Are You Interesle THE RUM TRAFFIC. A StronflT ArrniKnnient of the Infii- niou« llti.sltieKM hy the Ne^v York 'rribiine. If SO. wliy send your money awav lionie? Wo are inv- parod to do youi- work here sal- isf'tetury. We are also pre- ]»ared lo dean, dye and jtress elotliir.^: elean all kinds of ear- ])uts at yoni" home on the tloor. reii('\vlht*a]»|)ear:ii:ee and bright en tlieeolors: remove ink sf»ots from them. Prompt attention ”iven to all calls, .lusi r*n<:' j)hone Xo. (>S. Brevard Laundry. A. T. i’.o\vi:x. (;. 11. nrcrKLV.)' ' ' * Notice—Entry No. 2436. r. (iiiiii li;i\vt‘ i‘-';rr> mikI cIjiuiI' -in ;i.hi|'. 'I ai >ylv;mi:i <‘(>iliiiy N (.! . \ iiu '111 th-' <>I liiiii'in «':iiiil> iTt'i'k. it tiii'U iiyiii lu> 'I <>x:i u .> y li Vff. :iui‘-. :i i iill't I'll Valli'KS fd.lIM' Mav ;io. K'U <■ N>>. lot i (>iin>k*iiniit. (^i:i MsnAwi; Notice—Entry No. 2437. I W. K (lailiiwiiy oiui-'v ainl c’aiin' ;'()(» a<-’t‘s nf ■ laiKl III Ha t lino low II-Ir)'. TcMi^yl v:ii i i : (’oiiiity. N. <■ . lyiii- on waU-r- of Al>’aiii- j HiaiU'ii a’lil ritiiitarif'of llu‘ Wc-t Ki>i k ol tlu* | Fr-iicli Hro ul river, a j'fiiiiiir iiu-lanil>. of .1 1> | l l trai't anil vaiiou' : t-oai"f^ for l oiiiii iMtii'iiI. KiiU'fril .liitir 11. I'.-ti-i. i U I-:. (^Al.I.oWAY. i 1. \V. M. Hi'ii'v. Kntry'I'aUiT f r'rran>ylvania i .■(>.intv. t(,T!;fy lliat t !n-fi ni-n ■! ii; a re tnu-lopit-^ | of ciitrk-- iiiai!i‘. w :l r l>y r u-n nct" lo ' til;'fiitrv lioiiii in my Iilii o. \V. M.IIK-K'S'.. lv..ti V r..kcr. UMWRSITY Cf North Carolina. Jicademic Department, Law, Medicine, P.'iarnzczcy. I'lee tuition to lenchers lo tuiii* i-4t‘is’ -ons. .''choiai>liips and hians l\)r tht- needy. 620 Students. 67 Instructors. Xi'w I'oniiitori(‘s, (; \ imm-iuin, \\ :itt‘r Work'. ( \‘i!tral lltatiii^^ Sysl Mii. 'Phi' Fall 'rorni Ite^ins S*‘pt. -■■), !i>- 4. FRANGiS P. VENABLE. President ( li;*.\tel li ill, N . ( IM-P-A-X-S Tal.ulos I>«»(*tors liixl A LL'ood urt'scripl mn For inaiikiii'l 1 he ri-fciit rMTcki.'t i'- f“no',ii:li foi' n,«i:al oc; a'^ions. riif faniiiy hotilo 'f, i ic t') ( o ituin> a - uiiply fora vi,‘ai-. A;1 t■ -l'Ii llitni. TO BE GIVEN AWAY This Handaome Embroidery Outfit, stnTr.vcl <>n nin- t»*ri:iK v.ill I «.• ;i:.:cl> free «'f ch.tru'* li ■ '«n* ists «■! 1 ( rysantlieniwn. ^Vntor; it-. e < ll\ll in.' will) 0 J». i-lcs. ■ cai li in. . 2 .lainty C'-’IIars. '2 An. h* f-r 'inil r sjni. 1 H’ •' kninrk. ‘J 1 - r r ' • liar .. * .-Valiiwin I -kiui Li'nveuii>)n*il 1 > to evei’v vile :nu \ieious pjissitiM and j)rop< r.sity, whiel makis ditinkards, aiiTades a!l who ar; broii^lit in <*on1:iet with it, e;miu i claim tlu* respt ct. and assnredix oii:rht not to be :ilde t(> claim the c ii ei)iira<^cnu‘nt of i iu‘ community. It indeed indicates' the extent < ( t lu‘ pi'e\;ilent d> ni.