Our Coiintij—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper, miner & 15HKKSE. BREVx\Hl», TKAN^SYIiVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY, -Il'NE 'U, 1904. VOL. IX-NO. 2r> Dunns Rock Lodge No. 26? OUT FOR THE SPOILS Jt. F. ^ \ Meets I'I itla> on oi Republican Paity No Longer WAGES A:1E DECLIflU^G before tlie full moon in ea«*b niotnli. at '1 ]). I m. Visiting' Ma^ons ai-e eord ially invileii j Guided by Principle. * THE TARIFF TAX. UeloMioiis of K«)i*efa t lifi’s n» t« I i Who I’«>K It. I Our sinipl.' niin»!(»liti<-;il t'con.Muy ;is iai»l down l»y | with us.^^ Smw/. its statesmanship a lost AET >nr ni.Kleni pr(.r(‘ssi..n;il ]N‘i)iii>!ic;ui PKOTEOTION ADDS TO EI3 BUEDEN _ I staU‘siiu>ii. 'i'lic old t\>L:ies who (!el»:i t(“tl |’(>j»os(‘d at tluit lillU' f'jOli.'^llly SUp- I* Slifltern tl»t* TrcistN ard Vii.stly Taki‘11 Its —tlooscvott Is tli«> pos(Mi th:it tht' duties i(‘vi('d Would have Iner»*as«*M fli«* < <»st of I.iItissi• Sliow 1111(1 lliiN IJi-fu (•iveii lo 1k‘ paid hy our own i-oiisunuM'a. ness Citrtallmoiit Is tli«‘ Ot'iUt v,f Fro«« U»‘in. They 1 hereloit*. nretliim' rcMMUK* vt'ry the Day. badly, put the duties ;is hiuli as they : Th«‘dis()i';::ariization of iho Kt'pulilic.ni thoimlil llx* iiroj>U* Wiiuld s’atid—i. e.. ' the I’.i^ihest tai’iiT ever known Conestee Lodge No. 237, . O. O. F. every Monday ni^lit at ^ *' ‘‘lock. Visitiiii:' hi’oliu'fs are eoi‘- •iiaiiy invited to visit n>. A Teacher’s Institute for Tran sylvania (;omity will be iield in tlio court Iduso, be’^inninsjf at !> o’clock a. m. Tuesday, July Htli lUOl and I'losin.ic with tlie ])ublic examination July 14th. The Sujierintendent will be a>.- sistod by i*rol'. VV. L. Allen. Suj)t. 'y Icvitd duties <>f lo 7'<_> |iei‘ ceu; fn llu* I'nited State's, many cd’ tl:(“ ])](» jXorth C.’arolina iDOo. Z. W. XKIK'LS. X. (5. since the i:nroi-lun;!le ev«Mit tlW. ui:ule on most articU's. but Wi'ut a little hiirh- | tee ted industrii-s are reducinj; the ^ ^ i/io It presi('n*nt. I'rom tlie mo- ' er on artiele^ ot luxury. sn< h as wines amount of t'leir product. ;ind wa”(‘sare iransylvama Lodge I’^O. 143, i,,,.,,, ,1( sed the eyes of .-md li(|Uors. ^lassw .-irc* and carriages. (i<.elinin,L:-. At the same tinn* the cost I’n'sident M< Kinh'y faction;:! lights i lieir absuid notions on this i>oint livinj; is at tlu‘ t< p not<-h. ;ind the .A Oi I yISiuiO <’-i‘vcio], and l-.ave now .