Sylvan Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. miner & BKEKSE. BREVAin), TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY, JIII.Y 15. 1904. VOL. IX-NO. l^unns Rock Lodge No. 267 Jl. F. ^ Jl. M. Meets Fi iday on or before the full moon in eaeh month, at '2 p. m. Visitin^>' Ma^ons , are cordiallv invited to moot with us. sptly Wm. Max\vklt>, Str</. Conestee Lodge No. 237, _ O. O. F. every Monday ni^ht at ^ '> » Visitinj: brotiirrs are eor- invited to visit us. Z. W. XK ’IK )LS. X. (;. ADMISSIONS BY SHAW Manufactures Are Sold Cheapei Abroad Than at Home. DISTORTS FACTS AI^D FIGUFlSS. Transylvania Lodge No. 143, KnigiitsofPyihias Itcoular eonvtTition »*v- 'rm“sd:iy niLilit in M a- soni<- Ihill. Visiting Knights ;\r<‘<-<ti-iiially in- .1. A. SN'( >\V. <'. (’. ThinkM This I{usIii«‘mn 1m ncfeiiKiltle F<»r«* !«:«»»*rs Do I*—An Uiitr:tK'<M>iiN SyNt«“iii «*v»»r It to att»‘nd. Brevard Telephone Exchange. noi'i.'s: Daily- 7 a. m. to 10 |». m. ^^unday- S to id a. lu.. 4 t»* <> p. ' entral ()nic<“ - ('oop^'i' l >lofk. Professional Cards. W. A. CASH. Secretary Slunv. fh<* sp(»kesnian for the n(lministrati(jn. made anolher one t*f his eAiilK'rant spc'erlu's at the Andl- toriuni in Chicago roc-cntly. As in liis ret-ont Wilininjiton (Kel.i spc'ccli he nia(U* some strikinir and even startling siat(*nu‘nls and qnotfd statis{i«-s in his usu:il free and easy manner. In his ('hica.iro sjieech he r(*el<*d off hirur«‘s. son^<‘ t»f whhdi may Ix* true, hut many of which o('i’tainly art? false, and m;!(h' some admissions on the sub ject of t>xp(U't priccs which, coming fronj such a hi^ii lU'puhlican, an* most refreshinir. Thus he said: “Our opponents lay nnich stn*ss upon lh(* fact that some Amcri<-;in manufac tures arc‘ sold abroad cheajn'r than at honi(‘. (>ur friends somctinu's deny this, ;ind they sonx'timcs apoioui/.e for it, and a few in tinu's p:ist have jtiined our oi>ponents in recommendin.u a re- abroad Jit .$20 to $.^0 per ton and in tins country at to Js-IO diirinj; the last year. {Secretary Shaw quotes tlu> rei>ort of the industrial commission, lie evidently' had not read the testi mony of Mr. ('harles M. Schwab, pres ident of tlu> United States Steel cor poration, befon* the indnstri.-il com mission, May 11, 11)01. Mr. Schwah told the commission frankly that all kin»ls of iron and sl(*el j;-oods were in variably sold f<»r export at prices lower than home pric(>s. When a>ked “Is it a fact .a'enerally trnt‘ of all exporters in witfi-- I this counti-y that they do sell at lo\V(»r I pri<-es ill foi-ei;;ii maikets than they do in the hoin(‘ markt'tV” he answered, ‘•'I'hat is tru(‘: perfi'ctly tru«'.’' Tln> secret;iry will lind this testimony in volume l.