>rali/al ion that :■ business so inherently in!’;iinous. sc ni’ be. n [’(rmitteii to (si-ib iish itself so tii-miy that tl;<;'e w hi pursi!(‘ it :ire c.un im-eti. not onl\ Th.-'.t it is U'^rit imate. but th;it it i^ “ciititlcd 1<> protc'cticm and r<“sp(“c'. I’lit u|'(ui >vhat f,Tound do thes<- bold ciairns I't st ? What i‘)nst it ules a h“ee;," m :t niu>t m:ilses airain. l the worst foe of civ- ' ilizat ion. 'i'hey will ojipose any reform what ever. 1 lu'V deny the rii.’]it of tlu- people to protect thei;:se|\e> at all. They tdaim the riirlit for theniselvcs To poison arid Iwutali/.e and ! \\ hose animal appt tiles ihe_\- i-o.-i r-e i \ j . • ■'■(•'1 la I e, i I . ! Ki;lurio tiny h;u’ unhappily been | jusliti«‘d in ihis (;» pendence. i 'I'ht' men \\!’o had nii;:'I cause ti | icailie ihe bi:si!,e'-s have bei'ii a!iiol:L' | tlie fii'si 1,1 upiio (i and fortif\' it. ' Hut (d;an^’<‘ is e\»*n now p.issitu; , o\ t-r jiublie opinion. i j It is becoming'' mo!-<* and more sren- eral!^- reeoo'ni/, roLTi'( >s. and jierplex anim( L’Iernmen t. |.ure sicial c(:i'.‘'it'".I's re!:i:iou and proi^Tess. \. 'S', 'riiliiiiie A I' viu Ol' iiom:st .kk ivi;) ?». THEIR EYES OPENED. Ropiililfenn ViiterH »*f AVlNOonNin l.i«'nrit SoniethiiiK'. The I{(*pul)lican vott'r in Wisconsin must be Kettinj; a bad opinion of the leadiM’s of both factions into which his party is If ho believes the evi dence produced by both sides to prove th(*ir opponents are utterly unreliable. This proof of tlu? total political de- pravit-.Y <*f ro.stmast(*r iJeneral I’ayne. Chairman Ihibcock and Senators Spooner and IJnarh'S is no ni'ws t(» lhos(‘ who have be(*n lonu' upon the walchtow(*r and observ(*d the trend of tlK'se leaders toward the corporations and combines. The common peoj)le .‘ire to them but sheep for the sheariufjr and freese for th<‘ plu<“kin,i;. That the He- pnblican vol('rs of Wisconsin—and oth er st:it«*s, for that matter have so lom; shut tlieir eyes :uid voic'd tlu* straiirht ticket has been a wonder to itoIitie:il observers. How m:in.v of tlu'se v(*ters will “taki* to th(> woods” or cut the ticket now their <‘.ves .‘ire ftill.v oi)ened remains to b(* setMi. btit tliere slionhl b(' enonj.rh to lun\v thi* trust i):ir1y in Wisconsin and elsewhere be.'oud boix’ of resnscitiition and a new deal Ik? in- nnguratt'd. SHOWED HIS CONTEMPT. liiiU'it* Method tit a Nnvnl Oflleer of Sho^viiiK IIU DUtHnte for a Alenial ANsi^rnikient. NEW UREA. ■Womari*G Kaj5iir\o is. w iflirn:t e-:; 01 .V. 