lOGAL PARAGRAPHS. ('apt. J. W. Baili'V ivtnrni'd Wt'diu'sduy from St. Louis, \vlu'n lui lu;s bv‘t‘11 tiilciiij^ ill the t'xposi- ti()ii. ,1. \Vik(‘ and \vif(‘ n'tnrni d on Wi'dnosda;^ from St. Louis wlu'n tln'V liavr In't'ii attondiiiii: tlu' ^vrat Fair. II. F. Browu. district <l(>i>uty oi' til;* Cl lort'd jMasous, lias btn'n iu tlu' l(;diz;t“ lias hrt'U IvS tlU' T'v'Si- Yonj^Uv' is addition 1o Brt'vaid lookini; alti'r Iicri'. Mrs. Yomii^iiii'r who visitiuir lu'r 1’atlu‘r Dr. Younix n uiriu'd to lu'T lioino in Aslicvill Tliursday. From thv' ]»rt'scnt lool a*'U( o that ( lar»‘ii(«' hiii1din;X will !'*■ a ;xrt*at .Xonh lir*.“var(L M'hc lot>ks of .'hiin strrot in I’is- ^aii Foi'(‘j-t is iri-oaily i]n',-rov«'d hy tliv ;;dditio7i Doavi'r Sr I’attou arr uiakiiiii: to th.'ir r^toi't' huildinir. .\ iiuinhi'r ot Br*'vard p<M)]!lo rot.k advantaLT*.' of tho s]u‘cial rati s to uttond 11k‘ \\ t‘st('rn North Carc^- liii-i Fair at lioiidtM-sonvillo. ^lattii' Ni'ill h'ft Monday for til*' St. Louis Fair on th(‘ tickot slu- ■.vovi in t!u‘ suhs»‘ii])tion conti st tor; ‘ I tIu' Ladirs' IIonu* Majjca/int'. j "riio ]\ii.ss(‘s Fortiino niovrd into ‘ tlu‘ hoiiso Avitli \V. M. Hi'iiry on i Wrdnt'sday. Mrs. llt'nry want-.'d | ('t)Tn]:a!iy v.hilo Billy was out on hisi Wo i?lad to 'c Thos. H. Jordan in town yost<nday. Ho is ret‘ov(‘rinfJC fn.ni liis sovore uttack of rliiniinatisni and is now aide to hi> al)ont. Th(‘ oysttM- su])iH^r in tln^ ^tlitd- wold huildinjJT was an (‘njoyal)l(‘ af- I'iiir Avith a fair attondancH'. A snui? sum was nnilizod for the Ix'n- efit of tilt' Brevard Bane Ball Club. A societv for ])roniotin,<; the study of natural ohjt'cts in tli(‘ schools has l)een or>j:aniz(‘d in North Caro lina with J. .7oine;r as |)r(‘sid(‘iit. In forma tion m('mhi‘rshi]), blanks, etc., can hi‘ liad hy addrt'SsiiiLC F. L. Stt'vens, st'CTc'tary, \V(‘st Ral- (‘i'^h, N. ('. Dr. (4oodt ('iK'atliam was t(‘nd- ered a liii'thday su])]H‘r at the ^T]th('lwold on Tuesday nii^ht. It was his—birthday. After su])]K‘r the i.cn('sts rt'tirrd to rlu' ])arlor wln'ri.' tlu'V ])la V(‘d S('V(‘ral i^amcs of (lincli. Tlu‘ first ]irize was vron by ;.lrs. Must* and tlu' booby was car ried by A. L. SaI((‘wliite. At tlu‘ ^^^thelwold—D. II. Hamil ton and wift\ Baltimor(\ Md. : A. U. Houston and bride, Greenville. S. ('. ; (’. B. S])ohl, V/inston-Salem, N. E. Robt rts and family. Weavt'Tvilh', N. (’. ; Wm. Hamil ton and will'. I’ittsbur.i^, I’a. ; .). A. Pi'U-^e’-, ('harlotte. X. (’.. and Frank D. Mas(‘ and wif(> I'ittsbnri^, P. A. Business Locals. .Xolict's ill tiiis coiuinii will 1)0 in- crled al tiie pi-ii*e of •.els per line. }i ;litic:;l rani]>a.ice. | ~ Try our Syr. \\'hit(‘ Pine Com]). 1 iie >])cll]>iiider> ai c a I it. | with Tar for your coui^h. Brevard ••uiii])ai,un <»]u iu'd Thursday and th»' \ A fresh lot of Block's hams and Bolou'iia .sausa'^e—Brevard Mt'at roanty candidates are swimjrimx tiu' i • i:il»' i'ducatin.tr the ]hm)])1(‘(?) and | jsmkini; them ])r(»mises. ; Si'lica i:> coming to the front as a ! luinbev station. Ther>- are t(“ii or I •welve iv'ams t ni^a.irt'd in hauliniri ium'tn r from (iloucester to Seii<-a ! nj b(> loaded on ears at that