‘i, pa.ues 44S-4S7. It may int(*i'«'st him. The s('cr(‘iary says that “while our pi'ople <-omplain of this pi'.ictice I think it defensible. Hut whether defensible »»r not I know that f«>rei;;n produ<*ers do the sann* thijm.” It is not <U‘ni(‘d that the practice of ■ sellin.i,' .uoods for (>xport at prices far i Ix'Iow domestic [.rices prf'vails iu near ly all hii^hly proK'cted countri(>s. SECRET RATE CUTTir^G Railway Discrimination Fosters the Trusts. THE FAPuMER MADE TO SUFFER. How I'roiiii.<ie.'4 of Hpftirtn by Reiuih- llrHii ,lr«* FuriiK^rK* Or^aitiifntionN SlKtuld Pin Tliin QiieNiion to tlie Front. Jud^e (iaynor of Xew York stat(‘u !t fis his lieli(‘f that reb;.t(‘s and seirc't rate cnttin;; to favored shijipers has led to th(‘ creation of trusts and coin- biues and th:it if the law was amcMid ed to punish these discrimin:uions ibe trust.s ^^•ould b(* curbivl. I't‘r!iaps .Indue Gaynor is a litth* too sanjiuine of the t‘ffe<-t that puttin.y: all shippers by th(* railroads, be they j^reat or small, on the same^ footin'-- would hav»>, but It Is then* is no doubt that takiii}; from tlu* my ind ;i ATTOR. N E Y~ AT'LA W. ; tariff from all such iirti- n « n .. ... n I II n I <^dcs. It is uselcss to denv :ind in Rooms 7 & 8, MclVimn Bid g, Brevard, N. C. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Investigation of Lznd Titles a Specialty. Kooins 1 and l!. 1 Mckt.d.'iiner lUiildin^'. ZACHARY &. EREESE A T T O R N E Y r - A T - L A W Offices in Wcit'inn Black, Brevard, N, C. WELCH GALLOWAY, ATTORN EY-AT l A W. 1‘raclu‘cs in all th«- courts Rooms 9 and 10 Mcfiiinn Block. Brevard. N. C. Misceilcneous. Dr. H. H. CARSON Surgeon Dentist ;i part of the i»rot»‘ctive systi'm. Put it is ;i miserabU,', hy iiociit ica 1. out- ra.ueous system when>ver it prevails. Ii 2-^>mi>els consumers to pay extr.-i taillf t.-ixes to suii}»ort ;in in<lustry that shows its in;:ratilud(* by «-haruin^' its benef.ictors two [uices for iis products. All the <M(unti'ies on caiih coul.l not make ihis system riuht. (.'oniin’iiin;:. the secretary says: “I'or uiy p.'irt 1 ;!i)i williDj; to any rea- .'•on;'il>U' pric<* for the small aiiioiint of bai’bed wire wliich I c-oiisunu*. |u\)vid- ed the from n)y held, the dairy .-hort of foelishtiess to attc'inpt to | l»'‘"ducls from nsy herd and (he meat from my st:iil sli:>l! feed tin OllU'e over in:xL>i;iisoNVIi.i.i:. n. r. .■'atii'fiu-tion <iuaratit< ''«i in :t'l oi( ratini> C. C. KJLPA1R.ICK, GOflTRACTOR Office at Barber Shcp, Brevard, N. C I>liiuatt“s veil on all !!i liie buildini;' IIik'. lam:> of wor T. B. CRAR.Y, Contractor for All Kinds of Brick Wori<. < cment Woi- 1 louirii 1 ’la?-l. ’a-;’ ill; itnd I louirii ( BREV ArxD. N ;. 1 *.•}.!.le SperjaUy c. ! judfiiiK'nt unwise to apol<)*ri>;( ! litth i rtMnedy th(‘ assumed evil in thi' man- ' ner pr(»pos('d by the o;»i»osition.” He then pr<u-eeded to (piote fron! the in<lusli-ial commission, whic-li I’c’i'.orled that ‘•.S4.(»ii>.o;tu worth of nu'rchandise. the product of fa<’tories, is annu.illy s,i!d abroad cheajier ihan in the (bmu'stic market.” He then said that as “we manul'a<Mm‘e .Sb'I.o;* •,(«»{).