■u!;wi- ' * . nated in ti:e extraordinary (iissensioii'- I Ie*'ular »‘on\entton ev- . . . , in M l- isconsin, Illinois and other st;ites. A\’ei t‘ well \ (Mi-ed by ('onurc'ssiaan molt? ol’ New York, who said. .May lU'p’iblican con\e;ii:ons ai'e d<‘Ciarin. ! The aljove st'ction say.^: “.Vil ! teachers (;f any county in w hicii .such inslitut(‘ is lield are litM’by ! requirt'd t) att(Mid the same con- tM-v 'I'ue^tlay i! jyv)- their ]»olicy t»» be “stanil pat.” Tiu' tinuously diirinii’ th(! session “l>o not A\e .‘ill believ<* that the con- I)in^!e.% tarif! has bci'u in ex- illiereot lor at l(.*ast two We<*i\s. it’ sonic'VlalV. V isit ino , Wlia; li.is brou^vht about the inuii-athy i 11,^. istence aboiu s<>ven y.>ars. and there institute continue So lon“- Kni;:l'.t> a re c-mu i a ily in- of tlu'se ii\al factions to each oiher is i consuniesV 'I’his is a tmivers.al laaxim. lia^^ l)e(‘U no obstaci«‘ pl:n-(*d in th<‘ w.ay , . ’ vitcd to attend. .1. A. . < . ( ■ ., question of. impoi’t;ince to political and. aithor.::!i it m;:y not be strictly of its full enforcement. It slKtuId there- htd il re to do s(». u n les ^ ———— - students. I: will be notic(‘d ih:il only : t i-ue to t lu* ii I most nicety of call ul.ilion. fon* by this time, if ii is as bt'uelicial providtMlt ially hillderod, .shall l)e Brevard Telephone Excliange. liorKr-; naily--7 a. m. to b' p. ni. Sunday to :i> a. m.. 1 to <1 |). m. • 'enlral < )t1ice— ('ooper l51ocl<. in those* slates that ;ii<‘ stionud\ lie- yet it is ue!!er;ill\ tru<'. Is tiu* tax (a; l{epublicai:s claim, have id.-nu- d^!>arred troiii lea('hili<’- in publican are the partisans of each fac- j n.olasso paid l.y tlie ,.lanter in ihe , p.,,,.,.,;,,. „o;hin^^ of iliO ..'ihlir. <1 tion at (‘:ic!i i»the:'s throat. ;ind in near- ; West liM^iis? l-v no nu'an.--. 11 is a ii . • x- * . . puolic .s(,1k'(»K t.i ly every ca.se the spoils of otlice :ir(“ the ^ dul.v jiaid b\- the pes.'de who use it chief causc of disruption. It shows fit l;e” r;i w in si:bst;i nee or d ist illed into that I'residtMit iioose\e!l. the m;in at spirit. .No person can possibly con r-or.ld (»\ertl;i’ow it. Y.-t i>V(‘ry da.