Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. miner & BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY. N0VEM15EIJ 4. 190-t. VOL. IX—NO. 44 I^unns Rock Ledge No. 26? F. ^ Jl. M. Mtn'ts Ffitlay on or lu'Toi-f tin' fn)l moon in oacli montli. at - p. ni. Visiting .Masons ;ii-e cordiallv invitiMi 1‘> 'noct with i,s. sptly -Wm. M .\.\ WKLI-. S< (•'(/. Conestee Lodge No. 237, ►. O. F. -'^1'H‘ts every Monday nii.’lit at ^ <> rioclv. Visiting'- ln'otlH'i's are coi'- ilially invited to visit us. T. D. ENGLAND, N. G. Transylvania Lodge No. 143, i^Liu ui I jf ail I le^ular <*onvt‘Htion t‘v- i>ry 'i'lK'-tl.'iv ni^ilit in .M a- sonic Hall'. \ isitin^r Kniizlils arc c"i-(lia ll\ in- vitt'd to attend. W. E. E3EESE Jr.. C. C. Brevard Telephone Excliange. iioru's: ]hilly 7 a. ni. to !(• p. nt. Sunday to lo a. nt.. 4 to *> p. ni. t'i“nti‘a 1 ( Mlicc' I'uoner llloek. Professicjval Cards. W. A. GASH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Rooms 7 & 8, McMinn BId'g. Brevard, N. C. W. B. DUCKWORTM, ATTORNEY AT LAW. investigation of Land Titles a Spccisily. llooms 1 and -. I’i<‘k(.‘]siin<'r I'uiliiinu'. ZACHAFY BP.EE5E A T T O R N E Y - A T - L A W Offices in WcWinn Block, Brevard, N. C. WELCH GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT l.AW. I ‘ract irvs in all tli(‘ cuurts Rooms 3 and 10 McMinn 8!ock, Brevard. N. C. Miscel!j?.riecns. ROOSEVELrS NIGHTiViAKi:. X, A., Q‘-~' —Anaconua StanJard. Methods Roosevelt Permits I; Behalf of His Candidacy. TSUSTS BUY Ilia THE PEE?,IDENT, Dr. K. K. CARSON Surgeon Dentist (>!lict' I iV(. r !'.alll<. HKN DKKsoN VI l.l.K. N. r. Sati.-iui'tion i iuaraiittni ui all o; ■•ratioii<. rjl< C. C. KtLPATI5.ICK, Office ai Barber Shcp, Trsvard, fi. G. l'stiniat<*s -jiven on all kinds of work in the huildin'j' iini‘. T. B. CRARY, Contractor for All Kinds of Brich Work. ( fint-nt Work. 1 Mast.-i-in-. dasli and llou^h ( astiny a Si)ecially. BREVARD, N. C. G. W. Summey—Crirpcnter of rt'i.'oinnK-ndations—his \vo,-k. .|,»hs in <»r out of town accepted. \!1 work ;:-\’aranleed. C hief K.teojitii 8* < TImt Ills OlHt'iijl I'o^vor-H I5t* I st-»i 1 ii I-'uri!i»T- «>f Him 11»» k— piibii<*;iii l'aiii]»niK'» I’dicy T:ciiited W'iih I’liJk.lic lEikiii<>rnllt>. In a sc >i-(-hini; editorial Ilx‘ ?\'ew ! 'i'iiiies ciiarut'S 11;(“ trust:-; witii ! lii'.yiu”- the president. 'I'lu* 'I'inies says; I ••(Ji'Dver ('l(‘v<'l;ind would liavi* lieen Mini>e;ic!;ed by his p.ii’tis.iii opp.me’it.s I had he < \'en nion a sinL:le (tc/asion I sto.);)ed to practi<-es so tainted with ptililic immorality as those which President Koosevelt c msents shall he •mpli:\('.l in lu'iiali’ <>f itis ciinilid.-icy, not oiic(‘, not in a lew cases merely, Itnt contini’.’)tisly, all tlu‘ tinu‘, :ind ;is a delilierated cami'.;ii,i:ii policy. It can not I.e s-iiil of tlH“ a<‘tivilies of Sen.ator ; Nelson W. Alilri( !i in s.dicilin;^ and ; :-(»!!