-j ()(«» worth pel' annum our exports sold | abroad chei’,p'’r than at home are only I one-thirteenth of 1 pi'r cent of the out put of our f.ictories.” S('cr(Mary Shaw is either a novice v.’ith titrures or lu‘ is iMitiri'ly williii;; to j fool the voti'rs wiili bi^- statistics i wl’.ich h(‘ knows are not true. It is i h.'irdly p<»ssilil<* that our s<'cr<*tai\v of j the trt'.isury do('s not know wi* do | not pr<-du< (“ worth of • maiiu!’;iciur< (l<Is in u year ready j for t;n::l ci-iisumers oi- anythin;^ like | this anioi;:M. (Mir census st:itisti<‘s of! ma?.iif;u ;urr.-i c.Hit.-'in many diipJicn-: tio:is. 'i'ln’s we liavi* m:tnuf:ictur«‘s of ' cloth L'oods a:a! (d‘ cloiliini:. (»f iron I ami .'-Icel ;ij;d i!i:i ii'Mery. etc.; oi nir;;:-(\ of leatlier s;>(K‘s. In Uiese ft-w iii(h!si ri<‘s the dn- ■ ])licatioie; jimoiim tu oi | H i; i.( IS I'i.( ii M!. \\'(>re it j ossiltio lo tak* j out the (iui»iic;ition> t!i;it is. iiie prod-; nets ef uiic m;!l that :!re sold as raw | material to anollier mill it is jiroba.iii^' the tot.-.l \;iliie of tinislicd nianu-j facturc'l pi'oduiMs v.oiild not lie more i than half of Wh(‘ihei'j or iioj our census li.uures h;ivt> l;<‘t*n ' stulf(‘«l in order to mai;e a irreat si;ow- in;;' for itr<»i(‘clion can oniy lie sur-| illisi>d. ■ ’i'he stat‘'!;i(>iit th-:t only l.Ciid.iKin j wortli of oitr manuiacHii'ed irxtods an' ' TEMPERANCE TIDINGS. At fiayonne. X. ,1.. 2-0 saloons wero refused renewal of !ieen.«e and clo.'-td. t’iti/.rn.c ot' I’a!o .\lto, Cal.. have di- foaled thf efTort to estai.ii.*-Ii ;i tavciii with a bar near l!it- uniw i sity ^’■rmii.o.'-. l)rini<in;.r (,n tJi(* polici* foice i.^ n<,t to be allow*-*! i;i .<,':n 1'ianeix‘o, II. I'.. Smith wa.v .511K) for btiny oriiiilc <iu .inly 4. and barely escaped di.smii^yak froiu the for<'e. Hereafter .'•;:.'<dc<'rp of cij’ar»^ttes \\ i!l not be en.p!‘)\( (,’ in the |)aekiii<r lion>es (jf Swirt iV ( u. in I lu* stock yarc.'s. F< i- .‘;ome tin:<‘ r< pr» s« n:at i v t s .if t he Aiit i- ( i^rart itt* b'a'/ii;* liave been v\orkintr it! th(‘ .'-t(.c li \ ar«:s (wsl l iet. and ihe cjriir r of the larf,re packirifr company is c(;;i- sidercd oiu- of its, ^'•peat victori< s in t hat dist riet. '1 Ilf foni uii.v.-iont r of intern^'ii revei; m? ha S’ i.'-siHc a I’lrciiiar proiiii)i{ in<r tli<- use by n.a n n f.ict nrers of ci^>-ai-s. cjMa et 1 (‘s nr tobaeco [.Mi 1 iij) in packaires. of la l)c!s I'on J a i 11 i li “a a \ pro mi.'*- or (>rt <■ r of. or any ok]( r or errtilieaie for. aiiv Rift. pri/.»‘. jirt niiiini paym* iiT, or re ward. ’ 'This rtyn!ali<)U is to take elTect Si pi, ii.b( r 1. lliuO. Itiini <iueA((on. '.‘^ero-t. Meii/i. s. of th<* Cordon IIiL>-h. lamb-rs (ioofi I'eniplar lodjre. writiiij.'' from bady.srniih. says: --Wc had ik» <'i1fi(Milty on tin- riini <piestion. W-. .applied thronirh oiir coniinain'iiur ot- (ieer to (;cri. Sir (it-ori^’e White for a r.'ilion of tea and .'