.^tioiis t hat may conn^ befoia'! t h(‘ir respiM-tive counti(>s in ac said (^)unty (’onvmitions. In!cordancc‘ with this vot(‘; that i.^ case no mec't shall b(‘held in | to say, each candidate shall re I eei v(‘ in t h(i State. ('ouii’rc'ssional. liidicial. S(*natorial oi‘ other con vention the pi'oj)ortion of the Volt' lo which the county ma^' be entitled which he received in the executive committee's of the said appointment, and the .said county exe(.utive committee shall forth with call conventions of their re spective counties in confoiniity !o said notice to .send d(?le^at(‘s :o said respective district con- veri lion s. s 'r A 10 (’( ) X V X T1 () x s. TIh? state convention shall be •omposed of d(‘h\ii:ates appointed )V the several county convt'n- ;ons. l-']ach county sliall been it led to elect one (h'hj^ate and >iu.‘alt(*rnate for evt*i'v V(M' sevtMity-ti ve democratic 'Otes cast therein at the last |>re •edin^ ^-uijernatorial (‘lection: •na none but deleirates or alter- ial(>^ so (‘lected shall be entilhd o .s('ats in said conveniion: /'/•<>- 'nlcd, that ev(‘ry county shall i lave at h^ast one vote in said •on vcMition. CKXKUAL lin.KS. 1. At ail c'(jn\'entions the d(d- ‘*4'ate.s .^liail bt' .st'lecied as ii(‘ar is may b«‘ trom the frii'nds and -uppoi-ters of tin? candulah's . ')U‘d f()r, - Such d(‘k‘<:,-Pes or altei-n iti's of absent (U^lei^ales—as may >e pi‘('sent at any (h'jnocratic •onvention shall be allowed t:) >'ast 1 he whole vote to which their ■ ;r(M-iiict Ol- county may be en- i it UhI. j’ul)ernatiorial election and accord- I inj^ to the democratic j)lan of orj^.mi- zation: I IJrevard 7 ]>oyd ^ (’:itbe\‘s ( | Diunis Kock 2 ('edar Mountain . ] J'ast Fork 2 JOastatot* j (Jloucester 1 I lIo<:back ;) Little lliver 1 The various precincis will plea>e iiol(i their jirimaries on Saturday, fliuie 4th, 19 }, and seKct delejj^.ites to repre.'ient them in the county con vent ion. It is the earnest'(It sire ot‘ all tha e\eiy precinct he fully represented at the coini(\ convention, and we ur;^(* that all i^ood diMnocrats att(M.d the pr(‘cinct primaries on the day abov(* meniioned. Piesp(‘ctfully, J. \V. ^ic.^^l^x, Co. Chrnn. \\'. K. lt!{Ki:sE, Jr., Secretary. ALCOEOLIC SOMNAMBULISM. I’ecullnr EiTeet «»n Peiiplo of Ii»- diiliircnce in IntdSkieutint? Dr. Francdflo, nf ]ia‘5 pnblishf ,T 1 cart'fiilly ] aiirr. lia\ inir sj v- .'lal rt“fffi'ricc to tin* niedico-li'tral rela- of tht* sor;M;:ifiiliiilisia w.'iich is with as ;i rcscit of aleoliolisni. ^ ■:vn;:iai>!ilis:n. rejrarded as the coTi- ’..tiiin in (!iiiiii•!■). (>|;il;-;-sy. f li- liypiiot! • 'late. l»:it als:) as a ii-;-uit ( f alft.hcl'i ii:d!iI:^'. 'Die aiMl.or I'clates ll;e fol- r>'.vii!i; I'as'- of a i:;:!!! \\!i;> w;:s :ir:'v st;.:i di.