<‘ctinir IIepn!iiic;in can;j»ai::n funds tli.-’.t they dire.-tly implic:;ti“ tin* pri'si- ' icm. :mo:--; irr.s'. ; inde j K:io\> Iassui . tr:;.l i;i t The JEihelwold |;rcvard-‘s New Hotel—Mod-i-n Ai>- ,,ointtnenl.s < 'pen all the year. 'I’hc palronaLit* of the traveliutr public well >ui!inier t<.)Urists i.-. solicited. Opp. Court House. I’.revard. N.C. Sale of Land, „ vi-tuei'f tun oxi-cutiotix issiie() fmin tin- of Macdii ( oiuity. N. C . on two .niu-iits in I'uViir of K. 1.. l’<>il*T iui.l .•t-vii'-l 1 Zai tticy. I "’h soil. l>y ]iiil)lic aucnoii. • i<li at t‘ curl lioiiM'<1(M>r ill '1 rausy iv:i- *’*y * (',)iin*TV. N Nt>\ <‘rnlii r 7 'nil 'ill tti‘*'i''‘-'l'>f- ir.tcrc^t which th(- '\V I Zarhary li'»> or ;.-i;iy Ikt 'Mh.- ‘ iiiiil'd in iiiKl" to all the laiuls in '1 ransylvjiiua ‘ \ (I. of will'll lonathiiii Zu-hary, f 'o.pr’iil NV. .1-Z X'hiiry, .IcrM, was >(.-i/.i'.l. .‘i'i!,ieritl'Triin«ylv,ir.!!i Cniini;.. \ Tr hiotice always on Jiand i.t the X 'Wd dffice. :'.rich is rcco!Z'ui/-ed as th-;* i:;I r('p!’esentat i Vt' of th«* I'nited Stale.s seiiaLe. 1 h' • wh;;t tiiey want. lie ir-r t!;ey l\'ar. I‘»ut when he il;c“ o;ii(ers of a ureal intlus- r.-'ilro'id c •laltination that a ! clu‘( i\ to t!e oi’der ot‘ ilu‘ Kejiuhlican I nati iii.’ii committee will sc'cun* iimnnni- : ty lro:'i i*.\t ciuive nioU'siaiion uii ;l;e :;n;itr;i.>t law or otliei-wise, the o!)- , jecis oi' his solicitat i ins must Jud::(‘ ' I'or Tlicnisel\ t‘s wl.cilu*;' he \. i!l In* aid*' i to keep his covenant after Mardi 4. Ip!:.-.. 'i he I'ledue or ns.-nraiice. vvh:!l- I ever it may have oci-'i. ui;it he ;za\e lo the ciuef meii of the tobacco trust i when lie calkHl lor tlu'ir ciMiifiltulioii ; Mas (‘viiii'utly kcjit oidy in part. Tlie treasuiy ordi'r in reuard to cust(»Ms ; 'tamps upon ho.\('s coniaiiiinir imjioi't- ‘■*;I ci.uars has been modilioti. not I'l'- I scinded. 'l ia* iti.lepeiideiit (ioi'u-Uic ; ci-;;r ma.nnfa.i tur«M's ^a.iiu'd their p tint ! as to the position of the st;;m)>, the l!'U>;i its point as to tiie I'olor lh(*i't‘ul. 'I'o b(‘ sur(“. Senator Aldrich may rejily to ac<‘Us;’.tions of bad faith that tills I was a special east*, that the presidi'Ut I was forci'd to turn an ;iss(>ntin,'j: (*ar to the (h'lnands of tiio independent ci^ar manufacturers becaust* ul tui'ir .cuiiirol ovei' many thonsa.nds of voters, a con(li'ilon not at all bkcdy to arise in : the I'iise of any otlu'r indu.'trial com- binalion. Ist‘verth<‘less the tru.sts can ' in iiov. is(‘ b(‘ sui'o that ilit‘ i>roiuist‘ of ; the seiKitor wiil I.'c fultilUsl by the I ]iresiuen:. TIk'V may elect Mr. lio >si>- ^ \’i‘lt atul too late ui.scovc*r that they ! hav<‘ ptit their own destroyi*r in the ; V\ hit(‘ liot:s(.