^ui>'ar in lien, and it u-r:tnttd at once, anrl a li.-ld f(.rc<‘ order i,, :!i<- vfTvct. rhat af: total abs-aiiurs in tlie irarrisf)!] con:,; have tea ar.d Miirar in lien of was pnbli>Ji( <i, wliidi ^v.-is tin w*‘ have lia<i. l»v nu n who mine th(> co.-il anil iron .•tnd the ariisans who I'l'oduee the wire to feiiei* tlie farms of Scaith .Vmeriea." lint sup;;o>i> upon inqui’y the sc(M'etary shotdd tind that whih* he was payi'm two prices for his barbed wh\* Ix'c.iusc of protection ]j»> sell- ini;' his wheat and other products in a frc(' trade market and was Lrettin;; na beiK'lit v. !iate\ci' i i'ojji |i:‘oi. i-; j(;n. wotild he then b(* willinu' to pay lii:j:h pr.-.tec- tion i»i’ii-»'s for his I'ciicinL;' wii’eV If the seci’elary can indi;<‘e the f;;i';;i(>i’s of this co-ni'.ry to tliink alouu: tiicse lines !;(> will h.'i\ e aei' !i:ip!islu':l a ur(*at work. 1. Vi ION W . IK/LT. ni ni bof Hit placinir temptation i)eyon<i reach of i..c weaker brotli- erti.’’ Si(n to < ni. i ):i vi(! \ . 11 -fi', . ii' No. . cor. a V,'!, I! i‘. w t; 1. !• I il . r 1: iii'li t fe I Ii I r to * to ' 1 I'et-! pt. 1 le - tht* *)!(i man ] ■‘I !'a\ f snpi for l;.' vrar-." ;'n 11 (,f : 1 !!'s, ;.oi(i of :!i.\ ir aliasci! n;_\' u ' a ft e:’no III lu- < f;ir in\ wifr \ -ti : •) ’e^’n’ai: s • ‘I ii is r t-yca Ka>i ‘ f; a'i OI';. ;t !:(1 t ti* ' .!( li: i;ii t 111- n;; r : < I.' ill 111 a: ii!> ! in- soli .'ail!, h'- :i i.i’ wilt iicv.T hr :■< y iic i:ri|r:j.; ■ a:;d ehi iifri'i:. ':i“‘M(ii ;i I:ini:.'ry ra ;iie !;! iim' ‘ i ■|'i' BEGGED THE QUESTION. > ■ IHl 1 iii\ h< Well tlie fo(in<lry prodn<-f.* G. W. Summey—Carpenter ]c<t of recommend.-ition- j||> v.o.k .iobs in or ont of town acecptcd. All work Liliaranti,'od. J. O. DERMED, nil* -Ml <t. ma nui act tired uMods sold al.'road ei.e.-iper tli;ui ai--tiome is i ridiculoViS. Il is entirely s:ife to say 1 that tt‘11 or tv.eniy limes this amount ! of iron and steel i:oods alom* are sold j abroad at prices from lo to <;‘i per cent j below the prices :it which tlu*y are | sold in this coiintry. In fact, tlu'vv are j single iti'uis in our exj.orts of Ii-ou and Root’n<t;!«>iI to j Like all his inteliccttial efforts i sp(‘ech of I-^lihti II<u>t at ('hicai'd w;is i able, adroit, tinisiied. persu.asive. The i essenc<‘ of his ple.a w:i.s tlu‘ old om* of , the i>art\ in power, “Let well enough I tllone.” ! i’.nt this is luvu'LriiiJr tlie tjneslion. Is hi:nber and of fur- I 'voi’se than w;ir tariff, which, as the and of boots and i untr.amnieled Iowa K«‘publis*;ins of threi‘ ye.-irs a.*j:o s:ild, ‘‘shelters nionoiio ly." well I'lion.LvhV Is the post.