^• the press dispatches ccni.:in news of the railroads. l’;ose ^rt;il i;ai‘;.m(‘tei-s of ihis stalo ior the term oi one year, or until such teaelu r Professional Ccrds. W. A. GASH. tiu> h«‘lm. is ('ither incapable of dis- , eeivc* that tlie (’u'.ics we j.ay on trade, ndur-in.i.' thi‘ number of m;-n shall haV(‘ atlend*.‘(l some eo'li:!, tril.utin.LT the feiier.il iiatr.ma;:f faii'ly ■ nie!''-h:!Mdis“ imjioi-icd is dnty p;i;d eii;ploy,d ;uid in «>'.ery u:iy cut:In,LT or has been so intent upon securim;' !>y ilic ]M><»pie of fnreijn craiiiiries from down thcii' e\j)ci!ses to ti.e lowest the control of liie pa.rty ni.-ichine for ■ whence we lcI them, nor can iii('y say limit. 'I'he .\evN- Yorl-: stock market is in :i st.ite (d‘ c(Mlapse. ;:nd i!;;- jm^'Kc re fuse to bu\‘ ei'.lier Tla- rai!!‘>:id siocl-is or i:id'.!slri.al s.han s. altiio;!;:]i ;he jtrice W. B. DUCKV/OP.TH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Invesiigutioii of Land Titles a Spcc^aiiy. ibnnti:' 1 and I’icl\<■ 1,--ir.i'liiiildii!; ZACHAF-Y &. Ei\J:ESE Al'T O iR K E - A 1'- L A W Gviices in iilcf.iir.n Bbc!;. Brevrjii. K. C. WELCH GALLOV.'AY, ATTORN EY-AT L A\V. 1 ac'i ici -s i !i all t iii- ;•« iii li < F.ooms 9 anil 10 Mci/^r.n CIcc;;. E-evc.h1, N. C. I>r. K. H. CA;i‘;.ON Surgeon Der.tirjt ( -iVi I HKN 'N \ . N <' -uTi-i irtiii;! i;. :i . i" C. C. K*L!?/^.TR.tCK, PrR in. »v.5vJ OfiiC6 st ESiliCf v"Cp. i':'J'ir;''‘. h. o. his own purposes Ih; it lie ' h.as ; 1 niaao- that they ;i re , iiny mere ‘ neeess:: ries of ni/:ed tl le Icae.t'rs of one or tla ‘ o’.iier life than tl ,e r ic,-. ilonr. iroii and Ir.in- faction to ih(“ iioint of rel.c ‘lliou. 1 ber \\ c si i; > io oi h(M' li.-i 1 ie.ns. When a plesii lent of i!i(> rnite.l ’ Se.ch ,a:'o. •;s i un ir.incc of sound and Slates c iit( a-s into tia > de! iiiis ot p.iriy filinhi men 1; il 1 ■con aaic p an .•;;ti(‘s on man.au'ei I'le I! I fur his < i\\ :i 1 a.L-'UT: ;i !idi>;e- '.he 1.;!I'l of ' 1 ur fi M'e! .11 hi ‘i*,^ C.-J II lie o\«'r- nu-ut. it s; a-c!y Ic; mis to V , ; .aivue 'S :in.l leel;(‘i! (ai!\ w iii'ii we cells idcr ih“ir di visio:i i rs who lack of Oi ij -oi Mini: ie.; for (li il a i n i a.., re rani rioi 'iiic> fi •; aa :l Liai e.- idaae kaev^ie.iae. 1 ; .-id :i.-y 1 ilceil IM'i ' iie.’ei! than lo Si •' a.i'c i,;;i 1 ce i i'oi' 1 i\es 1 •• i>: sii for a fe-' miaiie',. • :A I iiC fc'-l of their fr: ea? is. r.-i •ill ! i ^ 1.-; : '\' eit h.as oar ino'iera ! pi ■o!c!