‘. i ‘-'I'he matter which here eonc-erns the i i)ut.lie is that the men of the trusts ; thiidi jvnd believe that they are buyinj;. ■ not the presidency, the president. ! Senator Aldrich encourages that belief. I rresident Koosevelt permits it to be formed and entertained. ■ "Very different, immeasurably more scamlalous. is the case of (Jeorge B. Cortelyou, who was secretary of the department of commerce and labor iu ' ^Ir. Itoosevelt's cubiuet^ uud was_ by him, a;;ainst the protests of tiie iiartj* chiefs, made chairman of the K<‘pul»lic- an national committee. Within the de- parinu'ut of commerce there is a bu reau of corjiorations, whicii is jiuthoriz- t'd and t'Uipo\vt*red lo iii(|iiirt‘ into tiu* affairs of coi’porat ions doin.u' an inti'r- state business and to pry out their secrets. 'I'he act cre.itiiiK this bureau is an extension and continuanct* of the jiolicy whit-li dictated the enactment of theant'trust law of IS'.Mi. ('oiici'ivaiily tlu' public welfare may be ]iroiaott‘,1 by a riuDi'ons fi- lc'-.tl sup(M'\ ision of coi-- porations. i’.ui no man would have the h.'irdihood to assei’t that any o’Jier than I>ri\aie and ii'i;tic;il cjk!-; arc si'i'v*'.; wIk'ii ll'.e cliief of ti e dt pa I’laie.i;. which has b(^come the custoCian of eor- pot'alion st'crcls. is nut at the '('.••ad of t^e partisan co:;imi'm-(‘ whose pr'ii- cijial f'.r.M'.ion is to coiiect ramjCii...; c.'i’. I'ibui ;ons whicli come chie:!y from ^rcat < or: •rat i >.is, “■'r'lat m.-in’s moral seiisl'oilii ies must b'* not I'ci't ly iiiiliited. but IdotP'd o'.;t. v.ho won!<i iir.i f;(il to see that t;^' as- sun'j't.on of tlsese fr.nctions by .Mr. Cort(‘Iyou is a public scnnilal, a nai; >n- al dis”'ra;-(“. 'i'lie (hsui-aci' is in the ti’Uesj sens(> national, sdict* il involvi.-; the heaii of tlie nation, wliose cre:Mu:e, .‘iLTcnt atid personal !'eiires«*ntative is the ofi'ender in <piesiion. Mr. ll.ay : nd Mr. Uoot have (‘Xtolled the ilepul<i:can pai-'.y a.s ‘a |i:ir;y lit to uovi-rn.‘ \\V;u'd they ai the b.ir of public opinion de fend tlie ^:en^lin,•.'■ out of Mr. Corteiyou as a c ilh'etor i.f caMi]iaiL;’i fund.- ,\!r. Corteiyou. who h;is jr.st come fT'oni one public oHice v.hicli L:a\e him larire of- lici.al power o’,<'r ;;i‘('at corjtor.-itiot.'s. :i!id who. it is believed, will rt-turn to tIu' ]:resiilenfs cabinet as the incum bent of another oiiici* havinu^ still metre imitoi'lant and iniimati* d\«ilini;s with the chief compor.ations of the coMtitrj’V •‘('oM'rete i;!si;u!c('s ;ire more im- pi-essive than statements of tre'tuM-al l*rii'.ciid(>. Here is one: <’hairman <'or- te!.\du ”0(‘s to one oi' the ollicers of a Iari;e cor]>or;>t io;i mid itif.irms him that th.(' r.t'ir.il,li,-;in na.tion: ) con'.mit- tt“(' expects a su’.istantial <-ontribution from his cori!]