-'.l cor- niptioM, not half re\'ea!ed and lini'le- qt'.att'ly jninished, well enou.rliV Is th»‘ blusierinu' tlourish of rr(si<lcnt Koose- vf'lt's “bi.L’" slick” over th'<“ heads of snia Her A nieric;;n rej»u'tlics well eno,it;h ‘; Are.a hundred i!h'ir;il trusis undisturb ed in their roiiberies well enough V Is reckless extrava.iianci* in ajijiropriations \V(>11 enoiiiihV Mr. Iioot is a!i abl<‘ sj»eci;il ple.ader, but eviMi I e e;innot mak<> a <-as<> stand ass(“i‘iioiis aihl ass’:ni]ilioiis.—New York World. ''■art to 11't yiiiu" it." All l!u m:ui had had ('illy cri' i! inir tiii hi Ti.e fati’.cr. fiiu! of r.o a\ ai!. 1 i'<- lod a wav to a i a wa *. and It br !;:it !i I hav( to |).ca. to the -tat'on tli(> I ■d for nn rcv. 'Die s ; i; ■ 1.1 iy and sa i> i le i'c' (; t i; e >cr;; ca ; i i l;' h :< a ]>pea! fi r pi ii;-:'- ai.ii'i\!‘ ;i> i!*.‘ w Tol»!if<-(! W «* i-li <• TM !! N \ !i rs i ti IV 'lolf!«-r- ('arcfi'l iii'.ot !L'aiioi> in FrariCc ];a\ R<'\i.vioii of <tje Taritr. The l’c;.nblicaii claim that if the tarifi’ be re^ isi*d it tniist !»)> r<‘vised by the friends of prot(*etion if the Hepub- lic.-ins control the next con:,'ri'ss is ther. fore likely to kvid In inc(‘(‘ase<I t:iriff dtities on many articles such as steel s{i!(l abroad :it lower i>rict‘s wl;ii-ii i tlu* Michiu’an liepublica.ns dt maud on Watclies and .leweli-y vVatch and (’lock \Vo' k iiuaranteed. for sale. ro!'airiiiL>‘. \\ e>t M a in A. C. NORTON, II actlcal Boot anj Stioemaker Harness \Vc)rk a sjiccialty. | West Main Street near Caldwell. | i The JEthelwold Iji'cvard's Xew Ibitel- .Modern vVp-j pointments-(>i)en all the year. j Th<* f)atronai;o ot th«- travelinir pn})]ic well as sunnrier tourists is solicited. Opp. Court House, Hrevard, N.C. a:iioi:nl to mor(* than .S I.ufci.ono. 'j'hus, ilurintr the ten months eiidiim Ajiril :;n, we sold for «-xj:ort L!( lS.(KK),(.t( !(l {lotwids of \vire valued .at $4,777.()()(). It is ifasonaiily eerlaiii that every pound and every ihdiar’s worth of this wire was sold abro.-id at pi'ices below those prevailinj' in this country aiul that the avtratie difft‘r('nce was not less^th.-m I’.'i to ,';o jier c( nt. stat(‘mt‘nts miirht be uiade in ri'uard to tiie items of builders' hardwjire and sewini^ m;i- chines. All. or pr.actically all, are sold to fona^ners at bar.uain counter prices. Nearly .<*_MK>n.OU<) worth of steel rails were s(tld abroad diu‘in«' these tet) months at an aver.a;.:e price of about per ton, the trust kei-pin;;' the price in this country steadily at Mil lions i>f dollars worth of structiu'.al it‘on and steel, billets, bars, etc., were sold abroad at a price probr.bly aver- a^in^ ^10 per ton less than the domes tic price. Ship plates have been selliny sui:ar :in<! a certainty that no t.ix will b(* reduced. <!n tile otih'r h.anil, if the I>(‘moerats are sne<*(>ssft:l their poli<-.\- will in'ovide for ;i revision of tiu* tarii’f. abolishinix or reiiuci!i>; the protection to those trusis .sell tlieir prodi!<-ts <-h<*;ii)er to fo!