-; ii .ai,- ■iS 11 n w oil hi .•itte'apii '•d !^| maa, ,l-;e too 1 aa:c!i. lie is h;i\a know a 1 ■ ow ea.-y i: i s lo levy a.mlii! j: I !< lo l-.e t he who! e p.in \. .and du: ies of P '■ i Lied i-r .".tl ■' ii.’i- ceid and inslead of heaiia- • (•; ]-a. ■rs w iaaid l:a\e ami f <■ f"- fi'TILT of lii' a .•li- t oI' ili h-.a: io p;;y. i’! inci •cas--ii pr ill tlie tai-'iV e”.ddi> !: •;s i l -a ia ■ ■I-,.- :-l '1 i iiv his osi en la!': w' ^ w< a, lid ,U'0 le i-;-eier!e, 1 tati-'iis ! ;<■ . il i ii aa'. 1 ! i; y h-i.i-a-: - have aa; li a i n ; i er e:s. ,\ peril-. ■a!! \' il !le\, ; dc-iinc.! ! i ■ ‘ ' i. e pi -■ -i len;;r-l n la.i’ia- Ol- •a-rrd 1 • ;! i.-se ]iiia; ;e.-i- : :-';i l-e.' ia'-a ti‘>n. a'.' : . i h.' e-e ■ i;s!;i ;• I-!' 1 iic n.i- ; la' i 1 I.I y C ■ :;;i^ I a'd.e 1 i.iiy rie!, tuaial t 1' ‘ i! 1 ‘ {i * ■ ; III •a'.lia a'. TIic and pr..-;> ‘ ‘ . 1 -.y ’ • ‘ \’y 1 i 11- lairiy ’ ■i-s 1 er . ' 1 1 : Cli la 1 a ae^! to tiirilf ta'.cs Si',' e,.;,.|el_.- > a !vil a!!->w i;i 1 ;ii iio a .! 1 II; ,(tiy of Mi .aM jsa ( r; ' i i-;i ! i:i • s -\.-■■-■y. ll'clil .* . ii: i.- . ii i;1 esc 1 to !;;s 1 1 i'C W’e i.iay 1;; -p e ;| "d a py .'le d ■' i-S. 1.1 i \- r: 11. i-i 1,» M J1 I ... pi ; 1 ■■ 1 1 i‘ <• a ■ I ■ > dei iiibie. C'. i a i i' w ■a !;.• i 1 i ■ c a a I 'l.i - i 1 , i )o ;ie:;tie wiea-e t’. '.'... . |: ii.’i'. 1; 1 i. aaa'- . : : a l.iH 1 Lien a i’: i. lire. 1 i a : 1 \e ; in 'he pa-'iy THE V CC'iai;- 'i SPLi I . < tl , a I •'! , s' ‘ • ' ’v'.‘ I a r.,1 ii\ i'.i- inst it ill o and school in soin(‘«dii- (‘i- county." ]?r»d'. .VlK'n is well litlcil ]'■ u' this w,/ii\ and w (• are sui't* i h;tT all tlio Icactliers will vo’v inucii has r«'ev(li'il so Lfeiit'y e t!ie b loiii t he iii.'stiiuti* and \\ i!l i;e is o'. cr. Now. if tl.<>’ t;ii';:r is he k -y- ^MO^e (if rity. v.'iiy is bnsi!i“ss dull ;;nii :;nd 'ieei Ui.'i.Siet from ;-nifi!);: diiwn tls* pl'f'Ii.s of 111,' sleel tfiisi, \ct ih:;t u'i- M'ic n .iui-; ojy i-; si Mi’.i:;^;' d: wu ii< i.iiM-;. ii.^ sicck is wcr.h onl\' e- ai ; i n l •; > (!m|I;; r. An ! so i!.,‘ i's( .if tru.-as !!.i;.'!;l be I r.'.ied :.:'d ;.i !.(> s'l.iwn to ! |c;y i’;e s; .,n tlicir ''<■ 'IV ti';;i i.i;!’!!’ oj;; ; ’) i I S i iC | > !'o I M oi (•;••< ;-• I. > c;i!-|y ;.d a;v p;y li.,' i:,ri'V. .'.'i-i iio r- d;ivil<,:i in lu'ict's is ii! t.