^oi-devly ccia!:!'t i:; a I Ml lic I »j. In all (onvt'tilituis pio\idc*d 1 lii'couMti'it i'eii fiiiii'dtoaiis'A'crf U’.■>- :or by this system, afU'r a votejlinns o>- (''.('H to s-ca!;, .-md ap;(>;:r!d, Ihert' .shall b(* no chann’(‘ tii-nuT.'ed. 'l here was r.-> n .su(‘h vol(‘ until the final re.Nuh ii^oxira;i:,'a, lait next nuiniii'L: >t tlu! ballid s all b(‘ announced oy tin* chairman of said conv(Mi- I ion. 1. All denioci’at ic ext'cutive ■ it ilie i:;r-'ica 1 e\-; n.di. he (•(■:- r‘ssi'd liiat at a j l,,cc f:;.-dista.nt frcrr. 1 at !:,;(! ai’i’estti!, !;e had i:nlii!).d a I;; i':;e (jua nt i ty of a. Ie< - h? 1. Ii',‘ conipkteiy lost ret-ollcc- C )U1 mil l('('.s shall haV(^ tin; |)OW('r : '‘">1 ('f what ha?! oecur-i'd diifiaiT tl:-. t) fill a'.iy vac:iiu‘ies o( currinji’ in 4s hours. Hi- eoiifcssed to etfuM theii- respectivi^ bodies. .'). ^rii( any ])r('cinct in pursininc(; of .said call, or no election shall b(* mad(‘. tin* I’recinct Ex(‘cutiv(' Commit- t(‘e shall a[)])oint such d('le^'-;it('s. niiMAKit>:s. (I At every ]u-ecinct m<'etin^' there shall ( before the del(^, ellairnien ot the ditter-^ .*nt county convtnitions shail C(‘r- 1 „.en1al dis.-a.-e. Tb.e aniiior. after- tify tlu'list of did(‘i;'at(‘S and al- cili;!”- several o\an!ple;<. er.nelu-les that Ierna!(*.s 0} tin* (h"tl(*r<‘nt di.strict there* is a Sjicel;^ of nh-oholie s(in>- iud stall' ConVtMil iol'S, and a ci*r- j ■‘=‘'^d)ulis:.i ia w Jiieli t!i<> [laliiMit l norn:;!! dl-i-nale.s to the secretary of the ' "it}n)nt eon.^.eiensncss, or nf .State Central C'oniniillee. Iiv,<.|to.-ti..„ I >f iiat In* has (uau*. In r-,*;> lit v. ho'.v- (). it shall be the duty of the *vi-r. dnrin- saeh a 1 inie eertain • 'ounty C()inmitt('e and its chair- ■■!*ca!!;irities <-,f eoiidnet art* presc7it man to fui’llish such in foi'inat ion 1 ''hi.-h may easily (*stape th.e observer. the i • e.)ndi'ii')n manifests itst'lf only in ^'en‘*rate individuals, or ;;t h*ast in county (‘onvention. T e chair man and secretary of the county ;*onvt‘ution shall c»'rtify to each conv(‘ntion tin* vot(‘ i’ec(}ived by each candidat(.‘ ^iven: Provi(U‘(I, thati where (uily one candidate is ;)r(‘s(‘nted it shall be lawfid to in struct for him. At all slate dis- ind malve such r(*j)orts to v-hairman of the state committee :is li(' may d(‘sire. At a meelin<^ 01 the executiv(‘ p!i,-s the ahs(*ne»* of re.-.j.cnsii.iiity. un- committee h<*ld on .NJa.rch 1/, 1 less it is intentiona.ily in.dueed, it is c»f 11104, tile following’ rule W’as | fi’reat n'.e(lieo-le^^'^I iTnporlanoe.—Xeu- adopted: “In all conventions a nomina tion may be made by any major ity, even though it be a fraction of a vote.” P. M. Slmmoxs. Ch.71 Sfafe t\v. (Joni. Alex. J. 1^'jeld, Sn-retanj. who ha\e inlieriu*d sc.aie psyeliic* ness, and :is it is one \v]>ich i?n- rol