statieii. ■ R. D. Xt'cly brou.Ljhr to this oihce ' li numbei’ of ears of corn .iust to >l)o\\ wliat Transylvania could do 'A'l’eii she turni'd h(‘rself loose. Tiiey measured I’i to l-> inclii's in it'iiirth. Don't forixet to sav(* the Free M'lsic ( (»u])on for tlu' and ciiorns (^ueeii." It will cost ouly a ])< am* sra'U]) to securc' this V(*ry at- tr.tetive ni(*ce (;f slu'ct music. The loud rt*]M>rt heard Wednes day was not an ('X])losion of tlu' ^a •' b;;'j;s carried l.'y tin' county ca.n- ■ iid.ites on theii- tour over tin* coun- ry. It was only the ••biler hustc'd" iu ('ox Osteen’s i;uber roastt'r. Jenkins <S: Duckworth hav(‘ on ■yiribition two mammoth ])um|:- kins raided by Dr. C. \Y. Hunt. Tlu i\> Were six ])um])kins on one '•me. the laru'est \v»*ii.riit'd tls ])ound' r»'rms rt'asonable .{ml the smallest Ti4 ])ounds. That's Aiken. •‘>e.me |)um])kins." (ianu‘ Warden J. B. Allison is nsin'4 eA*ery I'tfort to iiroti'ct tht‘ ^anie in his district and has bv-en f-ir se\ i‘i-al day> distributimj: ]itei':i- ruie and pirne laws. Kvery u'ood «‘iti/en s’nould do all in thi‘ii- powr to assist Mr. AJlison in hi< work. Market. Wanted—A eoi)y of the Sylvan Valley Xi'ws dated Sc]»t. '2. Tliis oIVkh'. * Jt will ])ay you to ])ric(' ;j:ro(‘eries at Cox iV ()sttM‘u bi'foTi* makinu- your ])urchas(‘. I Kin.L'an cSL' Co.'s rt'liabh' hams. ib. a\t'raire ; very fine ; it'x- lb. T. ^ ; M. Mitclu'll. j To Rent—A six-room houst* iu j , Brevard with five acn's of land. | beautiful i Ap])ly to J. J. Sh.i])man. ::.^t * j Twiliirhr ,i i i i ( lean se»‘d wheat per I)us!km : t “ : also full blood I’oland ( hina ])i‘:s. ^ ; \V. K. 0.sb(»rni*. it-:U)- lt .^.utonaobile vt'ils. hats and trini- mint;S—fresh invoice just receivi'd at ]\Irs. Xita Norton's millinery stoiH'. Wanted—About fifty <^oed hens. Plymouth Rocks i»i'»'ferr('d. .\.iso 10 or 1.‘) cords lutrd wttod. S. F. Pnette. * For R(*nt—Oiu* '.t-room house just finishi'd ; also one 1-room cottap*. ('all on Jim A Rep'i!!)!l5an Oampaign Trick. Wo have been heating for some days a iMiirior that Sheriff King' was going to run as an in dependent candidate for sherifT. Knowing Jim King so well we de nied the rumor at once. We knew his democracy was too good for any such trick as that and thei'efore believed it, a scheme gotten n[) by the i-epnblicans to get some democratic vot(;s. In order to settle the matter we went to see Sheriff King and he was sur))rised to hear tliat any sucli rumors were afh>at and said tiiere was not one word of truth in liiem and that certain r(‘publi- catis were the ones wlio had stai‘t(id it. Slu.*ritf Iviiig gave us the following letter which speaks for itself: Bkkvari), X. ('.. Oct, 2(). lUOl. To my many fri('uds : it has btM'ii r(‘pc>rt('d to me th.it sonu‘ ])(*rson or ix'rsons ar(‘ circu lating a r('])ort that I am going to run as an indc])t‘7Ku‘nt candidate foi‘ slu'riff. I want to say to all my frii'iids in Transylvania county that I am not a candidat(‘ and will not alh)W my naiiK* to ?j^o Ix'fort* th<' p(“0])lt' of the county for the ]>osi- tion of sh('riff. I do not vrant my 7ianu‘ to appc'ar in this eampj'.iirn and I would not accc])t tin* oflict* exct'pt as