> ic iiice t! cir i :->.ii:s. Siili ! ’:t lew ::;-e i i:-: i>; ^ -rs. 'i l.e ;ri:uMc ;. I .o-'!.- i,;;\e piicrcl' and ••■'M . t et ( li lit!'. t!i • IiIlIi iiriccd nit-aily helped ill 1 .cir wori\'. W (“ hope ;.'il 1 ('aeii'M s oi tho eouiity. and lhn>o who ih's.iri“ '<> 1 oaeh. \vi I i pfom pt iy ;i11 out!. 1. T. X i'< )N. < '<■. • i>'. t *. Mill! 'r\ I liy>;c';!a it i.'- -lalcd il.;,: it lia.'! 1 • I-T !. ii > oi' hi.-. jii-a--':c-' •o'i.i > -,\c .-‘!\e of c. !' s ;■ i\ ' i \ I’ M- I ten (•( ;!'■ ■ ■. • — '■ i i ^ a.'C of ;i ■; ; i- 1 :> j. ■ t'ti-n -.A'li'iiiy oi.ii iaNs :li-- r i;m- <.: ;i. ■ f. 'i i:*' >a n i ■ m . ;;y i > • > i >\ i: 11 L a !•(: l o t !it st - nm < f M \\ i: I. ';;:a Ia!\c;'s. ;'(i;.>. (ci- n.', ; ■ ' \ c ' V i. i 'I'M Ii' if t' •. ■ ■ ■ • ■ i > I ■■ ^- ■ I ti; t !i is- c -f ■ I ■ ’ ;i I o' i i.( i i.’ f r.; ■ ;t ! !.-l ■ i :, i ' ■ 1 ’ic 11p I i:■ i.> \ ■ I,;; s ■ i : a 1 ■ - I. • ■ • ■ : : c:i . N Cl I!: c i .s ! i; :;s | 'i ' ■' ? ■ Iiil'aci'-. ;ir'! ;i.C('ii'ii a.' iiic . ’s,' <•' cii.iir i'.iiii'; III ' a ci-i. i I;, ^ '1 ;.e laiMM.T is seKira;' liis h-'v:> f.ir l!-< ;i; •:i.i K;:vc !i itfV> siis < : I h< \ : . I'. r ! in .1 1- ’ ; .! \. i!-a i no : iaia’-' 111 ti:'' actor for A!i Liiiiis o: Bili'i (■.■ni.'Ml Work. i‘:a i-ii a no I > ■ 'Ii a il ‘ o ■;EV am;. G. W. Stti-'.. ; ,• () 1 f«-c' HI 1M■ n 1; ;i: I :. - i I,, 1i I, (Ir o 111 o! I ‘ Ii ; \ ;; v>di-l< i;aarai,’f. '\ J. O. L5:Rr':i5>, qo [ts;S«L'c '.iS. ’! !■,. , ,M •• ;• rc I:'! I•; 1: fi! ■ f-i.;., 1 iM.ia ei <'!;, ■ ‘‘ ^ ^ ' t’l;t! •• Sv ; r.i- a : 1 i' ■ i'; t!;o jC-'-lv j;..!:' T,. a-; * ■; i I ii'! . 1 if ; i 1-e ; •; . ■ <:;■ - ,n Ti"' s.-: i as r.,!.- 1-, - - .„,. y i-: . i-::, i -c , t:;-.' I'.C ^ ii; . •; ! <■■•.!> I-.!. .••'! ;-t : I in;!’-'- a' lav,I irinu' ei:!i"‘s ili.M li. e i i :<■ l 's\f t!. ;* i ;• i :-\ i!'- • . ; ■ y.; :il of 1 ,. ,. , ^ ^. 11 . i i;!.!: ; •.' . e.- • i.a ’ : :.ll ■;i IS c ■ ■ a' i . ■ I ' Ii:- ii. y. a 1; ! 11 (■ 1;. : • : ir: I-.; I' , la I'...;'-!- p:-: lii is at 1 i.c \ j ; ia: ' /'s <■ .i • ii>c. .\i; liie !;,! ;:!<‘r buys < ai i i. 'i li'i'-t p!’ic, |,a: l.e cii'uioi aa-'-!. < a h i'f c ;.ia!st mil's • '-a a ! i. -s bna \ < ia : ici, i; s a: .I lie ;.a ■ ii: . 1 i‘ : lic ii'i ’i' w:a; r: 'i:-i :!. ;i:a! li'asl p!' n 11' i i I. •:' ! .. a I; ; a ; a' A ii':aac;i ia ■\e» (jr-oiUT Kc \ . < ii.Ml .V't I; oi i-.a;:' :ir’ s lo .