'n.f’;p r!-e*.t .'>0-. ont i'I '-i. ■ .1 Ir it :■ ■ n ..II ■ . r.i;-. . : ■ ■Tit I;;'.". f .<- I ;!.-'t .-.ivi iT.’-t; 1 ‘ .inv»l!tT.-;m Mi.T.'ri-iiic-•I I '.'i-' • :r ■ - ■ • ^ !i:'' liT i'i- fV ;'li- N i- W 11>I- \ W' ■ '' •; . /INK i- .I 1 .1, Il n: in . . I r*.. I; ;;K<. c .f ,i!’. <• t i-: I '• -Mri- t4i liMMilioii tiii% {Mjirr v» KFW ir>tA PUCLIGHiNG CO., 6.^6 Bro?.ov.'ir', ^c•v ICELLTHECOyGI=3 and the IVITK FOR Prsc 5Gc &$1.00 Free Trial. V'f (ill!:'''/■..; o' \f < y CNSUa'iPTfOW OUGHS and OLDS } Surest end Quici? est Cure for all THKOAT and I.UifG :»:R0XJE- | LES, or MONEY BACK. p vjiiicgTOjrj^bTEffgggrataaaaBBiiBsxBsegas .Sub.scribe ff>r the ►Sylvan Vai.i.kv 2Ci:\vs, only paiicr in the (.otnity. ) First .Tockey—(lo ;;headl I've bet otK) louis a”-;iinst m,\ horsel St'ccmd .Iocke\ And I'm to giet 1,(IU0 if I'm i)ealenl—i’oii»'iit ed t _\ ,\lr>. William Niidiolson. but who she is tl.ei’ep.Tri- nient is unable to di>covi-r. (aptain Tercival was sent t o Morocco \\ ii h his fritiale to bi-iiii.’- ba(d% a cari.’ii< f jack asses for the u'o \ t'ri' merit. a m! in order to show his (.onlempt for t le emi»io_\- Tueut of a war ves^t 1 for such a mis sion. ' n enterinLT \t‘w \ iirk harbor he ran in all his ^-uns and placed the head of a ja(d-:ass through eah' row of j:i(ds. i*rice .^Oe. and SI. Trial bottles free at all drujijJTists. The Svlva.n Vai-lkv Nkws office for line job printiui^. A ion. If T’n'sident Uoosevelt will onl.v con- tinuo his U'ssons in .iin .iitsn until fall !;(> may le;irn how to enact tlu* pjirt; (d’ the tnid(*r doi; with the r(*qiiisite (vise and .abandon. — .Tatdvsonviiie (I‘’la.) Timi's-riuon. Tin* indications are. it is said, that this .vear's prune crop will the lo\v*'st prices on rt'corU. 'I'his is cheer ful news for tlu* st:ir boariier. A sav:int ndvi.s(*s societ.v i>eoit!<* to stud;,’ seic'iiet*. Hopeless. It is impos sible* to j^et Ji scientilii* proposition ll:rou;^h ;i pin.uponu' mind. 'I'he <'ountr.v h.ojies that oth(*r orators may f»illow rneie .foe ('annou's e\am- p'<* ;ind for, 1 heir cmmpai,L:ti spceelu's. N«*ei! Xot Uitnu tlu* Trii^t.s >o\v. It will I-,;* :i nice lhi!>v: for .^lr. iviiox lo be tri’.usf(*rred from the d(*partineut of jllstic;* to t-he riiiled SlaK'S seu:!t(‘. As altorney ueiieral ids must have been lacerated at the times when he felt it his duty to stick juns in the bi‘.r combim‘?i. to draw blood from the b(*ef trust and tin* Northern Securities <‘oinpan,v. In tl.e senate he will n<>t Ik* <-aI!e the trusts. He will not have to briui; tliem into c<’»urt and dMiotiuce tln'ui as public en emies. Wh(*ii I'.