Sylvan Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. miner & 15REE8K. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY. NOVEMIiER 58, 1904. VOL. LV-NO. 4.1 I^unns Rock Lodge No. 267 Jl. F. <!h -A. M. Moots Fi-iday on or be lore liu' fill! moon in e;i<*h month, at '1 p. m. Viriilinf.-- Masons are I'ordially invited n^. ^V.M. Maxwkli. mo('t witli sptly Conestee Lodge No. 237, O. O. F. ELECTION SNAP-SHOTS, How Some Witty Editors, View Avalanche. the t'voj'v Monday ni'^ltt at ^ *r*. iV' H' ^’isitiiiLT lirotlicrs aiv c*or- I i.illy invited to visit us, T. D. ENGLAND. N. G. Transylvania Lodge No. 143, Knigiits of Pythias (/ify show'.s a UKiJnj-iiy t'ov Tui-npiko htis yet to bo iipard Ti'oin. (Jwiii;^’ to coiisurod (lispiilclic.s wo unablt' to sav wiu*} }](•!• or not Par].:(*f lii.s iii(;<r 5. 1 le'jfular (‘oiivention ev- et*v 'J'ufsday nii^lit in Ma sonic Hall'. Visitin>r KniL;hts ai-f coi-dially in vited to attend. W. E. DREESE Jr.. C. C. Brevard Telephone Exchange. Horix’s: Daily—7 a. m. to I(» p. m. Snnday—S to il> a. m.. 4 to (1 p. m. < 'enti-al ()tlioe 'ooper J Jiock. Professional Cards. W. A. GASH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rooms 7 & 8, McMinn BId'g, Brevard, N. C. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty, lioonis 1 and 2. 1’ickelsimor iiuildinjr. ZACHARY &. BREESE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices in McMinn Block, Brevard, N. C. WELCH GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT LAV/. I’l-aetices in all tli<‘ (•(.nii-ts Roams 9 and 10 McMinn Block, Brevard, N.C. Miscellas^eous. Dr. H. H. CARSON Surgeon Dentist (Mlii'f uvi-r I’.ank, }IKNI)Ki;.>^o.NVILl.J-:. X. ('. Satisiiu'tiou < inn railin siil i iprratioiis. 12U’’ c*(MV('(l, either, bef*aiis(‘ lie is a •‘ioroi^nei’” or becatisi' he wa.s tlte ropubhcan caiidiihite i’or ^ov (;rnor. Ho is exactly the typj? of j men that we iiet'd to eoine toi North Cai’olitia to tnake hoiiies a!id establish businessos. If thi'v l(‘ft their bad })oiiti<‘s be hind them so much the better. But lei that })ass. Atlajita ('onstitntion. Ther(‘ must have been a whalin' biir croj) of “Hoaters’' this year. Don't try to “analyze’’ the re turns. They won’t bear analysis. Endure it a little longer. The editorial explatiations are about all in. li('ckon the democrjitic party has another reorganization com ing to it. Th(' w’ar in the Ofient is much more interesting than American politics, anyhow. Standard oil advances. Now is the time to recoup campaign contribution losses. However. .Judge Parker will note that Tom Watson carried his own home county. Tlie spirit of democracy still lives, though the hearts that ' cherish it are in the minority. ! lung i)o.ver. If you k'now of anv state of tho j ^ comfoitthe North Carolina union which, by any reasonable' reading the possibility, can be clas.sed ;,s “doubtful," ])l(*ase name it. it ^o t 1k.‘good. may break'tlu‘fall some. I hoi)e Mr. Bi-yan will not When it came to a voting show much about it, as he ha;' down Steve Elkins couldn't jruns at the his father in law, and llalei^li Post. The shouting spell will not last as long as the catiipaign. Tom Watson didn’t even rise to the dignity of a fly in the oint ment. There was such an avalanche of it that there has been no room for shouting. The silent vote made noise t ion ot boj tig tlie only one of tlieni to b(.‘(‘le(tt(*d president on liisown account. It is sc‘ldf)m that an event dis- s(Mninates su(th wides[)rcad satis- iaclion as was furnished by the r(‘sult of Tuesday's (flection, 'j^'he po])e lik'ed it, the kaiser likod it, I piun^-e. ” llii-Kn-lish ncwspiipers liK-(.<l it,| the r(‘publicans liked it, Tom U at son lik('d it and the president i [-.^ was •“delighted. ” ,,, ^ n • I the boautiful i<*ll m those, ]stateo Tuesday nigiit. Mi ssouri having irotie r(‘j;i;t>jj- di>tatch‘ nounco the first snow in souri. \V(* th<-iiriit/ stand foi lie seems to hav(i voted West Vii'ginia in blocksof live hundred. The hibor vote ('lected Doug las. democrat. govtH’iior of Ma;?s- achust'tts in the face of a tremen dous plurality for l\f)osev(‘lt. 'riiis i.