th(' regular nomiiu't' of my ])arty. Thankiu”; my friends for tlu'ir loyal su])]>ort in the -|)ast I ask tlu'm to supporr the ri'gular liomiiK'i' and not to wastt' a singh* vote on nu\ K(‘S])t‘ctfidly. J. C. KiX(J. We hope that every d(;mo(;rat will now S(‘e tlu‘ necessity of watching the republicans. They have tried several ti'ick's so far this campaign and wehave caught tluMn. Thiey liad lio])('d hy this false rei)ort to g(‘t as many diMii- ocrats as possit)le to voi(‘ for King and evei’y vote Cor King mc'ant a half vote for Faulkner. Watch out for bogus tickets on election day and see that you don't vote a tickiM with King's i name on it. Di) as Jim King j says and vote' for lh(» regular j nomini'e for sheriff who is (J. C. Kiljiat i-ick. BISHOP & PUETTE OTORS TANKS and TOWERS. ‘^Master Workiuan” Gasoline Engine Pumps, IVood Saws, Etc. Sf Plumbing, Steam Fitting, Tin and Sheet Iron Work. Pipe Threading and Culling. •w , COOKING STOVES Cor. Main and Gaidwell Sts. AND mm. BREVARD. N. G. Glovers Studio Now Open for Business. Just received the latest thing in Mounts. E. H. (;L()VEK, Photogiapliei 1 have tilt' b('>t liin‘ of ^2..'>0 and and s:‘,..')() slux's I havt* ever brought int(j this mark('t. T. 1). England. Why not buy a L'un insti'ad of renting wlii'U you can buv a good Ljun for Sf and a box of shi'lls free at ('ox ik OstcH'ii. The county cam])aign o])('iie(t yes-j Th(‘ Bri'vard Hrug ('o. wishes to ter'^ • ■ "ih si)'“a !:imr ar ^lacedonia ! jrjvt' notice throuirh ih(* tliat ''hurci!. m (4b.u<-ester tov.Tiship. , ,_,xir ston‘ will Ix' moved nt'Xt \ve<‘k The dt'mocratic ]iarry has no dam ' >hiin str(H‘t, in tlii' l^ickelsinier I'zinij: lecord in their c'mtrol oi i'!>ui|(ling. wlu*re Kinsland Wt'lls I'oanty afi'airs. and v.'t' ])ri'diet an have be<‘n. We also wish to thank MK reas.'d majority for their ticket 1 (*ach and evt'ry one for their lilx'ral Dll Xovember ' patronage' during our stay lu're and At Jackson county e(»urt last:''‘‘ <‘<)ntinuance of the week in a suit of XicholsoTi vs. The !'^‘mi'^'- Tiaiisylvania Railroad (*om])any f(»r j Saves Two Froui Doatli. *!s,(.(>n (li.niii;;.- in ,,,„,„.hter hail an almost fn.,11 „ tivs-,1,. wliil.- wuHcinj; in rhv; ^vhoopin- r:<,iisjh and Iif ttif a vcnla't i •,vas ivn.lnva tor Th,- com-1 iiionk, N. Y., “lait wiien jjanr tooK an api»eal. franklin letnetlies failed we sawil her life with Dr. Kinfi’s New itiseov- W. H. Allison, in coniK'ction with I ery. Our niece, wlio had eonsum})- his deer and <'lk ]!ark, is making a j tion in an advanced stage, also used lake of (juite respectabli' propor- | this wonderful medicine and today tions. W('are not pr(M;ared to give j slie is perfectly well.” Desperate particulars at livesent. further than | throat and lung di.seases yi(3kl to Dr. a tliirtv.fiv,. foot .lam is t., Ik- liuilt! discovery as to no other i ij.edh iiie on earth. Infallible tor at an ('stmiated cost ot >^1..,0(X e ; and colds. oOc and i?1.00 bot- all druiisi^^ts. shall doubtless havi* more to say of j ties guaranteed by this attraction iu future. i Trial bottles free. The' candidates for the county ollicers will sj)eak at the lollow- ing ]>lac(}s in tin? county