-•I :t ! ) i i' ■. a', i ll:.‘ ;aa;. ali a ■ ; > '•’!a. )a (-!' >^a la; a ^, : ' I !; l;' : r »* u : *• ;. 1' a 1; • ra ;;I-.- ■ a i - - - it. 1 '.'••ill* i:: ■ c;< . I: ■ ' i ;■ i . ■. i ■- '■ i ! \ * :: ! I 1 ’ • ‘ ‘ . 1 f. A\ la. i 1 ;■ a. ,■ ■ ' e iiM \\' \ 1 ai c.i r, '.!• 1 I'f i i ■; iii !i. for I . p. . ] ’ie ;i I la ra e. I'or . m- < » '. V ! ‘ t'l\. i *.a i I! con; 1 .a n \^ I; ii i .i;iw w ork. l:- a- b|. i,l ; a t ■ I c- s I a i e ( il ■ s: ••| ;■ ! a-- n;i; i , I,,. . i-.al.a- \ ;a- i c t. ■ r^ ■ ■ ; al.'i ia : aa tl a - .1 :ia i tic balicf that t: : <-s w ■ a -I I II'.; Inil- :! ia; > ih - ;a i' r';. is I' .r .11' 1: ae;;sn!-t;s in tiic i.■ ia- -'--a ; n e Wa’chc-i a ad -h '- \\':i!cl' and < W'.ea; aiairaiu- i.ep V.'i' ll, r \'. as.:; bint-. !,>•': N.'i; a 11 ■ : i.f i.' ■! ■ r'\- tl;,- 'a: ' a ; '! eii‘^-. 1 r--^M aisi- I • \'>a !i.i i-1.;i'. 'A i; il * s\ aii• i I•: • ' \\a! 1; ^ aa a s a; !.i! ‘;a:a a s ia 1 i;e c in se t iie;<' ;a M;.:'i'.- a aad tii.ii Ii ■a:-; : i ai- ia aa a aaiia c i i rl:,, ti. : I • a'i-i I.” j, I la •; ]• ’I " i. :' I' i'ie saaV‘ . e'" ' 1 •'t a's ii , ': i.-i; ;oa. v.‘hi>■!; h’ls ■( a '■■I'.l i'\‘ ’’a ! s.-,: , ha \ l-clt- t.-.f. ;i ■ : . .,,.le la it ; i i';a .a ia ;as-‘':‘ia -d. \» <'i<‘ lii b I'j efi a ba.l n asis. ma i.cii iaT ■ i'l (", .‘S \ail 'ii:e .a" p.iiicv'; '• I i;.- c a; ii ■ he i’l ■ V V !i 1 1. .11 i ■. . a i ■ '! I a'e.-'ia.’i,l iMUia' t i.c ei;‘- ‘ “f a.. 1.1 an.! nor ;ai.. ot :.el- a! ^ed a a-.id AUTOMOBILE NOTES. 'i'l' a :; a a > if 1 ii ra-. c\ iais t .aki ii T e I ill pic.-istd wiT.a !a- la:-' i'lr ^r.aiii liii- in\ca'or of : lu- na.lv.■ I., a :. ! V' a: ''a!-.i- i.f M:i r.chcs; ci- lai' I.:~- ‘ , . ! ; ii. iia a: I 'I r - . .f I I'l.;- :i-a I..':i'ai> !.:■ ; -^s aat-.a: i - h,' ''il'i ciaaaL’’ :a a ia r-. I“,>s (.-aiaaai'' I ;i i I: i I ' 1 :t \a \ il I c! Ii > • v col ■ p. .'.a a’la.i.i.iiiilf I'.,rally i.aidc a trvX fr.i!ii il'iston 111 .\'r\. j•!IIa la t7 iiii!' a:.>. I'ac return was aiad.- bv ;in I 1 ; .'aai'iiia ' 1'.’ ‘!''d oilha* rente in ic> tii.an I’li’ov' hours II. < a a--. 1 iic’-c 1 !,at ae:i -ix- a b\ I h'* 'flic d'i.'-t ;i net' \*.;is 7.' dvea r.