>any. 'I'h(‘ ollicer in (;ues- t'on is s’lrp'.'ised. He is not of >;r. ]b)os( veil's in'ity. Neith-’r he nor his coi-!>o:'.!t ion has been accnstoine.l to mefhlle with ito!it:;*s. He asks for lime to think il over. In tin? solitude of his ollice his thoughts run in this Avise: I do not want to ^^ive mon(>y to th(* Kepul)lican national coinmittf'e r.iit I aM! tri!stee of tlu' intei-esfs of tiu* stof-kliohhM'-; of this eori> >r:ition. I ii'.ay soon I’.ave f.i aope.-n- b“fore th.i-. man :is a ri'iu-esenta.' i\<■ of my c ir]>o- ration in a m.-itter affe-.inu' its busi ness, a.-? to which he will hav<-. if n >i oilici.-il discrt'tion. at U‘ast vt r.v u'v-at perseii.-il and oliicial in'.buM’.ce. v>. !i!:-li 1 would tiislike to have nse.l a,; :!*ns( i;',e. I cannot lot my perso;;.il di.-ii;‘ Li!.! lions stand in tin* way of the ce;;:p.i ny’s interests. 1 will m::!;e t!i:s f.ivr,'-:! C(.)Utributio!i to Mr. ('ort('l,vou‘:; fund. "Ciiairman <'oi’tel.voti wiil "t'adii.v ft' call m.any concrete inst.'.uees of lii. nature. It i- typical. In l!u' v-;st in jority of eases, however, the contribr.- tioii is wihinuly, {rladlv. ;^e.i r > ;s!;. }^iv(‘n. Hen-, as in the c.ase of Mr. Aldrich, the corpoi'.atioiis tiiink they are buyiiiii;' the pi'esiilent. V\'iil he at tack a trust that ha.s hand(‘d a iri'e.. clK'ck to his former priv.-it;* sei-ieta.ry. one tinu' s(‘i-retar.v of conui’erce an fulare postmaster generalNo; wiu-ii 'Mr. C</ri<‘l,vou is the coll(*ctor they feel in a much surer sense than iu the case ! of Senator Aldrich that th«>y are buy- i ing th(> pr(“sident. The trusts ar(* all lor iiim; the great couibinations of one kind or an(»ther ar(* faii'lj' loading his I commltti‘i‘ down with oami>aign funds. ' At the begiitiuiig of (he .vear, b(*fon? Mai'k Hanna died, an.v man cotild hear 'J'lu'odoi’e Uoost*v(‘ll rouiidl.v abused iu a score of great \V:ill str(‘*‘t ollices. They abhorred him th( n; they feared him; they w(>r(* (h*termined that he should not b(* tlu‘ Kepublic.an nomiiu*«*. (>in‘ of t he chief corjiora t ion Uicn in t his city who are now gathering in mont*y for Mr. Koosev(*lt was his bitter foc> ten months ago. It v«'as the death of Hanna that wrought tlie change. Aft- j <*r th.it they {M>uld not b<“:it .Mr. Koost*- I V(‘it. Tl'.t'.v ivsoh «‘d to bu.v Iiim. Tiie.v I thin!; now t!iai th<*.v ai’e baying him A\ ith the great sums the^' tling into hi.' camjiaigu ciiest. “Why does 'I'iuvidorc* Roosevelt, hon ('st. ujtright. incorruptible man that he is, allow his stain!(‘ss n'luitation to In? thus compromised V Nelson \V. Aldrich and <Jeorge Ii. ('orttd.vou art* d(“iiling his good n.ame; tlie.v ;ire »>very d.a.v mix ing ui» his oflicial powers and resjionsi- bilities as jiri'sidi'ut of the Cnite.l Stat(‘s with his ])(>rson:!l and i»oliiieal interests as candid:it(* of the liepublii*- an party. 