jit 10:o0 a. m. Let every citizen come out aiul liear the caiulidates of both parlies present their sides of the politica.l issues of the (hiy. Tliere will l)e joint debates between the candidates for the legislatui-e: (Houcestei', Macedonia, Oct. 1’7. Hogback. School House. Oct. iN Eastatoe, Zion Church, Oct. I’i). Kasi Fork, JJaptisl Church, (Jci. ;-]i. Catheys Ci’eek, Church. Nov. 1. Dunns Rock, iiuiiit Hotel, X'ov. Cedar Mountain, Kocky Hill Churci), Xov. Little Kiver, Baptist Church, Nov. 4. Boyd, Enon Churcli, Nov. .5. Brevard, Court House, X"ov. 7. W. P. WHfTMlKt:, Chm. Dem. Co. Ex. Com. U. L. Excjlish, Chm. Re[). Co. Ex. Com. How to Ciiro I'orns iiiid liiinioiis. First, soak the corn or bunion in warm water to soften it; tlien paie it down as closely as possible without drawing blood and apply Chamber lain’s Pain Balm twice daily, rub bing vigorouHly for five minutes at e.ieh application. A corn plaster should be worn a few days to jiro- tect it from the shoe As a general liniment for sprains, brui.ses, lame ness and rheumatism Pain Balm is unequaled. For sale by Z. W. Xiclujls Brevard, and O. L. Erwiii Calvert. SauuTc Feet J. two coats to the ^^allou, that’s what O ' E Sherwin-Williams Paint •1 V. ill cover. And on a good surface it will cover more than that. p y>o paint '.vill do better, and very fev/ paints will do as wt';:. sj A.aximum cov’ering capacity, easiest spreading qualities, lonue^r -j wear, and greatest economy are what we claim for S.W.P. i:,’. t| cne cr.fe paint to use. Always gives satisfaction. i If you wane to save money in painting let us show you m way. We sell paints for all kinds of good painting. U SOLD BY J DeVaiie ©npply Co, Dealers in and Headquarters for Hardware, Furniture and Pain! Supplies. Call and see our complete stock. Phono il. Brevard. X. - nsa 16-Gauge f :^5! I This is the smallest and lightest weight {about I 6 i-2 pounds) repeating gun ever manafaciuna, [l and opens up many new possibilities to the up-to-date sportsman. It is not a i6 barrel cn a ir: action, but a new, well-balanced, properly-proportioned gun that, v/ith modern smokeless powders, enables a shooter tc r-'-c a powerful load in a small shell and reduce, rnatcri- GL'V; the weight of shells and gun to be carried. Thj pnia-l, light gun handles fast, results in close holding and iiCCUTZ.Cy. dcscTiption in new Marlin. Catalog }\o. ,ric. rt.:::::s) /- r .s.'affC <0 TH E Marlin FI R riAT? MS Co., New Haven. Co^r- Shoe News and New Shoes at jiiVi Aiis^iN While the wiry little .lap is tiei-eelv tijihting the ruj^o'ed Russiaii in tli<‘ East I am just as bravely battling for shoe supremacy, and am car!it'>tlv endeavorinof to sceui’e foi‘ my ])atrons shoes attractive and oood—every ]>air made to wear. My staple and medium lines are as formerly—stron<; as a * jTfinitrt waH—^-.'^d I 'voiibt D<1vi<(> von not to ovi'vlook ttie <Tvo\vin<>'nd each season tor liner ana orussier looiwoar, aiiu i ULsire n.) su\ tiiat jv.si I have made ray jjreatest etTorts in buyino; shoes that will please my .*u?t,om- ers. Please call second door below post office, Brevard, X. C-

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