-"c! ! ooa i-!i ar " ih-t li :< ; '-ms'- Cv)nie o.cr lh;‘ ci-aar.ia. lion. t!ic-' is n I h'Wt vs vvia at; - llia- iia’“ be i:c:,t=d A. C. NOP.TON, Practical Eooi g:ii; Sis'isoiakef ^ n- 1 . ■ 11 ariiess \\ ork a i. c ai ... Wesi f*ain Sirset near Galdwe!!. 'lelwold jji-evard's Xew lio’i': Moii.aai .\d- ^ |,(.intm iii l'-'iina: iii.aiaa.; i lieai>- l\a s for riiistci'x' .and. tlial parsoaal .ambition is Iheir s!>!e ni(,live a.c:;:in. h is dis- lie:i r! “1! i"n' to tiios;* wlai belie\e 111 ri.aiiK-oas j-ari;.' :;'o'.crnmeat to se«* ;j as b^,^' r-: 1 !e;- the i' laal ia- • iii.e I I! I • I ■;' 1 i •t 11 c Ii a aa I! I • c :! isi r.; ’ ioa. a-(‘ f a- l!;e . ry ;ia..-i eit!. iai.a. oi' 1- !.. •■i; "c. 1 l-'V ia.ai-'poiy. :ai:l vci I'a' II'’, ais. wiiii aa.jile tiau* ia ;1:“ las; ;.si;in k ..;'!c .i;ni iOin< -! to si.iiul by ‘ilio il I s. I <‘!i •«*. wlai-h will e;a ;1 t!i- ir i’aii ti. .•‘lioii of t'oo!.’ 1 .‘I.:-! ' ■•.■•■"II .a-; ihe iCco cl . ava La v'cil'-i'e's fr’-mis will ^a^i. iiow in a b'ai hiaa.a', buT they v.-u; I’ui io.is if ila-ir thi'a’ is knife) by lioeseselt. as he sarc’y i Iosli te-iimoi!'• ia ::re,a; (Mun^liiy N ••o’lstaiiily co!iiiau' i:t. (iecia.iii j \ 'v. i''in.u'"s I ;i.-C( b>r ( on- .-'iiiiil‘tioM, coul:!’-' ami t-c.lds i(! b(- i;i, eijua.lefl. A r;‘ccui (v\pfes-ion iVoiu '!’. , .’lel 'arliitH!, i'.ei.torx i.le, \'a.. Ia rass;i;aais.;fs i’.;;-Mry a i^air -oi-v.> as oxaiopie. !!e \\r\\v>: • ai oT' !i..y's siaies w.as laade in ten min- had jJi’oiielii'is t'»u’ three years .and ui«‘s. ’I'liat is fieariy as f;isl .as I’aey ar' \\ i>ra oiu. C: f;!\;!t liiirt.v (ie.seend lo epiiortunism ^ and sj.ods. ^ t!'.e vrhalo. there is a tiv.od ('hiincf' I*rii;iin will lick it iirto .a more amica 'I’o some p«“oplt> till* princit)al attiae- tion of heaven is that tlie sti'cets are pa\'i-d with uold. 11 tlu'se pet);>le ever {.vel lo heaven, it A\ill be neee.sSiUlo t'ooper :tnd (U.jcn. Uepiiblic If Ti' ct wal ih.t be frica -i\’. (ireat ril.ain will lick it for llu* i r-mo' rats to win in Wisc.n'- ble fr.ame emucrats. (ioetored all the time without heino' bciielitte!'y, and a lew bidtles w holiy cut('d me.” i'"(jualiy elit cliv(' in ein'Ui.i- ;ill idtiic ati 1 tin-oat trouiik's, co isumjitiou, pnei:- 'Fht' Poston (5!obe asks. “Wlijit are moni.a and tirip. (Ju;»rauteed hy ,aII le li'ish et>mirij.; tuV” America mo^t- 'I'rial hotllas iVee. JJe^u- j lar size Tivie .and ."^l. *