'I'Ik* presenct* of eitln'r one of these men, \»ilhout a word spoken, in tlie ofFu'c' of ji coii»orati(.n amenabh' to fedt'ral discipline is a scand.al, an ini]di(“d inviiation to bribe t!u‘ ex(‘cu- t;\e. an off«“r of immnnit.v from jM’ost*- ci.tion for ])ay. a deirradaiion of the presi(!e;itial ollice thi-ouuh its accredit ed agents. ;i humiliation pu.t up »n .a S(Mi'iti\e p<v)pl(>. a slain ui»on the hon or of TheO'doi’e lloost'velt." DEMOCRAT! J GAf?OlLfATES. National Ticket. I'’or i ’t> si lent: Ar/ro.\ I*,. i’Ai;K!:K. of New »rk. Por \'ice 1 iii(Mit : IIKXI^^' (.. DAVIS, of We^t \’ii"j i Ilia. F-'or I’|-esidenC;>| |-’!eetor; WILLIAM T. ( i:.\ \\ |.’< )[;f) of I layv. oo!. I Ourity. l'\ »r ( 'on )•es^ : •LA.MIi.S M. crix. i:i;. .ii; litth ( 'oiiL re^-iori.il | )i: tricl. RULE OF THE TRUSTS. I Corjiornt icris Ar«‘ :i 'i3«-ii I n>:1 :tl2t s. 'I'he cotuliiions of life in this republic I h.-ive woudenully chan;,'ed durin.LT the las: centnry. I'ormerly thcie were two iia.riic.- the indi\idual .and il;»‘ govern- ' ni('nr. ,\.>w t! <'!(' ;ire thrt'e the iu- <!i\ldi:;il. the I'orpora.lion and the gov- ernn;ent. •' * * No one can be blind to the f.u-l th.it these might.v corpora- ' tions ar«‘ holding out mo,..i t(*mpting iu- iluceiiK :its to lawmakers t • ri'gard in f'ei' I;, •.v!;i.,k a.;' (Iio-e ;n!( ;'<>-;ts ratlier tl.;i:! tli<‘ V. eif.ave »>f tin* nation. Sen- a a-. re; ■ ■,‘.-e;ii .! i ■ \ e ; V, .c owcd : ti.elr pla.ces t > ciapor.i.e iniir.ence. and that in'.iucia-e has been e\('r‘u>d under an t'xiieci.-it ion. if not an understaiul- I ' ' imr. that .is lawmakers ihe con^orate iuiercst sh.ill be subserveii. * * " 'I'heie naiy la* no writttMi agreement: tliere :;i;:y !:e. in t’act, no agreement ;it all. and yri v,I'!'n the lawmaker nnder- si.'.Mds tha.i tlait j»ow(‘r exists which may make for his advan: eni<“!it or oth- ei'wise. that it will be exe:-Ii>d at‘c<»rd- , i:ig to il:<‘ jiii.-ie.c.v with which he yielils to its solicitations, it lifts tin* corixtra- ' lion into a ]iosition of con-.-.t.int danuer ; atul IU' :iact' to rept’.'aic.iii i;!stiliit'ons. i —Havid .1, Ilrewer. Keir>.id:r;;n .lustive Supreme (,'ourt of I'nited Sta.tcs. "NN'e intend in Ihe fi’tnn' to carry on i the gov(‘!’n’ne:;I in i!i.‘ s.ai;^c w.ny th.at I'we have c:irr;ed it on in i!;e pasi.-- i'resiiU'nt Uou.^‘\<'1l's l.i.iev ci .Vc- I ceitlance. Xot n < t lire of tli<‘ CCo«.s. More than is u:a:ai!\' st .l;.:iL,v“ Her rick's nom;n:;J:on ;i •.■. se of i1h‘ oillce sei‘ki-ng the !.■ n. He i;i;:;]e no systenu'.tic or or;.le,.e<i r; ort to win. He hatl no boome;'s busy in his bcii.-iif, and e\'en his own cou!