^ about tlie only 1 ucid inter val exhibited by the labor vole. thing while Mr runs Parkei’ has had only one. As a s('nsalional perfornu'r on th(? lK>mesti-(Mch the silont vote is entit'ed to tho blue ribbon. It got in under the wire ahi*ad ol everything. Th(‘ strife is not all ov«'r y('t, for tlu're'll b(‘ phmty of candi- 'dales for clerks and pages in tlu‘ ('haflotte ()l)^erve^•. | legislatur(‘, and more candidates About tho only consolation j for janitor than there were for oi'opU* down this way can tind is ' tno stat C. C. KILPATRICK, CONTRAGTQR AND BUILDER. Office at Barber Shop, Brevard, N. C. l-'stiniates yivcm on all ill ihe l)uildin;z' line. kimis of T. B. CRARY, Contractor for All Kinds of Brick Work, Cement ^V()l•k. i'Iast<M-liiL;'. I’ebhle- dash and IIou,l;1i Castin;.r a S])eeialty. BREVARD. N. C. G* W. Summey—Carpenter of re(M)mmendations—liis work. Jobs in or ont of town aeeei)ted. All work <ruai‘ant(‘cd. l)]’esiden'. of tlu,* United States. iHMit of the i)resident i i ^ ^ ‘ v\ e trust the leaders ol the ' iiat lie v;iil not stand lor re-elec*.-. r -n * , !\aiious la(.*tions will not cluii’g* ’ i Itie defeat to each other. It woulo ( e..ii I man - Sonatoi Simmons i}),. r.nseiMuIy to blame anybody, piM foi med hir^ duty, und j t he whole buneh was licked t( ptM'fortiH'd it like a man w’ho Wasliiii^ton riie iKixt crush will be at the pie counter. e hope that Dr. Swallow's deleat will not dri v’(* him to drink. After all, there does not S(H?m to have been any doubtful stat<*s. “They could not have done worse il they had tried me,”—W. R. Hearst, You will prr)bably be able to recognize a landslide the next time you see one. The railroad company in a}" now renjove it.s extra sid(‘track.s from the station at Esopus. New York democrats have the consolation of knowing the sub-j way is o})en and handy, it is probably a toss-up be- tw('on Mr, l^oosev(‘lt and Mr, Bryan as to v.'hich is the ha[)pier in his vindication. Pr(,‘sident Roosovelt may b(* thrown occasionally by a horse, out h(i evidently knows how to ride tlie elej)hant. all riirht. It is only fair to call attfuition lo the fact that most of the demo -•ratic leadt'rs predicted tliat e!t has cje- icioi;>, 1 ‘ !;!*‘ lair. IJo'.v can, Bre'si(ient liotjs cided that it is an ai; to visit 1 h(‘ St. \j)u i th<? l>ands will play I No sweeter mor>ei of coniro- t has come over iIh? wiri's than tiic announceuKMit last night that Peabody, the republican govej'- nor of Coloi'ado, had nit t lii', Waterloo. ' Fahit no use to sit dou n niid wlii.'ie When notish j^’et tan^letl on yoi:r line: IJait your iiook with a t>umbl<* bee, And keel) on taking f !oeky Mounraiti Tea. —Z. V\', Nichoir. Under munici{)ai owiuMslii. and c«;iitral managetncnt of Bril, ish tramways it is thougiit the ti'olly system of lMii,''!and wdl Ik enormously increa.scd. Witli a cheap and expetlilioU'. m<‘ans c.{ C(jii vcvatic(,‘ between ];ro(lu(<*r and consume!- tin- Knglish p(>o- pie expect that mticii of tin* food- stufi' now o tainod fi-om a»)road. may be re[)laced ^.y that duced at hoiuiv .No( a Si< k l>a> Siue<*. •‘1 Was taken sovficiy >iek witii hole would be surpiases in tiie , i.;i,h!ey t!'oni>ii‘. 1 tried ali < ■. nrdieines, none of which r(‘liev(*d vole, The ^thel^^ld JJi-evard's New Hotel-^T^i A,n- pointments^||^|)e]| all the Vear. The ])atronairi‘ travelinir ]>nblie as well as sihnmer tourists is solicited. Opp. Coni-t House. Brevard. X.(’. THE AND the LUHCB ONSUlViPTION 0UGK8 and ^OLOS Price 50c &$i.00 Free Trial, knows how. No fault can be found with his management of t he cam])aign in North Carolina. The proj)het of evil is tiev(}r a welcome g-uest. but it had just as well 1)(* said, by way of jjrepara- tion of our jieople for what is to coiiK.