A I'milk i'ti l»lisiH>r. TIio 'ini luul i,i;i”a;:iiie editor tro llu* last juuI most cordially abiisoJ men o;i oarth, with the i>oss;ih'e oxoc'ittion of tV-O newly t-l(\tod tive who do;;!s ;>i:t ol’ioiril i>nst!*y al li'e political pio < ounfcr. Kv<”’y aiitli«)i and would to amlior in the coiniLry ii:is sonic ,u;‘it'V:uK(\ and tiu? piiblislior th(‘ I)cr.(‘!!t Cl' thoin all. Porhaps l:iO^;t exasporalinu’ tiiinu abont it all is- to liio asj)i!‘iniC antli )'•. tbrtt is—iho r >rmaily polit<> printed slips ■with wiii(‘li i.is stnlf is sent bark. “I rn'l’o” :! pel', t’lal e()ni!:iunica!io:i,” s:iy.' tliL* a\.raf;o writer. “e\ (>!i ii‘ tuc pub- li.slior dauHK tl my man^’.^;(•rip^:.'■ T1k's(' coiMplalnin,'-;' :mtiio;-s slionld have i^n>l!U'ss with Sch.-jbeliiz, tlie f:;mons Zuri< Ii ;;;il;iisliei-. wl;o li;is re- oenily Si hab(*Iil/. was eonsidtM<‘d a shrewd bu.-int'ss man. an t'xreilent linu’ulsl and •> \tM>^:ti!e write-!’. Iliit ht: wUl be rtMuenfiH'/ed pr >'.iai;ly as the most boorish pn'.iiis’.u'r tiiai evi'r liviHl. Most jieop’t' when t!i*‘y wisli 1;» talk plainly thriv-.h the n^ails in-/iose thei; rtMn.-irlrs wii:;;;i i‘nv(“!o;ies. ,\ >t so Sehnl eii;:-:. He talk*‘d pl.iinly. and in used p -r.'.rds :'l;n;ist, ijivariabiy in his ei'.rrespomienei' ^vith authors. M.iny stories jire tolil about t’.iese lanions postal cards. One o:’ Ills pMstal eards t > a ncvi'Iist is said to h:;Vv.> re.ad ain>nt lil;e tliis: “For h<*aven's sak(‘. i >;ne and take jiway the i;!!i :i’,ial*ie mass el’ pajx'” yon ](*ft hei'e ft>r :ne to look at I” An ani- biti()us historian receivefl the lol'.ow- in.u't “V tu ar;.’ niakin.u t!.e niisiakt' t>l your life. You don't want to stui’y history. Von want to le:;rn ii(>w to w rite." Oik* o!' tli9 <‘Ii:ira''tei'isli<* ot thes;‘ i>ot'.al cards a\ as wriiten to a poet ^\\. » sabiniiied m.-ni'scrijtt. It containt'd this wiitimrst: “I d > not i ;nr to be «'.is^r;;i (> 1 liy printin.u y )tU‘ d >u- .u’erel. 1 dou'l rc'tnrn i.he <•■)]>;, I.eca.U't yoTi iliibi’t iI'..-lose enon.'h i>osi.-;”e. It yon will l’oi-”.ard it. toLel.'cr with the lii I !!>••. i Will Send it t.) yo.i. hiiL i iloti't {uii’.k tlio stiilT i.' W(.iriii th<- ('N;;e;ise on y tur p:’.ri.” Nor was tl; ^ writer ot’ posta.l enrd.s any i-es; ter of j'e:-sons. Wlii*n he ae- “I'lcii ii,t‘ i'ain ii’s Hieiiioas (tf (\>unt '!i -\rnini. h(> \vr ;t:* v. ith l!ie ;;ci‘et)t- re t’i.s pro.i. o: "I i-{.-e!‘ve t!;e riulii , ...t ;.,f '!,• 1 .,,1 .r—nii- Ml’s. II. Jl. Peaver is visitiii.u frieiuls in Sholby, X. (’. { -Mrm. lM*inviel;(> has resigned tlio ollicc' of i)()stiuasl(M- ;it Sclica, poiul- ! iii.u’ tlu* iippoiiitiiHMit ot* a suet'fssor. Not many peojile knew that t lio si'cond bas<‘nian on the llrevard I'all ' leani ilr. lihoton was tlie man who j cnptin’iHl tlu‘ notorious Haiv(*y Lo- | pin when 1k‘ was arrested near i\'nox- ! vill(>. { Xow tliat th<‘ rainy spell is over we would eerlainly appreciate' it il': t!i(‘ unknow n IViend who l>ori‘ow«'d i oiM’ umbrella will return same to j Xews ol!ic(‘. No (jUer-tions will ln>| asked and suitable reward ^ivcn. j i !nsuranc(‘ companies must b(‘ <lo- iu”‘a I)i”‘ bu"iness now. We noti(*e I j mor(‘ aji'ents 1hm(‘ than ever Ixd’orc* j ;aiul1iiey are lioi c(»nliniiio- tiieiret-| I forts to the towns but are U'oin.t' out ■into tii(‘ countrv districts a nd wi-it- ' in^' insurance. I 'i he Junior ('ditor is ollerini: a ^ small reward forthrc'c? (o) ^ood rem- It'dies i‘or coid in the head, lie lias ; li:id a case for t!u‘ last wt'ek and now ! has on haiul '.