<* b<‘eo’!i(>s senator Ik* can r(“l.»pments of oiU' iii('(h*rn inilustfia! s^st(*!n. At any r:it(*. if he c!»iitinues to hati* them it will not lu* iiicumbeut upon him to harm them.-Daltimore Sun. Here It Is Again.. We Have Two Guessing Contests Going Mow. ])Osi(los ull the prizes we are going to give ou tlio gouMi contest we }u*e ollering a (,l<)iil)le ]»;u'reled l)reecli-loii(]iiig sli<»' gini worth to the [jeisoii guessing nearest tlie nunil)ei o! gu(*sses we will have on tiie gourd contest when it clox July ^50. Xow to give you soni(‘ idea ol* how many theie wii I.e. we haerM>! gu(‘ssing nearest to the niinil)er of seeds dm’iiig Jnly. W • i;iv(,‘ you just as much tor youi’ money as any store in iJi" vai’d and the guesses and stamjts l)e>ides. It will })ay you get our j)ric(‘s (Ui drv go()t. OR F.E.Clark, Trav.Pass.Act., Atuanta, Ga W. T. SAUr^DERS Gon’l Ageitt PasssnEer Dejsr.rlmorji ATLANTA. GA. Will sell daily l>et\voeti Sc])t*'mbi I')!!) and Xovemiier •'Ilitli. l!t(i.‘I, lc>w r;.' colonial tickets lo p<.)inl? in LDashington, Oregon, California, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Nevada, Utah, Jirizona and Mew Mexict) Sliort line, q\iiek thiu*. i;<> ir;ui>u i>, if • rei liniiiL: < hisii-<-,i t>. For* s. si liL-iluics, -jnai s and lull in i\m iii;i lion w r:te to. F. E. CLARK, W. T. SAUNDERS, 'liavfliii.u Pa.--s. ^A:^t. (ieii. .■^pt. I'ass. I'cj AT1,.\.NTA. «4A. A FUES PATTERN ('vour own st*U*ctimi i t<» ovt^rv sub- scribcr Only cfiil'-i a \f;ir. U •r''- ■* l' !■ * i r;-' ^ V. Raidas \Ve promptly obtain U. S. and Foreign A tAIi.’fS’ ^:AC'.4ZiriiE. A cuiorrd plat»s; latest f .!«*til. *ris , vi: i-ssttj .1 k< »th; f.ini y VNork ; h*»i«l l.u'ts, lutM'Tj, etc. Siilv St rifu* I>» il.-iv, “f, vriKl ti' li*r l.itr*-t Copy L.ulv w.intfd Sr:.t*r i*atliM-ns. Send model, sketch or photo of invention for ^ freereport on patentabilitv. For free boek, <* {fa°SS'TP.ABE-raARKS All Seams Allowed and l*erforatlnriS show the Basting and Sewiny Lints. Only lo and cerit*; each—nonr Ask f* r tlifui Sold in ncdily cver> city town, or [>v rn.iil frotn THE McCALL CO.. 113-t!'l-II7 West 31st St.. NEW YORK g!S)i^y*T.|orisii:E. •|J!IG,tQN.D.C. NOTICE. Havimr qualititd as a(liiiuii>tr:itor of W. ( . Traii^.vlvania eoimt> ■N. ( .. 1 ills is to iiotu'.v all prrsfuis hHviirj; claim-i a:.:ahi^t tlu‘ostaU'ot ilivsaid \V. r. Fislier toi x liit)it llu’in to tli*‘ unr itoion." tli< l.-)th day Ol August. lUOt, or tliis j.otioewiil l-<' pk“'..(i in bar ol tlieir rofovory. All por>oiis in- (icbti'd to said estate will please make iiiuiK-diait payiiiont. This AiiRust 13.“Tto3. Av IV r/Administrator. W. \N. ZAC HAliY,, J