*, that with as strenuous a man as Mr. Roosevelt ir liie white house for tlie next four years, with a .senate and house each about two-thirds republican, the south, the only hostile sec tion, may look out for rougli sledding. C. J. IIari‘is, the republican candidate for governor, was very i })roperly defeated, as he knew he I would be. but in going u}> and I down in the state he made a good I impression uiion the ])eople he tn('t. He is not an orator, but a business man, and in his personal contact with people he knows how to bear himself. He missed the governorship by about .50.000, but has more friends than Ik ever had before. Mr a linishand all should take the nio'dicine prescribed. and Q,uickest Cure foi- ali 2LT and LUNG THOUB- r MONEY BACK. \i Xew York World. No i)osl ponement of Thank's giving on account of the ava lanche. New York wins anyway. She has o’KM! more siiccct.dc;! i” oli ct ing a New Yorker president. Th(‘ man who “voted for Par kin’ just to keep down the Roose volt majority'’ is in great force today. It looks as if somebody had pulled the tail feathers out of the Bj’ooklyn Eagle's gift of pro phecy. Not even a landslide remove's the necessity for an op[)osition. Th(‘ first democratic duty, aftei- taking the returns gracefully, is to “get together” for next time. The contributors and the dis bursers of the republican cam paign fund ought to be sorr^’ that so much money was wasted. Harris is I Apparently they could have won me. ( Uie day 1 saw tjn :id. <»f vnu!' JOieeti'ic Dittcrs a;)d (b‘lei . ' 1 ti'v tliat. After takinir a few do-es ; felt reiieV(‘d, and soon th(‘n aftor \ entiii'lv curc'd, and have not se(>;: ;) \ siek day siiin'. Xt'ij^lihors ot’ n;in.* report a ha vo l»een cun-d ot'rhrnniati-ni, iiei;- :‘(.'ma>’kable scarcity of turk’eys raly^ia, livt'r and kidney tjoubh''. '^ui1abU' ior tht; Thank'suiviiig <i(MU‘rai (u-biiity,” TlC' i> v> liai i*., t' juh'. It does not matter so K. l>ass, of Fremont, N. ('., v.ritt". liuch this year, as a lot of us are •‘>' cat al) druuuist-. ^oing to eat ci’ow, anywriv. I’opiibhcan managers still in -'ist tijoy (ii(i not l;av(' a?> much money as usual for cam i>aign purposes. They did not iiet'd any. Yoj’k state farmers The New York' .! (>>li- .nativs that the c.ininaiun eo>; ol'l’,.‘';00,000. U(;h of t hat mi^ht liavt; been sa.ved by a .ioint de l)ate between Mr ]ir>osevelt and (4^-eono ;uid t Mr. Parker, wilha stiff atlmis- city. tii«.' town sion price. KaleiL:h Xcws aiul Observer. Tiie (.1 reeii.sboro Toid has discovered that money “vott-s" is well as “tall-rs.’' Only eighteen voles were ;>asl Al Waive I'ounty lor Watson elec tors. That was eighteen man V. It is [)rt)posed tointr<jduco D'trn.iik ihe whi[>pinir [tost for liiU_;'>. So\-or:il inigh;t be (‘reeled ill S'.n FraPi.-isco and r,s"(l toad vaiilairo. b)f ac.*(U'd;!iir to (o.'ii. ]irf>s of thui iufi'Sted v.ith thugs. Not loni,'' s-iNct' one tin'se iletesl al d'• er:^atures niiii- de'red a youiiLi' \»a>' :ngion 1 VO'" w!i;l(* (.i: !,i^ v.-;. !<. Afanila tO(J V» he.i ? o'l bla\en !5c.d Cold 'J'i'U ^vanI il iCiiunly tiiat ” il! n-.-t only ;^iv,' ijiii.k relief f at i‘lie< t a i)ermaneni; eui-e. You want a reme<ly timt will ■ Hove tlie lun^s aiul ke»-'’^» expectoi;'- It is said that Governor Odell easy. a northern man of means who : without it. settled in the mountains of North | Five vice-presidents have suc- Carolina about fifteen years ago, and is bidnging things to pass up there. He should not be dc- ceeded to the presidency by the deaths of their superi )rs, Theo dore Roosevelt has the distinc- Vou want a remedy tii;*t will counteract any tendeiicy iov\-ar<i pneumonia. You want n remeUy that is ple:t'- ant and safe to take. Chamberhun’s (’ou;^h ’Remedy meets all of these re(|Uirements and for till* si>eed> and i)ei'nj; ... * "nre pccT, won thr(*e hundred thousand dol lars on the national result. Isn't !t a disgusting spectacle to see the governor of a great state re sorting to bottingy It is very small business to be denouncing northern ilemocrats. There are thousands of democrats of I'lul colds s^tands witiiou: in every noi’thern state who ar<‘ second to none in loyalty .yj.i ^ ^^ advert. ^ [Patriotism and it is silly tf) de The ]>resident o'" A'':ii Arbor nounce tiiem for the avalanche. ^ University, who lia'. .-lu- jdents under his observation, l:a-> Asheville c iti/en, Uiome.tothe conclu.^ion that iiieir Refugee laylor, w’ho i-^ hiding ' j^iorals average better than from justice in Indiana, must be among the same number of t. cse d. ji. Iyo>.ng u Iio are no; i.; <_oi- A straw vote takon in Mexic ) ■ le.w.

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