\ iu'nt'rs tlian t<» f»ur <twn i)eot)le. but .at the s:lnu^ tinu‘ jirovidc* for sutli- cient t;i.v to lain tlio i;ovorn::u‘Ut hon estly .and econonncally .administered. T<» He n<».slre<!. Tiie H'jiort that Mi‘. Roosevelt is po- ina to refrain from sayimr or doint; anythinu' dma'nir the eampait:n tiait v\-ill him riiliculous nnikes one wish tliere w.-is .a e;5mi)ai,:'n .all the time.— Antonio (’rex.) l^xpress. trusts and conddnes tlu* discrimina tions by th(‘ railways in their favor would one of their ^r(*;it mo nopolies. To the farni(*r of the west it does not matter which tnndc line carries his wlu'at or corn to the seabo.arti or whetiif'r it eventually readies N<‘w York or some otlu-r city on the Atl:intie or some port on the uMilf of Mexico. The interest of tli(‘ fiirmer ceast>s when l;e has sold Ills ^rain to tlu* buyer at the nc.irest railw.ay st.iiioii. lint it doi's m;d>:e a vast difference to liim if be shii)s a carload of ;.vrain or cr.ttle or hous to <’hica;'o <ii elsewii. re the fr<‘iul.t iMie ch:u‘L-'etl hit:' shall be no moia* to tin* t‘iev:il<a' eeiiij-any o!' the biu' canle buyer. It is als i of the iitniosl ii;ii?ort<ance to the farmer that he should have an »‘oual opportunity in beinu furnished c.ars li;;e oilu'r <!iip- p<‘rs in t.act. that no dis<a‘iminati<»n in rates »(r opportunity shall l»e made .a^i'.ainst liii.ii. As ne.arly ail the railways are inter state' c<»ri lor.a I ions it is n<‘C(‘ss,iry that federal le;_dslatio!i should b(‘ en.acted to ^ive till* inic'rstate c'omiiieri-e commis sion po’,v(M‘ to i.iunish railway ollicials who di>i:!;ey the law. 'i'he jnesent law as .amenih'd by the Elkins bill maki-s it a iiiisdeiaeanor on the part of :tny ju’rson or cor;ioral;on “lo offia'. ;^rant or y:ive or to solicit, act'ept or receive a;iy**. conce.ssion or discrimina tion in ri'.'jiect ot the ti’aiispoi’t.ation of any jirojieriy n.anied in interstate or toi’ei^ji coiniiierc** at a h*ss rate that named in tlu? tarilfs published and tiled." i»u{ t!i(‘ Law does not provide for a way to [uniish the lawless r.ailway otM- <‘i;il and is iherefore secrt'lly aial oft(>n ojienly violated with impunily. The lieiMililiean nnijority in coii':;(‘ss h.ave ;ilw:i\ s r«‘i used to no'C i’o;- at; ;iniend nient to tiic law aivin-- the in:er;-;aii (•(Mitnua'ci* comniissi.i!!- tlie nei (>ss i!'y ■power, thou.uh the I •eiiioerats have tiiiK* atid a,zain pidpos(‘d stn h an ann'iKiment. 1 he saiiu' oj*j;ositioii from th<‘ iiepublic.-i ns pl-eVeMted the liionop (>!\‘ breed:!!.;' tarilf fi’cni l.eiii”- i'e\ised. thouuh the 1 ►e:iiO(a’ats have stru.'