<’.>7 stiri* ctii’i's j^iven ‘ him by friends and wants thr(*(‘ . more to make an «■ ven tiiousand. I { (^uit(‘ numb(*r of (uir citizc'us I \\('ie surprised at bills bein^ found against our i(<cal dru^ui.'ts aral eral merchants for sellin^ I’ennia. WliiU* Peruna is ie.minaliy a nu*di- cine it is more largely n^i di as an in- I to.\i‘.‘ani and theri- ha\ (> bi'.'U several instancMs lK‘r«Md' ni;-:) <;t‘i tinj> full on t. 'riie! (“ a re se\ era! o’Jier n strums that ar, e(jnally intoxit'a.tin”'tlsat tlu* I s;il<' ot should als(> be stopped. i]v('ryoni‘ who lu'ard .Indue Shaw's able charge to the ^rand jm’\' wa'^ .-truck particuhirly by one th(>u;;ht >u>i:^.es{(‘d in it, iiana'iy, that home was not till' proper piace for a druni; man. 'I’Ih* .Ui(bc (‘!(‘:nly showed that the moral «d’ccl on tlu* wile and Buoiness Locals. best. po;;i-/;il s;i;d(ni^. that llie I minor tickets wiil ton*tl.e.- poll le than l.O'i"whi’t* tl.( n.uiy i.’o till.'' fi.uiii'c. i hei'O \vill iIt’ll ;n t! noi^iliboi-iiojd or' to !*»■ ilivii ed betw= ■ .> lwo U-adinir candii.ale. A lioston man has discovered th: soda is as ^o,»d as w!nsl;y for sna’. bites, 'r would be inter{>>tin'j to kno ho\v ho found out. IJowevei-, it is sal to s.ty th it nobody else will do ar experimc aijn:.; for ti;e pnriiose of di provlnj,' the .statement. A I’ittsljur:; man snoeeedod in 'iall- hig dtnvn Carrie Xation. I'erliaps la* i the for»‘man of an iron works, lioile factory or somethins" of tin; sort and ac quired h.is v. jUvlcrfnl voict; in trying t( make himiself heard. Some tronius has devised a beefsteak made of cotton seed. Xow, if we can have pork cliops made of acorns and breakfast food put up out of chopped oats straw, we can beirin to economize. After all, the soul is the reality. Why not live more in the real realm? Notices in this colunui will be ifi- :?erled at tiie j)rice of I'cts per line. Fv)und—A lc('y. call at X('avs of- fici'. Kinsland iK: W ells are still se'.llnj*' at cost. Don’t miss it. For sal(‘—< 'orn <S(»cts . fodder Ai>ply 1<> -I'X' Laur(*nce, Ktowah, X.r. S-J()2t* (’all at the Hrevard Dru^Co. and see llu'line of IJuylei'scandy just re ceived. Don’t for;ei to call for your trad- inu St amps, you wiil tind tluuii al- vVays on hand at Whitnure’s. 