>.ty (U'h'-’:',*ion v.as disposed to be for <.’reut. It is an- otlier instance that ma.v be (ittoted to sustain the proposition that one n(*ed not fall in with the bosses twer.v time to attain political prefern.K'iU. He has been a luird lighter in politics, as the macliine knows to its sorrow. If he had been coinid.n-i'ut aiud obedient lie prob.ibly would not have been nomi nated for gG\ v'rnor.—l’lic;i I're.ss (.Ind.). State Ticket. I’or (iovi . ;Mir: itoKiiirr 15. I'or L ieut ( 11 ;i‘ Coxemo!; I” K.\ N< ' I S i). W j X s'r< (.■'s'. -\ssociat(? .1 u>tic“s (I* .''nprcn:*' ( w. ,\. nw!-:K. (i l-:ol i K II. ! 5! .\\ \ K. .11;, Sta'e .\ nd itor: i:. I'. Hix^»x. state 'Freasiiivr. H. IL LA< A'. Seei-eta rv of Stat -; .1. Hin'.W 1 illAli;.-,. Superintended of l' :i.!i,. • •I. ^■. -loVNKi;. • ommissioTKM" of Lao<>;‘ a>i(l l‘rij:Mn H. 15. VAHNKH. ( orp<u'ation ^,>n'ssioni'c: L. i:<;(.!:hs. Commission":-o-’ \ i-i'-o’; S. L. HA'rri'.K.sox. I County Ticket. i l-\n- .Senator St liiito.-ial Hi'-ri - i \V. W. s'n H X» i! 'I I'iLI). i i i'’or riep|-e~e;i;ative: \v. M. 11 KM IY. I'or .siieritT: C. C. i\ ILI'.'v'i'HlCK. i '■ >r I b-ij-ister ( ; ,• j M. W. < ;.\L:.< )\VA'^'. l-'<)r 'J'rea '.;! ej-; W. 11. Dl'('IxW < I'or .'^arvev(!i : A. L. NAi:i)IX. !•’< T ( 'o; t >;.< -i-: • i. A. ('.\XX<)X. I'or < ■ommi.-sioners: .L. W. ni :< ;( .'KS. C. W. WlLSoX T. I. (;.'J J,( ^\VA^^ !• or < <>n>tabi»- 1 ;i-e\ ai-d'ro'.vn,-.]iij». ■ !. < . ■ ( )X. Ccunty Rep;i.:'i.an 'Ticket, i'or 1 ’■•o,-,‘-., ive: I • >r .S' e.': ’ . 11. I- -\ ri J. [■'. '!■ . i i'; ■ . *j‘: d:x, i • I (• ; e ; s ler O i J )i 'Oi; s ; T. i;. i.ALLoWAY. For .'''■arv -viM-: L. W. D'JNCAN. Tor ('oi-otK.-i-: W. M. LYDAY, For ('onimissi()iu“rs: W. P. H( X ;si;i). T. II. IIA.Mi'i'( >X. A. .1. HLCK. 'I’ii-e.l •»*’ KooH**velt. V\'hil(- .ludgt' I'ar'Kcr is not as strong in stune l e.- jx'cts :is Ch*', t-l.and was. there is a much betier ic-eling among l!:(* Hemocrats tlia.n th( re v>’a.s in 'i'li(-y an* pra -tica.ll.v united, and the.v a'(* tif('d of lb!o>:-.'V(‘lt and will work togeihei- lo ”et rid of him and his VotO meLhods.— .Montgonu-r.v' Advertiser. L^irker and I);tvi From every of tlu' eoiui- try coiiios <i-ooJ ro]^(.)i-t> of ])r<jin- iso .or tlie s'.k.-co.'-.s ol tin* luiiicjnul Democratic tickot. Ksi a'cittily patent Ls tlie trend of the inde- \'orv where to The Two Lottery, ; Tlie In-si It is worthy of notice th.-.t .Tudge Par- I ker sta.nds a much Ix'tter chance of lien >ou Waiil a ph ,>ie that is election siiu-e the publication of his iiliU\ and jrcntle, iiasy to take and l(*tter of acc-eptance. Mr. It.)o?.(‘velt's jcertain to act, always u-e ('hai;;ber- letter doesn’t seem to have had a bene- :i;,jn's Stomach and l.iver 'I'alilet^. licial effect on liis campaign.—Savan nah News. For sale by Z. W. Xiciiuls lirevard. and O. L. Krwin Calverl. i Jmtk

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