^uh'il lo reiorm il. but ever;/ IJepublii-an in con,ivress has stood lil;(‘ a steiM* w.all .au-ainst (-vtai redui-iuL;- tlu- taritf on those products of the* !n:s;s that tliey ^ s(>ll ch«>;iper;!d ib;in la-n*. I Iie;»iiblican candidates t'('r C'.am:‘ess a.nd si'uators ma\' (iecialm upon tin stiimi» and make promises th:-.t they will tavor re.asonabh* revision of t:iriff rates, but th**ir votes show they had no such honest intention. S(;me of tlu'm sei‘k snelter luider the jile.a that ill a caucus ot' I{ei»ublicitn niemb(>i‘s of congress the m.ajority d(‘ci<led to st.a’id pai, and tiay had to kcu*]) within pa.rty liuv's. 'I’ is an aui-iiait dodf^e at ^ — ^\■;lshin.aton. for tlu> trusts and cor- I>i‘iitsilly TorJiir<‘d. Iw.niii.M,lu.y,. ,„a.I..nty of, I., litfht II,at tie ue;iii.)!!can m< ndiei's reauv to do their b:ddinu^ * nmnercil'ul tortiir(* li as per If the f.arnters will pass ri'solutions baps never hem 0(jtial(Ml. JocMioM- at their ,iiraim>> or tarmers’ clubs de- hick off'oliisa, ('n lit’., writes. “I'or m.indin.L, a ple.-vre from the candidate i:, years I endiired insiitleral>le pain f(U‘ c<amr'‘ss that reuurdless of partv , . , . • lines he will vote in their interes't nothin- n- :ind deelarhii;- tii;-t othei‘\vise they will li'‘Ved iiK‘ though 1 tried evervtliiti;;' vote ;in<l Work .au^aiiist sudwamlidale's known. I eaint' across Klectrie IJit- eh'ction, tlMM-e would surely be a ma- teis atnl ifs Hie ^rentest tiiedicitie <,11 e:irtli for that trouble. A few bot tles of it eorupietely relieved jin I It may be supeniuous to and that ciift'd nie.’’ Just as *;oo(l for liver R('uator Fairbatiks counts his millions troubles and u'eueral d >- from a bar’l.—Atlant.i (’onstitution. ])roven that. h i i< b;icc;i worl-:in;;' in; (Joes ! ()t :■ *1‘| (■: "II . oecnri’ :.'i |': i yet i i (i oc^ f; ;i rf I;!! ’ file inf;, lit and <j'o I);; t o i\\-. It'. .amonir tin eonsi(!rt-i i 11 a; rt Ii I t • • • ar'y fi)i: I nior*’ of ot] tlu The recen.p’cn mot Ilf r II i while ii'M-'irv JH-Iled to .!.) >!i nr1:i!“I;il!y. coinn'wu hn' plioi;!d • ■ r fae{er\- ;it a!! I;i : ;><• t;cen p.;; • u:, ( t 11:“ pa rt of W''!v; - : V\ t . \tI :!'■ '"'re.'-s of pr.-,:i:.;Ie -.' a iTcct tile iii'a"’ Il i:f ;..)t iiers i; urs“ t fc ■■ ■ I work in t i;,- : t iia t t 111' !■;oi't i!i* ■' ^ i:f tllese w ;-:>M M ^ ’'la'i double tl-at (■r W(a'kir,>r wome?'. N'on is that t i (‘t to w ir’c ' ’’'i. and wf;eii e 'loe'! f<'cd ?ii-<-h:: I •oinnM'ndation . is that. nioTh.e"- • work in n tobac', > .1'-' •a j..iai[ uT:;[i sno.i,Hunu .i-.eqi ^ ; I n o a' au.iuop - -sAlXJ a'Tuno ' • joai jsi:j>p:.).e,( i| U w >iooi oi(A\ s;.i:.r>‘ ii.'iji si;a\ i;oni;.rij>Aai siqi a',| iA\oi[-- ' '.inoii II'1 ..'5a;.iiip no! 1 u,>11 iaiI iim.17 at a.!' ;). i A\ I jority in the ne.xt eoni;ress th:it would pass tlu' relief dennanded. The trouble with d.ark horse candi- (lules in rec(‘!it years is they re- niiln iu the dark. Ratlier Hnslvy. The keynote* Hoot souixle«l good many frogs in its throat. had a hility. Only .'tie. .S:ttisfactiou }>-u:ir- an teed by all druj^<i ists. * News otliee for fiuc* job printing. V

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