'I\ \\'. \\ hitmir<‘ has sold dtn 'n^' tli<‘ last w»‘ek ^oOd worth of fashion ni:Hl(‘ ciotiiino- and still takiii”' or ders. ( <»mei;<‘t you a suit, a lit ;^ii:ir- antecd. I undcM'stand my comp(‘titor in t lu' tr.idinj; stamp bn-iness has throwe<l up the sponu^—'ays they cost too much to »>ive a way. iJesp, 'V. \V. Whit ndrt*. Tlu! nicest lot ol‘ suits for hoys from "A to .s years ol' a>.rt^ I'vev si'i>n i;i Brc'vavd lias jus-t arrived at T. \V. \Vhitmiv,‘'s. I’ric»‘ from -s:5 to ><(i. *io ])('r snit. Parties havi^iLT eann(Ml iroo.ls in my t'acVory will cildiLce me vi*ry nriieli l>y enlliii!.; i'or lliein at once, as 1 liavc a limited amount ol‘s])a<-e aiid must have the rix'm. 1*^. K. Le-.vis. We havn't IxM'n ahh* to irtd a?rv U'o'tii <ls yet toSS on out willliave our contest started the last of this \V( ('k 071 irourds or s< imelhi’i'-C else, i'oiiio in ai'.d trad.'wi'li n>—yo'tica?i hold yotir ^jiii'ss, (’armiehael ;V ('s- ^'.oriK'. Veriiiiii of llie jury in case Gf T::9 Oevii vs. C. H. Boljinson ^ Go. We ih«> .im-y lind tliat (ll. Hob- ir.-'07i IV'<' ). :irc <j:nilty oi‘ si llin'j: •j.-).11(10 l)iMi s diirinLf tlie year I'' >1. 'Pl'at del'v'iidi’r:I in tlris eas'“ also Lrnilty of a.i-limr. abeiiin.ir and sni)- !-.)r1inu’ '(etween ;!.‘)0 and I<'0 airertts in tills \voi k. 'I’liat dei'er.dan! i> ;;lso o-niltv <d‘ nnolishinu^ a hool: er.- :i;letl mons hy the e'evil" and d -ifn-Tant lias sold inany Inin- ilii-d (•( r:ie> : •!' this w<»rk all (d‘ wlii'di '■Vi‘ 1 n•!iI“ V(‘ 1 las s;‘ri,»n.sl\ i 113urisi aiid ■lanaiired ili.' 'plaintiiV. I > 'S ' s \ i!»I d h k d e o»r i -! > * •. \’'.'itii fair.ily around (‘Xpeciiii”- him to (lie, ;inu a son riding for !ile Is mile-, to oet Dr. Kind’s Xew itisc((V- ery idr con>umptii n, cou;;iis and eolds, \V. 11. Ih’ctwn, of Le(*svi!le. jiid . endured dcvith's agonies Irom a'lhma; l)Ut this wond.rful medi cine ^a\<‘ in.-i:mi reliei' and so(*n cuitMt hi!ii. liewvite-: ‘-I now s!<*ip soundly <*very ni^ht.” Like marvel ous cures of consumption, pnenmo- ni:i. bronchitis, coughs, colds and Ui’ip prov(‘ its matchl(‘s> merit for all tiiroat and Inny; tronides. (Juaran- teed l>ottles r>i c ;ind ^1. 'frial bot tle.-' free at ail druo_iists. BRIEF SCIENCE NOTES. HUYLER'S A fine lot of Hiiyler's Candies jiist received by express at tne Brevard Drug Co. square Feet lU’o coat.s to the gallon, that’s what The Sherwin-Williams Paint wi'l cover. And on a good surface it will cover more than that. !^o paint will do better, and very few paints wiil do as well, 'i-aximnm covering capacity, easiest spreading (jualities, longest v.’cav, and greatest economy are what we claim for S.W .P. It’s th"; or.3 safe paint to use. Always gives satisfaction. It yo’i want to save money in painting lei us show you the wr.y. \Vi sell paints for all kinds of good painting. SOLD BY 13eV;llie Supply Co, Dealers in cind Keiidquarters for H?l»'d-AS[P Fsjrpi'hjra K tUii df 2u8hiviia3 aini Supplies. I’iione ll. (’all and .se(‘ our c<nii[)lete sl(x;k. Brevard., Phssiioi;]?; Steaiii Filling, Tin and Slieel iron Woili. Ga Pips Threading and Cutting. solinc for sale, A new lot of Crockery fust received. Large Stock of HZATEP.S now on hand. 'mm I‘|" / '::ii' M -i- :: • 'v'.'ii COOraNG STOVES AND RANGES ON HAND. (-aiv.!.ni/ed SlpM't Iron I’tu* Kvaporaloi-s, etc. TiiintM's* :ind o !i!a!e!-i;i! always ill stock. Tin Shinnies. IJid^-o IvoHs. (Jal ^'1 ized Iron 'v’ornieos. otc. l^irti(>s interested will do well to uei - {irieos l)(d'or(‘ }ihieiiii.:' Iheir oialers. W. E. BISHOP & Co. Coi’. !>.1ain and C’aldwell Sts. rW'vFAVvRl). X. V - 1 ne thn^e teachers are working, together for the good of the •chool and nothing will be left un done to make this work the best ev er accomplished in the school. As, the term is short ]Mr.s. A.lIison be<rs that all pai’f'nts will send their ehil-j dren at once as each day is of conte-! 4uence. i The inioropiieiK' is liciii^’' iiti!i/i‘<! for th»‘ c(lucatiii;i ef (leaf mutt s, and such persons e:ui :iclnall\ lifsr soiiikN pfo- i-ft iliMi; freiii the inicr^iphiiiiK^’rapl;. and s'-oa lear-n to uit<‘r tiiciu. It ap- piitrs t(, I':' an t I'lieai-iui;s !iiiM!; ,d. t'\t'n with perxiii^ wiio lia\c [)a."st (1 aiiddi(‘ life. lii'iM'Tit nb.-r'r\a1 ion.< anioi;ir 1 ndi:'. .show tli;it in South .\iuerica. as wi‘11 as in North Aiuerii’a. tlu‘ red woman livi s l(iT;”'er than tin' rod 'uiMii. I’ait tlifav- ( ra;_’'e darali; n of life is only IT ye.irs fc.r l)oih s*\i's in the south, and per cent, of ihe Ilulians die durincr 1 he <ii'>t \ car of life. Keeent investications Ijave shown that the jirincipal source of the giilf stream is not the J']i)rida elian nel. but tlu' reti'ion l)t'iwei‘a and beside ihe is lands of tiie West Tndios. At T>inioni The volume of this warm water is (W) times as great as the combined vol ume of all the rivers iu the -world at their inoatlis. — - Aeeordinjr to a report made to eon- .i-'i-fv.- i;i.<t year 24 percent, of the j)etty oiiiei rs and per cent, of the enlisied an n of the navy of the ridted States wt re of foreiyn birth, and some of tliem had never takeji out their natu- rali/.ation j)ap(>rs. The percent a of foreij.jn-l)orn olTieers is very small, a fiaetion of one per eeiit., and eveiw ofTicer in the service is a citizen. I 16-Gauge L- This is the smallest and lightest weight {abo-:t 6 1-2 pounds) repeating gun ever manu facturt\U and opens up many new possibilities to the up-to-date sportsman. It is not a 16 barrel on a 12 action, but a new, well-balanced, properly-proportioned gun that, with modern smokeless powders, enables a shooter to use a powerful load in a small shell and reduce, materi- nli}'-, the weight of shells and gun to be carried. The rmair, light gun handles fast, results in close holding and ill "^i'acCld Q.CC.UrCiQ'y. ^^Fnll descTiption in ne-A) Marlin Catalog No. A542, / ' - - o:;(- S.-I-. IS t. r /■, o/tjg? to The I\^arlin FiReasms Oo«f Wew Ha vsK, Cori ■ Shoe News and New Shoes at JIM AIKEN'S. While the wiry little .la]> is tiorcelv li*;htin<>-the nio-o-ed Russian in th.' '.i ' I'aist I am .just as bravely battling lor shoe supremacy, and am eariie iiv endeavorino-to secure for my ])<ltrons shoes attractive and oood—every i';iir i made to wear. My sta])le and medium lines are as formerly stronL;- ! •rraiiite wail -and I wouhl advise yon not t« overlook the orowin;^-d. ii'anu each .sca>ou tor tinei* and dressier footwear, and T desire to sav that ju>l her.* I have made my <::-eatest etVoi-ts in buyin<>: shoes that will please my cn-toni- ers. I’lease call second door below post otlice, Brevard, X. C.

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